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A. Muh Hijaz Jalil
"Sejak diberlakukannya UU 23/2014, maka tata ruang terdahulu menjadi tidak berlaku dan kewenangan perencanaannya telah dialihkan ke pemerintah pusat. Beberapa rencana pembangunan dalam RTRW telah diadopsi untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan di Pulau Sebatik, tetapi masih belum jelas arah pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini menganalisis variasi penataan ruang dan pergeseran konsep tata ruang dalam RTRW dan RZWP3K Pulau Sebatik serta orientasi pemanfaatan eksisting berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat dikaitkan dengan arahan pemanfaatan pulau terluar dalam PP 62/2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis keruangan dan TOPSIS Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution . Penelitian ini menemukan perbedaan perencanaan antara RTRW dengan RZWP3K dalam hal kawasan sempadan pantai. Konsep tata ruang terdahulu, lebih mengutamakan aspek kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui pengembangan sektor pendukung ekonomi dengan penyediaan sarana prasarana pendukung ekonomi, dimana konsep tata ruang yang ada sekarang mengutamakan aspek pertahanan dan keamanan, kesejahteraan masyarakat serta pelestarian lingkungan. Berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat, pemanfaatan eksisting yang berlangsung saat ini di Pulau Sebatik lebih kepada pemanfaatan dalam aspek pertahanan dan keamanan.

Since the enactment of Law number 23 2014, the former spatial plan has become invalid and its planning authority has been transferred to the national government. Several development plans in the RTRW have been adopted for development implementation on Sebatik Island, but the direction of its utilization still not clear. This study analyzed the variation of spatial planning and the shifting of the spatial concept in RTRW and RZWP3K of Sebatik Island also the orientation of existing utilization based on community perception related with the outer islands utilization direction in PP 62 2010. This research uses spatial analysis and TOPSIS Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution . In this research, there is a difference of planning between RTRW and RZWP3K in terms of coastal border area which is quite significant compared to other areas. The previous concept of spatial prioritizes the welfare aspect of the community through the development of economic support sectors by providing the infrastructures, whereas the existing concept prioritizes defense and security aspects, community welfare and environmental conservation. According to the public perception, the current utilization in Sebatik Island is more to the utilization in defense and security aspects."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Halim Hani
"Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menetapkan Peraturan Gubernur No. 41 Tahun 2017 tentang pengembalian pemenuhan intensitas melalui lahan pengganti. Pelanggaran intensitas bangunan yang tidak dapat ditindak dengan pembongkaran bangunan dapat melalui mekanisme pengembalian pemenuhan intensitas dengan mengusulkan lahan pengganti. Proses ini dibutuhkan oleh developer untuk melengkapi perizinan, karena akan menghambat bisnis proses. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah tidak semua developer memiliki lahan sebagai pengganti dan sesuai kriteria yang disyaratkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan alternatif lahan yang dapat digunakan sebagai usulan lahan pengganti dalam rangka pengembalian pemenuhan intensitas. Metodologi penelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk menentukan bobot kriteria dan rating dengan Analytycal Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy Set serta metode Simple Additive Weighing (SAW). Metode Constraint digunakan untuk memilih alternatif lokasi. Data Spasial yang digunakan ialah peta bidang tanah Pemilikan Penggunaan Pemanfaatan dan Penggunaan Tanah (P4T) Kelurahan Cilangkap Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur tahun 2019. Hasil dari bobot kriteria lahan cadangan adalah kepemilikan (49,9%) dan Lebar jalan (19,4 %). Bidang tanah alternatif terpilih 32 bidang tanah, dengan skor tertinggi 0,75.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government stipulates Governor Regulation No. 41 of 2017 concerning the return of fulfillment of intensity through replacement land. Violations of building intensity that cannot be dealt with by demolition of the building can be carried out through a mechanism to restore the fulfillment of intensity by proposing replacement land. This process is needed by the developer to complete the permit, because it will hamper the business process. The problem faced is that not all developers have land as a substitute and according to the required criteria. This study aims to provide alternative land that can be used as a proposed replacement land in order to return the fulfillment of intensity. Quantitative research methodology is used to determine the weight of the criteria and rating with Analytycal Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy Set and Simple Additive Weighing (SAW) method. The Constraint method is used to select alternative locations. The spatial data used is a map of land parcels for land use, utilization and use (P4T) in Cilangkap sub-district, Cipayung sub-district, East Jakarta in 2019. The results of the criteria for reserve land are ownership (49.9%) and road width (19.4%). 32 plots of alternative land were selected, with the highest score of 0.75."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indar Dewi
"Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja (UU Cipta kerja) mengatur beberapa perubahan diantaranya dalam hal penataan ruang. UU yang diusung dengan metode Omnibus Law ini dilakukan sebagai upaya penyederhanaan regulasi yang terlalu panjang dan berbelit. Pemerintah bermaksud memangkas sejumlah aturan yang terlalu banyak (hyper regulation) dan saling tumpang tindih dalam implementasinya. Dalam hal perubahan paradigma penataan ruang pasca UU cipta kerja, terobosan yang dicanangkan berorientasi dalam memudahkan investasi serta efisiensi pemanfaatan ruang yang aman, nyaman, produktif, dan berkelanjutan sehingga akan berdampak pada penciptaan lapangan kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama berupa peraturan perundang-undangan dan literatur lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan paradigma penataan ruang  pasca berlakunya UU Cipta Kerja. Adapun hasil penelitian ini bahwa peraturan Penataan Ruang dalam UU Cipta Kerja bisa dikatakan telah mengakomodasi penyelenggaraan tata ruang yang ideal bahwasanya paradigma baru dalam UU Cipta Kerja bisa dikatakan cukup signifikan. Hal ini dikarenakan UU Cipta Kerja mampu menyederhanakan aturan-aturan yang saling tumpang tindih serta mengupayakan percepatan dalam proses yang cenderung lama dan berbelit. Perencanaan penataan ruang juga telah menjadi rujukan atau pedoman dalam hal perizinan, yakni melalui Kesesuaian Kegiatan Pemanfaatan Ruang (KKPR). Dengan Demikian perlu adanya sinergi yang baik antara Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, maupun masyarakat selaku objek dari hukum itu sendiri.

Act Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (UU Cipta Kerja) regulates several changes including spatial planning. The act, which carried by using the Omnibus Law method, was carried out as an effort to simplify regulations that were too long and convoluted. The government intends to cut a number of regulations that are too excesive (hyper regulation) and overlap in their implementation. In terms of changing the spatial planning paradigm after the UU Cipta Kerja, the proposed breakthrough is oriented towards facilitating investment and efficient use of safe, comfortable, productive, and sustainable space that will have an impact on job creation. This research is a normative juridical research that uses secondary data as the main data in the form of legislation and other literature. This study aims to analyze the paradigm shift in spatial planning after the enactment of the Job Creation act. The results of this study indicate that the Spatial Planning regulations in the Job Creation act can be said to have accommodated the ideal spatial arrangement that the new paradigm in the Job Creation act is quite significant. This is because the Job Creation act is able to simplify overlapping rules and strive for acceleration in processes that tend to be long. Spatial planning has also become a reference or guideline in terms of licensing, namely through the Suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR). Thus, it is necessary to have a good synergy between the Central Government, Regional Government, and the community as the object of the law itself."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marhensa Aditya Hadi
"Kota Semarang mengalami pertumbuhan pesat yang mendorong perluasan ke pinggiran kota bahkan melewati batas administrasi. Pembangunan yang tidak terencana dapat menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan dampak negatif seperti banjir, longsor, dan polusi. Dalam perencanaan pengembangan permukiman, diperlukan analisis kondisi fisik wilayah dan aspek kenyamanan agar pemanfaatan ruang optimal, aman, dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis hasil pemodelan lokasi-lokasi yang sesuai untuk perkembangan permukiman berbasiskan kenyamanan, menganalisis prediksi perkembangan kota, dan mensintesa perbandingan prediksi perkembangan tersebut dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah. Digunakan metode AHP dan SMCA dalam membangun model lokasi-lokasi yang sesuai untuk perkembangan permukiman, CA-Markov untuk melakukan prediksi perkembangan ke depan dan windrose untuk menganalisis arah perkembangan kota, serta olah crosstab tumpang susun SIG untuk perbandingannya terhadap rencana tata ruang. Secara keseluruhan hampir setengah cakupan kajian (41,5%) memiliki kelas kesesuaian yang sesuai seluas 381.7 km2, dan 21,1% sangat sesuai seluas 194 km2. Dari 2000-2022 hingga prediksi 2040, terdapat perkembangan seluas 214,21 km2 (97,51 km2 dan 116.74 km2), dengan arah perkembangan ke pinggiran Kota Semarang arah Selatan dan Tenggara. Dari simulasi pertumbuhan 2040 terdapat 39,75 km2 area yang berpotensi bias dari rencana tata ruangnya, selain itu hanya sedikit (3,01 km2 atau 2,7%) rencana permukiman belum terbangun yang memiliki kesesuaian lahan permukiman yang buruk.

Semarang is experiencing rapid growth which is driving expansion to the outskirts of the city and even beyond administrative boundaries. Unplanned development can cause environmental problems and negative impacts such as flooding, landslides, and pollution. In planning of residential development, an analysis of the physical conditions of the area and aspects of livability is needed so that land utilization is optimal, safe, and sustainable. The study aims to analyze the results of modeling locations suitable for livability-based residential development, analyze predictions of urban development, and synthesize comparisons of these development predictions with spatial plans. AHP and SMCA methods were used in building models of locations suitable for residential development, CA-Markov to predict future development, and windrose to analyze the direction of urban development, as well as SIG overlay crosstab analysis for comparison with landuse plan. Almost half of the study area (41.5%) has suitable suitability classes covering 381.7 km2, and 21.1% are very suitable covering 194 km2. From 2000-2022 to the 2040 projection, there are 214.21 km2 development area (97.51 km2 and 116.74 km2), with the direction of development to the outskirts of Semarang City south and southeast. From the 2040 growth simulation there are 39.75 km2 areas that have the potential to bias from landuse plan, besides that there are only a few (3.01 km2 or 2.7%) planned residential areas that have not been built which have poor residential land suitability."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Prathama Nanda Putra
"Pembangunan proyek konstruksi yang tidak sesuai dengan peruntukan tata ruang dapat menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan dalam upaya perlindungan lingkungan hidup. Di Indonesia, khususnya di Kota Bandung, Kota Jakarta, dan Kota Malang, pembangunan proyek konstruksi ini melanggar ketentuan rencana tata ruang dan menimbulkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan hidup. Hal tersebut membawa tiga pokok permasalahan yang dibahas di skripsi ini, yakni terkait mengapa pembangunan tidak sesuai tata ruang dapat terjadi, peran hukum dalam menanggapi masalah ini, serta penyelesaiannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlu dilakukan upaya perlindungan lingkungan hidup yang telah dicederai yang dapat dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan aspek lingkungan dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan proyek konstruksi, melakukan kajian dampak lingkungan yang lebih mendalam saat memulai pembangunan, memperhatikan kriteria lingkungan dalam pemilihan lokasi proyek konstruksi serta menindak secara tegas bagi pelanggar hukum secara tegas dan efektif untuk menjamin lingkungan hidup dalam konteks pembangunan proyek konstruksi yang tidak sesuai dengan peruntukan tata ruang. Pemerintah juga perlu menguatkan implementasi peraturan dan regulasi terkait tata ruang dan lingkungan hidup. Dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap pembangunan proyek konstruksi, pemerintah dapat menggunakan mekanisme pengawasan seperti izin lingkungan. Selain itu, masyarakat juga perlu diperhatikan dan hak-hak mereka ikut dilibatkan dalam pengambilan keputusan pembangunan proyek konstruksi.

Development of a construction project that is not in accordance with the spatial designtaion can have a detrimental impact on the efforts to protect the environment. In Indonesia, especially in Bandung, Jakarta, and Malang, the construction of this project violates the provisions of the spatial plan and has a negative impact on the environment. This brings up thre main issues discussed in this thesis, namely related to why development that is not in accordance with that is not in accordance with spatial planning can occur, the role of law in responding to this problem, and its resolution. In this thesis, the method used in this research is juridical-normative. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to carry out efforts to protect the environment that has been damaged which can be done by integrating environmental aspects in the construction project development planning process, conducting a more in-depth environmental impact assessment when starting construction, paying attention to nevironmental criteria in selecting construction project sites and taking strict action for law violators to strictly and effectively guarantee the environment in the context of construction projects that are not in accordance with the spatial designation. The government needs to strenthen the implementation of rules and regulations related to spatial planning and the environment. In supervising the construction of construction projects, the government can use supervisory mechanisms such as environmental permits. In addition, the community need to be considered and their rights need to be involved in making decisions about construction projects."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Panca Zulrizkan
"Wilayah pulau-pulau kecil termasuk wilayah yang rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Luas wilayah pulau kecil yang terbatas mengakibatkan perlu adanya pengelolaan secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Pulau Harapan dan Pulau Kelapa adalah salah satu pulau-pulau kecil yang rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah belum adanya penataan ruang wilayah pulau-pulau kecil berbasis adaptasi perubahan iklim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memodelkan penggunaan tanah untuk penataan ruang pulau-pulau kecil khususnya wilayah daratan yang ditinjau dari aspek perubahan penggunaan lahannya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis perubahan penggunaan lahan, analisis dampak perubahan iklim terhadap kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan, dan memprediksi skenario penggunaan tanah di masa mendatang dengan menggunakan spatial modelling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk, meningkatnya tinggi muka air laut, meningkatnya suhu dan salinitas, serta pola curah hujan yang tidak menentu, kebutuhan lahan akan permukiman meningkat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya pembatasan penambahan luas wilayah agar mitigasi dan adaptasi akibat dampak perubahan iklim dapat terlaksana dengan baik, sehingga resiko kejadian bencana yang diakibatkan dampak perubahan iklim menjadi kecil.

Small island territories include areas that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The limited area of the small islands requires for integrated and sustainable management. Harapan Island and Kelapa Island are some of the vulnerable islands that susceptible to climate change. The problem in this research is the lack of spatial arrangement of small islands region based on climate change adaptation. The purpose of this study is to create a model of land use for spatial arrangement of small islands, especially the land area in terms of changes in land use. The methods used in this study are analysis of land use change, analysis of climate change impacts on social, economic, and environmental conditions, and predict future land use scenarios using spatial modelling. The results showed that with increasing population growth, rising sea levels, rising temperatures and salinity, and erratic rainfall patterns, land requirements for settlements increased. The conclusion of this study is the additional area in Harapan island and Kelapa island should restrict, so the mitigation and adaptation due to the impact of climate change can be done well and the risk of disasters becomes small. "
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nana Sebastian
Pulau Pramuka, di Kepulauan Seribu Utara merupakan pulau mikro dengan luas daratan pulau 16 Ha yang dikelilingi perairan yang luas. Pulau Pramuka terlalu kecil jika digolongkan sebagai pulau kecil menurut UU No.27 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, yakni dengan luas maksimum 2000 km2.. Hal tersebut berdampak pada tidak adanya peraturan yang sesuai untuk mewadahi kekhasan pulau mikro, termasuk rencana penataan ruangnya. Oleh karena itu, melalui skripsi ini, saya ingin mencari tahu bagaimana penataan ruang Pulau Pramuka selama ini, dan bagaimana penataan ruang yang sesuai dengan kekhasan Pulau Pramuka. Hasilnya, penataan ruang Pulau Pramuka selama ini belum mewadahi kekhasan Pulau Pramuka sebagai pulau mikro. Penataan ruang pulau mikro seharusnya memiliki struktur dan pola ruang yang berasal dari analisa tapak yang komprehensif terhadap pulau mikro, memiliki integrasi antara ruang darat dan ruang laut dalam satu gugus pulau mikro, serta penataan ruangnya memiliki aspek mitigasi bencana melalui strategi adaptif yang diterapkan pada tapaknya.
Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it?s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island?s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site.
;Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it?s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island?s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site.
, Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it’s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island’s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezky Hariwijaya S. Atmadja
"Pembangunan Kawasan Olahraga Terpadu Jakarta International Stadium di utara Jakarta tetapnya pada Taman BMW di Kelurahan Papanggo, Kecamatan Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dalam perjalanan pembangunan kawasan tersebut. Dengan terbangunnya Kawasan Olahraga Terpadu Jakarta International Stadium dengan kapasitas 82.000 penonton yang tergabung dengan area komersial, Jakarta International Stadium tentu akan menimbulkan bangkitan dan tarikan perjalanan yang cukup signifikan, yang nantinya berdampak pada jaringan jalan di sekitar lokasi stadion. Melihat fenomena inilah tidak cukup dengan hanya membangun sarana olahraga saja melainkan JIS sebagai pusat kegiatan baru dengan taraf internasional membutuhkan sarana dan prasarana transportasi untuk menghubungkan wilayah sekitar Stadion JIS maupun dengan pusat kegiatan lainnya. Atas dasar pemikiran inilah saya ingin mengetahui kebijakan, rencana, dan program-program pendukung Kawasan Olahraga Terpadu Jakarta International Stadium. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan dengan analisis deskrptif untuk mengetahui kondisi struktur ruang serta kronologi pembangunan dan analisis spasial untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi aksesibilitas eksisting pada Kawasan Olahraga Terpadu Jakarta International Stadium. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pengembangan kawasan studi telah sesuai dengan peraturan rencana tata ruang Provinsi DKI Jakarta, dan ditemukan disparitas antara kondisi eksisting dengan rencana pengembangan transportasi karena dalam rencana perencanaan transportasi pada Kecamatan Tanjung Priok dan Kelurahan Papanggo belum mengakomodir terkait pengembangan Kawasan Olahraga Terpadu Jakarta International Stadium.

The construction of the Jakarta International Stadium Integrated Sports Area in the north of Jakarta remains at the BMW Park in Papanggo Village, Tanjung Priok District, North Jakarta has a long history during development of the area. With the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium Integrated Sports Area with a capacity of 82,000 spectators who are members of the commercial area, the Jakarta International Stadium will certainly cause a significant rise and pull in travel, which will have an impact on the road network around the stadium location. Seeing this phenomenon, it is not enough to only build sports facilities, but JIS as a new activity center with an international level requires transportation facilities and infrastructure to connect the area around JIS Stadium andwith other activity centers.  It is on this basis of this idea that I would like to know the policies, plans, and programs supporting the Jakarta International Stadium Integrated Sports Area. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis to determine the condition of the spatial structure as well as the chronology of development and spatial analysis to identify the existing accessibility conditions in the Jakarta International Stadium Integrated Sports Area. The result of this study is that the development of the study area is in accordance with the regulations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial spatial plan, and a disparity was found between the existing conditions and the transportation development plan because the transportation planning plan in Tanjung Priok District and Papanggo Village has not accommodated related to the development of the Jakarta International Stadium Integrated Sports Area."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nella Patrecia
"Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) telah menjadi topik utama bagi para pelaku usaha. Hal tersebut juga dirasakan oleh pengusaha sektor menengah di bidang perdagangan pelumas sebagai bagian dari aspek komunitas global yang berkontribusi memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap perkembangan SDGs. Peranan manajemen keberlanjutan dalam mengelola dan mengakomodir model kerangka keberlanjutan usaha yang selaras dengan strategi keberlanjutan dirasa sangat penting. Namun, menurut Grunda (2011) masih banyak manajer yang belum mengetahui dan memahami maksud dari pengelolaan berkelanjutan dan bagaimana cara mengadopsi kerangka keberlanjutan ke dalam strategi perusahaan. Penelitian studi kasus ini dilakukan untuk membantu proses perumusan manajemen keberlanjutan pada PT BI. Metode pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi, survei, dan wawancara. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (BSC) yang dikolaborasikan dengan aspek Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Hasil penelitian ini memberikan usulan peta strategi berkelanjutan dan kerangka Sustainability Balanced Scorecard sebagai alat pengendali kinerja. Proses penerapan manajemen keberlanjutan yang sederhana dan efektif yang diharapkan dapat mendukung tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang sejalan dengan visi, misi, dan strategi keberlanjutan perusahaan.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a trending topic for business role. Medium sector entrepreneurs in the field of lubricant trading also feel this as part of the global community aspect that contributes to a huge impact on the development of the SDGs. Thus, the importance of the role of sustainability management in managing and accommodating a business sustainability framework model aligned with the sustainability strategy. However, some managers do not know and understand the objectives of sustainable management and how to adopt a sustainability framework into the company's strategy according to Grunda (2011). In this case study, the research aims to assist in the processing of formulating sustainability management at PT BI. Methods of data collection through documentation, survey, and interviews. The analytical approach uses the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach in collaboration with the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspect. The results of this study provide a proposal for a sustainable strategy map and a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard framework as a performance control tool. The expectation of simple and effective process sustainability management implementation is to support sustainable development goals that are in line with the company's vision, mission, and sustainability strategy. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tangkudung, Auderey Gamaliel Dotulong
Karakteristik Pulau Besar berbeda dengan Pulau Kecil yang terpisah dari Pulau Besar. Pulau kecil atau pulau-pulau kecil yang terisolasi memiliki banyak kekurangan dan keterbatasan dalam sumber daya alam baik di darat maupun di laut sehingga pengelolaan pembangunannya perlu berbasiskan gugus pulau kecil. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Gugus Pulau Kecil: Studi kasus di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi, salah satu kawasan terumbu karang Taman Nasional Laut Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak berkelanjutannya kegiatan pariwisata bahari di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Studi ini juga ingin menemukan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang khas Wakatobi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif. Teknik mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, survei, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata di Pulau Wangi-wangi Kabupaten Wakatobi belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan. Ada 5 faktor negatif dan 5 faktor positif yang berpengaruh pada kegiatan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Pulau Wangi-wangi. Untuk mengantisipasi kondisi ini peneliti mengusulkan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik gugus pulau Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Model tersebut adalah model yang berbasis kemitraan atau pengembangan usaha bersama di bidang pengelolaan kepariwisataan yang melibatkan Pemda, Lembaga Adat, Kelompok Masyarakat Lokal, dan Profesional.;

Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional., Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi – wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi – wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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