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Andi Achdian
"Disertasi ini membahas perkembangan politik pergerakan nasional Indonesia dan kaitannya dengan perkembangan politik kewargaan di kota kolonial Surabaya sepanjang periode 1906 sampai berakhirnya kekuasaan kolonialisme Belanda pada Maret 1942. Kiprah politik kaum pergerakan antikolonial di Indonesia tidak dapat disangkal telah menjadi tema besar dalam kajian sejarah Indonesia modern. Namun, bagaimana pandangan politik dan kiprah mereka terkait lingkungan kota tempat mereka tinggal sampai sekarang tetap menjadi pembahasan yang relatif terabaikan dalam kajian sejarah Indonesia. Disertasi ini dengan demikian memberi sumbangan dengan menunjukkan peran aktif kaum pergerakan dalam dinamika politik kota dan visi mereka tentang hak-hak kewargaan orang Indonesia di dalamnya.

This disertation is an effort to describe the engagement of Indonesian nationalist with the idea and practices of modern citizenships in the colonial city of Surabaya during the periods of 1906 until the end of Dutch colonialism. Although the study on Indonesian nationalist movement has already been an extensive study in the literature of anticolonial movement in the early twentieth century, however the nature of political engagement of nationalist activists with modern ideas and citizenships in the urban politics is still a relatively underdeveloped. By showing the nature of engagement and participation of nationalist politics in the colonial city of Surabaya, this dissertation is therefore has become an effort to fulfill this gap in the existing literatur."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poelinggomang, Edward L.
"History of politics, social, and economy in Makassar during Dutch colonial, 1906-1942"
Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2004
959.84 EDW p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Putri Hardianti
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan kebijakan Paku Alam VII selama memimpin Praja Pakualaman dan dampak yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat Pakualaman. Metode dan sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah, yaitu: melalui tahap heuristik, kritik sumber, tahap interpretasi data, dan tahap terakhir adalah historiografi. Sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa sumber arsip, koran dan majalah sejaman, jurnal ilmiah, serta buku sebagai sumber pendukung.
Permasalah yang muncul akibat dari pengaruh kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda serta proses modernisasi pada akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20 di wilayah vorstenlanden, telah mendorong para pemimpin swapraja untuk melakukan berbagai upaya guna mengatasinya. Meskipun disatu sisi mereka tunduk kepada pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda, tetapi di lain sisi mereka juga berupaya untuk mengadaptasi kebijakan tersebut agar sejalan dengan kepentingan rakyat. Sebagai pemimpin Praja Pakualaman, Paku Alam VII berupaya membangun Praja Pakualaman melalui berbagai kebijakan selama masa pemerintahannya (1906-1937), meliputi tatanan birokrasi, pendidikan, agraria, dan pembangunan berbagai infrastruktur.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dampak dari kebijakan Paku Alam telah dirasakan oleh masyarakat, seperti halnya penurunan angka buta huruf, pemberian hak kepemilikan tanah kepada rakyat yang berakibat pada penghapusan beban kerja wajib, dan modernisasi pendidikan yang mendorong lahirnya kaum pergerakan dari keluarga Pakualaman. Meskipun Praja Pakualaman hanya sebuah praja kecil, tetapi keberadaannya cukup diperhitungkan oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda. Hal tersebut terbukti dari eksistensi yang telah dibangun oleh para trah Pakualaman dengan turut menjadi pelopor bagi perjuangan pergerakan ketika bangsa Indonesia berusaha mencapai kemerdekaan.

The purpose of this research is to review the policies issued by Paku Alam VII over Praja Pakualaman and the impact to its people. The methods and sources used in this research is the historical approach, namely: through the stages of heuristic, criticism of sources to obtain historical facts are really close to the reality of events written. Furthermore, the data interpretation stage, and the last stage is historiography. Sources used by the author in this study are archival sources, newspapers and magazines contemporary, scientific journals, and books as a supportive source.
Problems occurred as the result of the Dutch East Indies Colonial government policy as well as the processes of modernization in the late 19th and early 20th century in the vorstenlanden region, has encouraged the leaders of the swapraja to make efforts to overcome them. Although, in one hand they were subject to the Dutch East Indies Colonial Government, but they were also trying to transform the policy into line with the interest of its people. As the leader of Praja Pakualaman, Paku Alam VII tried to build Praja Pakualaman through various policies issued during his reign (1906-1937), including bureaucracy, education, agriculture, and infrastructure development.
The result indicate that the impact of Paku Alam‟s policies had been precieved by the public, for examples, drecrease illiteracy, the granting land ownership rights to the people that resulted to the abolition of compulsory work load, and the modernization of education that led to the birth of movements of Pakualaman‟s family. Eventhough Pakualaman is only a small Praja, but its existence was considered by the Dutch East Indies Colonial Government. It was proven from the existence of which has been built by trah Pakualaman to also become one of the pioneers in the struggle movement when Indonesia people was trying to achieve independence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wins Senor
"Tesis ini membahas proses penataan administrasi pemerintah Hindia Belanda di Mamasa dan mengulas perubahan sebagai akibat pengaruh dari penerapan sistem administrasi kolonial yang berawal dari ekspansi militer pada 1906 sampai pada berakhirnya kekuasaan kolonial Belanda pada 1942. Perubahan yang terjadi di Mamasa pada masa kolonial tidak dapat disederhanakan ke dalam pandangan dimana pemerintah kolonial sebagai penggerak yang menggiring masyarakat Mamasa yang pasif. Namun Sebaliknya, melalui ikatan kekerabatan yang telah terbentuk sebelumnya, elite-elite lokal yang tersingkirkan dari wilayah kekuasaan mereka pasca reorganisasi administratif mampu untuk bereaksi melalui perlawanan dan mampu mengantisipasi tekanan pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Gerakan perlawanan itu tidak hanya berdampak pada kondisi keamanan di Mamasa tetapi juga memaksa pemerintah Belanda untuk mengatur ulang keputusan resmi mengenai penataan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya sekaligus melakukan penataan ulang cabang pemerintahan di afdeling Mandar, terutama Mamasa. Hadirnya pemerintah Belanda di Mamasa yang membawa pengaruh zending memicu transformasi sosial masyarakat yang sebelumnya menganut kepercayaan lokal kemudian ikut ke dalam pengaruh zending. 

This thesis discusses the process of structuring the administration of the Dutch East Indies government in Mamasa and reviews changes as a result of the influence of the application of the colonial administrative system that began with military expansion in 1906 until the end of Dutch colonial rule in 1942. The changes in Mamasa in the colonial period cannot be simplified to in the view that the colonial government was the driving force that led the passive Mamasa community. However, on the contrary, through the previously formed kinship ties, local elites who were removed from their territories after administrative reorganization were able to react through resistance and were able to anticipate the pressure of the Dutch colonial government. The resistance movement not only had an impact on the security conditions in Mamasa but also forced the Dutch government to rearrange the official decision on the arrangements that had been set beforehand while at the same time reorganizing the branches of government in Mandar, especially Mamasa. The presence of the Dutch government in Mamasa which brought zending influences triggered a social transformation of the community which previously adhered to local beliefs and then joined the influence of zending."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlita Tantri
"Surabaya was one of the important cities in the Netherlands Indies since the nineteenth century. However as a coastal city, which had many potential plantations, busiest business districts & port,naval based, and defense area, Surabaya also faced annual flood problem in rainy season. So, what were the cause and the ipact of the flood problem in surabaya? What was the Dutch colonial goverment done to overcome flood and its impact? What was he Dutch.s motive on its efforts? This paper would like to know the Dutch colonial.s flood contorol in surabaya city from 1906 to 1942 and its motivation. As a historical study, this paper user literature study that is started from the colonial period. Finally, food control was necassary for surabaya where may ethnics and important economic activities based which needed good infrasturctures, and healty environment. Therefore, flood as the source of diseases and inconvenience had to be eradicated from the influential city."
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya, 2017
PATRA 18:2 (2017)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlita Tantri
Surabaya was one of the important cities in the Netherlands Indies since the nineteenth century. However as a coastal city, which had many potential plantations, busiest business districts & port, naval based, and defense area. Surabaya also faced annual flood problem in rainy season. So what were the cause and the impact of the flood problem in Surabaya? What was the Dutch colonial government done to overcome flood an its impact? What was the Dutch motive on its efforts? This paper would like to know the Dutch colonial.s flood control in Surabaya city from 1906 to 1942 and its motivation. As a historical study, this paper uses the colonial literature study that is started from the colonial period. Finally, flood control was necessary for Surabaya where many ethnics and important economic activities based which needed good infrastructures and healthy environment. Therefore, flood as the source of diseases and inconvenience had to be eradicated from the influential city."
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Yogyakarta, 2017
959 PATRA 18:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Wulandari
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 2001
320.958 8 TRI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fildza Miranda
"Pengaruh modernitas telah dibawa ke dalam lingkup koloni Hindia Belanda melalui proses kolonialisme yang dikemas dalam bentuk teknologi, gaya hidup, dan arsitektur. Produk-produk modern ini telah mempengaruhi penduduk lokal dengan rasa ingin tahu terhadap hal-hal modern sehingga pada akhirnya menjadi tertarik untuk menjadi bagian dari masyarakat modern. Surabaya yang merupakan kota pelabuhan terbesar di Hindia Belanda, berusaha menciptakan pameran kolonial bernama Jaarmarkt dengan tujuan untuk mempromosikan ketrampilan dan komoditas lokal. Tampilan produk dan teknologi modern yang dipamerkan dalam pameran kolonial Hindia Belanda dilakukan guna mempromosikan modernitas dan pada saat yang bersamaan juga menarik penduduk lokal yang penasaran terhadap modernitas. Berbagai upaya termasuk salah satunya meniru pakaian yang dikenakan oleh bangsa Belanda serta pengambilan gaya arsitektur khas Belanda telah menunjukkan bahwa adanya kombinasi antara rasionalisasi barat dan lokalitas timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menguraikan arsitektur heterogen yang ditemukan pada pameran kolonial Jaarmarkt dapat menyatukan dua pihak yakni yang menjajah dan yang dijajah, serta bagaimana peran pameran tersebut dalam menyediakan ruang untuk penerapan modernitas.

Modernity has been brought into the Netherland Indies colony through colonialism in the form of technology, lifestyle, and architecture. These modern products have influenced indigenous people with curiosity toward modernity and eventually become attracted to become part of the modern society. Being the most prominent city port in the Netherland Indies, Surabaya sought to create Jaarmarkt colonial exhibition aimed to promote local craftsmanship and commodities. Displays of modern products and technology were showcased in the Netherland Indies colonial exhibitions has been done to promote modernity and also attract the curious indigenous. Many attempts include mimicking clothes worn by the Dutch and adopting Dutch style architecture has shown that there is a mix of western rationalization and eastern locality. This thesis aims to analyze and elaborate Jaarmarkt colonial exhibitions heterogeneous architecture that unifies both colonizers and colonized alike and how it became a space to practice modernity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudo Pramudyanto
"Pembangunan jaringan distribusi gas untuk rumah tangga merupakan salah satu program prioritas nasional yang bertujuan untuk konversi energi dari LPG ke Gas alam, pengurangan subsidi serta penyediaan energi bersih dan murah. Saat ini upaya peningkatan pemanfaatan bahan bakar gas bumi hanya difokuskan untuk rumah tangga saja sehingga kurang diminati oleh pihak swasta karena kurang menguntungkan dan jangka waktu pengembalian investasi yang terlalu lama. Dengan adanya pengguna gas selain rumah tangga seperti pelanggan kecil tentu akan meningkatkan nilai keekonomian dari proyek ini dan mempercepat pengembalian investasi. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menghitung berapa harga jual gas yang ekonomis bagi pelanggan khususnya apabila konsumennya merupakan gabungan dari pelanggan rumah tangga dan pelanggan kecil, serta membandingkan keekonomian dari pemanfaatan gas alam untuk rumah tangga jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan LPG. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diketahui bahwa skenario 1 menghasilkan harga gas Rp.11.560,00/m3 sampai Rp.17.620,00/m3, skenario 2 menghasilkan harga gas Rp.10.915,00/m3 sampai Rp.15.115,00/m3, skenario 3 menghasilkan harga gas Rp.8.865,00/m3, dan skenario 4 menghasilkan harga gas Rp.2.980,00/m3 sampai Rp.3.811,00/m3. Skenario terbaik adalah skenario 4 yang pelanggannya terdiri atas gabungan pelanggan rumah tangga dan pelanggan kecil yang memaksimalkan alokasi gas sebesar 2 MMSCFD. Dengan harga gas sebesar itu maka penghematan yang didapat dibandingkan dengan penggunaan LPG adalah sebesar Rp.64.780,00/m3 sampai dengan Rp.81.400/m3 per bulan untuk masing-masing rumah tangga.

Construction of gas distribution networks to households is one of the national priority programs aimed at energy conversion from LPG to natural gas, reduction in subsidies and the provision of clean and cheap energy. Nowadays, efforts to increase fuel utilization of natural gas only focused for households and it less attractive to the private sector because it is less profitable and the investment payback period is too long. With the addition to household gas users such as small customers will certainly increase the economic value of this project and will accelerate the return on investment. This thesis aims to calculate how much gas price economical for customers, especially when the consumer is a combination of household customers and small customers, and comparing the economics of natural gas for households when compared with LPG. Based from the calculation, it is known that the first scenario gas prices is Rp.11.560,00/m3 to Rp.17.620,00/m3, scenario 2 gas prices is Rp.10.915,00/m3 to Rp.15.115,00/m3, scenario 3 gas prices is Rp.8.865,00/m3, and scenario 4 gas prices is Rp.2.980,00/m3 to Rp.3.811,00/m3. The best scenario is scenario 4 that its customers consist of a combined household customers and small customers that maximize the allocation of gas by 2 MMSCFD. Savings with the price of it compared to using LPG amounted Rp.64.780,00/m3 up to Rp.81.400/m3 per month for each household."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Malita Dewi
"Bangunan sudut merupakan salah satu peninggalan dari masa kolonial Belanda di Indonesia yang dapat memperlihatkan adanya perpaduan antara pengaruh arsitektur Eropa dan Indonesia. Hal ini terjadi karena dalam pembangunannya, masyarakat Belanda melakukan penyesuaian terhadap lingkungan untuk kenyamanan pemakaian namun tetap mengadaptasi bentuk seperti di negara asalnya. Salah satu wilayah yang memiliki bangunan sudut dan sampai saat ini masih dapat dilihat berada di Kota Lama Surabaya. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menguraikan keletakan dan bentuk-bentuk bangunan sudut di Kota Lama Surabaya (1900 – 1940), serta kaitannya dengan aspek lingkungan di kawasan tersebut. Sebanyak 14 bangunan sudut yang letaknya di persimpangan jalan menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini. Kemudian metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kontekstual dan analisis komparasi dengan membandingkan keletakan dan bentuk bangunan sudut di Kota Lama Surabaya, Kota Lama Semarang, dan Bandung. Hasilnya, letak bangunan sudut di Kota Lama Surabaya yang berada di persimpangan ganda memiliki dua bentuk sudut. Selain itu, sebagian besar memiliki kesamaan karakteristik dengan bangunan sudut di Bandung, namun tidak ditemukan bentuk kurva linear di Kota Lama Surabaya. Kemudian, adanya pengaruh lingkungan pada letak dan bentuk bangunan sudut di Kota Lama Surabaya menyebabkan adanya perbedaan dengan bangunan-bangunan sudut di Kota Lama Semarang dan Bandung.

The corner building is one of the relics of the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia which can show the combination of European and Indonesian architectural influences. This happened because in its construction, the Dutch people made adjustments to the environment for comfortable use but still adapted the form as in their home country. One of the areas that has corner buildings and can still be seen today is in Surabaya Old City. Thus, this study intends to describe the layout and forms of corner buildings in Surabaya Old City (1900 – 1940), as well as their relation to environmental aspects in the area. There are 14 corner buildings located at the crossroads that became the object of this study. Then, the method used is the method of contextual analysis and comparative analysis by comparing the layout and form of the corner buildings in Surabaya Old City, Semarang Old City, and Bandung. As a result, the location of the corner building in Surabaya Old City which is at a double intersection has two corner shapes. In addition, most of them have similar characteristics with corner buildings in Bandung, but there is no linear curve found in Surabaya Old City. Then, the influence of the environment on the layout and form of the corner buildings in Surabaya Old City causes a difference with the corner buildings in Semarang Old City and Bandung."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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