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Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2017
324.2 ERL g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Didalam penelitian ini peniliti memberikan gagasan mengenai pembubaran partai
politik korup melalui celah hukum pembubaran partai politik di indonesia dengan
memberikan tafsir terhadap makna hukum positif yang mengatur tentang pembubaran
partai politik, salah satunya yaitu adanya nomenklatur yang disebutkan didalam Pasal 2
huruf b Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman
Beracara Pembubaran Partai Politik yang menyebutkan bahwa partai politik dapat
dibubarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi apabila kegiatan/akibat yang dilakukan oleh
partai politik tersebut bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Klausul
?akibat? yang ditimbulkan tersebut dapat disamakan dengan kegiatan korupsi yang
melibatkan pengurus/anggota partai politik yang melaksanakan kegiatan aktifitas
kepartaian untuk dapat dibubarkan. Adanya persamaan pengertian yang ditujukan
antara korporasi selaku badan hukum yang disamakan dengan pengertian partai politik
selaku badan hukum dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menarik keterlibatan
partai politik melalui pengurusnya dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dengan
mempergunakan doktrin strict liability dan doktrin vicarious liability yang
memungkinkan partai politik tersebut bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan
oleh pengurus/anggota partai politik yang menjalankan aktivitas kepartaian.

Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party., Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muchamad Ali Safa`at
"Disertasi ini membahas tentang pembubaran partai politik di Indonesia pada kurun waktu 1959 sampai 2004, baik dari sisi pengaturan hukum maupun praktik pelaksanaannya serta prospek pengaturan di masa yang akan datang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan sejarah dan perbandingan hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam kurun waktu 1959 hingga 2004 pada masing-masing periode, yaitu Orde Lama, Orde Baru, dan Reformasi, terdapat ketentuan yang berbeda-beda tentang pembubaran partai polilik. Pada kurun waktu tersebut juga terjadi beberapa praktik pembubaran partai politik dalam berbagai bentuk baik berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku maupun tidak. Di masa yang akan datang perlu dilakukan pengaturan yang Iebih mendetail terkait dengan alasan pembubaran, pemohon, proses peradilan, serta akibat hukum pembubaran partai politik.

The focus study of this disertation is the law and practices of the dissolution of political parties in Indonesia since 1959 until 2004, and how it should be ruled in the future. This research is a normative research that use historical dan comparative approach. The result is that there were laws concerning the dissolution of political parties between 1959 until 2004 for each period, Orde Lama, Orde Baru, and Reformasi. Some political parties had dissolved at that time with various ways, whether based on positive law or not. The reseacher sugest that The law conceming the dissolution of political party in the future should be more detail especially about the ground or reason of dissolution, applicant, court process, and the consequences.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risbiani Fardaniah
Setelah terjadi peristiwa 30 September 1965, Indonesia dilanda krisis politik dalam negeri. Pemerintahan sipil di bawah pimpinan Presiden Sukarno mengalami krisis kepercayaan karena tidak berhasil mengatasi masalah politik keterlibatn.n PKI dalam peristiwa 30 September 1965 dan inflasi yang tinggi. Sehingga timbul gejolak politik di masyarakat terutama di kalangan intelektual muda yang berbasis di civitas academica. Dalam keadaan_ demikian ABRI (TNI-AD) di bawah komando Suharto tampil ke panggung politik dan berhasil merebut opini publik akan pembaharuan politik yang akan dibawa oleh kepemimpinannya dalam Orde Baru.
Di saat itulah muncul gagasan-gagasan dari berbagai kelompok pendukung Orde Baru, mengenai format politik yang tepat bagi Indonesia. Satu diantaranya yang me_nonjol dan sempat menimbulkan gejolak politik di dalam parlemen (DPRGR) adalah gagasan dwi partai yang diik_rarkan rakyat Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan pembagian Maurice Duverger dalam buku Political Parties ada tiga system kepartaian, yaitu sistem satu partai, sistem dua partai, dan sistem multi partai. Setelah dianalis oleh kaum intelektual pembaharu yang banyak bermukim di Bandung, sistem dua partai dianggap lebih tepat bagi Indonesia yang sedang mencari format politik setelah pemerintahan Sukarno jatuh, karena sistem ini terbukti berjalan dengan baik di banyak negara Barat.
Namun gagasan alternatif pembaharuan sistem kepartaian itu, tidak berjalan dengan mulus, bahkan kemudian di tinggalkan, dan baru muncul kembali nuansanya setelah situasi politik lebih stabil. Bagaimana gagasan ini lahir, berkembang dan ditinggalkan, merupakan bahasan yang menarik untuk melihat perjuangan dan sikap kritis intelektual muda Bandung menghadapi intrik politik nasional.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
P.K. Poerwantana
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1994
324.209 POE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muchamad Ali Safa`at
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2011
324.2 MUC p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firda Reza Atariq
"Setelah dibentuknya Mahkamah Konstitusi pasca reformasi, salah satu kewenangannya ialah membubarkan partai politik, sudah seharusnya peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia juga mengatur aturan lanjutan akibat-akibat hukum dari pembubaran tersebut. Salah satunya ialah aturan lanjutan, dari salah satu akibat hukum dibubarkannya partai politik, yaitu pemberhentian seluruh anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat “DPR” yang berasal dari partai politik yang dibubarkan. Implikasi tersebut akan meninggalkan jabatan atau kursi kosong di parlemen sehingga pengaturan di masa mendatang (ius constituendum) tentang prosedur pengisian kekosongan jabatan anggota DPR akibat pembubaran partai politik di Indonesia sangat diperlukan. Hal ini disebabkan, walaupun Indonesia belum pernah mengalami hal demikian semenjak MK dibentuk, pengaturan ini diperlukan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum (rechtssicerheit) bagi pemerintah, masyarakat, dan pihak-pihak yang berperan langsung di dalamnya, baik partai politik maupun DPR itu sendiri, bila mana hal demikian terjadi dalam perkembangan Indonesia di masa yang akan datang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif yang disempurnakan dengan pendekatan sejarah, kasus, dan perbandingan dengan tiga negara. Hasil analisis dari Skripsi ini menunjukan bahwa akibat hukum pembubaran partai politik sendiri harus diatur melalui undang-undang. Kemudian, terdapat beberapa mekanisme yang dapat dijadikan pilihan dalam pengisian kekosongan jabatan DPR. Oleh karena itu, sebagai upaya mengakomodir ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut, perlu adanya perubahan pada peraturan perundang-undangan terkait.

After the establishment of the post-reformation Constitutional Court, one of its powers is to dissolve political parties, Indonesian laws and regulations should also regulate further legal consequences of such dissolution. One of them is a follow-up regulation, one of the legal consequences of the dissolution of a political party, namely the dismissal of all members of the People's Representative Council "DPR" who are from the disbanded political party. The implication is that it will leave vacant positions or seats in parliament so that the ius constituendum regulation of procedures for filling vacancies in DPR positions due to the dissolution of political parties in Indonesia is very necessary. This is because, although Indonesia has never experienced such a thing since the Constitutional Court was formed, this arrangement is needed to provide legal certainty (rechtssicerheit) for the government, society, and parties who play a direct role in it, both political parties and the DPR itself if this happens in the development of Indonesia in the future. The research method used is a normative research method that is refined with a historical, case, and comparison approach with three countries. The results of the analysis of this thesis indicate that the legal consequences of the dissolution of a political party itself must be regulated by law. Then, there are several mechanisms that can be used as an option in filling the vacant position in the DPR. Therefore, to accommodate these provisions, it is necessary to make changes to the relevant laws and regulations."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endra Wijaya
"Dalam sistem kepartaian sebagaimana yang diatur dalam IJndang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2002 tentang Partai Politik, telah terdapat 268 (dua ratus enam puluh delapan) partai politik, dan 24 (dua puluh empat) di antaranya telah berhasil ikut serta dalam pemilihan umum tahun 2004. Banyaknya partai politik yang telah berdiri, di sisi lain ternyata masih menimbulkan rasa tidak puas bagi sebagian masyarakat di daerah-daerah. Sebagian masyarakat di daerah masih menganggap aspirasi mereka belum bisa diperjuangkan oleh partai politik yang ada sekarang, dan partai-partai politik itu juga masih terlalu menyibukkan did dengan isu-isu "perebutan kursi kekuasaan di pusat" saja. Akibatnya, timbul kekecewaan pada diri masyarakat daerah terhadap partai politik. Kekecewaan masyarakat daerah itu pada perkembangan selanjutnya dapat mendorong timbulnya upaya untuk mendirikan partai politik lokal.
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan keberadaan partai politik lokaI, yaitu mengenai faktor-faktor yang mendorong timbulnya partai politik lokal di Indonesia, dan kedudukan partai politik lokal dalam hukum positif di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian hukum normatif. Dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat beberapa produk hukum yang dapat dijadikan dasar untuk menganalisis keberadaan partai politik lokal, yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2002, Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus bagi Provinsi Papua, Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh serta Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Partai Politik Lokal di Aceh.
Dari penelitian ini terungkap beberapa hal yang menjadi faktor pendorong timbuinya partai politik lokal, antara lain, adalah berkaitan dengan masalah pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia masyarakat daerah, baik hak ekonomi maupun politik, serta ketidakmampuan partai politik nasional dalam memperjuangkan kebutuhan masyarakat daerah. Terhadap isu partai politik lokal, Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 masih belum mengatumya secara jelas, sedangkan untuk di Aceh, keberadaan partai politik lokal sudah mempunyai dasar hukum yang lebih rinci, yaitu dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2007."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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