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Siringoringo, Rikoh Manogar
Bangka Island is well known as the world's largest tin producer. The inland and offshore tin mining has profound effects on the coastal environment, resulting in the high sedimentation in the water. Many corals suffered physiological damage due to low light intensity. The distribution of stony corals and the status of coral reefs was surveyed at 6 sites in West Bangka waters in October 2012. A total of 72 species of corals belonging to 33 genera and 12 families were found, and 4 species were distributed at all research sites. The live coral coverage was 36% on average and was categorized as being in fair condition. The coverage was 0% at Kamboja Island where the corals were the most affected by tin mining. The sediment flowed out from tin mining, blocked the light, and settled on the coral's surface. Consequently, many corals were buried and the live corals decreased. It is obviously necessary to reduce and control the tin mining.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Seno Adji
Providing accurate information on suitable multispectral satellite sensors for mapping coral reefs in Indonesia is a challenge for coastal remote-sensing experts. As coral reefs vary in spatial extent, shape, length, perimeter and/
or distance to shore, the mapping of coral reefs will need different satellite sensors depending on the objectives and the kind of information required. This work compares the suitability of two kinds of multispectral satellite sensors for mapping coral reefs in Indonesia, high and moderate spatial resolution. This was done through a case study of Wakatobi Marine National Park since that represents many types of coral reef in Indonesia (fringing, barrier, atoll, and patch). Indonesian coral reef shapefile data 2010 was downloaded from UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) website, and Landsat 7 ETM + images, path/row 112/064 was used to determine the terrestrial area of Wakatobi Islands. Both high and moderate spatial resolution sensors are suitable for mapping the benthic communities and geomorphic zones on coral reefs. The former are more accurate but they are also much less cost-effective, especially over large areas.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Peristiwady
"Three specimens of Plectranthias retrofasciatus Fourmanoir and Randall, 1979 and one specimen of P. randalli
Fourmanoir and Rivaton, 1980 were collected by first author from fish market, Bitung, North Sulawesi on June
and September 2010. The specimens were deposited at LBRC-F, the reference collection of LIPI Bitung, Technical
Implementation Unit for Marine Biota Conservation, Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of
Sciences, Bitung, Indonesia. Plectranthias retrofasciatus is closely related to P. megalophthalmus and P. knappi,
in sharing some morphological characters as snout length and interorbital width, while P. randalli differs to other
species by having a moderate deep body proportion. Initially these species known only from New Caledonia for P.
retrofasciatus and Chesterfield Islands and southern Taiwan for P. randalli respectively. The two species of anthiine
fishes collected from Bitung, Indonesia bringing the total number of species of this genus known in Indonesia to six.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A small collection of majoid spider crabs of the genus Paratymolus Miers, 1879, s.l from Lombok Island, Indonesia contains four species namely P.hastatus Alcock (1895), P.coccus Loh & Ng (1999), P.cygnus Loh & Ng (1999), and Litosus sexspinosus (Miers,1884). Except for L. spinosus, the three other species are new records for indonesia. Paratymolus coccus is previously known from only female specimens, and the presence of male specimens in the collection studied provides the oppurtunity to complete the description of male characters. Paratymolus hastatus is reported for the first time outside Indian Ocean and P.cygnus is recorded for the first time after its description."
Jakarta : LIPI Press,
550 MRI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia is particularly rich in Echinoderms and North Sulawesi lies at the geographic centre of this biodiverse marine realm. While further studies on Sulawesi Echinodermata are required in order to obtain full understanding of current biodiversity status, preliminary SCUBA and intertidal surveys in early 2012 in the vicinity of the Lembeh Island, a region little explored previously, recorded a total of 76 species of 4 classes (Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea) from shallow waters (0-40 m) at 36 sites (sea grass, coral rubble and reef). The class Crinoidea is not reported here. A review of Echinoderm literature for North Sulawesi noted that there are 114 species belonging to 5 classes of Echinodermata.
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustian Rovi Alfiansah
Several harbours in North Jakarta have been polluted by spills of oil and their derivates. We suggest that diverse
species of crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria inhabit these harbours. An experiment
was undertaken in 2007 to isolate crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacteria from
oil-polluted harbours, such as Muara Baru, Sunda Kelapa and Tanjung Priok. Sea water and sediment samples
were collected twice, in March and April. Crude oil and PAH-degrading bacteria were isolated from enrichment
culture of samples in an enrichment medium (SWP), using ONR7a medium with the addition of 5 types of PAH
gases or Arabian Light Crude Oil 210 (ALCO 210) onto medium. This study reported that fluoranthene and crude
oil-degrading bacteria were the major bacteria isolated from the three polluted harbours. In total, 109 isolates have
been collected which can degrade crude oil (29% of total isolates), fluoranthene (33%), fluorene (20%), pyrene (7%),
dibenzothiopene (6%), and phenantrene (5 %). Cultivable bacteria have been isolated mostly from the Sunda Kelapa
samples, with fewer in those from Muara Baru and Tanjung Priok, respectively. Among these isolates, 5 isolates
have the capability to degrade 5 types of PAH and ALCO 210. They were Alcanivorax sp. B-1084, Pseudomonas
sp. D5-38b, Alcanivorax sp. TE-9, Bacillus sp. L41, Alcanivorax dieselolei strain B-5 clone 1. "
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2014
550 MRI 39:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riupassa, Pieter Agusthinus
"Diversitas Molekuler Berbasis ISSR pada Durio tanjungpurensis Asal Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) adalah salah satu spesies langka yang eksotis dari suku Malvaceae. Durian tersebut bernilai penting untuk konservasi plasma nutfah dan berpotensi sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk pengembangan durian di masa depan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui keragaman molekuler D. tanjungpurensis asal Kalimantan Barat berdasarkan penanda Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR). Sepuluh primer ISSR digunakan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik 60 individu Durian Tengkurak dari enam populasi endemik alami D. tanjungpurensis. Parameter keragaman genetik didasarkan pada data biner pita DNA produk PCR, yaitu ada atau tidak- ada pita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jumlah alel, rata-rata jumlah efektif alel, diversitas genetik, indeks informasi Shannon, jumlah polimorfik lokus, dan persentase polimorfik lokus berturut-turut adalah 1,53, 1,29, 0,17, 0,26, 77,83 dan 52,59. Analisis ragam molekuler (AMOVA) menunjukkan keragaman genetik yang lebih tinggi di dalam populasi (65%) dibandingkan antar populasi (35%). Analisis gugus menggunakan metode UPGMA berdasarkan matriks keserupaan Dice dan analisis koordinat utama digunakan untuk mengelompokkan semua individu populasi ke dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu grup 1 (Hutan Rejunak dan Tembaga), grup 2 (Bukit Merindang), dan grup 3 (Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1 dan Bukit Sagu 2). Analisis lebih lanjut terhadap struktur populasi menggunakan program STRUCTURE menyatukan grup 2 dan 3 ke dalam satu grup utama. Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap keragaman genetik Durian Tengkurak menggunakan penanda ISSR.

The Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) is one of the endangered exotic species in the Malvaceae family. The species is important for conservation of the germplasm and is considered a potential genetic resource for the development of durian in the future. The objective of this research project was to assess the molecular diversity of D. tanjungpurensis in West Kalimantan, based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. We applied ten ISSR primers to reveal the genetic diversity of 60 individuals from six natural endemic D. tanjungpurensis populations. The genetic diversity parameters were estimated based on binary data about PCR products (present or absent bands). The results showed that the mean number of observed alleles, the mean number of effective alleles, the genetic diversity, the Shannon?s Information Index score, the number of polymorphic loci, and the percentage of polymorphic loci were 1.53, 1.29, 0.17, 0.26, 77.83, and 52.59, respectively. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic diversity within a population (65%) was higher than that found between the populations (35%). UPGMA clustering and principal coordinate analysis, based on the DICE similarity matrix, were used to classify the populations into three groups: 1) Hutan Rejunak and Tembaga, 2) Bukit Merindang, and 3) Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1, and Bukit Sagu 2. Further analysis of the population structure using STRUCTURE software was used to classify all the individuals into two major categories, thus uniting Groups 2 and 3 as one major category. In conclusion, a high level of genetic diversity in the Durian Tengkurak was revealed utilizing the ISSR markers employed in the study."
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carr, Peter W.
New york: John Wiley & Sons, 1980
543 CAR i (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Anggraini
"Limbah cair domestik merupakan penyumbang terbesar limbah cair perkotaan dan menjadi pemicu permasalahan air. Program layanan lumpur tinja terjadwal (LLTT) bermaksud untuk mereduksi pencemaran biologi air dari tangki septik yang tidak dikelola baik, karena masih banyak masyarakat yang mengonsumsi air tanah. Tujuan riset ini adalah menganalisis kondisi penggunaan sumber air bersih, potensi pencemaran parameter biologi air tanah dan hubungan penggunaan LLTT dengan pengetahuan pencemaran di wilayah Kelurahan Pademangan Barat. Digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode campuran melalui kuesioner kepada responden rumah tangga serta analisis parameter Total Coliform dan E. coli pada air tanah dengan metode SNI 06-6858-2002. Hasil riset menunjukkan sebagian besar masyarakat telah menyambungkan pipa air minum namun diantaranya tetap menggunakan air tanah. Tidak terdapatnya fasilitas sanitasi layak menimbulkan praktik buruk pembuangan air limbah domestik dan menyebabkan air tanah tercemar secara biologi. Sebagian besar rumah tangga memiliki umur tangki septik yang lebih dari sepuluh tahun, dan membangun tangki septik dengan material tidak kedap air di lokasi yang sulit, kurang dari sepuluh meter dari sumber air yang digunakan, serta memiliki frekuensi penyedotan tidak berkala. Terdapat korelasi positif antara pengetahuan pengelolaan lumpur tinja dengan pengetahuan pencemaran serta meningkatnya pengetahuan pengelolaan lumpur tinja dikarenakan adanya peningkatan dari pengetahuan pencemaran, dan peningkatan faktor sosial.

Domestic wastewater is the largest contributor to urban wastewater and a trigger for water problems. The scheduled faecal sludge service program (LLTT) aims to reduce water biological pollution from poorly managed septic tanks, because many people still consume groundwater. The purpose of this research is to analyze the conditions of the use of clean water sources, the potential for pollution of groundwater biological parameters and the relationship between LLTT use and pollution knowledge in the area of West Pademangan Subdistrict. A mixed method quantitative approach was used through questionnaires to household respondents and analysis of the parameters of Total Coliform and E. coli in groundwater using the SNI 06-6858-2002 method. The results of the research show that most people have connected drinking water pipes but some of them still use ground water. The absence of proper sanitation facilities has resulted in bad practices for discharging domestic wastewater and causing groundwater to be biologically polluted. Most households have a septic tank life that is more than ten years, and build septic tanks with non-waterproof material in difficult locations, less than ten meters from the source of the water used, and have an irregular desludging frequency. There is a positive correlation between knowledge of management of fecal sludge with knowledge of pollution and increased knowledge of management of fecal sludge due to an increase in knowledge of pollution and an increase in social factors."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elgi Lukiyansah
"Daerah tangkapan air danau menjadi salah satu objek konversi penggunaan lahan sebagai ruang kebutuhan masyarakat. Sempadan Situ Rawa Besar telah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar untuk melakukan aktivitas. Aktivitas manusia dan penggunaan lahan di sekitar sempadan danau dapat memengaruhi kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pola distribusi spasial kualitas air Situ Rawa Besar dan hubungannya dengan penggunaan lahan di sempadan. Kualitas air akan diuji berdasarkan metode pengambilan sampel air permukaan sesaat di 30 sampel yang merata di badan air dan pengujian di laboratorium berdasarkan 6 parameter kualitas air bersih, yaitu kekeruhan, BOD, padatan total, pH, nitrat, dan total fosfat. Kualitas air akan diukur berdasarkan tingkat indeks kualitas air WQI (Water Quality Index) dan diinterpolasi menggunakan metode IDW. Penggunaan lahan skala besar akan digunakan dari digitasi citra resolusi besar dan potensi sumber polutan yang didapatkan dari observasi lapangan dengan unit analisis buffer dan sub-buffer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air di badan air hampir merata dengan kriteria tercemar ringan. Penggunaan lahan yaitu aktivitas domestik, peternakan, dan industri kecil memengaruhi kualitas air di Situ Rawa Besar ditandai dengan nilai kekeruhan dan BOD yang tinggi, sedangkan aktivitas perkebunan dan pertanian yang terbatas menyebabkan nilai pH, nitrat, padatan total, dan total fosfat yang kecil.

Lake catchment area is used to convert landuse into human needs. Lake Rawa Besar borders area is greatly used by the surrounding people to perform activities. Human activity and land use around the water body may affect water quality. This study aims to see the spatial distribution patterns of Lake Rawa Besar and its association with land use surrounding the water body. Water quality sample was taken by field survey and using direct surface water sampling in 30 points spreaded over water body. Water quality samples then measured in laboratory based by 6 parameters which is turbidity, BOD, total solid, pH, nitrate, and total phosphate. Water quality in 6 parameters was measured using Water Quality Indeks equation and interpolated by using IDW method. Large scale land use was obtained using large resolution imagery digitation and pollutant source field observation by the buffer and sub-buffer area analysis unit. Result shows that water quality in Lake Rawa Besar is minor contaminated in almost over the water body. Land use may affect that is domestik, livestock, and small industry activities may impact the high level of turbidity and BOD parameters in water quality, while plantation and agricultural activities that is slightly seen around Lake Rawa Besar affect the low level of pH, nitrate, total solids, and total phosphate."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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