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Yusniah Anggraini
One of the important management functions in government is supervision. However, supervisory issues are complex and complicated, not as easy as what is being theorized when applied, including its application to government agencies. Related to this, this study aims to find out the implementation of supervisory policy implementation of employee duties as well as to identify the supporting factors and obstacles at the District Office in Cipocok Jaya, Serang City. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, with the employees in the district office environment as the informants. The data collection technique used is the interview technique, and the instrument is in the form of interview guidelines. The data analysis technique is an inductive data analysis. The results of the field findings indicate that at the early stages of the preparation,
the progress report is lacking with the search for new data, most of the contents of the progress report have not really met the criteria or have the proper value, the supervision of the work phenomenon is not really
followed by the leadership, the daily, weekly, and the quarterly reports of the execution of employees duty are rarely implemented, evaluations conducted by the leadership so far prioritize the achievement of the
number or target set (quantity standards), and the measurement of the quality of employment results is only based on estimation only. Thus, the implementation of supervisory policy on the implementation of
employees duty at the Cipocok Jaya District Office is still not satisfactory"
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cheka Virgowansyah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis implementasi, faktor yang mempengaruhi, dan strategi penguatan implementasi UU ASN di Provinsi Banten. Paradigma penelitian berupa post-positivisme dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman terdiri dari reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi serta menerapkan teknik triangulasi untuk mengetahui keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal utama. Pertama, implementasinya bersifat prosedural dan formalitas, sehingga menimbulkan dampak negatif seperti terjadinya kekosongan formasi tertentu, terhambatnya peningkatan kapasitas pegawai, rendahnya kinerja pegawai, dan belum terjaminnya pegawai purna bhakti. Permasalahan struktural dan kultural menjadi hambatan utama, seperti kurangnya aturan pendukung turunan UU ASN, rule based bureaucracy, kurang pengawasan, dan belum terbangun budaya sistem merit. Hasil tersebut mengarah pada good looking government. Kedua, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi menunjukkan bahwa context of implementation dan faktor lingkungan cenderung lebih berpengaruh dibandingkan content of policy dan struktur administrator. Political will kepala daerah cenderung masih rendah sehingga kurang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan teknis yang terjadi. Ketiga, strategi penguatan implementasi menunjukkan kepala daerah dan perangkatnya membutuhkan internalisasi outcomes, mempertimbangkan strategic context, menentukan strategic content, dan merumuskan operational process. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya aturan pendukung, mendorong political will gubernur, strategi asistensi, ujicoba program, penganggaran terpusat untuk program skala ekonomi tinggi, menyusun simplifikasi peraturan, membuka ruang dan mendorong inisiatif lokal, dan peningkatan kapasitas pegawai lokal merupakan beberapa rekomendasi tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat rekomendasi yang berkaitan dengan implikasi teoritis berupa pengembangan konsep kerangka implementasi strategi dari Okumus disertai perubahan alur kerangka kerja dan adanya penambahan indikator.

This study aims to analyze the implementation, influence factors, and strategy strengthening the implementation of state civil apparatus policy in Banten Province. The research paradigm is post-positivism with qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and document studies. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman model consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion / verification and applying triangulation technique in validation. The results show three main points. First, the implementation is procedural, programmatic, and formal, resulting in negative impacts such as vacancy formation, hampered capacity building of employees, low employee performance, minimum welfare of employees, and not guaranteed after employees pension. Structural and cultural issues are the main obstacles. These results lead to good-looking government. Second, influencing factors show that context of implementation and environmental factors are more influential than content of policy and administrator structure. Political will of sub-national governor is still low so that it is less able to direct the budget, capacity of employees, politics, economy, and legal framework. Third, the strategy of strengthening the implementation indicates that the sub-national governor and its agencies require outcomes, consider the strategic context, determine the strategic content, and formulate the operational process. This research recommendation targets implementation, influencing factors, and strategies for strengthening implementation. The need for supporting rules at both the central and sub-national levels encourages the political will of sub-national governor, assistance strategies, testing to technical stages, centralized budgeting for programs of a general nature, compiling simplification of regulations, opening up spaces and encouraging local initiatives, and capacity building of local officials are some of these recommendations. In addition, there are recommendations related to the theoretical implications of developing the concept of Okumus strategy with changes of the framework and addition of indicators."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kingsley, John Donald
Chicago: Civil Service Assembly, 1948
351.5 KIN r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henni Qurratul Aini
"Analisis Penerapan Standar Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara di Badan Kepegawaian Negara Aparatur Sipil Negara ASN dituntut untuk dapat berkinerja dengan baik agar dapat mewujudkan tujuan organisasi. Badan Kepegawaian Negara BKN selaku instansi pembina manajemen kepegawaian diharapkan dapat menjadi barometer dalam manajemen kepegawaian. Saat ini penilaian kinerja ASN telah menggunakan Penilaian Prestasi Kerja sesuai PP 46 Tahun 2011. Namun penilaian kinerja akan efektif bila terdapat tolak ukur yang jelas yaitu adanya standar kinerja. Sebagaimana Armstrong mengambarkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan penilaian kinerja perlu dibuat standar kinerja oleh sebab itulah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti penerapan standar kinerja di BKN dan faktor kendala penerapannya.
Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah postpositivis karena mengacu pada teori manajemen kinerja Armstrong guna mencari faktor kendala penerapan standar kinerja role definision performance and development agreement. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan teknik triangulasi diterapkan guna memvalidasi data yang terkumpul.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa saat ini BKN belum memiliki standar kinerja baik standar teknis kegiatan maupun standar perilaku. Faktor kendala penerapan dari aspek role definition adalah analisis jabatan yang ada di BKN belum akurat terutama pada proses analisis dan validasi data. Selanjutnya Performance and development agreement di BKN belum berjalan dengan baik. Pembuatan kontrak kinerja masih lemah pada aspek monitoring, pemahaman pegawai tentang SKP serta komitmen pegawai dan pimpinan. Sementara pengembangan pegawai tidak berbasis kinerja pegawai, belum dapat ditemukannya GAP kompetensi membuat pengembangan hanya sebatas menjawab tuntutan saat ini belum pada merencanakan pengambangan pegawai untuk masa yang akan datang.

Analysis of Application Performance Standards in the National Civil Service Agency Civil ServantApparatus ASN is required to objectives perform well in order to realize an organization. National Civil Service Agency NCSA as an agency personnel management coach expected to be a barometer in personnel management. Currently ASN performance assessment have used Job Performance Assessment in PP 46 of 2011. However, the performance assessment will be effective if there is a clear benchmark, which is the performance standard. Armstrong portrayed that prior to performance assessment,a performance standard needs to be undertaken. Therefore, this study aims at examining performance application standards in NCSA and its implementation constraint factors.
This research approach is a postpositivis because it refers to the theory of Armstrong performance management by limiting factor for the adoption of performance standards role definition performance and development agreement . Data collectingmethods used are qualitatively and triangulation techniques applied in order to validate the collected data.
The resuls shows that current NCSA has not had a performancestandard either technical standard activities or behavior standard. Constraint factors of the definition aspect implementations is the job analysis in NCSA is not accurate, especially in analysis process and data validation. Furthermore, Performance and development agreement in BKN has not gone well. performance contract manufacturing is still weak on monitoringaspects, employee understanding on SKP and employees and managers commitments. Employee development not has been based on employee performance, a competency GAP that can not be found make a development occurs just to answer the current demand and can not plan future employee enhancement limited to answering the demands of the development is not currently on the planned floating of employees for the foreseeable future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nizar Yamani
"Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivis. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan belum efektif dalam mendukung peningkatan kinerja pegawai. Hal ini disebabkan oleh: 1 tidak tersedianya reward bagi pegawai yang berhasil mencapai target kinerjanya sehingga pemberian tunjangan kinerja sampai dengan saat ini belum mampu meningkatkan motivasi pegawai untuk berprestasi, 2 belum efektifnya penerapan SKP dan PKP dalam memotret kinerja pegawai yang sesungguhnya, 3 belum diterapkannya prinsip merit pay, dan 4 tidak adanya kajian tentang evaluasi penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja yang sudah berjalan sampai dengan saat ini sehingga upaya-upaya yang sudah dilakukan untuk merevisi belum mampu memperbaiki sistem yang ada secara komprehensif. Selanjutnya, terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan yang meliputi: komitmen pegawai, evaluasi jabatan, komitmen pemimpin, evaluasi kinerja, dan sistem pendanaan.
This study uses a post positivist paradigm. Data collected through in depth interview and documentation. Informants in this study is civil service at the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry.The results of this study showed that the application of performance pay system in the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry has not been effective in supporting the improvement of employee performance. It caused of 1 lack of reward for employee who successfully achieve performance targets so that the provision of performance pay up to now has not been able to increase the motivation for achievement, 2 lack of effectiveness in the application of SKP and PKP capturing employee performance indeed 3 not applying the principle of merit pay, and 4 absence study on the evaluation of the application of the performance pay system has been running up to this time so that efforts have been made to revise not been able to improve the existing system in a comprehensive manner. Furthermore, there are several factors that affect the application of the performance pay system in the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry which include employee commitment, job evaluation, leadership commitment, performance evaluation, and the budget system."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Widiyanto
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Proses Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Biro Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Negara yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan postpositivist dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses penilaian kinerja yang dijalankan pada Biro Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Negara terdiri dari 4 empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian dan peninjauan kembali. Pemanfaatan hasil penilaian kinerja sudah digunakan sebagai salah satu persyaratan administratif dalam proses kenaikan pangkat, pemberian penghargaan dan seleksi promosi jabatan.
Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum adanya standar kinerja yang jelas sebagai pedoman dalam mengukur kinerja pegawai. Pejabat penilai belum melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil pengamatan perilaku kerja pegawai dan tidak seluruh pegawai mengumpulkan laporan hasil kerja sehingga hasil penilaian masih terlihat subyektif karena kurangnya bukti-bukti pendukung. Hasil penilaian kinerja belum dimanfaatkan sebagai dasar pembayaran tunjangan kinerja dan pengembangan kompetensi pegawai.

This thesis discusses the process of Performance Assessment of Civil Servants in the Civil Service Bureau of National Civil Service Agency conducted in 2015. This study used a postpositivist approach and qualitative method. The results showed that the performance appraisal process that runs on the Civil Service Bureau of the State Personnel Board consists of four 4 phases planning, implementing, assessing and reviewing. Utilization of performance appraisal results has been used as one of the administrative requirements in the process of promotion, awards, and selection for job promotion.
Problems were found in this study is there is no clear performance standards as a guide in measuring employee performance. Assessor officials have not done recording the observations of the behavior of employee and not all employees gather reports on the work result, so that it still looks a subjective assessment results due to lack of supporting evidence. The results of performance appraisal has not been used as the basis for the payment of benefits employee performance and competencies development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devina Soraya
"Penelitian ini membahas implementasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post positivism. Mengacu pada perspektif teoritis dan paradigma penelitian yang digunakan, maka sifat penelitian ini adalah penelitian desktiptif. Analis penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini melihat kesesuaian kebijakan kompensasi PNS yang seharusnya dengan kebijakan yang diterapkan pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa implementasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral belum mendasarkan pada pemberian gaji yang adil dan layak. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap implemntasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS tersebut yaitu pihak yang kepentingannya dipengaruhi, jenis manfaat yang diterima target grup, derajat perubahan yang diharapkan, sumber daya yang dikerahkan, serta kekuasaan, kepentingan, dan strategi aktor yang terlibat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa Pemerintah perlu segera menetapkan peraturan teknis terkait kompensasi yang memenuhi unsur keadilan dan kelayakan, serta bagi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dalam melaksanakan kebijakan kompensasi PNS harus berdasarkan pada capaian kinerja, bobot pekerjaan, dan tanggung jawab pegawai sebagai dasar pemberian kompensasi di lingkungan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan perlu meningkatkan koordinasi yang lebih intensif dan menumbuhkan komitmen dengan pihak-pihak terkait guna pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran kebijakan kompensasi PNS Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yaitu menjamin kesejahteraan pegawai agar dapat berjalan efektif. Kata kunci:Kompensai, pegawai negeri sipil, keadilan, kelayakan.

This Research analyze about the implementation of civil service policy compensation at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Paradigm used in this research can be classified in the post positivism. Referring to the theoretical perspevtives and research paradigms are used, the nature of this research is descriptive research. Analysis of studies using qualitative analysis. In this study look for the suitability civil service policy compensation with the policy applied to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The result of this research are that the implementation of civil servant compensation policy in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has not been based on equity and feasibility salary. The most influential factors for the implementation of the civil servant 39 s compensation policy are those whose interests are affected, the type of benefits the group received, the expected degree of change, the resources mobilized, and the powers, interests and strategies of the actors involved. This research recommend the Government define the technical policy immediately to meet of equity and feasibility, and for The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have to implement the compensation policy based on employee performance, job load and responsibility. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also should improve coordination intensively and increase the commitment with all parties to ensure the achievement of compensation goals which is the welfare of employees in order that the policy can run effectively. Keywords Compensation, civil service, fairness, feasibility."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Cahyadi
"Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) sebagai pembina dan penyelenggara  manajemen kepegawaian memiliki tugas dan fungsi diantaranya mengelola mutasi kepegawaian Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS).  Berdasarkan Rencana Strategis BKN 2015 – 2019 salah satu tugas BKN yang adalah “Mengelola dan mengembangkan sistem informasi kepegawaian Pegawai Negeri Sipil”. Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan manajemen kepegawaian nasional dan peningkatan pelayanan kepegawaian terhadap PNS dibutuhkan database PNS yang akurat dan terkini.  Ketika  melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi ini, BKN sering mendapatkan masalah perbedaan data yang disebabkan kesalahan sistem, kesalahan operator sistem atau karena lainnya.  Dalam karya akhir ini penulis melakukan pengukuran kualitas data kepegawaian memakai dimensi kualitas data sesuai dengan Loshin’s Data Quality Maturity Model agar bisa menjadi dasar data yang dipakai oleh produk sistem informasi yang dihasilkan oleh BKN. Aktivitas yang dilakukan untuk mencari tingkatan kualitas data, keadaaan menajemen kualitas data, harapan manajemen kualitas data, dan juga rekomendasi perbaikan kualitas data melalui tiga proses pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara terbuka, observasi langsung, dan analisis dokumen. Penelitian karya akhir ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi strategi dalam memperbaiki manajemen kualitas data kepegawaian dengan berfokus pada dua tabel utama yaitu Tabel ORANG dan Tabel PNS. Rekomendasi yang di dapat melalui pemetaan model oleh Patel dan Ramchandran (2009) yaitu Agile Maturity Model (AMM), menghasilkan 48 rekomendasi yang terdiri dari 10 rekomendasi perbaikan permasalahan data PNS yang telah ada, antara lain penambahan otomatisasi validasi, pemeriksaan dan perbaikan kembali data yang sudah ada di database BKN, serta penambahan fitur pemberitahuan kepada pengelola data jika ada terindikasi sumber masalah. Selain itu ada 38 rekomendasi untuk perbaikan peningkatan  manajemen kualitas data. Rekomendasi tersebut dibagi berdasarkan delapan komponen penilaian. Komponen harapan kualitas data mempunyai rekomendasi di identifikasi dan dokumentasi  harapan kualitas data, syarat kualitas data yang baik, profil dan analisis harapan kualitas data, mengembakan metode penilai dampak bisnis, pemantauan dan validasi proses, dan penetapan serta evaluasi layanan kualitas data.

One of The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) duty as a national staffing management agency is managing the rotation of Civil Servants (PNS). Based on the 2015-2019 BKN Strategic Plan, one of the tasks of the BKN is "Managing and developing the Civil Service staffing information system (ASN)". To support the implementation of national staffing management and improvement of staffing services for civil servants, an accurate and up-to-date civil service database is needed. Nevertheless, BKN often encounters problems with data differences due to system errors, system operator errors or other reasons. In this thesis, the author measured the quality of staffing data by using data quality dimensions based on Loshin’s Data Quality Maturity Model, aiming for high quality data to be used in BKN’s information systems. In order to gain data quality levels, data quality management conditions, data quality management expectations, and recommendations for improving data quality, the author held open interviews, direct observation, and document analysis. This research aims to provide a strategy recommendation in improving the quality of staffing data management by focusing on two main tables which are PEOPLE and PNS tables. The recommendations obtained through the mapping model by Patel and Ramchandran (Agile Maturity Model), resulted in 48 recommendations consisting of 10 recommendations for repairing existing PNS data problems, including adding validation automation, rechecking and revising existing data in the BKN database, also adding a notification feature to the data manager when indicating a problem. Aside from that, there are also 38 recommendations for improving the data quality management. The recommendations are divided based on eight assessment components. The data quality expectation component has recommendations in identifying and documenting data quality expectations, good data quality requirements, profiling and analyzing data quality expectations, developing business impact assessment methods, monitoring and validating processes, and establishing and evaluating data quality services."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lavigna, Robert J.
"Government employees face enormous challenges today, including being stigmatized as underworked and overpaid. At the same time, they?re being asked to solve some of our toughest problems including unemployment, security, poverty, and education In Engaging Government Employees, Bob Lavigna gives managers the tools they need to leverage the talents of government?s most important resource: its people. He shows them how to measure, nurture, and sustain the kind of authentic employee engagement that drives results. With over three decades of experience in public sector HR, he knows how to get team members passionate about the agency?s mission, and committed to its success. Readers will learn: ? Why a highly engaged staff is 20 percent more productive
? How to get employees to deliver ?discretionary effort?
? How to assess the level of engagement
? Why free pizza and Coke every Friday is not a viable strategy
? And more Drawing on a wealth of empirical evidence, Engaging Government Employees rejects the typical, one-size-fits-all approach to motivation and shows how America?s largest employer can apply the science of engagement to dramatically improve performance."
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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