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Ditemukan 194961 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Deka Dian Utami
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis faktor-faktor penentu kesuksesan TQM, analisis sebab-akibat Fishbone Diagram dan merancang service blueprinting untuk peningkatan kualitas layanan sertifikat elekronik pada Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara. Dalam mencapai tujuan ini, telah dilakukan kajian literatur, survei melalui kuesioner dengan responden sebanyak 310 orang pegawai BSSN dan wawancara kepada 4 orang narasumber manajemen yang menjalankan tugas terkait pemberian layanan sertifikat elektronik serta pengumpulan data sekunder. Pengujian model dan hipotesis penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan structural equation model SEM . Hasil pengujian hipotesis, data hasil wawancara serta data sekunder yang telah dikumpulkan digunakan untuk melakukan analisis sebab-akibat penyebab tidak optimalnya kualitas layanan sertifikat elektronik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sebab-akibat dengan hasil identifikasi akar masalah, selanjutnya dirumuskan analisis peningkatan kualitas layanan dengan merancang service blueprinting, complaint management process dan proposal implementasi TQM pada layanan sertifikat elektronik BSSN. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa leadership adalah faktor kunci yang dapat mendorong peningkatan kualitas kinerja di BSSN. Adapun faktor-faktor penentu kesuksesan lain untuk menghasilkan layanan sertifikat elektronik yang berkualitas adalah continuous improvement, customer focus dan operational performance. Hasil penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa metode Total Quality Management dan Service Blueprinting merupakan solusi yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah kualitas layanan, dan juga solusi untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan yang dapat diaplikasikan pada sektor publik organisasi pemerintah .

This thesis aims to analyze the critical success factors of Total Quality Management, cause and effect analysis fishbone diagram and design service blueprinting to improve the quality of digital certificate services on National Cyber and Crypto Agency. In order to achieve this objective, a literature review has been conducted, surveys through questionnaires with 310 respondents of BSSN employee and interview with 4 person management that performing tasks related to the provision of digital certificate service as well as secondary data collection. The research model and hypothesis was tested using Structural Equation Modeling SEM . The results of hypothesis testing, interview data and secondary data that have been collected are used to conduct fishbone analysis to identify the rootcause problem of unoptimal digital certificate service quality. Based on the result of cause and effect analysis, then formulated the analysis of service quality improvement by designing service blueprinting, complaint management process and proposal of TQM implementation on BSSN digital sertificat service. This research find that leadership is a key factor that can drive performance improvement at BSSN. The other critical factors to produce digital sertificate services quality are continuous improvement, customer focus and operational performance. The result of this study confirm that Total Quality Management method and Service Blueprinting are workable solutions that can be applied to address service quality issues, as well as solutions to improves the quality of public sector services government organizations . "
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Girsang, Hamonangan
"Ketidaktercapaian target produksi minyak dan gas dari yang direncanakan di akibatkan oleh salah satu sumber fasilitas produksi migas yang tidak bekerja secara optimal. maka dilakukan identifikasi peristiwa risiko yang berdampak negatif terhadap sasaran produksi di dalam proses pemeliharaan fasilitas produksi ditinjau dari penerapan Sistim Manajemen Mutu. Dari evaluasi dan uji korelasi statistik ditemukan faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan seperti Training Program, Tenaga Kerja, Review Data & Workshop; Pendokumentasian Dokumen; Planning Pemeliharaan dan keterlibatan top management. Respon risiko yang berupa tindakan pencegahan, tindakan korektif yang dijadikan dasar Improvement flow proses pemeliharaan lewat penyempurnaan metode Sistem Manajemen Mutu untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Production of oil and gas is not achieved as planned can result from one source of production facilities does not working optimally. It would require to identification of risk events that's negatively impact on the production targets in the maintenance process of production facilities in the terms implementation of Quality Management System. Evaluation and correlation of statistics found the dominant factor influencing customer satisfaction as Training Program, Labor, Review Data & Workshop; Documentation of Documents; Maintenance Planning and Involvement of top management. Risk response in the form of preventive actions, corrective actions will be used as the basis improvement of flow maintenance process through the update of Quality Management System to improve customer satisfaction."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laughlin, Sara
"Based on more than 50 years of author expertise in organizational improvement, The Quality Library offers a methodology to pinpoint trouble areas and improve processes. By developing a customer-focused system outlining library processes and networks, administrators and managers can quickly determine areas for improvement that directly apply to the library?s goals and missions. Staff will also learn how to statistically document the new process?s performance, giving the library a means to quantify its effects. Gives administrators a clear understanding of their suppliers and customers. Empowers front-line staff to make improvements and better decisions. Boosts employee and team morale as they work together to bring about change. Offers real-life success examples showing how process improvement works. Includes figures, appendices, worksheets, and a glossary.
By continuously evaluating processes based on the guidelines and worksheets provided here, public and academic library administrators and managers will improve the quality and efficiency of service for patrons and staff alike."
Chicago: American Library association, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
One of the eflicacy keys especially in maintaining bank management
effort is how to reach customers satisfaction. While one basic factors influencing customer satisfaction is the service quality given by a bank to their customers. The main goal of this research is to know the level of customer satisfaction based on the service given by PT. Bank DKI through case study from PT. Bank DKI at Tanjung Priok Branch.
In this research the service for customer is restricted at the credit service
for the working capital given by PT. Bank DKI at Tanjung Priok Branch that
consist of : marketing department , credit administration and customer service.
This research uses survey type with the descriptive methode and the
quantitative approach that are proposedly occurence data and existing theory. Data
of research obtaining from primary data through questioners that spread out to the
customers and also secondary data from books, literature, magazine and internal
data of bank. While data processing use descriptif non parametric especially
statistic trough frequency distribution andmodus as a means ofthe analysis.
Implementation of research through 20 items of questioners that assumed
deputizing tive dimensions of the bank service quality which are reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, emphaty and tangible. In order to obtain depiction of
customer satisfaction level is based on bank services, then the answer of the
questioner will be quantification by using likert scale. In the order side to map
between the level of service and performance concerning to importance of service
is using cartesius diagram.
The result of research depict that the service quality that customer
accepted trough 20 questioners as formulation from 5 services quality dimension
determined that the modus of assessment scale is between 1 up to 5.
In general, It is seen ?dom each quality of dimension service the level of
services in PT. Bank DKI, Tanjimg Piiolc Branch consist of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangible that based on the customers response are good.
Beside that, according to the mapping that has been conducted, there are difference among customers? perception for the level of performance of service compared to the expectation of customers or mount customers' importance. The range of these level from the biggest one are responsiveness, reliability, assurance, emphaty, tangible. The difference existence reflected that there are still gap which must be covered by management in order to gain the service for the customers as they ask for.
Based on that assessment level and the mapping, PT. Bank DKI must defend the existing service throughout emphasized the effort to maintain the ability and profesionalism to serve the customer by mean of improving the service quality that still less satistied by customers.
T22478; T22474
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Nicken Sumbariana Sugusta
"Melaksanakan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) adalah suatu kewajiban yang wajib dilakukan perusahaan pada umumnya. XL sebagai salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi dan operator seluler sejak tahun 2006 sudah mulai menerapkan program CSR. Selain itu service quality merupakan suatu elemen penting di dalam perusahaan yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Dimana nantinya dari loyalitas pelanggan dapat ditunjukkan dalam beberapa cara seperti customer retention, recommendation, dan share of wallet.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa CSR tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, sedangkan service quality berpengaruh secara segnifikan terhadap customer satisfaction, dan customer satisfaction berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap customer retention, recommendation, dan share of wallet.

Nowadays, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a must for every firm in Indonesia. XL, as one of the players in Indonesia telecommunication industry since 2006, has implemented CSR program. Besides that, service quality is an important element that gives affects to customer satisfaction. Customer retention, recommendation, and share of wallet are factors that try to be identified as the customer loyalty.
Based on the research result, CSR does not affect customer satisfaction significantly, whereas service quality affects customer satisfaction significantly and customer satisfaction affects customer retention, recommendation, and share of wallet significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Rostiana
"Entry barrier is decrease progressively in era globalization. Because of that quality of product and sen/ice must been takencare. Total of Quality Management ( TQM) represent management quality of service which cannot be disregarded, considering society claim govemment organization have to become servant, government organization must became steward to serve entrepreuner and society because our entrepreneur and society want get service from government organization quick, accurate and trusted.
National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) since year 2001 have
intended to implement good service program which in line with TQM, but in its applying still face some constraint so that good service able to satisfied customer/ client not yet fully can be executed.
To know how far applying of TQM and constraints faced and why service not doing better its need research scientifically.
Leadership, Komitmen, Process and Product in Organization is to represent very important organizational pillar in applying of TQM (ISO 9000). which must evaluate continually that because of staff and head in band quality control of narcotic and psikotropic are beiing sample population I tne research each officer work with profesional speed, credible as according to organizational culture of NADFC so satisfaction of customer/client can be reach.
Sampel determined with technique of Non Probability Sampling Purposive That mean Sampel have been determined owning certain specification and strata with use kuesioner.That kuesioner are full with quesition and andswer with use likert scale disseminating containing kuesioner of question with answer by using
likert scale, result of kuesioner analysed correlationly doubled regresi and constructively SPSS program 11.5
Result of research to Leadership factors, Komitmen, Process and Product in Organization is to represent Organizational Pillar according to in TQM theory have strong relation with Satisfaction of customerlclient, and although in general the quality of service have good but still a lot need improvement and repair. From is fourth of the factor which most having an effect on is leadership
Constraints which still faced among others is Leadership which not yet is fully executed second, total quality execution still not yet fully become head komitmen head and staf that still found by oflioer give less dissatisfactory and non professional service to the customer/ client, third is less looked after by is
facilities and basic facilities so that not yet futilled of short examination time According to TQM theory tht is new paradigm, head have to assume subordinate is cutomer/client which must be listened by sigh and hislits suggestion so that reaching of communications which either through horizontal and is vertical.Thats fourth of factor above in the reality most having an effect
on in satisfaction of customer/client is leadership. lf leadership have been executed bette, officer will work hardly and hold responsible and have komitmen to be able to fulfill short time which specified by NADFC and service as according to quality service so that can reach by satisfaction in NADFC."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andry Susanto
"Mempertahankan pelanggan dan mengakuisisi pelanggan baru merupakan harapan semua perusahaan agar dapat bertahan dan terus berkembang ditengah derasnya arus persaingan. Hal tersebut juga berlaku pada industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang menjadi semakin dinamis karena masuknya beberapa pemain bam dan juga perang tarif yang terjadi amar operator selular akhir-akhir ini. Walaupun lndosat masih memegang posisi sebagai market challenger dari pemimpin pasar saat ini yakni Telkomsel, tidak dapat dipungkiri Indosat turut merasakan imbas akibat pesaingan yang terjadi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari turunnya pendapatan perusahaan yang notabene bergerak dibidang penyediaan jasa layanan selular. lndosat juga harus merelakan 3,7 juta pelanggarnya akibat regulasi pemerintah yang mengharuskan pemilik kartu prabayar melakukan registrasi. Salah satu cara untuk bertahan ditengah kerasnya persaingan ini adalah dengan memahami kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan. Mengutip perkataan perkataan Hill an Alexander (1996) bahwa ?a customer who is well trealed is more likely to bring more business your way, by repeat purchase, recommendation, patting larger spend in your hand". Disini dapat dilihat pentingnya peranan untuk memperhatikan kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan, terutama pelanggan kartu pascabayar yang telah ikut andil sebagai Salah satu penyumbang Iaba bagi Indosat.
Apa yang ingin diungkapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui atribut-atribut yang dapat mempengaruhi behavior intention pelanggan pascabayar Indosat sehingga diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan dalam lebih memahami kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian konfirmatori yang ditujukan untuk menguji apakah hipotesis yang diajukan oleh Wang, Lo dan Yang bcrdasarkan bukti empiris pasar seluler di Cina dapat dipakai untuk mengukur behavior inlcnzion pelanggan paska bayar Indosat yang kemungkinan memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan karakteristik dengan pelanggan di Cina. Untuk mencapai tujuan yang didasarkan alas definisi di atas, penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode riset, yaitu riset konfirmatori dan riset deskriptif yang menggunakan sumber data primer dengan instrumen utama berupa kuesioner.
Setelah melalui beberapa tahapan diperoleh hasil bahwa tidak seluruh faktor yang terkait dengan kualitas memberikan kontribusi yang sama terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang dirasakan pelanggan, nilai pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Hal ini selanjutnya dapat dmunakan untuk memberikan arahan yang lebih berguna dan mudah diterapkan bagi para peneliti dan manajer dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, menciptakan dan membcrikan nilai pelanggan yang unggul, serta mencapai kepuasan peianggan yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa dari dua puluh lima hipotesis yang diungkapkan pada awal peneliliarl ternyata hanya sepuluh yang terbukti. Dari hasil tersebut dikctahui bahwa hanya kualitas pclayanan yang dirasakan pelanggan yang dampaknya terhadap behavior intention didukung secara statistik. Di samping itu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan kcmungkinkan bahwa Indosat dapat bersaing dengan lebih efisien dan efektif.
Menurut penelitian ini, sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan Indosat, prioritas harus diberikan pada bagaimana meningkatkan tangible, assurance, empathy; reliability, network quality dan customer perceived sacrifice karena pelanggan pascabayar Indosat merasa hal-hal tersebut adalah faktor utama yang mempengaruhi penilaian mereka mengenai kualitas pelayanan yang dirasakan pelanggan, nilai pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan secara tidak Iangsung maupun tidak langsung sehingga mempengaruhi behavior intention. Beberapa saran yang dapat diangkat bagi Indosat dalam rangka meningkatkan behavior intention dari pelanggan pascabayarnya sacara efektif dan efisien adalah, dengan cara meningkatkan empathy, assurance, dan network quality.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ketiga faktor tersebut mempunyai dampak yang signifnkan terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang dirasakan pelanggan dan terbukti mempunyai pengaruh terhadap behavior intention pelanggan. Selain itu, di sini penulis menyarankan penelitian dalam bidang lain dengan menggunakan model ini sehingga dengan demikian akan memungkinkan diketahuinya pengaruh dari kualitas pelayanan, nilai pelanggan, dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap behavior intention pada industri yang berbeda. Kemudian penelitian selanjutnya hendaknya menggunakan jumlah sampel yang Iebih mencerrninkan jumlah populasi dan juga diadakan penelitian lanjutan mengenai hubungan yang tidak langsung antara nilai pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap behavior intention.

All companies are expected to maintain customers and acquire new customers in order to survive and grow in increasingly tight competition- This condition also occurred in Indonesian telecommunication industry which becoming even more dynamic following the entrance of some new players and price war among cellular operators.
Despite its market challenger position from Telkomsel as today's market leader, lndosat is inevitably bearing the impact of competition. This is shown by dropping revenue of this cellular service provider, in addition to 3,7 millions deactivated customers resulted from government regulation requiring prepaid customers to register their numbers. One way to survive in this rapid competition is by understanding the needs and wants of customers. Hill and Alexander (1996) stated that ?a customer who is well treated is more likely to bring more business your way, by repeat purchase, recommendation, putting larger spend in your hand.? This lays the importance of treating the needs and wants of customers, especially postpaid customers who had contributed profit to Indosat.
This study aimed to reveal the attributes influencing behavior intention of lndosat postpaid customers to help the company to better understand the needs and wants of its customers. This is a confirmatory study which will test whether the hypothesis developed by Wang, Lo and Yang based on empirical study on cellular market in China is applicable to measure behavior intention of lndosat postpaid customers which may have similar and difference characteristics with Chinese customers.
To achieve the above goal, the study was conducted by using two research method, those were confirmatory research and descriptive research using primary data source based on questionnaires as the main instrument. After several stages, the result showed that not all factors involved in quality equally contributed to customer perceived service quality, customer value, and customer Satisfaction. Eventually, this will provide more useful and applicable guidance to researchers and managers in improving service quality, creating and providing superior customer value, and achieving high customer satisfaction.
The study findings concluded that of 25 hypotheses exposed at the onset of research, only 10 hypotheses are proven. The result showed that influence on behavior intention was statistically supported only by customer perceived service quality. ln addition, the study found out that lndosat may compete efficiently and effectively. According to this study, as Indosat had done, priority must be given to the way of improving tangible, assurance, empathy, reliability, network quality and customer perceived sacrifice since Indosat postpaid customers felt those factors as key factors in influencing their judgment regarding customer perceived service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction both directly and indirectly that eventually influencing behavior intention.
Several suggestions are lndosat may have to take steps in improving behavior intention of its postpaid customers effectively and efficiently by way of improving empathy, assurance, and network quality. Based on the research, the three factors had significant impact on customer perceived service quality that evidently influencing customers? behavior intention.
Moreover, the author suggested more studies in other fields using this model to enable more understanding on the influence of service quality, customer value, and customer satisfaction to behavior intention in different industries. Further studies should use more samples that better reflect population. More studies regarding indirect relationship between customer value and customer satisfaction to behavior intention should also be conducted.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The authors of the international bestseller Business Model Generation explain how to create value propositions customers can't resist Value Proposition Design helps you tackle a core challenge of every business - creating compelling products and services customers want to buy. This practical book, paired with its online companion, will teach you the processes and tools you need to succeed. Using the same stunning visual format as the authors' global bestseller, Business Model Generation, this sequel explains how to use the "Value Proposition Canvas" a practical tool to design, test, create, and manage products and services customers actually want. Value Proposition Design is for anyone who has been frustrated by business meetings based on endless conversations, hunches and intuitions, expensive new product launches that blew up, or simply disappointed by the failure of a good idea. The book will help you understand the patterns of great value propositions, get closer to customers, and avoid wasting time with ideas that won't work. You'll learn the simple but comprehensive process of designing and testing value propositions, taking the guesswork out of creating products and services that perfectly match customers' needs and desires. Practical exercises, illustrations and tools help you immediately improve your product, service, or new business idea. In addition the book gives you exclusive access to an online companion on Strategyzer.com. You will be able to complete interactive exercises, assess your work, learn from peers, and download pdfs, checklists, and more. Value Proposition Design complements and perfectly integrates with the "Business Model Canvas" from Business Model Generation, a tool embraced by startups and large corporations such as MasterCard, 3M, Coca Cola, GE, Fujitsu, LEGO, Colgate-Palmolive, and many more. Value. Proposition Design gives you a proven methodology for success, with value propositions that sell, embedded in profitable business models."
Somerset: Wiley, 2015
658.401 2 VAL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Ima Nurcahya
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap pelayanan KRL commuter line rute Bogor-Jakarta Kota. Pembahasan penelitian ini menggunakan teori kualitas pelayanan oleh A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, dan Leonard L. Berry yang terdiri dari lima dimensi yakni, bukti fisik, kehandalan, ketanggapan, jaminan, serta empati. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa survei dan wawancara mendalam dengan pengguna jasa dan juga petugas KRL commuter line rute Bogor-Jakarta Kota.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapatnya kesenjangan antara kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan dengan yang diharapkan oleh pengguna. Kesenjangan ini menunjukkan bahwa harapan pengguna akan ke lima dimensi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kenyataan yang diterima di lapangan. Semakin kecil nilai kesenjangannya, maka dapat dikatakan pelayanannya semakin baik. Nilai kesenjangan rata-rata terendah berada pada dimensi empati, yaitu sebesar -1.25, maka dimensi empati ini merupakan dimensi yang paling baik. Sedangkan nilai kesenjangan rata-rata tertinggi berada pada dimensi bukti fisik, yaitu sebesar -1.41, maka dimensi bukti fisik dapat dikatakan kurang baik dan perlu diperbaiki. Tingkat kesuaian dari hasil analisis antara harapan pengguna dengan kenyataan secara keseluruhan sebesar 65.47%.
Berdasakan penilaian tersebut, dapat dikatakan kepuasan responden mengenai pelayanan KRL commuter line rute Bogor-Jakarta Kota secara keseluruhan sudah cukup memuaskan. Hasil dari penelitian menyarankan bahwa pelayanan KRL commuter line perlu ditingkatkan dari segi ketersediaan kursi tunggu, kemampuan petugas, serta keamanan dan kenyamanan saat berada di dalam stasiun maupun dalam gerbong kereta guna memberikan pelayanan maksimal kepada pengguna.

This research discussed the level of customer satisfaction with the service of the commuter line at Bogor-Jakarta Kota route. The discussion of this research uses the theory of service quality by A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry which consists of five dimensions: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy. This research approach uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques such as surveys and in-depth interviews with service users and also commuter line KRL officers at Bogor-Jakarta Kota route.
The results of this research that there is a gap between the quality of services provided and those expected by the customer. This gap shows that the expectations of the customer will be to five dimensions higher than the reality received in the field. The smaller the gap value, the better the service can be said. The lowest average gap value is in the empathy dimension, which is equal to -1.25, so this empathy dimension is the best dimension. While the highest average gap value is in the tangibles dimension, which is equal to -1.41, the dimensions of tangibles can be said to be poor and need to be corrected.
The result of the analysis between passenger expectation and overall reality was 65.47%. Based on this assessment, it can be said that the customer satisfaction with the service of the commuter line KRL Bogor-Jakarta Kota route as a whole is quite satisfactory. The result suggest that services of the commuter line should be improve in many ways, such us availability of waiting seats, ability of the officer, security and also comfortness while at the station or in the train to provide maximum services for the passenger.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezky Ramendra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari kualitas layanan dan kualitas makanan terhadap tingkat kepuasan konsumen dan tingkat loyalitas konsumen dengan dimoderasi oleh variabel atmosfer pada objek penelitian restoran Sushi-Tei. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner terhadap pengunjung Sushi-Tei dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 162 responden. Data yang didapat diolah menggunakan metode pengolahan data hierarchical regression untuk meihat pengaruh moderasi atmosfer pada restoran etnik. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengikuti model yang digunakan dalam penelitian Ha dan Jang (2010).
Penelitian ini memberikan hasil bahwa semakin baik kualitas makanan dan layanan yang diberikan restoran maka akan semakin tinggi pula tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan yang dicapai. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan hasil bahwa terdapat peran positif dari atmosfer restoran terhadap hubungan antara kualitas makanan dan layanan yang diberikan restoran dengan tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan yang dicapai.

This research will assess the relationship between service quality and food quality with the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, while moderated by the variable of atmosphere occurring at Sushi-Tei restaurants. This research uses questionnaires as data gathering method distributed to Sushi-Tei visitors with a recorded sample size of 162 respondents. The data is processed hierarchical regression for analyzing the effect of atmospherics in ethnic restaurant. The model used in this research replicates the same model used in the previous study of Ha and Jang (2010).
The result of this research indicates that the better food and service quality provided by the restaurant, the higher level of customer satisfaction and loyalty are achieved. Moreover, this research also yields a result showing that there is a positive impact from restaurant atmosphere on the relation between food and service quality with perceived customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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