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Rifki Yusup
Nama : Rifki YusupProgram Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul : Keterlekatan Dokter Di Rumah Sakit X BogorPembimbing : Prof. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH, Dr.PH.Keterlekatan dokter terhadap rumah sakit memililiki peran penting dalam upayameningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan terhadap pasien. Keterlekatan dokter yang tinggiakan meningkatkan peluang rumah sakit untuk maju dan berkembang. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengukur keterlekatan dokter, menganalisis hubungan status kemitraandan waktu tempuh terhadap keterlekatan dokter, serta mendapatkan gambaranmengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitiankuantitatif dan kualitatif, metode kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner yang bertujuanmengukur tingkat keterlekatan dengan mengadopsi instrumen keterlekatan dari UWES Ultrecht Work Engagement Scale dan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan depthinterview untuk mendapatkan gambaran persepsi dokter mengenai faktor-faktor yangmempengaruhi keterlekatan dokter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah dokteryang memiliki keterlekatan tinggi hanya 19.1 persen, dan memiliki keterlekatanlemah 80.9 persen. Tidak ada hubungan secara statistik antara pola kemitraanmaupun waktu tempuh terhadap keterlekatan. Sebagian besar dokter mempunyaipersepsi positif terhadap fasilitas pelayanan, staf pendukung, serta nilai kompensasi, danmemiliki persepsi negatif terhadap dukungan pengembangan keilmuan, keterlambatanpembayaran jasa medis dan kepemimpinan manajer pelayanan yang dapatmempengaruhi tingkat keterlekatan.Kata kunci: Engagement, Employee Engagement, Keterlekatan Dokter

ABSTRACTName Rifki YusupStudy Program Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitTitle Doctor rsquo s Engagement at Hospital X BogorCounsellor Prof. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH, Dr. PHDoctor rsquo s engagement to hospital is very important to upgrade the health service forpatients. High engangement will make bigger opportunity for hospital to grow. Thepurpose of this research is to measure doctor rsquo s engagement, analyse relation betweenpartnership status and travelling time, and describe any factors involved. This researchused qualitative methods with depth interview for gaining doctor rsquo s perception about anyfactors that involve doctor rsquo s engagement. This research also used quantitative methodswith UWES Ultrecht Work Engagement Scale tool for measuring engagement level.The results showed that doctors who have strong engagement in Hospital X only 19.1 and doctors who have weak engagement 80.9 . There was no ststistic relationshipbetween partnership status and travelling time with doctor rsquo s engagement. Generally,doctors have positive view about service facility, team support, compensation value.Doctors have negative perception about support of knowledge development, delays ofpayment and service manajer leadership that relation with engagement.Keywords Engagement, Employee Engagement, Doctor rsquo s engagement"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elizabeth Indah PSP
"Studi pelayanan farmasi di rumah sakit dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor dengan indikasi awal masih rendahnya nilai inventory turn over. Pendekatan action research dengan fokus pada pendistribusian dan penyimpanan perbekalan farmasi dipilih sebagai jenis penelitian yang digunakan. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk melakukan perbaikan adalah kombinasi Lean dan Six Sigma. Studi dilakukan terhadap proses pendistribusian, periode permintaan barang, buffer stock, besaran permintaan, kondisi-kondisi permintaan barang, ROP, indikator farmasi, kesesuaian jumlah stok barang, barang dan obat kadaluwarsa, penanganan kadaluwarsa, penanganan barang di gudang. Rendahnya nilai inventory turnover dapat disebabkan belum dipahaminya dengan baik makna persediaan perbekalan farmasi bagi pengelola perbekalan farmasi. Data pendukung menunjukkan besarnya jumlah permintaan barang farmasi pada setiap kali periode permintaan barang yaitu data standar deviasi kelipatan permintaan barang farmasi sebesar 54.8 dan standar deviasi kelipatan pemenuhan barang farmasi adalah 50.4. Nilai Six Sigma Deffect Per Million Opportunities untuk ketepatan pemenuhan permintaan barang farmasi sesuai perkiraan permintaan barang yang tertera di dokumen surat permintaan barang farmasi adalah 0.09. Pada proses pendistribusian barang farmasi terdapat 47.6% merupakan proses tidak mempunyai nilai tambah dan menimbulkan variasi dalam langkah proses tersebut.
Faktor yang mendukung terjadinya hal ini adalah waktu permintaan barang yang panjang, belum tepatnya peramalan yang dilakukan oleh ruang perawatan, tidak dipahaminya standar perkiraan permintaan yang tertera di surat permintaan barang farmasi, pemakaian barang farmasi yang belum terdata dengan akurat, bottleneck proses distribusi terdapat pada Instalasi Farmasi belum melakukan secara optimal pengendalian permintaan barang farmasi dari ruang perawatan, belum dilakukan pemantauan terhadap perputaran, persediaan, belum rincinya prosedur. Belum optimalnya pemanfaatan teknologi sistem inventori. Belum memiliki standar maksimum dan minimum setiap jenis barang farmasi dan belum menerapkan standar penyimpanan dan manajemen pergudangan. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan profitabilitas Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor perlu dilakukan beberapa perbaikan pendistribusian dan penyimpanan perbekalan farmasi antara lain: Perbaikan kebijakan dan prosedur secara rinci dan operasional. Mengembangkan otomasi sistem inventori untuk mengurangi kesalahan. Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan SDM pengelola melalui pelatihan. Mengembangkan Key Performance Indicator seperti Inventory Turn Over, kesesuaian jumlah barang, penataan 5-S.

Initial Study of pharmacy service at PMI Hospital found that inventory turnover was low. Action research approaching with focus on pharmacy distribution and inventory storage is chosen as a research method used. Methodology used to do improvement is combination of Lean and Six Sigma. Scope of study includes distribution process, material request period, buffer stock, quantity of demand, material request conditions, ROP, pharmacy indicator, adjusting stock quantity, expired material and medicines, expired item management, material handling in pharmacy warehouse. Inventory turnover is low could be caused by meaning of pharmacy inventory stock by pharmacy personnel is not clearly understood. Supporting data shows the quantity pharmacy item requested per each period of item request is deviation standard data of multiply pharmacy item request is 54.8 and deviation standard of completeness multiply of pharmacy item is 50.4. The value of Six Sigma Defect Per Million Opportunities for completeness accuracy of pharmacy item request is appropriate as estimation of item request that documented in pharmacy item request form is 0.09. The value in pharmacy item distribution process is 47.6% that means it is non value added and leads to variation in that process step.
The contributing factors of this problem are item request time is too long, inaccuracy estimation by nursing ward, request estimation standard attached in pharmacy item request form is not clearly understood, pharmacy item consumption have not been documented accurately, bottleneck occurs during distribution process at pharmacy installation due to controlling of pharmacy item request from nursing ward has not been done optimally, monitoring of stock rotation has not been done, detail of procedure has not been done, using of technology on inventory system has not been done optimally, has no minimum and maximum standard for each pharmacy item and has not implemented the standard of storage and warehouse management. To increase productivity and profitability PMI Hospital Bogor should have to do some improvement on pharmacy distribution and inventory storage are as follows : to improve policy and procedure with detail and operationally ; to develop automatic inventory system for reducing error; to improve knowledge and skill of pharmacy personnel by training ; to develop Key Performance Indicator (KPI); one of KPI could be developed is Inventory Turnover, the conformity of item quantity, 5S Program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Abdullah
"Banyak pengelola Rumah Sakit telah melaksanakan kegiatan pemasaran walau belum didasari oleh manajemen pemasaran yang benar sehingga hasilnya belum optimal. Agar kegiatan pemasaran dapat berjalan sesuai dengan tujuannya maka diperlukan adanya kegiatan manajemen atau manajerial yang utama meliputi perencanaan, organisasi, koordinasi kerja dan pengawasan. Kegiatan pemasaran yang direncanakan dengan baik, diorganisasikan, dikoordinasikan serta diawasi akan membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan. Kegiatan pemasaran yang seperti itulah yang disebut sebagai kagiatan Manajemen Pemasaran.
Manajemen Pemasaran di Rumah Sakit X dalam pengamatan penulis selama melakukan kegiatan residensi beberapa waktu sebelumnya belum mempunyai departemen pemasaran formal dan belum menerapkan seluruh fungsi pemasaran. Dimana dari analisa situasinya Rumah Sakit X mempunyai beberapa peluang dan ancaman, seperti adanya perluasan kapasitasnya dan tingginya tingkat persaingan antar Rumah Sakit dewasa ini. Dengan adanya usulan model pengembangan manajemen pemasaran ini diharapkan dapat membantu dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada.
Tujuan penelitian adalah membuat beberapa model manajemen pemasaran baik yang bersumber dari industri jasa kesehatan maupun industri jasa lainnya, yang kemudian akan dikaji kekuatan dan kelemahan dari masing-masing model untuk dibuat menjadi suatu karya (design) model yang sesuai untuk pengembangan manajemen pemasaran di Rumah Sakit X.
Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelitiannya diskriptif analitik.
Dari hasil penelitian tampak bahwa team pemasaran atau manajemen pemasaran Rumah Sakit X masih bergerak dalam ruang lingkup yang masih terbatas, baik dalam perencanaan pemasaran, struktur organisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan pengawasan pemasaran yang dilakukannya.
Usulan pengembangan model ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan yang berguna bagi pengembangan manajemen pemasaran di Rumah Sakit X.
Daftar Pustaka : 29 (1980 ? 1996)

The Development of Marketing Management Model in the Hospital XMany hospital have carried out marketing activities, but they have not used correct marketing management, and the result is not maximum.
In order to work as the plan, marketing activities need management activities or the main managerial which include Planning, organization, working coordination and control of marketing activities which are planned carefully, organized, coordinated and fully controlled with the hope to get best result. These activities are called marketing Management activities.
As he writer observed juicing the residential program, the hospital "X" doesn't have a formal marketing department and it has not applied all marketing functions.
Where from the situational analysis the hospital "X" has both opportunities and threats, such as capacity improvement and high competition among hospitals.
The idea of improvement model of marketing management hopefully can help to face the existing problems.
The aim of the observation is to make some models of marketing management both from the industry of health services and other service industries. Then based on these models, we can observe each model for its strength and weaknesses so in the end we can create a model which is suitable for improving marketing management in the Hospital "X".
It is a qualitative observation with a model of analytical descriptive examination. From the observation we can conclude that the marketing team or marketing management in the hospital "X" work with a limited scope, such as in marketing plan, organization structure, activities performance and marketing control.
The idea- of improving this model hopefully can be used for marketing management improvement in the Hospital "X"."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Ely Krisdarlina
"Kinerja personil baik kuantitas maupun kualitas dalam organisasi rumah sakit merupakan penampilan dari setiap upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang merupakan tanggung jawab perawat manajer. Perawat manajer adalah orang yang terlibat dalam akreditasi dan bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan, sehingga tujuan pelayanan keperawatan yang bermutu tercapai.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran 'hubungan antara pemahaman tentang akreditasi rumah sakit dan karakteristik dengan kinerja perawat manajer di Rumah Sakit Kepolisian Pusat Raden Said Sukanto Jakarta'. Disain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional, pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 80 orang, dengan instrumen kuesioner yang telah diujikan hasil valid dan reliabel.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemahaman akreditasi Rumah Sakit bidang pelayanan keperawatan dengan kinerja perawat manajer (p=0,973). Perawat manajer yang paham tentang akreditasi lebih baik, memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya dibandingkan dengan perawat manajer yang kurang paham. Sedangkan karakteristik menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan kinerja perawat manajer.
Disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman perawat manajer tentang akreditasi tidak berhubungan bermakna dengan kinerja perawat. Direkomendasikan bahwa pimpinan rumah sakit perlu menjelaskan pemahaman perawat manajer tentang akreditasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajer dalam pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit.

In a hospital organization, the personnel's performance from both the quality or quantity standpoint reflects the effort in health service was responsible nurse manager. The person who is involved in the accreditation process is the nurse manager and he/ she is responsible in managing the nursing services to achieve the high quality nursing services.
This research is intended to illustrate 'the relationship between the understanding of hospital accreditation and individual characteristic with the performance of nurse managers at the Raden Said Sukanto Main Police Hospital in Jakarta'. The research format is a co relational descriptive with a cross sectional characteristic. The sample for this research is taken from the entire nurse manager staff at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital numbering to 80 people, the instrument used with the validity and reliability test.
The result reveals that there is no significant relation between the understanding of hospital accreditation in the field of nursing services with the nurse manager's performance (p=0.973). A nurse manager who understands the gist of accreditation has a slightly better chance to improve his/her performance compared to a nurse manager who is insufficient in his/her understanding of the accreditation. The research on characteristic reveals that there is no significant relation between the individual's characteristic and the performance of nurse managers at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital.
The conclusion of this study showed that there isn't significant relation between the undertanding nurse manager with performance nurse's. From this result can be suggested for direction hospital need explained the continuation of the accreditation process to provide an effective learning experience to increase the quality of the nursing service is recommended.
In a hospital organization, the personnel's performance from both the quality or quantity standpoint reflects the effort in health service was responsible nurse manager. The person who is involved in the accreditation process is the nurse manager and he/she is responsible in managing the nursing services to achieve the high quality nursing services. This research is intended to illustrate 'the relationship between the understanding of hospital accreditation and individual characteristic with the performance of nurse managers at the Raden Said Sukanto Main Police Hospital in Jakarta'. The research format is a co relational descriptive with a cross sectional characteristic. The sample for this research is taken from the entire nurse manager staff at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital numbering to 80 people, the instrument used with the validity and reliability test. The result reveals that there is no significant relation between the nderstanding of hospital accreditation in the field of nursing services with the nurse manager's performance (p=0.973). A nurse manager who understands the gist of accreditation has a slightly better chance to improve his/her performance compared to a nurse manager who is insufficient in his/her understanding of the accreditation. The research on characteristic reveals that there is no significant relation between the individual's characteristic and the performance of nurse managers at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital. The conclusion of this study showed that there isn't significant relation between the undertanding nurse manager with performance nurse's. From this result can be suggested for direction hospital need explained the continuation of the accreditation process to provide an effective learning experience to increase the quality of the nursing service is recommended.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Darmanto Djojodibroto
Jakarta: Hipokrates, 1997
362.173 DAR k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Prapancha Satar
"Suatu studi kualitatif di bidang Manajemen Pemasaran Rumah Sakit, khususnya aspek Penjualan dan Strategi Pemasaran yang dilakukan pada Rumah Sakit "X" dan Unit Medical Check-Up RS"X" pada bulan April 1996 - Juni 1996. Rumah Sakit "X" sebagai rumah sakit swasta profit dengan berbagai jenis pelayanan kesehatan, salah satu diantaranya adalah berupa pelayanan Medical Check-Up. Manajemen pemasaran Rumah Sakit "X" telah menerapkan berbagai fungsi manajemen pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran yang berupa strategi bauran pemasaran dan seleksi pasar. Dalam tahun 1994 dan 1995, tingkat penjualan jasa pelayanan tersebut belum mencapai target volume penjualan seperti apa yang diharapkan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis deskriptif tentang aspek penjualan unit Medical Check-Up, penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen pemasaran Rumah Sakit "X" dan strategi pemasaran unit Medical Check-Up. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif terhadap manajemen pemasaran Rumah Sakit "X", serta aspek penjualan dan strategi pemasaran unit Medical Check-Up. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan unit Medical Check-Up. Data primer diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dan partisipasi observasi peneliti. Volume penjualan total untuk tahun 1995 sebesar 894 paket dengan nilai penjualan yang tidak dapat diperoleh datanya, sehingga varian penjualan tidak dapat dinilai. Diperoleh hasil karakteristik konsumen Medical Check-Up berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, domisili dan jenis perusahaan pengguna jasa.
Fungsi perencanaan dan pengawasan belum berjalan baik, fungsi pengorganisasian belum optimal, kegiatan pemasaran telah berjalan baik (promosi dan publisitas). Dari komponen strategi pemasaran terlihat produk yang ada cukup pariatif dengan harga yang bersaing, dan tempat pelayanan yang nyaman, disertai kegiatan promosi yang cukup aktif. Segmen pasar yang dijadikan sasaran yaitu perusahaan khususnya sektor perbankan dan kalangan eksekutif, yang menempatkan posisi produk bagi kalangan menengah ke atas dalam segmen geografis, tanpa pesaing yang berarti. Rumah Sakit "X" telah menerapkan fungsi-fungsi manajemen pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran bagi unit Medical Check-Up, namun dirasakan belum optimal. Dari aspek penjualan dapat diidentifikasi faktor-faktor volume, nilai dan karakteristik konsumen pengguna jasa pelayanan, yang perlu dikembangkan agar dapat meningkatkan pencapaian penjualan unit Medical Check-Up.

The Sales Analysis On Medical Check-Up Unit In Marketing Management Of The "X" Hospital (Rs "X"), JakartaA qualitative study in the Marketing Management of Hospital, especially the Sales aspect and Marketing Strategy used in the "X" Hospital and Medical Check-Up Unit of The "X" Hospital on April 1996 - June 1996. "X" Hospital as a profit, private hospital provide various health services, one of them is Medical Check-Up. The marketing management of the "X" Hospital have applied various management functions and the marketing strategy in terms of the marketing mix and market selection. From 1994 to 1995, the service sales have not reached the sales volume target as expected.
This research is intended to make a descriptive analysis regarding the sales aspect of the Medical Check-Up unit, application of marketing management of the "X" Hospital, and sales aspect and marketing strategy of the Medical Check-Up unit. The data used is a secondary one which is obtained from recording and reporting system of the Medical Check-Up Unit. The primary data is obtained from an in-depth interview and participatory observation by the researcher. The sales volume for 1995 is 894 packages with the sales valve which is not available, that the sales variance can not be appraised. The Medical Check-Up consumer characteristics are obtained based on age, sex, domicile and types of the company of the use the service.
The planning and controlling function do not run smoothly, the organization function has not run in optimum way, the marketing activities have run smoothly (through promotion and publicity). From the marketing strategy components, it can be seen that the existing products have many variations with competitive price, and the service location is convenience, and the promotion activities is quite active. The target market segment is companies especially banking sector and executives, which place the product position for middle upper class in the geographic segment, without significant competitor. The "X" Hospital have applied the marketing management functions and the marketing strategy for the Medical Check-Up, however, it is not optimum yet. It can be identified in terms of the sales aspect that the volume factors, values and characteristics of the consumers of the health service need to be developed to order to increase the sales achievement of the Medical Check-Up unit.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Hartono
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010
362.11 BAM m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duror En Nasik
"Program JKN Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional memberikan perubahan sangat besar dalampelaksanaan proses bisnis dan operasional rumah sakit di Indonesia agar dapatmeningkatkan taraf kesehatan dan taraf hidup penduduk Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukanmelalui analisis kelayakan dan persiapan perubahan Kelas D RS Pelabuhan Palembangmenjadi Kelas C di tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode telaahdokumen, wawancara mendalam dan Consensus Decision Making Group. HasilPenelitian didapatkan penilaian rata-rata standar pelayanan, sumber daya manusia SDM ,peralatan, sarana dan prasarana, administrasi dan manajemen di RS Pelabuhan Palembangyaitu 73,2 . Elemen-elemen penilaian RS Pelabuhan Palembang sebagian besarmemenuhi standar layak untuk menjadi kelas C. Perbaikan dan peningkatan standar yangbelum terpenuhi akan dilengkapi.Kata Kunci: Kelayakan dan kesiapan, kelas rumah sakit, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional.

Name Duror En NasikStudy Programme Hospital AdministrationTitle Planning Pelabuhan Hospital of Palembang from Class DHospital to Class C Hospital in 2017The JKN National Health Insurance program provides a biggest change in theimplementation of business processes and hospital operations in Indonesia inorder to improve the health and standard of living of Indonesians. The researchwas conducted through feasibility analysis and preparation of change of Class DRS Pelabuhan Palembang to Class C in 2017. Type of qualitative research withmethod of document review, in depth interview and Consensus Decision MakingGroup. The result of the research is the average of service standard, humanresources HR , equipment, facillities and infrastructure, administration andmanagement at Pelabuhan Palembang Hospital is 73,2 . Assessment Elements ofPelabuhan Hospital Palembang mostly have the proper standard to be class C.Improvements and upgrades to unmet standards will be completed.Key Word Feasibility and Readiness, Hospital Class, National Health Insurance."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI-JMARSI 1(1-2) 1999
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Hendrawati Sudibyo
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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