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Audina Atthaya Hasna
"Laporan ini menganalisis ekualisasi pajak penghasilan badan dengan pajak pertambahan nilai PT OP Indonesia dalam rangka pengajuan restitusi pajak penghasilan badan. Terdapat beberapa kondisi yang menyebabkan PT OP Indonesia harus melakukan ekualisasi antara peredaran usaha dalam SPT PPh Badan dengan total penyerahan dalam SPT Masa PPN setahun. Ekualisasi yang dilakukan oleh PT OP Indonesia disebabkan karena ada perbedaan waktu. Dari hasil analisis tersebut diperoleh bahwa PT OP Indonesia telah melakukan kewajiban perpajakannya dengan baik dan ekualisasi yang dibuat oleh PT OP Indonesia tidak melanggar peraturan perpajakan.

This report analyze equalization of corporate income tax with value added tax PT OP Indonesia in order to apply for corporate income tax refund. There are several conditions that cause PT OP Indonesia made equalization between gross income stated in Annual Corporate Income Tax Return (1771 Form) and total delivery of taxable goods stated in Value Added Tax Periodic Return in annual. Equalization that had been made by PT OP Indonesia due to the time difference. The result of analysis shows that PT OP Indonesia has performed its tax obligation well and equalization made by PT OP Indonesia does not violate the taxation rules."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Citranur
"Konsekuensi atas sistem pemungutan pajak di Indonesia yang menganut Self Assessment System menuntut Dirjen Pajak untuk meningkatkan pengawasan atas kewajiban perpajakan melalui pemeriksaan pajak. Oleh karena itu, wajib pajak perlu melakukan persiapan untuk menghadapi pemeriksaan, salah satunya melalui ekualisasi SPT. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai ekualisasi peredaran usaha dalam SPT PPh badan dan PPN sebagai bagian dari perencanaan pajak dalam rangka pemeriksaan berdasarkan studi kasus PT XYZ. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan ekualisasi dipengaruhi oleh proses bisnis wajib pajak dan permasalahan teknis. Ekualisasi memiliki peran sebagai perencanaan pajak untuk meminimalisir adanya kejutan pajak dalam pemeriksaan.

As a consequence of tax collecting system in Indonesia applied Self Assessment System requires Directorate General of Taxation to increase monitoring system of tax obligation by tax audit. Thus, taxpayer have to prepare facing tax audit, through equalization of tax return. This research discusses sales equalization of Corporate Income Tax Return and VAT Tax Return as a part of tax planning in audit based on the case study at PT XYZ. This study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The result of this study shows that equalization is influenced by business nature of taxpayer and the technical problems. Equalization has a role as tax planning to minimize tax surprise in audit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Puspa Negari
Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) adalah pajak yang dikenakan atas setiap pertambahan nilai dari barang dan jasa dalam peredarannya dari produsen ke konsumen. Melalui perhitungan dan pelaporan yang baik, maka perusahaan dapat dikatakan telah memenuhi peraturan yang berlaku guna untuk meningkatkan anggaran pembangunan nasional Pemerintah. PT LMN Indonesia merupakan perusahaan produksi makanan ringan. Melalui laporan magang ini akan diketahui mengenai penerapan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan seperti pencatatan, perhitungan, serta pengkreditan dan pelaporannya. Kesimpulan dari laporan magang ini adalah Perusahaan telah melaksanakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Namun demikian, masih terdapat kekurangan yang dapat diperbaiki yaitu terlambat atau kurang lengkapnya dokumen-dokumen yang diterima dari divisi lain sehingga menghambat proses pelaporan.
Contoh Penulisan Abstrak:
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
Value Added Tax (VAT) is tax that impsed on any appreciation in value of the goods or services in its circulation from producers to consumers. Through good calculation and reporting, the company have complied with applicable regulations to help in increasing the Government's national development budget. PT LMN Indonesia is a multinational food and beverage company. Through this internship report, it will be known about the application of Value Added Tax carried out by the company such as recording, calculation, crediting, and reporting. The conclusion of this report is that the Value Added Tax reporting accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. However, there is still weakness that can be corrected  related to late or uncomplete document that has been received by the divisions, in effect it slow down the progress of filling report."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadhif Zulfa Agustina
"Studi ini menganalisis dampak reformasi Pajak Penghasilan badan (PPh badan) dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dengan menggunakan model Computable General Equilibrium (CGE). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa penurunan tarif PPh badan dan kenaikan tarif PPN secara bersamaan meningkatkan konsumsi pemerintah dan investasi tetapi menurunkan konsumsi swasta, PDB, dan pendapatan di semua kelompok rumah tangga dengan penurunan terbesar di kelompok rumah tangga perdesaan. Sektor yang mengalami peningkatan output terbesar antara lain sektor administrasi pemerintahan, pertahanan, dan jaminan sosial wajib, sektor jasa pendidikan, dan sektor jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial

This study analyzes the impact of Corporate Income Tax and VAT reforms on the Indonesian economy using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. The simulation results showed that a decrease in the Corporate Income Tax rate and an increase in the VAT rate simultaneously increased government consumption and investment but decreased private consumption, GDP, and incomes in all household groups with the largest decline in the rural household group. The sectors that experienced the greatest increase in output included the government administration, defense, and compulsory social security sectors, the education service sector, and the health services and social activities sector."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Musthofa Zakki
"Laporan magang ini membahas perlakuan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) PT HNM yang diikutsertakan dalam program Pengampunan Pajak pada tahun 2016. PT HNM merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa manajemen perhotelan. Perlakuan pengampunan PPN akan dianalisa apakah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Ketentuan yang dijadikan rujukan ialah UU No. 11 tahun 2016 tentang Pengampunan Pajak, PSAK 70 tentang Pengampunan Pajak dan PSAK 25 tentang Kebijakan Akuntansi, Perubahan Estimasi Akuntansi, dan Kesalahan. Perlakuan atas harta bersih yang timbul dari program Pengampunan Pajak dianggap sebagai saldo laba menurut UU Pengampunan Pajak sedangkan menurut PSAK 70 harus dianggap dalam tambahan modal disetor. Lalu koreksi atas harta dan liabilitas yang timbul dalam pengampunan pajak harus sesuai dengan PSAK 25.

This report explains about treatment Value Added Tax (VAT) PT HNM, a hospitality management company, that participated in Tax Amnesty program in 2016. Amnesty treatment on VAT will be checked whether it is comply with the standards. Standards which become references are UU No. 11 2016, PSAK 70 and PSAK 25. Treatment upon additional net asset recognized as retained earning in Tax Regulation but recognized as Additional Paid in Capital in PSAK 70. Then correction for asset and liability that occur in tax amnesty should comply with PSAK 25."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Gunawan
"Laporan magang ini membahas tentang upaya banding yang dilakukan oleh PT Wandadalam menghadapi sengketa Pajak Pertambahan Nilai tahun pajak 2012 terkait koreksiatas pos penyerahan yang PPN-nya dipungut sendiri dan pos penyerahan yang PPN-nyatidak dipungut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan yang menjadi penyebab dalam pokoksengketa adalah adanya perbedaan persepsi antara fiskus dengan Wajib Pajak mengenaipenyerahan Barang Kena Pajak BKP yang dilakukan oleh Wajib Pajak di KawasanBebas Batam. Fiskus beranggapan bahwa penyerahan BKP tersebut wajib dipungut PPNkarena tidak mendapat endorsement dari pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. SementaraWajib Pajak merasa bahwa prosedur penyerahan BKP sudah tepat dan telah diawasisecara penuh oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai. Dalam laporan ini, diperolehkesimpulan bahwa atas penyerahan BKP tersebut tidak dapat mengesampingkan asassubstance over form sehingga Majelis memutuskan untuk mengabulkan seluruhnyabanding yang diajukan oleh PT Wanda.

This report explains an appeal made by PT Wanda related to the 2012 Value Added Tax dispute concerning the correction of the surrender post whose VAT is levied on its own and the surrender post whose VAT is not collected. The results of the analysis indicate that the cause of the dispute is the different perceptions between the tax authority and taxpayer regarding the delivery of Taxable Goods done by the taxpayer in the Batam. Taxauthority assumes that the delivery of Taxable Goods shall be levied on VAT because it does not get the endorsement from the Directorate General of Taxes officials. While thetaxpayer feels that the procedure of the delivery of Taxable Goods is correct and has beenfully supervised by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. In this report, it isconcluded that the delivery of Taxable Goods cannot rule out the substance over form principle so that the Panel of Judges decide to grant all appeals filed by PT Wanda."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Hasanah
"Laporan magang ini menjelaskan prosedur audit atas akun perpajakan pada perusahaan publik yang bergerak dalam industri teknologi informasi dan penyelenggaraan internet. Dalam pelaksanaan prosedur audit perpajakan juga dilakukan pengecekan terhadap Pajak Penghasilan Badan (PPh Badan). Selain itu, di bahas juga temuan audit perpajakan. Setelah melaksanakan prosedur audit, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perusahaan telah akun perpajakan perusahaan telah disajikan secara wajar dan bebas dari salah saji material.

This internship report explains about taxations audit procedure for public company in information technology industry dan internet provider. While doing the audit procedure, the corporate income tax was examined. Moreover, the audit finding in taxation is disscused. After the taxations audit procedure was done, it can be concluded that the taxation account is presented fairly and free from material misstatement."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alwan Ibrahim
"Ekonomi digital semakin mendominasi sistem ekonomi di era ini, perdagangan aset kripto timbul karena adanya perkembangan teknologi. Dalam transaksi aset kripto, terdapat pihak yang memperdagangkan aset kripto baik dari sisi komersial, tukar menukar, maupun jasa pertambangan. Pengenaan PPN atas perdagangan aset kripto dilihat dari adanya objek PPN aset kripto yang termasuk dalam komoditi. Sedangkan aset kripto dikategorikan sebagai penghasilan karena adanya penambahan kekayaan pada transaksi perdagangannya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang kebijakan PPN dan PPh atas Transaksi Perdagangan Aset Kripto yang diatur di dalam PMK No. 68/PMK.03/2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perumusan kebijakan dan bagaimana strategi implementasi yang telah disiapkan serta membandingkan bagaimana kebijakan pajak kripto, dengan negara anggota forum G20. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perumusan kebijakan dilatar belakangi oleh upaya pemerintah untuk memungut pajak aset kripto sebagaimana sesuai dengan asas pemungutan pajak yakni equality dan bersifat netral, serta sesuai dengan asas keadilan dan didasari oleh asas revenue productivity. Dalam penetapan kebijakan, pemerintah memilih opsi untuk memberi kepastian bagi Wajib Pajak yang melaksanakan kewajiban perpajakan. Selanjutnya, strategi implementasi yang disiapkan oleh pemerintah ialah dengan melakukan sosialisasi, serta mempersiapkan sistem yang baik untuk implementasinya baik dari segi teknologi maupun ekonomi.

Digital economy increasingly dominating the economic system in this era, crypto assets trading arises due to technological developments. In a trade of crypto assets transaction, the crypto is subject to VAT payable because of it’s categorization as Commodities. The other subject is Income Tax because of how crypto assets is additional income to those who owned crypto assets. This research discusses about taxation of Crypto Assets policy in Indonesia, which regulated in PMK No. 68/PMK.03/2022. This study aims to analyze the policy’s formulation and analyzing the strategy of implementation, also to compare the policy and implementation of VAT dan Income Tax, along with countries in the G20 Forum. The method of this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The result of this research indicates that the policies is based by the Government’s attempt to collect a Tax on crypto assets trading as accordant with the principle of tax collections which are equality and neutral, and based by the revenue productivity. Government chose the option giving certainty to Taxpayers who engages in taxation obligations. The strategy of implementation which Government prepares is to hold socialization, and to organize a system for the implementation, both from the technology and economy viewpoint."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tressieta M
"Undang-Undang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Indonesia menganut metode Indirect Substraction Method untuk mendeteksi atau menguji kebenaran jumlah pajak yang terutang. Jumlah output tax lebih kecil daripada input tax, selisihnya merupakan kelebihan pembayaran pajak yang dapat direstitusi ataupun dikompensasi. Dengan menggunakan sistem self assessment dapat mengajukan restitusi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dengan status lebih bayar. Studi ini merupakan penelitian implementasi kebijakan perpajakan atas restitusi PPN pasca pemberhentian Pemeriksaan Bukti Permulaan yang terjadi di PT. ABC dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam. Dalam proses restitusi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang sedang diajukan oleh PT ABC, pihak DJP melakukan pemeriksaan bukti permulaan terhadap PT. ABC. Dengan dilakukannya pemeriksaan bukti permulaan kepada PT. ABC maka restitusi PPN yang diajukan oleh PT. ABC tertangguhkan. PT. ABC tidak terbukti melakukan tindak pidana dibidang perpajakan dengan demikian pemeriksaan bukti permulaan terhadap PT. ABC diberhentikan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Setelah diberhentikannya pemeriksaan bukti permulaan terhadap PT. ABC, DJP tidak langsung menerbitkan SKPLB sebagaimana diatur didalam Pasal 17B Undang-Undang KUP. Adapun dampak implementasi kebijakan restitusi PPN setelah dihentikannya pemeriksaan bukti permulaan bagi PT. ABC yaitu menyebabkan ketidakpastian atas restitusi yang diajukan dan tidak mendapatkan imbalan bunga atas SKPLB yang diterbitkan melebihi jangka waktu 12 bulan dan meningkatkan compliance cost PT. ABC.

The Indonesian Value Added Tax Act adheres to the Indirect Subtraction Method to detect or test the correct amount of tax payable. The amount of output tax is smaller than the input tax, the difference is the excess payment of taxes that can be refunded or compensated. By using the self assessment system, taxpayers can claim a Value Added Tax refund for the submission of Value Added Tax Return with overpayment status. This study is about the implementation of taxation policies on Value Added Tax (PPN) restitution after the termination of the Preliminary Investigation Tax Audit that occurred at PT. ABC by using a qualitative approach and in-depth interviews. In the process of value added tax restitution that is being submitted by PT ABC, the DGT execute the preliminary investigation tax audit to PT. ABC. By conducting preliminary investigation tax audit to PT. ABC then the VAT refund submitted by PT. ABC is suspended. PT. ABC is not proven to have committed a criminal act in the taxation field, thus preliminary investigation tax audit to PT. ABC was terminated. The results of this study are after the termination of preliminary investigation tax audit of PT. ABC, DGT does not directly issue SKPLB (Overpayment Tax Assessment Letter) as stipulated in Article 17B of the KUP Law. As for the impact of the implementation of the VAT restitution policy after the termination of the preliminary investigation tax audit PT. ABC, that is, causes uncertainty over the restitution that is submitted and does not receive interest benefits for SKPLB issued over a period of 12 months and increase compliance cost PT. ABC."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidabutar, Togar
"The transaction price of goods, or service fees, are affected by a variety of factors such as types and quality of the goods concerned, competition, consumer demand and general economic condition. In general transaction prices constitute base prices added by the firm's margin. In the business world at a particular time transaction prices do not account for margins, with some perhaps even being found lower than the cost of goods production. However, tax authorities pay attention to related party transactions as their prices may be subject to manipulation. These prices will be set at arm's length if we compare them with those for independent parties. As a further result, the taxable income reported in tax returns of the taxpayers in question are less than what it should be. The main issue and question in the author's research are how to determine that a transaction has been conducted at arm's length and what connection can be found between the corrections made through audit and income tax revenue. The pricing set for transactions between related parties are called as transfer pricing. A related party transaction is deemed to occur when there is a link between the common and controlling shareholders, management of the parties involved, including their horizontal and vertical family relationships. One way to determine if there is an arm's length price is to compare the transfer pricing on related parties and those on unrelated parties. Some of the common approaches applied-are the comparable uncontrol price method, resale price method, cost plus method and comparable profit method.
The author surveyed the results of inspections conducted by the State Revenue Optimization Team (SROT) into related firm transactions.
From the survey, the author has found:
1. In practice it is difficult to arrive at an accurate comparative figure as the period of the audit above has been limited and data and information concerning similar firms to taxpayers are lacking. A new approach which has been employed by tax authorities in several countries for the purpose of reducing the occurrences of problems associated with the determination of transaction prices is called as the Advanced Pricing Arrangement. This method has been set out in Article 18(3a) of Law number 17 of 2000.
2. The corrections through audit into or the potential income tax revenue by SROT from the transactions conducted between taxpayers and their related parties amount to Rp 932,952,280,602. However, only Rp 51,821,609,658, or 5.55% of this amount was accepted by taxpayers. Hence, these taxpayers did want to pay a total of Rp 881,130,670,944, or 94.45%. The taxpayers then request of objection or appeals on the assessments made by the Director General of Taxation. However, the Director General of Taxation rejected these request . In addition, the Tax Court rejected appeals which amounted to Rp 4,696,385,476.
The corrections above were conducted due to the fact that:
- There has been lack of audit guidelines concerning related party transactions.
- Taxpayers are unable to make clear explanations on how they arrived at transfer pricing. In addition, the factors which cause transfer pricing vary from those affecting market prices, or the transaction prices among unrelated parties.
The author recommends as follows:
- Taxpayers should make a pricing policy whereby transaction prices are described and broken down. In addition, they should explain the factors which cause their transfer pricing to differ from market prices, or the transaction prices among unrelated company.
- Tax authorities set a comparative figure or indicator, taken from taxpayers' data bases, as a reference for auditor for the purpose of assessing transaction fairness.
- Consideration should be made to re-evaluate the fines in the form of interest payments, and penalties which are regulated in Law number 16 of 2000. Different sanctions, in the form of, for example, higher percentage or without correspondence adjustments, should be charged on taxpayers who do provide information on their related party transactions.
- Issuance of the implementation guidelines for Article 18(3a) of Law number 17 of 2000 to both taxpayers and the Directorate General of Taxation regarding agreements about the determination of transaction prices.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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