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Nasution, Muhammad Teguh Ariffaiz
"Dalam Hubungan Internasional kekuatan militer memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk tatanan kekuatan global. Negara-negara, terutama kekuatan utama dunia, saling bersaing untuk mengembangkan kemampuan militer yang dapat meungguli kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh negara lawan. Persaingan ini menghasilkan konsep revolution in military affairs yaitu revolusi teknologi, doktrin dan organisasi militer yang dapat membawa perubahan besar terhadap cara bagaimana negara berperang. Cina sebagai kekuatan besar di dunia menjadi salah satu negara yang mengembangkan RMA bagi angkatan bersenjatanya, dengan menempuh jalan perkembangan RMA yang asimetris. Tulisan ini akan membahas kajian literatur mengenai perkembangan RMA Cina menggunakan metode taksonomi dengan membagi ke dalam tiga tema besar: ancaman eksternal, kekuatan ekonomi pertahanan dan penguasaan teknologi militer. Dari kajian literatur yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa Cina mengembangkan kemampuan RMA yang asimetris sebagai respon dari kehadiran ancaman eksternal, yaitu kekuatan militer Amerika Serikat. Kelemahan negara tersebut dalam segi ekonomi pertahanan dan penguasaan teknologi mengharuskan Cina untuk menempuh pengembangan kemampuan yang asimetris. Cina mengembangkan kemampuan peperangan informasi IW dan anti-access/area denial A2/AD sebagai antitesis dari kemampuan utama militer AS yaitu kemempuan network centric warfare, dan kemampuan proyeksi kekuatan. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah RMA Cina yang asimetris berhasil mengancam kemampuan beroperasinya militer AS di kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik Barat, sehingga meningkatkan biaya bagi intervensi militer AS dalam konflik bersenjata yang melibatkan Cina. Dalam konteks peperangan lokal yang terbatas, kemampuan tersebut berpotensi efektif dalam menjamin keamanan Cina dari intervensi militer AS.

In International Relations, military power plays an important role in shaping the international order. States, especially the great powers of the world, continuously compete to develop military capability that can challenge those of their adversaries. This competition resulted in the concept of revolution in military affairs (RMA), a military technological, doctrinal and organizational revolution that brings about a major change in the way the states wage war. China as a world major power is one of the countries that are currently developing RMA for its armed forces, by taking an asymmetric development path for its RMA. This paper will discuss literature review on the development of Chinese RMA using taxonomic methods by dividing into three major themes: external threats, defense economy capability and the mastery of military technology. From the literature review conducted, it was found that China developed an asymmetric RMA capability in response to the presence of external threats, namely the presence US military power in East Asia and Western Pacific region. The country's weakness in terms of defense economy capability and technological mastery requires China to pursue the development of asymmetric capabilities. China developed information warfare (IW) and anti-access / denial areas (A2 / AD) capabilities as the antithesis to US military's main capabilities which are network centric warfare, and long distance power projection. This paper concludes that China's asymmetric RMA capability successfully threaten US military's operational capabilities in East Asia and Western Pacific region, by raising the costs for US military intervention in armed conflict involving China. In the context of a limited local war, these capabilities are potentially effective in ensuring China's security from US military intervention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Timperlake, Edward
Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1999
355.031 TIM r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sesanti Mulyaningrum
"Tesis ini membahas perkembangan ilmu militer modern Cina sejak akhir masa pemerintahan Dinasti Qing ( 1895 ) hingga pendirian Akademi Militer Whampoa pada tahun 1924. Ketidakmampuan pemerintah Qing dalam menangani berbagai permasalahan yang berasal dari dalam maupun luar Cina menyebabkan pemerintah meminta bantuan kepada negara Barat untuk membentuk maupun melatih kesatuan militer modern; sekaligus mendirikan akademi militer modern. Dimulai sejak Pemberontakan Taiping ( 1850-1864 ) berlangsung, perkembangan ilmu militer modern Cina terus berkembang hingga pendirian Akademi Militer Whampoa pada tahun 1924 di Whampoa oleh Partai Nasionalis Cina beraliansi dengan Komintern-Partai Komunis Cina. Akademi Militer Whampoa adalah akademi militer modern pertama yang didirikan setelah Republik Cina berdiri pada tahun 1912. Perwira Whampoa kelak berperan baik dalam militer maupun pemerintahan Republik Cina ataupun Republik Rakyat Cina.

This thesis discusses the development of the science of modern China's military since the end of the reign of the Qing dynasty (1895) until the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924. Qing Government's incompetence in dealing with various problems that come from within and outside the Chinese caused the government requested the assistance of Western countries to establish and train a modern military force; at the same time established a modern military academy. Starting from the Taiping rebellion (1850-1864), the development of modern Chinese military science continued to develop until the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924 by the Chinese Nationalist Party alliance with the Comintern-the Communist Party of China. Whampoa Military Academy was the first modern military academy that was established after the Republic of China was founded in 1912. Whampoa officers would play a role in both the military and the government of the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fariq Makarim
"Penggunaan domain luar angkasa sebagai domain atau medan perang dicoba seiring dengan adanya teknologi yang mampu menempatkan manusia di luar atmosfer bumi. Sistem teknologi ini juga memungkinkan kemajuan peradaban manusia dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk perdagangan, keuangan, komunikasi, transportasi, dan pertahanan. Adanya teknologi ini mendorong penyesuaian sistem
pertahanan untuk mengembangkan konsep, strategi, dan organisasi untuk membentuk kemampuan tempur luar angkasa sesuai dengan kepentingan nasional. Amerika Serikat sedang merencanakan penyesuaian kelembagaan dengan mengambil kekuatan tempur combat luar angkasa independen, yaitu Angkatan Luar Angkasa, untuk memanfaatkan peluang dan menghadapi kerentanan yang berasal dari domain luar angkasa. Rencana ini dimanifestasikan dalam laporan Komisi untuk Menilai Keamanan Nasional Amerika Serikat Penataan Ruang dan Organisasi pada tahun 2001. Namun, tindak lanjut berupa
Kebijakan Space Force tidak dapat ditemukan hingga 2018 setelah terjadi dua kali pergantian presiden. Penelitian ini akan mencoba menjelaskan keterlambatan tersebut Kebijakan Space Force dalam sistem pertahanan AS. Penjelasan keterlambatan ini this akan dijelaskan dengan menggunakan konsep Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). Ruang angkasa Gaya dianggap sebagai salah satu unsur penyusun RMA yang kehadirannya dipengaruhi oleh unsur penyusun lainnya, yaitu strategi perang luar angkasa dan teknologi senjata. Tidak adanya unsur penyusun lain dan hambatan dalam struktur Pertahanan AS menyebabkan kebijakan Space Force tidak terwujud di Amerika Persatuan.

The use of the outer space domain as a domain or battlefield was tried along with the technology that was able to place humans outside the earth's atmosphere. This technological system also enables the advancement of human civilization in various fields, including trade, finance, communication, transportation, and defense. The existence of this technology encourages system adjustments defense to develop concepts, strategies and organizations to form space combat capabilities in accordance with national interests. The United States is planning institutional adjustments by taking on a combat force independent outer space, i.e. the Space Force, to take advantage of opportunities and deal with vulnerabilities emanating from the outer space domain. This plan was manifested in the report of the Commission to Assess the National Security of the United States Spatial Planning and Organization in 2001. However, follow-up took the form of Space Force policy could not be discovered until 2018 after two presidential changes. This study will try to explain the delay in the Space Force Policy in the US defense system. The explanation for this delay will be explained using the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) concept. Space Gaya is considered as one of the constituent elements of RMA whose presence is influenced by other constituent elements, namely space war strategy and weapons technology. The absence of other constituent elements and obstacles in the structure of US Defense caused the Space Force policy to not materialize in the United States."
Depok: 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Mokhamad Luthfi
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai revolution in military affairs (RMA) dalam kebijakan pertahanan Indonesia, yaitu pembangunan postur pertahanan berbasis minimum essential force (MEF/kekuatan pokok minimum) tahun 2010-2014. Tesis ini ingin melihat sejauhmana wacana RMA diadopsi dalam pembangunan kekuatan pokok minimum tersebut dengan melihat kepada perubahan tiga dimensi: teknologi, doktrin, dan organisasi militer Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan didukung data kuantitatif sebagai bahan analisis. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia tidak secara resmi mengadopsi RMA, namun wacana RMA telah menjadi salah satu penyebab perubahan dan inspirasi bagi akuisisi teknologi peralatan dan sistem senjata, doktrin, dan organisasi di tubuh TNI. Meskipun demikian, dari berbagai dokumen perencanaan dalam pembangunan MEF terdapat isyarat bahwa Indonesia menuju RMA.

This study addresses the revolution in military affairs (RMA) in Indonesia's defense policy, which directed to a defense posture based on the minimum essential force (MEF) 2010-2014. This study would like to see how far the discourse of the RMA was adopted in the minimum essential force by observing the changes in three dimensions of the Indonesian military: technology, doctrine, and organization. This research is a qualitative research which supported by quantitative data for analysis of materials. The results show that Indonesia has not officially adopted the RMA, but the RMA discourse had been one of the causes of change and inspiration for the acquisition of high technology equipment and weapons systems, doctrine, and organizations in the TNI. Nevertheless, from various government planning documents in the development of MEF there is a sign that there Indonesia is towards the RMA."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Hisyam
"Tesis ini membahas tentang ironi respon Taiwan di bawah Pemerintahan Presiden Chen Shui-bian pada 2000-2008, terhadap dampak peningkatan kapabilitas militer China. Pada periode tersebut, strategi militer China bertransformasi menjadi menyerang, namun Taiwan justru tidak meningkatkan, dan bahkan menurunkan, kapabilitas militernya. Dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan disain deskriptif ini, penyusun menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon Taiwan terhadap kpeningkatan kapabilitas militer China di tengah-tengah dilema keamanan yang mereka alami. Akhirnya, penyusun menyarankan China dan Taiwan untuk menggalang kerjasama melalui forum resmi atau tidak resmi, demi mencegah meletusnya konflik terbuka di sekitar Selat Taiwan.

This Thesis is about the ironic of Taiwan;s respond in the period of President Chen Shui-bian (2000-2008) towards the China;s military capability building. In that period of time, China's military strategy transform into attacking format, while Taiwan tend not to increasing it's military capability, but seem to downgrading it;s military capability. In this qualitative research along with description design, writers will explain some factors that influencing Taiwan's respond towards China's military capability building in the middle of security dilemma among them. At the end, writers suggests that China and Taiwan must cooperate through both official or un-official organization, in order to avoid warfare at the Taiwan Strait."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bob Satyhaprabu
"Fenomena intervensi militer telah berkembang secara signifikan setelah berakhirnya masa Perang Dingin dan hal tersebut juga berpengaruh pada berkembangnya literatur mengenai dampak intervensi militer eksternal pada konflik internal. Perkembangan literatur ini juga sempat menunjukkan adanya penggunaan istilah-istilah serta konsep yang cenderung ditemukan dalam ilmu hubungan internasional dalam berbagai kajian ini. Untuk itu, tinjauan pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana unsur serta konsep dari ilmu hubungan internasional ini sebenarnya digunakan dalam perkembangan kajian dampak intervensi militer eksternal pada konflik internal. Tulisan ini menggunakan alur tematis yang mengamati dampak intervensi militer eksternal pada unsur kapabilitas militer kedua pihak yang berkonflik, keadaan negara pascakonflik, keberadaan hak asasi manusia dalam konflik internalnya, dan dinamika kawasan yang dapat berubah dari adanya konflik internal ini. Hasil yang ditemukan dari pengamatan literatur dari empat tema tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan unsur power digunakan secara signifikan dalam kajian-kajian ini walau faktor kepentingan yang dimiliki pihak pelaksana intervensi serta bentuk karakteristik dari konflik internal tersebut juga berpengaruh dalam pemakaian power tersebut. Meskipun begitu, hasil pengamatan ini belum memberikan penjelasan yang signifikan mengenai peran bentuk intervensi militer bersifat unilateral maupun multilateral terhadap dampaknya dalam konflik internal ini.

Military intervention as a phenomenon has evolved significantly since the end of the Cold War and this emerging trend has a certain effect on influencing how foreign military intervention's impact on internal conflicts are observed by scholars. This emerging trend also shows something interesting which is the usage of some terms and concepts more commonly found on International Relations' studies in these articles about military intervention and internal conflicts. Because of that, the purpose of this literature review is to look at how International Relations' terms and concepts is implemented by researchers in the development of studies about foreign military intervention's impact on internal conflicts after the Cold War ended. To find how it is used in the literature's development, this literature review uses a thematic structure by forming four different themes in explaining the effects of an external military intervention on a country's internal conflict. By observing the literature's development, it is discovered that the concept of power and its forms is used considerably in the development of its literature although the intervener's interests as well as the characteristics of the internal conflict in question also has its own influence on which form of power is used in the intervention. This, however, does not lead to a detailed explanation about the unilateral or multilateral forms of military intervention's role on defining its effects on the ongoing internal conflict."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riccardi, Lorenzo
"The People{u2019}s Republic of China{u2019}s tax policies and international obligations are as multifaceted and dynamic as they are complex, developing closely with the nation{u2019}s rise to the world{u2019}s fastest-growing major economy. Today, after decades of reform and the entry into the World Trade Organization, China has developed regulatory systems that enable it to provide stable administration, including a tax structure. China{u2019}s main tax reform can be attributed to the enactment of the Enterprise Income Tax Law, which came into effect on January 1, 2008. Chinese tax regulations include direct taxes, indirect taxes, other taxes, and custom duties and from a collection point of view, China{u2019}s tax administration adopts a very devolved system, with revenue collected and shared between different levels of government in accordance with contracts between the different levels of the tax administration system. With respect to international treaties, China has established a network of bilateral tax treaties and regional free trade agreements. This publication describes in detail China{u2019}s complex tax system and policies, as well as major bilateral treaties in which China has entered into using country-by-country analysis. Lorenzo Riccardi is Tax Advisor and Certified Public Accountant specialized in international taxation. He is based in Shanghai, where he focuses on business and tax law, assisting foreign investments in East Asia. He is an auditor and an advisor for several corporate groups and he is partner and Head of Tax of the consulting firm GWA, specializing in emerging markets."
Heidelberg: Springer, 2013
343.510 4 RIC c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidauruk, Averin Dian Boruna
"Tulisan ini menganalisis penyimpangan teori kontrol sipil dalam pengisian kekosongan jabatan penjabat kepala daerah dan bagaimana idealnya pengangkatan penjabat kepala daerah tersebut harus mengutamakan supremasi sipil. Tulisan ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal. Teori kontrol sipil melihat bagaimana hubungan sipil-militer dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di suatu negara. Akan bersifat subjektif apabila terjadi pelemahan fungsi militer atau politisasi militer dan akan bersifat objektif apabila militer menjadi institusi yang professional. Perwujudan negara hukum yang demokratis terlihat dari implementasi kontrol sipilnya. Kewenangan militer yang terbatas pada pertahanan dan keamanan negara mendesak mereka menjadi sebuah institusi yang harus mengutamakan profesionalisme.Supremasi sipil terwujud apabila negara mampu memberikan batasan kewenangan militer atas pemerintahan sipil. TAP MPR No. VII/MPR/2000 menegaskan selain TNI dilarang untuk terlibat dalam kehidupan politik dan kegiatan politik praktis, TNI hanya diperbolehkan untuk menduduki jabatan sipil apabila telah pensiun atau mengundurkan diri. UU No. 34 Tahun 2004 membuka jalan keterlibatan TNI aktif menduduki jabatan sipil diikuti dengan Putusan MK No. 15/PUU-XX/2022 yang memperbolehkan TNI/Polri menjadi penjabat kepala daerah. Pengangkatan Penjabat Bupati Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat pada tahun 2022 yang lalu bertentangan dengan teori kontrol sipil karena menempatkan militer akif menduduki jabatan sipil yang cenderung bersifat politis karena kewenangan yang melekat padanya. Pengisian jabatan penjabat kepala daerah seharusnya lebih mengutamakan supremasi sipil dan TNI harus mengedepankan profesionalisme institusinya dengan membatasi keterlibatannya dalam pemerintahan sipil karena cakupan kewenangan TNI ialah sebagai alat pertahanan dan keamanan negara.

This article analyzes deviations from the theory of civil control in filling vacancies in the position of acting regional head and how ideally the appointment of acting regional heads should prioritize civilian supremacy. This article was prepared using doctrinal research methods. Civil control theory looks at how civil-military relations play out in the administration of government in a country. It would be subjective if there is a weakening of military functions or politicization of the military and it would be objective if the military becomes a professional institution. The realization of a democratic rule of law could be seen from the implementation of civilian control itself. The military's constrained mandate for national defense and security necessitates its transformation into an institution that prioritizes professionalism. Civil supremacy is occured if the state is able to limit military authority over civilian government. Decree of MPR No. VII/MPR/2000 emphasized that apart from the TNI being prohibited from being involved in political life and practical political activities, the TNI were only allowed to hold civilian positions if they had retired or resigned. Law No. 34 of 2004 paved the way for the active TNI involvement in civilian positions followed by Constitutional Court Decision No. 15/PUU-XX/2022 which allows the TNI/Polri becomes acting regional heads. The appointment of the Acting Regent of West Seram Regency in 2022 runs counter to the principle of civilian control, as it involves placing active military personnel in civilian roles that often have political implications due to the associated authority. Filling the position of acting regional head should prioritize civilian supremacy and the TNI must prioritize the professionalism of its institutions by limiting its involvement in civilian government because the scope of the TNI's authority is as a means of state defense and security."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
ONeill, Bard E.
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1978
355.035 694 ONE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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