ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konvergensi produktivitas tenaga kerja industri besar dan sedang sektor manufaktur dengan data panel untuk dua puluh enam propinsi di Indonesia dari tahun 1987 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Untuk mengestimasi konvergensi penelitian ini menggunakan interval waktu tiga tahun dan lima tahun. Hasil Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa konvergensi-β non-kondisional dan kondisional eksis pada industri besar dan sedang sektor manufaktur di Indonesia. Untuk Konvergensi-β non kondisional kecepatan konvergensi adalah 4,66 persen (periode tiga tahun) dan 6,83 persen (periode lima tahun) dengan halfway life selama 14,87 tahun (periode tiga tahun) dan 10,15 (periode lima tahun). Untuk Konvergensi-β non kondisional kecepatan konvergensi adalah 21,34 persen (periode tiga tahun) dan 27,16 persen (periode lima tahun) dengan halfway life selama 3,25 tahun (periode tiga tahun) dan 2,55 (periode lima tahun).
ABSTRACT"This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period).";"This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period).", "This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period)."]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014