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Suriani Alimuddin
"Background: nowadays, specific IgE measurement has been conducted in Indonesia, however there is still lack of data regarding diagnostic test to detect inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergies.This study aimed to determine the accuracy of specific IgE test in diagnosing specific sensitization of inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergies.
Methods: this was a cross sectional study in patients with respiratory allergies and part of epidemiology study regarding to specific IgE sensitization in Allergy-Immunollogy Division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta within November-December 2016. Measurement of specific IgE sensitization using Immunoblot method (Euroline, Euroimmun AG, Germany). The tested allergen is house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f), Blomia tropicalis (Blo t) and cockroach Blatella germanica (Bla g). The result is compared with gold standard, skin prick test. The diagnostic result includes sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (LR+), and negative likelihood ratio (LR-).
Results: a total of 101 patients were enrolled; 77 (76.2%) were women. Patients mean age was 38.8 years old. Based on SPT, sensitization was highest for Blo t (76.2%), followed by Der p (70.3%), Der f (69.3%), and Bla g (41.6%). Specific IgE-sensitization was highest for Der f (52.9%), followed by Der p (38.2%), Blo t (33.3%) and Bla g (10.8%). Der p allergen had 50.7% sentivity, 90% specificity, 92.3% PPV, 43.5% NPV, 5.1 LR+ and 0.1LR-. Der f showed 71.4% sensitivity, 87.1% specificity, 82.6% PPV, 57.4% NPV, 5.5 LR+ and 0.3 LR-. Blo t allergen had 41.6% sensitivity, 91.7% specificity, 94.1% PPV, 32.8% NPV, 5.0 LR+, and 0.6 LR-. Bla g allergen had 23.8% sensitivity, 98.3% specificity, 90.9% PPV, 64.4% NPV, 14.5 LR+ and 0.8 LR-.
Conclusion: serum specific IgE testing to common inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergy showed only low-to-moderate sensitivity, but high specificity and PPV. This new assay can be used to diagnose allergen sensitization in the population with high prevalence of TDR and cockroach.
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50: 2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suriani Alimuddin
Latar Belakang: Pemeriksaan IgE spesifik serum baru diperkenalkan di Indonesia, tetapi belum ada data uji diagnostik mengenai akurasinya dalam mendeteksi alergen tungau debu rumah dan kecoa pada pasien asma dan atau rinitis alergi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan akurasi diagnosis pemeriksaan IgE spesifik serum dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Der p , Dermatophagoides farinae Der f , Blomia tropicalis Blo t dan Blatella germanica Bla g pada pasien asma dan atau rinitis alergi.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang pada pasien alergi pernapasan dan merupakan bagian dari studi epidemiologi mengenai sensitisasi IgE spesifik di Divisi Alergi-Immunologi, RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, antara September dan Desember 2016. Pengukuran sensitisasi IgE spesifik dilakukan dengan metode imunoblot Euroline , Euroimmun AG, Germany . Alergen yang diuji adalah Der p, Der f, Blo t, dan Bla g. Hasilnya dibandingkan dengan baku emas uji tusuk kulit. Uji diagnostik yang dilakukan meliputi sensitivitas, spesifisitas, positive predicitive value PPV , negative predictive value NPV , likelihood ratio positif dan negatif LR and LR- .Hasil: Serbanyak 101 pasien dilibatkan dalam studi, 77 76,2 di antaranya adalah perempuan. Rerata usia pasien adalah 38,8 tahun. Berdasarkan uji tusuk kulit, sensitisasi tertinggi yang didapatkan adalah terhadap Blo t 76,2 , disusul oleh Der p 70,3 , Der f 69,3 , dan Bla g 41,6 . Sensitisasi IgE-spesifik tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh Der f 52,9 , diikuti oleh Der p 38,2 , Blo t 33,3 dan Bla g 10,8 . Alergen Der p memiliki 50,7 sentivitas, 90 spesifisitas, 92,3 PPV, 43,5 NPV, 5,1 LR dan 0,1 LR-. Der f memperlihatkan 71,4 sensitivitas, 87,1 spesifisitas, 82,6 PPV, 57,4 NPV, 5,5 LR dan 0,3 LR-. Alergen Blo t menunjukkan 41,6 sensitivitas, 91,7 spesifisitas, 94,1 PPV, 32,8 NPV, 5,0 LR , dan 0,6 LR-. Alergen Bla g menghasilkan 23,8 sensitivitas, 98,3 spesifisitas, 90,9 PPV, 64,4 NPV, 14,5 LR dan 0,8 LR-.Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan IgE spesifik serum dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Blomia tropicalis, dan Blatella germanica pada pasien asma dan atau rinitis alergi memperlihatkan sensitivitas rendah sampai sedang, tetapi spesifisitas dan PPV yang tinggi.

Background Serum specific IgE testing has recently been introduced in Indonesia, but diagnostic test has not been performed to know its performance to detect house dust mite and cockroach allergens in patients with allergic asthma and or rhinitis.Objective The objective of this study was to obtain diagnostic accuracy of serum specific IgE testing in diagnosing allergen sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Blomia tropicalis, and Blatella germanica allergens in patients with allergic asthma and or rhinitis.Method This was a cross sectional study among patients with respiratory allergy and was part of a larger epidemiology study on specific IgE sensitization in the Division of Allergy Immunology, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta between September and December 2016. Specific IgE sensitization was measured using immunoblot method Euroline , EuroImmun AG, Germany . Allergens tested were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Der p , Dermatophagoides farinae Der f , Blomia tropicalis Blo t , and Blatella germanica Bla g . The results was compared to the standard skin prick test . Diagnostic test were performed and include sensitivity, specificity, positive predicitive value PPV , negative predictive value NPV , positive and negative likelihood ratio LR and LR .Results A total of 101 patients were enrolled 77 76.2 were women. Patients mean age was 38.8 years old. Based on SPT, sensitization was highest for Blo t 76.2 , followed by Der p 70.3 , Der f 69.3 , and Bla g 41.6 . Specific IgE sensitization was highest for Der f 52.9 , followed by Der p 38.2 , Blo t 33.3 and Bla g 10.8 . Der p allergen had 50.7 sentivity, 90 specificity, 92.3 PPV, 43.5 NPV, 5.1 LR and 0.1LR . Der f showed 71.4 sensitivity, 87.1 specificity, 82.6 PPV, 57.4 NPV, 5.5 LR and 0.3 LR . Blo t allergen had 41.6 sensitivity, 91.7 specificity, 94.1 PPV, 32.8 NPV, 5.0 LR , and 0.6 LR . Bla g allergen had 23.8 sensitivity, 98.3 specificity, 90.9 PPV, 64.4 NPV, 14.5 LR and 0.8 LR .Conclusion Serum specific IgE testing to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Blomia tropicalis, and Blatella germanica allergens in patients with allergic asthma and or rhinitis showed only low to moderate sensitivity, but high specificity and PPV."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iris Rengganis
Background: pollens from trees or grasses in Indonesia have a perennial distribution due to the tropical climate. However, pollen allergy has not been well studied. This study aimed to evaluate the profile of pollen IgE sensitization in respiratory allergic patients in Jakarta. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study in patients with a history of respiratory allergy in Jakarta, Indonesia between September and December 2016. Adult asthmatic patients aged 19-60 years were invited to undergo serum specific IgE testing at the Allergy and Immunology Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Patients were included if they showed at least one positive skin prick test with environmental allergens. Quantitative determination of specific IgE in serum was carried out by multiple allergosorbent (MAST) assays (Polycheck Allergy, Biocheck GmbH, Munster, Germany). Serum specific IgE levels of more than 0.35 kU/L or Class 1 was considered positive. Results: a total of 106 cases were eligible for analysis; 81 (76.4%) were women. Patients mean age was 38.8+12.1 (range 19-59) years old. 59.4% of patients have both asthma and allergic rhinitis. There are 9 (8.5%) patients positive for IgE-pollen sensitization; 8 among them showed sensitization to at least 2 pollens. Sensitivity to goosefoot pollen is the highest (5.7%), followed by rye pollen (4.7%), plantain pollen (4.7%), wall pellitory pollen (4.7%), and Bermuda grass pollen (3.8%). Conclusion: although most pollens tested are not originated from native plants to Indonesia, a small number of patients showed specific IgE-sensitizations. Allergic persons planning to travel to the endemic areas of the relevant pollen should be advised. A panel of pollen allergens from local plants is highly desired."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2017
616 UI-IJIM 49:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinurat, Julfreser
"Latar Belakang : Skin prick test SPT merupakan baku emas mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen, namun memiliki keterbatasan. Pemeriksaan IgE spesifik merupakan pemeriksaan in vitro, nyaman dan tidak ada risiko anafilaksis.Tujuan: Mendapatkan akurasi pemeriksaan IgE spesifik serum metode ELISA dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen hirup pada pasien asma dan/atau rinitis alergi.Metode: Merupakan uji diagnostik dengan desain cross sectional pada pasien asma dan rinitis alergi di poliklinik Alergi-Imunologi FKUI-RSCM. Seratus pasien diperiksa IgE spesifik serum tungau debu rumah D.pterossinus, D.farinae, B.tropicalis , kulit anjing, kulit kucing dan kecoak dengan metode ELISA serta SPT sebagai baku emas mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen tersebut. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga, dan rasio kemungkinan dari IgE spesifik serum dinilai untuk masing-masing alergen.Hasil: Sensitivitas IgE spesifik serum dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi alergen tungau debu rumah berkisar 48-77 , dengan sensitivitas tertinggi 77 IK 95 66-86 pada D.farinae. Spesifisitas berkisar 64-95 , dengan spesifitas tertinggi 95 IK 95 76-99 pada B.tropicalis, serta nilai RK antara 2,1-11, dengan tertinggi untuk B.tropicalis. Sensitivitas mendiagnosis sensitisasi kecoak 12 IK 95 4,5-27 , namun spesifisitas 100 IK 95 92-100 , dengan RK . Spesifisitas mendiagnosis sensitisasi kulit anjing 89 IK 95 79-95 , namun senstitivitas 3 IK 95 1,5-17 , dengan RK hanya 0,29 IK 95 0,03-2,26 . IgE spesifik serum memiliki spesifitas 88 IK 95 77-95 dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi kulit kucing, namun sensitivitas 10 IK 95 3,5-26 dan RK 0,9 IK 95 0,3-3,1 .Kesimpuan: Pemeriksaan IgE spesifik serum metode ELISA memiliki akurasi diagnostik yang sedang dalam mendiagnosis sensitisasi terhadap tungau debu rumah dan kecoak, namun akurasi rendah untuk kulit anjing dan kucingKata Kunci: Skin prick test IgE spesifik serum, Akurasi, Alergen hirup
Background Skin prick test SPT is the gold standard to diagnose allergen sensitization, but has some limitations. Serum specific IgE SSIgE is in vitro test, comfortable and has no anaphylaxis risk.Aim To get the accuracy of SSIgE test using ELISA method in diagnosing inhalant allergens sensitization in asthma and or allergic rhinitis patients.Method This is diagnostic study with subjects were asthma and or allergic rhinitis patients. One hundreds patients had SSIgE test for house dust mites D.pterossinus, D.farinae, B.tropicalis , dog dander, cat dander and cockroach allergens and SPT as gold standard to diagnose allergen sensitization. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and likelihood ratio of SSIgE were evaluated.Result To diagnose house dust mites sensitization SSIgE has 48 77 sensitivity, with the highest is for D.farinae 77 95 CI 66 86 , while specificity is 64 95 , with the highest is for B.tropicalis 95 95 CI 76 99 and LR around 2,1 11, with the highest is for B.tropicalis. Sensitivity of SSIgE to diagnose cockroach sensitization is 12 95 CI 4.5 27 , but has high specificity 100 95 CI 92 100 , and high LR . SSIgE has high specificity 89 95 CI 79 95 in diagnosing dog dander sensitization, but low sensitivity 3 95 CI 1.5 17 and low LR 0.29 95 CI 0.03 2.26 . To diagnose cat dander sensitization SSIgE has 88 95 CI 77 95 specificity, but low sensitivity 10 95 CI 3.5 26 and low LR 0.9 95 CI 0.3 3.1 Conclusion SSIgE test using ELISA method has moderate accuracy in diagnosing house dust mites and cockroach sensitization, but low accuracy for dog and cat dander sensitization.Keywords Skin prick test, Serum specific IgE, Accuracy, Inhalant Allergens"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ji Ho lee
House dust mites (HDM) are major allergens that cause allergic rhinitis (AR). Allergen-specific subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) has been shown to be clinically beneficial in many clinical trials. Such trials, however, are not reflective of all patient populations. The aim of this study was to describe the efficacy and safety of SCIT in routine clinical practice in Korean adults with AR sensitized to HDM.
We reviewed medical records of 304 patients with AR treated at an allergy clinic of a tertiary hospital using SCIT with aluminum hydroxide-adsorbed allergen extract targeting HDM alone or with pollens for at least 1 year from 2000 to 2012. Patients with asthma were excluded. Rates of remission, defined as no further requirement of maintenance medication, over time were determined by means of life tables and extension of survival analysis. Specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels to HDM were categorized into 6 classes.
The mean time until achieving remission was 4.9±0.1 years, and the cumulative incidence of remission from AR was 76.6%. Severe AR (odds ratio [OR], 0.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.23-0.69; P=0.001), specific IgE levels to HDM ≥17.5 kU/L (OR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.01-3.37; P=0.045), and duration of immunotherapy ≥3 years (OR, 7.37; 95% CI, 3.50-15.51; P<0.001) were identified as significant predictors of clinical remission during SCIT for patients with AR sensitized to HDM. Overall, 73 patients (24.0%) experienced adverse reactions to SCIT, and only 1 case of anaphylaxis (0.3%) developed.
SCIT with HDM was found to be effective and safe for patients with AR. Specific IgE levels to HDM and a duration of SCIT ≥3 years may be predictors of clinical responses to SCIT in AR patients."
Suwon Korea: The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018
610 AAIR 10:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Sundaru
"Penelitian ini adalah penelitian berbasis komuniias untuk memperoleh gambaran kadar alergen tungau debu rumah (TDR) dan sensitisasi alergen sebagai faktor risiko asma. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan responden 3.840 pelajar sekolah menengah pertama dari 19 sekolah yang dipilih secara acak dari 131 sekolah di Jakarta Pusat. Seinua responden mengisi kuesioner International Study on Asthma and Allergy in Children (ISAAC). Dari 3.840 responden, 288 (7,5%) digolongkan dalatn kelompok asma karena mempunyai riwayat mengi selama 12 bulan terakhir. Pada kelompok asma, 207 responden melakukan uji kulit dan 135 diambil sampel debu rumah. Dari 2.601 responden yang tidak memiliki riwayat asma atau atopi lain, dipilih secara acak 274 orang untuk uji kulit dan 165 di antaranya diambil sampel debu rumah. Kadar alergen TDR tidak berbeda bermakna antara kelompok asma maupun non-asma baik untuk Der pi, Der fl, rnaupun Grup I. Risiko asma terutama disebabkan oleh sensitisasi alergen TDR D.pteronyssinuss (rasio odds (OR):12,68, interval kepercayaan (Cl): 7,50-21,44), D.farinae (OR: 10,50, CI: 6,35-17,34), serta kecoak (OR-.5.57, Cf:3,44-9.0l). Perbedaan risiko asma tidak berhubungan dengan tinggi rendahnya kadar alergen TDR tetapi oleh sensitisasinya. Kesimpulannya, sensitisasi alergen TDR dan kecoak perlu diperhatikan dalam upaya menurunkan risiko dan prevalensi asma. (MedJ Indones 2006; 15:55-9).

This study is a community-based study to get an overview about House Dust Mite (HDM) allergen level, allergen sensitization as risk factors of asthma. This is a cross-sectional study on 3,840 students from 19 junior high schools, aged 13-14 years. AH of the respondents filled out the International Study on Asthma and Allergy in Children (ISAAC) questionnaire. Of 3840 respondents, 288 (7.5%) were assigned to asthma group (experience wheezing during the last 12 months). The skin prick test was performed on 207 respondents and the house dust mite was collected from 135 respondents. Of 2601 respondents in non-asthma group, the skin prick test was randomly performed on 274 respondents and the house dust mite was collected from 165 respondents. There is no significant difference on HDM allergen concentration for Der pi, Derfl or Group I between asthma and control group. The risk of asthma was caused especially by sen D.pteronyssinus (crude odds ration (OR): 12.68, 95% confidence interval (Cl): 7.50-21.44), D.farinae (OR: 10.50, Cl: 6.35-17.34) and cockroach allergen {OR: 5.57, Cl:3.44-9.01). The risk for asthma was not correlated with the level of house dust mile allergens but its sensitization. In conclusion, sensitization to HDM and cockroach allergen should be concerned in order to reduce risk and prevalence of asthma. (MedJ Indones 2006; 15:55-9)."
Depok: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 15 (1) January-March 2006: 55-59, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krouse, John H.
Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2008
616.97 MAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ina Ariani Kirana Masna
Pendahuluan: Faktor lingkungan seperti alergen dan polusi udara dapat memicu ataupun memperberat gejala asma akut serta menyebabkan persitens gejala asma terutama asma alergi. Telah banyak usaha dilakukan untuk mengurangi kadar alergen dalam udara. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mempertahankan keseimbangan anion-kation sehingga terjadi denaturasi protein tungau debu rumah yang merupakan alergen utama. Kondisi keseimbangan anion-kation dalam udara ini serupa dengan kondisi alamiah hutan. Lingkungan yang serupa dapat dicapai menggunakan filter udara dengan ioniser sehingga tercapai keseimbangan anion-kation dalam udara. Apakah kondisi ini akan mempengaruhi kondisi inflamasi saluran napas dan fungsi paru pasien asma alergi belum pernah dibuktikan sebelumnya.
Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji klinis silang (cross-over), terbuka, pada pasien-pasien asma alergi. Data subjek diambil secara mandiri oleh pasien dan pemeriksaan berkala di Poli Asma. PPOK RS Persahabatan sejak Desember 2011 sampai September 2012. Pemeriksaan FeNO menggunakan NIOX mino, uji fungsi paru (spirometri), serta penilaian ACT dilakukan setiap bulan di RS Persahabatan.
Hasil Penelitian: Terdapat 36 pasien yang berhasil mengikuti penelitian sampai selesai, selebihnya mengundurkan diri. Terdapat enam subjek laki-laki dan 30 perempuan, rerata usia 42,72 tahun (18-63). Klasifikasi terbanyak adalah asma persisten ringan (19) diikuti dengan asma persisten sedang dan berat (10 dan 7). Perbandingan selisih nilai ACT akhir dengan nilai awal antara kelompok kontrol dengan perlakuan berbeda bermakna secara statistik (p=0,008) maupun secara klinis (rerata kenaikan 3,31 poin). Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik dalam nilai FeNO dan uji fungsi paru antara kedua kelompok pengamatan.
Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan peningkatan nilai asthma control test setelah penggunaan filter udara dengan ioniser namun tidak didapatkan perbedaan inflamasi saluran napas dan nilai faal paru. Penggunaan filter udara anion-kation seimbang dapat direkomendasikan pada pasien asma alergi.

Introduction: Many attempts have been tried to reduce concentration of allergens which may precipitate acute asthma or cause persistence of symptoms especially in allergic asthma patients. One of the techniques used is air filter and ionizer which creates a balance anion-cation ambiance. Studies have showed that its use can reduce airborne allergen concentration. Indoor ionised air has been proven to cause protein denaturation of house dust mite allergen, one of the most prominent indoor allergen. Ionised air has been proved to cause protein denaturation of mite allergens. This condition is similar to the natural condition existing in uncontaminated natural forests. This condition may be achieved by using a commercially available air purifier and ionizer. Whether this condition affects airway inflammation and lung function test in allergic asthma patients is yet to be proven.
Methods: This is a cross-over, unblinded, clinical trial, conducted in allergic asthma patients. Serial spirometry and FeNO measurements are performed monthly. Subjects are also asked to fill ACT for assement of asthma control. Subjects is observed for two months without using air filter in their bedrooms and two months using air filter in their bedrooms with a two weeks interval in between observation.
Results: There were 50 patients enrolled in the beginning of this study but 14 dropped out while 36 completed the study. There were six male subjects and 30 female, averaging 42,72 (min 18, max 63). Most patients were mild persistent (n=30), followed by moderate ande severe persistent asthma (10 and 7, respectively). The difference between baseline and end of two months observation in control and treatment group was statistically and clinically significant (paired t-test, p=0,008, 3 points ACT increase). Although there was a trend of decreased FeNO and increased FEV1/predicted ratio, time series and multivariate analysis in both was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: There was an increase of ACT score after air filter with ionizer usage but the change in FeNO and lung function test was not statistically significant. Air purifier can be recommended in allergic asthma patients to increase asthma control."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pian Kapiso
"Asma merupakan penyakit inflamasi (peradangan) kronik saluran napas. Menurut WHO penderita asma di dunia mencapai 285 juta pada tahun 2016 dengan 383.000 kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jarak rumah dan sumber pencemaran luar rumah (Outdoor Pollution) menggunakan desain kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah penduduk Kecamatan Pangkalan berusia >15 tahun, menderita asma pada tahun 2017dan tercatat dalam register Puskesmas dan klinik kesehatan. Control adalah penduduk Kecamatyan Pangkalan berusia >15 tahun, tidak mnderita asma pada periode yang sama dan tinggal dekat dengan kasus. Jarak antara rumah dengan sumber pencemaran diperoleh dengan menggunakan aplikasi Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates dan Distance Calculator.
Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa orang yang tinggal dekat dengan jalan raya berisiko 1.34 kali untuk menderita asma dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tinggal jauh dari jalan raya (95%CI :0.61-2.97), orang yang tinggal dekat dengan pabrik pembakaran batu kapur berisiko 0.55 kali untuk terkena asma dibandingkan dengan mereka tinggal jauh (95%CI : 0.25-1.19), orang yang tinggal dekat dengan jalan raya dan atau pabrik pembakaran batu kapur berisiko 1.04 kali dibandingkan dengan mereka jauh (95%CI : 0.76-1.42). Pemerintah Perlu meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana, pendanaan, Sumber Daya Manusia, Koordinasi lintas program dan lintas sektor, melakukan penilaian, supervisi/bimbingan teknis dan monitoring pelaksanaan dan pencapaian program. Diharapkan Peran serta masyarakat dalam kegiatan pencegahan penyakit asma dan faktor risikonya (tungau, debu dalam rumah, bulu binatang, asap obat nyamuk bakar, asap rokok, polusi udara melalui kenderaan roda dua/empat dan pabrik, selalu membersihkan perabot rumah dalam hal ini kasur, selimut, sprei minimal 2-3 kali dalam seminggu).

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease (PDPI, 2016). WHO estimates about 285 million cases in 2016 with 383,000 deaths. This study aims to determine the correlation between the distance of house and the source of Outdoor Pollution with asthma incidence using Case Control study design. Cases were resident of Pangkalan sub-district aged >15 years old, suffering from asthma in 2017 and recorded in Puskesmas and Clinic’s registers. Control were resident of Pangkalan sub-district aged >15 years old, did not suffer from asthma in the same period and lived near the cases. The distance between house and the source of outdoor pollution obtained using the Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates and Distance Calculator application.
The results of this study state that resident who lived near the highway were 1.34 times more likely to suffer asthma than those who live far from the highway (95% CI: 0.61-2.97), resident who lived near the the limestone burning factory were 0.55 times more likely to suffer asthma than those who live far from the limestone burning factory (95% CI: 0.61-2.97). resident who lived near the highway and / or the limestone burning factory were 1.04 times more likely to suffer asthma than those who did not (95% CI: 0.76-1.42). The goverment need to improve facilities and infrastructure, funding, Human Resources, cross-programe and sectoral coordination as well as assessment, supervision/technical guidance and monitoring the implementation and achievement of the programme. Community participation is expected in order to prevent asthma and its risk factors (mites, house dust, animal hair, mosquito coils, smoker, air pollution through two-wheeled vehicles and factories, always cleaning household furnitures, bed, blanket, bed linen at least 2-3 times a week).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Sudiro Hendarto
"Tujuan penelitian potong lintang ini adalah menggambarkan tingkat keterkontrolan asma, kualitas hidup, dan kepatuhan pengobatan serta melihat hubungan antara keterkontrolan asma dengan kualitas hidup dan kepatuhan pengobatan. Sebanyak 132 pasien asma poli rawat jalan RSUP Persahabatan menyatakan kesediaan dan mengikuti penelitian ini dengan lengkap. Data diambil melalui wawancara dan pengamatan cara pakai obat. Sebesar 64 pasien (48,5%) menderita asma yang tidak terkontrol dan 68 pasien (51,5%) termasuk dalam asma yang terkontrol. Gambaran kualitas hidup menunjukkan nilai rerata domain gejala sebesar 4,83 (±1,49), domain keterbatasan aktivitas sebesar 5,99 (±0,86), domain fungsi emosi sebesar 5,13 (±1,63), dan domain pajanan lingkungan sebesar 3,89 (±1,88).
Gambaran kepatuhan pengobatan pada penelitian ini sebesar 45,5% pasien minum obat sesuai anjuran dokter, 38,6% pasien rutin kontrol ke petugas kesehatan, dan 45,5% menggunakan obat inhalasi dengan benar. Domain pajanan lingkungan berdampak lebih besar terhadap gangguan kualitas hidup dibandingkan dengan domain lainnya. Terdapat hubungan antara keterkontrolan asma dengan kualitas hidup (r=0,307, p<0,05) dan hubungan antara keterkontrolan asma dengan kepatuhan pengobatan (penggunaan dosis obat, rutin kontrol, dan penggunaan obat inhalasi) (p<0.05).

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to describe the level of asthma control, quality of life, medication compliance, and assess correlation between the level of asthma control, quality of life, and compliance with treatment. A hundred and thirty two patients with asthma in outpatient ward of RSUP Persahabatan hospital have provided consent and completed study. Data collection were conducted from interviews and observation how to use the drug. Sixty four patients (48.5%) had uncontrolled asthma and 68 patients (51.5 %) included in the controlled asthma. The mini asthma quality of life questionaire showed the mean symptom domains score of 4.83 (±1.49), activity limitations domain score of 5.99 (± 0.86), emotional function domain score of 5.13 (±1.63 ), and the environmental stimuli domain of 3.89 (±1.88).
Medication compliance revealed that 45,5% used medication dose as recommended by physician, 38,6% visited the physician for routine follow up, and 45,5% used the inhaled medication correctly. Environmental stimuli had more impact in quality of life compared to symptoms, activity limitation and emotional function. There is a relationship between the domain of quality of life with asthma control level (r=0,307, p<0,05) and there is a relationship between medication dose as recommended by physician, visiting the physician for routine follow up and using the inhaled medication correctly with asthma control level (p <0.05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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