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Latar Belakang : Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) adalah hidrokarbon aromatik polisiklik sangat karsinogenik yang terdapat dalam asap rokok. Tidak hanya perokok yang perlu menjadi perhatian, namun bahaya yang ditimbulkan akibat asap rokok pada orang yang tidak merokok juga perlu diperhatikan.
Metode : Penelitian ini berjenis potong lintang pada 26 perempuan dewasa bukan perokok yang terpajan asap rokok dan 15 perempuan tidak terpajan asap rokok di rumahnya di kelurahan Palmeriam Kecamatan Matraman, Jakarta. Kadar BPDE-protein adducts diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Kadar CO ekspirasi, informasi kebiasaan merokok anggota keluarga di rumah pada subjek penelitian dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner.
Hasil : Nilai BPDE-protein adducts <40 ng/ml sebanyak 16 orang (61,5%) dan nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml sebanyak 10 orang (38,5%), sedangkan pada kelompok perempuan tidak terpajan asap rokok di rumah, nilai BPDE-protein adducts <40 ng/ml sebanyak 11 orang (73,3%) dan nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml sebanyak 4 orang (26,7%), hasil analisis menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (p=0,443). Pengukuran kadar CO ekspirasi pada penelitian ini memperoleh nilai tengah kadar CO ekspirasi pada kelompok perempuan yang terpajan asap rokok sebesar 5,5 ppm. Pada kelompok perempuan yang tidak terpajan asap rokok, rerata kadar CO ekspirasi sebesar 6 ppm, hasil analisis tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,398). Lama pajanan, jenis rokok, banyaknya jumlah rokok yang dihisap serta banyaknya jumlah perokok aktif dirumah tidak mempengaruhi kadar BPDE-protein adducts.
Kesimpulan : Nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml pada perempuan terpajan asap rokok lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang tidak terpajan asap rokok di lingkungan rumah.

Background: Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contained in cigarette smoke. This highly carcinogenic substance is also found in Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) which equally dangerous to the health of population and equally require attentions as much as cigarette smoke. This study observes level of BaP among those in risk of ETS exposure.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed involving 26 women exposed to ETS and 15 women unexposed to ETS in Palmeriam Matraman area, Jakarta, Indonesia. The BPDE (Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide) protein levels of adducts were measured using ELISA method. In addition, exhaled carbon-monoxide (CO) level during expiration was measured and family members smoking habits at home was obtained using questionnaire.
Results: The mean age of women exposed to ETS was 35.8 ± 6.5 years and women unexposed to ETS was 41.7±7.5 years. In the ETS exposed women, the BPDE level of <40 ng/mL was found in 16 people (61.5%) and the BPDE level of >40 ng/mL was found in 10 people (38.5%). In the ETS unexposed women, the BPDE level of <40 ng/mL was found in 11 people (73.3%) and the BPDE level of >40 ng/mL was found in 4 people (26.7%). None of these results were significantly different (p=0.443). The median exhaled CO level of ETS exposed women was 5.5 ppm and of ETS unexposed women was 6.0 ppm. None of these results were significantly different (p=0.398). No correlation was found between length of ETS exposure, types of cigarettes, number of cigarettes smoked and number of active smokers at home and BPDE-protein adducts level.
Conclusion: The BPDE level of ETS exposed women was higher than of ETS unexposed women (>40 ng/mL and <40 ng/mL, respectively). The median exhaled CO level of ETS exposed women was lower than of ETS unexposed women (5.5 ppm and 6.0 ppm). However, none of these results were statistically significant."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nofiarni Yusril
"Latar Belakang : Benzopyrene polycyclic aromatic adalah agen karsinogenik yang ditemukan dalam asap rokok. Benzo a pyrene Diol Epoxide BPDE adalah salah satu metabolit benzopyrene. Perokok kretek adalah orang yang merokok minimal 1 rokok kretek per hari selama minimal 1 tahun tanpa atau kurang dari 20 nya merokok dengan rokok putih. Kami meneliti kadar BPDE dalam darah perokok kretek dibandingkan dengan bukan perokok.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang yang mengikutsertakan 32 subjek sehat yang merokok kretek dan 32 subjek sehat bukan perokok. telah menandatangani lembar persetujuan diperiksakan kadar CO ekshalasi dengan menggunakan alat pengukur CO portabel kemudian diambil sampel darah untuk diukur kadar BPDE-protein adducts. Data yang diperoleh diuji dengan menggunakan statistical package for social sciences SPSS 21.
Hasil : Total 64 responden yang dibagi menjadi 32 subjek perokok kretek dan 32 kontrol diperiksakan kadar BPDE-protein adducts dan kadar CO ekshalasi. Karakteristik subjek didapatkan sebanyak 59,4 usia perokok kretek di atas 45 tahun dan 56,3 mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan tinggi sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol 87,5 berusia di bawah 45 tahun dan 75 mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan tinggi. Kadar BPDE-protein adducts pada subjek perokok kretek sebesar 12,15 8,87-33,55 ng/ml dan kadar pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 11,4 3,87-13,27 ng/ml, p=0,004. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar BDPE-protein adducts pada perokok kretek berdasarkan analisis multivariat adalah pola hisapan p=0,002 dan derajat adiksi p = 0,047 . Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistis antara kadar BPDE-protein adducts dengan kadar CO ekshalasi pada perokok kretek p=0,003,r=0,512.
Kesimpulan : Kadar BPDE-Protein adducts pada perokok lebih tinggi dibanding bukan perokok dengan pola hisapan dan derajat adiksi menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi.

Background: Benzopyrene polycyclic aromatic is a carcinogenic agent found in cigarettes smoke. Benzo a pyrene Diol Epoxide BPDE is one of the benzopyrene metabolite. Kretek cigarette smoker isa person who smokes at least 1 cigarette per day for at least 1 year with no or less than 20 of amount and time of white cigarettes smoking. We investigated the BPDE serum level in kretek cigarette smokers compared to non smokers.
Method: This is a cross sectional study of which 32 'healthy ' kretek cigarette smokers and 32 'healthy ' non smoker were enrolled in this study. We collected blood sample and we analyzed the BPDE level and also their exhale carbon monoxide CO level during expiration. Serum BPDE level were assayed using ELISA kit. The data obtained were tested using statistical package for social sciences SPSS 21.
Results: A total of 32 kretek smokers subjects and 32 controls was underwent examination of BPDE protein adducts level and exhalation CO levels. Characteristics of the subjects obtained was 59.4 kretek smokers aged over 45 years and 56.3 have a high education background, while in the control group 87.5 were aged under 45 years and 75 have high educational backgrounds. The levels of BPDE protein adducts in the kretek smokers subject was 8.87 to 33.55 ng ml and the levels in the control group was 11.4 3.87 to 13.27 ng ml, p 0.004. The factors which influence the levels BDPE protein adducts in smokers cigarettes the most by multivariate analysis were sucking pattern p 0.002 and the degree of addiction p 0.047 . There was a statistically significant relationship between the level of BPDE protein adducts with exhalation CO levels in kretek smokers p 0.003 .
Conclusion: Serum BPDE protein adductslevel higher in smokers compared nonsmokers with suction pattern and degree of addiction are influence factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rambe, Seira Yuana Putri Boru
Latar BelakangWorld Resources Institute WRI berdasarkan kebakaran hutan di Indonesia pada tahun 2014, terdapat 3.101 titik api dipulau Sumatera dan 87 dari jumlah tersebut ditemukan di Provinsi Riau. Asap yang berasal dari kebakaran hutan menghasilkan senyawa karsinogenik yaitu Benzo a pyrene dengan metabolit utamanya Benzo a pyrene-diol epoxide BPDE yang bersifat mutagenik tinggi sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan DNA dan meningkatkan terjadinya risiko kanker termasuk kanker paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar BPDE serum pada petugas pemadam kebakaran pasca kebakaran hutan tahun 2015 di Provinsi Riau.MetodePenelitian dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan pada Mei 2016 bertempat di kantor pusat pemadam kebakaran kota Pekanbaru, terhadap 70 orang petugas pemadam kebakaran yang ikut memadamkan api kebakaran hutan di Provinsi Riau periode Agustus-Oktober 2015. Dilakukan pengambilan darah untuk pengukuran kadar BPDE serum, pengukuran kadar CO ekspirasi menggunakan alat CO analyzer, pengisian kuesioner data dasar, status merokok, keluhan respirasi, fagerstorm dan penggunaan APD.HasilNilai tengah kadar BPDE serum dan kadar CO ekspirasi yaitu 16 ng/ml 1,93-71,13 dan 9 ppm 0-54 . Kadar BPDE serum pada perokok 15,26 ng/ml 1,93-48,47 , bukan perokok 15,63 8,42-50,51 dan bekas perokok 22,07 13,46-71,13 nilai p = 0,025. Kadar BPDE serum pada kelompok yang tidak menggunakan APD dan yang menggunakan APD 17,15 ng/ml vs 15,63 ng/ml . Kadar CO ekspirasi pada perokok 11,52 ppm 0-54 , bukan perokok 7,02 ppm 0-45 dan bekas perokok 7,00 ppm 0-27 nilai p = 0,05. Keluhan respirasi terbanyak berupa dahak/reak sebanyak 44,3 .KesimpulanKadar BPDE serum lebih tinggi pada bekas perokok dan pada responden yang tidak menggunakan APD Kadar CO ekspirasi didapatkan lebih tinggi pada perokok Keluhan respirasi terbanyak adalah dahak/reak.Kata kunci : Benzo a pyrene diol epoxide, asap kebakaran hutan, pemadam kebakaran
BackgroundWorld ,hr> ABSTRACT
Resources Institute WRI based on the 2014 forest fires in Indonesia, showed 3.101 firespots in the Sumatera island and 87 of them were located in the Riau Province. Forestfire smoke produced carcinogenic compound, Benzo a pyrene, with its main metabolic which is Benzo a pyrene-diol epoxide BPDE . It had a high mutagenic characteristic and could cause damage to DNA and increased the risk of cancer, especially lung cancer. This study rsquo;s purpose was to know serum BPDE levels in firefighters after forestfire 2015 at Riau Province.Method A cross sectional study conducted in May 2016 at Pekanbaru rsquo;s Fire Departement, involve 70 firefighters who took part in extinguishing at the Riau rsquo;s forestfires between August-October 2015. Blood samples were taken to check the serum BPDE levels, the level of exhale carbon monoxide CO during expiration using a CO analyzer and filling questionaire about smoking status, respiratory symptoms, fagerstrom and universal precaution. ResultMedian for serum BPDE levels and CO expiration levels to be 16 ng/ml 1,93-71,13 and 9 ppm 0-54 . Serum BPDE levels in smokers 15,26 ng/ml 1,93-48,47 , non-smokers 15,63 8,42-50,51 and ex-smokers 22,07 13,46-71,13 with p=0,025. Serum BPDE levels in firefighters not using universal precautions were higher than the firefighters who did 17,15 ng/ml vs 15,63 ng/ml . CO expiration level was higher in smokers 11,52 ppm 0-54 , non-smokers 7,02 ppm 0-45 and ex-smokers 7,00 ppm 0-27 , with p=0,05. Sputum was the major respiratory symptoms 44,3 .ConclusionSerum BPDE levels are higher in firefighters who are ex-smokers and firefighters who not using universal precautions compared with those who use. CO expiration levels are higher in smokers and the major respiratory complaints is sputum."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priska Duana Putri
Latar Belakang : Kotinin merupakan hasil metabolit utama nikotin dan
kadarnya pada urin merupakan indikator pajanan asap rokok. Penlitian ini untuk
mengetahui kadar kotinin urin pada anak yang terpajan dan tidak terpajan asap
rokok di lingkungan rumah.
Metode : Penelitian potong lintang pada anak usia sekolah dasar yang tidak
merokok. Subjek dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok terpajan dan tidak terpajan
berdasarkan status pajanannya. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan sampel
urin sewaktu yang diukur dengan metode ELISA.
Hasil : Total subjek 128 anak usia 6-12 tahun yang terdiri dari 64 anak pada
kelompok terpajan dan 64 anak yang tidak terpajan. Kadar kotinin urin pada
kelompok terpajan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok tidak terpajan (median
30,1 vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). Terdapat perbedaan kadar kotinin pada anak yang
terpajan asap rokok dengan jumlah batang rokok yang dihisap oleh perokok di
rumah (p<0.05). Status pajanan asap rokok berhubungan dengan keluhan batuk,
infeksi saluran napas atas dan rawat inap karena keluhan respirasi pada anak. Nilai
titik potong optimal kadar kotinin urin pada anak untuk menilai pajanan asap
rokok yaitu 17,95 ng/ml (sensitifitas 81%, spesifisitas 81%, AUC 91,2%, p<0.05).
Kesimpulan: Kadar kotinin urin dapat digunakan sebagai biomarker yang tidak invasif untuk evaluasi pajanan asap rokok pada anak.
Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pajanan Benzo a pyrene Pada Proses Pengasapan Ikan (Kajian Dampak Benzo[a]pyrene Pada Pekerja Industry Ikan Asap Di Bandarharjo, Semarang"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chairani Adinda Putri
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan studi pembentukan DNA adduct 8-hidroksi-2'-deoksiguanosin (8-OhdG) sebagai biomarker kerusakan DNA akibat oksidatif stress, dengan mereaksikan basa DNA 2?-deoksiguanosin 5?-monofosfat dengan senyawa-senyawa yang dapat berkontribusi menghasilkan radikal yaitu Benzo[a]Piren, hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) dan Fe(II). Reaksi pembentukan 8-OHdG dilakukan pada suhu 37°C dan 60°C, pH 7,4 dan pH 8,4, dengan waktu inkubasi 5 jam. Hasil adduct dianalisis menggunakan HPLC fase terbalik dengan detektor UV pada panjang gelombang 254 nm. Eluen yang digunakan adalah campuran Buffer fosfat pH 6,7 10 mM dan Metanol dengan perbandingan 85:15. Waktu retensi dGMP standar yang diperoleh yaitu 7,3 menit dan 8-OHdG pada 9,0 menit. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa 8-OHdG terbentuk akibat reaksi deoksiguanosin monofosfat dengan hidroksi radikal yang dihasilkan oleh benzo[a]piren. Penambahan Fe(II) meningkatkan hasil 8-OHdG yang terbentuk, sedangkan penambahan H2O2 meningkatkan konsentrasi 8-OHdG yang terbentuk jika pada reaksi terdapat Fe(II). Adanya reaksi fenton pada reaksi dengan b[a]p menyebabkan hasil 8-OHdG yang terbentuk lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa reaksi fenton. Pada suhu dan pH yang lebih tingi didapatkan hasil 8-OHdG dengan konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi.

This research was carried out to study the formation of DNA adduct 8-OHdG as biomarkers of DNA damage due to oxidative stress, by reacting the nucleotide 2?deoxyguanosine-5'-monophosphate with compounds that can contribute to generate radicals such as benzo[a]pyrene, hydrogen peroxide, and Iron(II). Formation of 8-OHdG was performed at 37 ° C and 60 ° C, pH 7,4 and pH 8,4 for 5 hour incubation time. The adduc tobtained from these reactions were analyzed using reversed phase HPLC with UV detector at a wavelength of 254 nm. Eluent was used in this study was a mixture of phosphate buffer pH 6,7 10 mM and methanol at ratio 85:15 The retention time of dGMP and 8-OHdG obtanied at 7,3 minute and at 9,0 minute respectively. The HPLCanalysis showed that 8-OHdG was successfully formed by reaction of deoxyguanosine monophosphate with hydroxy radical generated by benzo[a]pyrene. The addition of Fe=(II) increase the yield of 8-OHdG were formed, while the addition of H2O2 increased the concentration of 8-OHdG is formed if the reactions are contain Fe(II). Fenton reaction upon reaction with B [a] P causes the result of 8-OHdG formed higher than without the Fenton reaction. At higher temperatures and pH obtained 8-OHdG at higher concentrations."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cancer has become a global health problem arisen from exsposure to benzo(a)pyrene. Interleukin-2 is one of immune system components believed to play roles in eradicating cancer. Cobra venom has antitumor effect and also contain protease which could boost up immune system. This research was aimed at analyzing Naja sputatrix venom's effect to increase interleukin-2 level in blood sera of mice induced by benzo(a)pyrene. Four group of Balb-C mice were used. The first group (control) and second group (treatment with Naja sputatrix venom) consist of 5 mices. There are 6 mices used in group 3 and 4, both were injected intramuscularly by benzo(a)pyrene (0,3uL/0,01mL oleum oil) at day 1, 8 and 15. There months after, observation was carried out to see changes occured in their liver and lungs. Naja sputatrix venom 0,1 mL (diluted in saline 1:100) was given to group 2 and 4 for 30 days. Blood was collected from all groups and centrifuge to form sera. Level of interluekin-2 in sera was measured by ELISA method. The results show that group 2 has the highest mean level of interleukin-2 (136,837 pg/mL), and group 3 has the lowest (8,996 pg/mL). Level of interleukin-2 in group 4 is slightly higher than group 3 (10,632 pg/mL). Kruskal-Wallis analysis result come with Sig. 0,155; therefore shows no significance (p>0,05). It is therefore concluded that Naja sputatrix venom do not increase interleukin-2 level in blood sera of mice induced by benzo(a)pyrene."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Hary Dewanto
"Hemoglobin Adduct dapat terbentuk akibat paparan benzo[a]pyrene dalam udara yang diduga mengandung PAH. Dengan Cara mengisolasi globin kemudian mengnidrolisisnya dengan asam, hemoglobin Adduot dari benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) dapat dideteksi sebagai bentuk nidrolisatnya berupa senyavva benzo[a]pyrene tetrahydrotetro/ (BPT) dengan menggunakan HPLC-Fluoresensi fasa terbalik kolom RP-18, eluen metanol-air (55:45).
Hasil penelitian membuktikan hemoglobin Adduct teridentifikasi pada sampel daran dari pedagang asongan yang berisiko tinggi terpapar PAH. Bates deteksi (LOD) dalam penelitian ini mencapai 2,6205 pg/mg globin. Konsentrasi adduot tertinggi yang diperolen sebesar 53,3963 pg/mg globin dan konsentrasi terendan 5,7870 pg/mg globin. Terdapat indikasi pengarun faktor kebiasaan merokok pada konsentrasi adduot yang terbentuk pada sampel responden. Untuk memperkuat nubungan faktor tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian Iebin lanjut dengan menamban jumlan sampel dan melakukan uji statistik."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ela Laelasari
"Pendahuluan: Etiopatologi aterosklerosis terkait dengan pencemaran lingkungan dan telah menjadi bukti yang mendasar dari studi epidemiologi. Zat karsinogenik Benzo[ a] pyrene (B[a]P), satu dari kontaminan lingkungan merupakan faktor risiko untuk aterosklerosis dan kerusakan DNA. Kemampuan dari polutan tersebut mendasari perkembangan penyakit dengan cara mengubah pola ekspresi gen seperti CYP1A1*2A dan GSTM1. Penelitian cross- sectional ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek hubungan antara genetika dan lingkungan yang secara bersamasama (interaksi) berperan pada munculnya risiko aterosklerosis dan kerusakan DNA.
Metodologi: Pemetaan gen menggunakan metoda PCR - RFLP dan multipleks digunakan untuk mengamati gen yang berperan dalam biotransformasi B[a]P serta hubungannya dengan aterosklerosis dan kerusakan DNA. Metoda ELISA menganalisis variabel dependen yaitu oksidasi - LDL (Ox-LDL ) sebagai biomarker status plak aterosklerosis sementara 8 - hidroksi - '2 - deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) sebagai biomarker kerusakan DNA dan metabolit B[a]P menggunakan Ultralight Performance Chromatography Mass - Spektrofotometri (UPLC-MS/MS) untuk mengevaluasi dampak pada 151 petugas penjaga pintu gerbang tol di Jakarta. Analisa Cox Regresi yang terkondisikan (conditional Cox resression) multivariat menganalisis hubungan antara faktor genetik,pajanan lingkungan B[a]P, demografi , gaya hidup dan latar belakang pekerjaan dengan aterosklerosis dan kerusakan DNA. Besaran Interaksi (ICR) digunakan untuk mengukur efek yang dihasilkan dari faktor genetik dan pajanan lingkungan dalam skala aditif, yang secara bersama-sama memunculkan risiko aterosklerosis dan kerusakan DNA.
Hasil: Ditemukan interaksi CYP1A1-B[a]P berhubungan positif terhadap ateroskelrosis (Ox-LDL) (ICRPR= 0,09) dalam skala aditif dibawah model multiplikatif. Diperoleh efek interaksi positif (ICR>0) dalam skala aditif dibawah bentuk multiplikatif antara GSTM1? B[a]P (ICR-PR=0,09) pada risiko kerusakan DNA. Pengukuran interaksi genetik dan lingkungan dalam skala aditif lebih mendekati kepentingan kesehatan masyarakat.

Introduction: The etiopathology of atherosclerosis is linked in part to environmental pollution has become a substantial evidence from epidemiological studies. Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), as one of carcinogenic substances from environmental contaminants is risk factors for atherosclerosis and DNA damage due to it?s mechanism may exacerbate an underlying disease by altering gene expression such as CYP1A1*2A and GSTM1. This cross-sectional study aimed to observe the interaction between genetics and environmental jointly risk factors that play in role in causation of atherosclerosis and DNA damage.
Methodology: PCR-RFLP and multiplex genotyping used to observed genes that play inrole of biotransformation of B[a]P induced in disseases association with atherosclerosis while the ELISA analyse for oxidized-LDL (Ox-LDL) observed plaque status in atherosclerosis among 151 respondents of tol gate workers in Jakarta. Ultralight Performance Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry (UPLC-MS) determine both 8-hydroxy-?2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) observed DNA damage and 1-Hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) was performed to observe impact of BaP. Multivariate conditional Cox? regression was analyzed the association between genetics patern, demographic , life style and occupational background with atherosclerosis and DNA damage. The Interaction Contrasts Ratio (ICR) evaluated the efect risen from interaction.
Result: The estimated interaction contrast ratio (ICR) was 0,09 in additive scale under multiplicative model (ICR > 0) between CYP1A1 and B[a]P on the risk of atherosclerosis. Additive interaction under multiplicative model between GSTM1 and B[a]P, with ICR 0,09 on the risk of DNA Damage.Interaction between gene-environment in additive scale is more appropriate for public health interest.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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