"Meskipun Indonesia termasuk negara yang menolak keberadaan kaum LGBT, tetapi peminat kisah fiksi romantis dengan tokoh LGBT justru terus berkembang. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji hubungan antara intensitas pembaca terpapar fiksi romantis LGBT, empati pembaca terhadap karakter dalam kisah-kisah tersebut dan sikap pembaca terhadap kaum LGBT di dunia nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara intensitas paparan fiksi romantis LGBT dengan empati pembaca (r = -.113, p > .05). Meski demikian, intensitas paparan fiksi romantis dan empati pembaca dapat memprediksi sikap pembaca sebesar 7% (F(2, 181) = 7,78, p < .01, R2 adjusted = .069), meski hanya intensitas paparan fiksi yang secara signifikan memprediksi kontruk tersebut (Beta= -.282, t(184) = -3,93, p < .05).
Although Indonesia poses as one of the countries that disapprove of LGBT rights, the fans of LGBT romantic fictions in this country keep growing by the years. This research explores the relationship among print exposure of LGBT romance fiction, readers‟ empathy towards LGBT characters in the stories and readers‟ attitude towards LGBT in real life. The result shows that there is no significant correlation between print exposure of LGBT romance fiction and readers‟ empathy (r = -.113, p > .05). However, print exposure and readers‟ empathy can predict readers‟ attitude around 7% rate (F(2, 181) = 7,78, p < .01, R2 adjusted = .069), but only print exposure can significantly predict the construct (Beta= -.282, t(184) = -3,93, p < .05)."