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Indira Salsabila Budianto
"Manusia berevolusi untuk bertahan hidup, tetapi mereka lupa dengan asal muasal mereka. Mereka mengambil dari alam tanpa memikirkan cara untuk memperbaiki apa yang telah mereka rusak. Dengan latar belakang studi kasus di Australia, riset menunjukan bahwa pemilik tradisional tanah Australia (Suku Aborigin) memiliki pengetahuan turun temurun mengenai keadaan alam di tanah mereka sendiri. Mereka mengunakan metode pengolahan tersendiri untuk lansekap berkelanjutan, tujuan utama proyek ini adalah untuk menciptakan karya arsitektural yang mengharuskan penghuninya untuk merubah gaya hidup mereka. Mengimplementasikan metode untuk merawat alam dan memotivasi penghuni agar menjadi lebih sosial ke warga sekitar dan melestarikan lingkungan dengan menanam sendiri tanaman endemik dan makanan sendiri. Lokasi pembuangan seperti Beaconsfield Quarry adalah contoh yang sempurna situs yang rusak, siap untuk diberikan penanggulangan khusus dengan diterapkan proyek lansekap berkelanjutan dengan merubah gaya hidup warganya.

Human evolve to survive, but they tend to forget where they came from. They take from nature without thinking about giving back to mother nature. With a background case study of Australia, research has shown that the traditional owners of the land (Aboriginal people) develop this amazing knowledge of their own land. They use specific cultivation technique to regenerate the landscape. The main goal is to create architecture that requires the resident to change their way of living. Implementing the idea of giving back to the land and encouraging residents to be sociable and environmentally sustainable by planting their own endemic plants and possibly their own food. A dumping site quarry in Beaconsfield is a perfect example of a destroyed site, ready to be regenerated by the development of the project and the implementation of changing the behaviour of residents."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Margaretha
"Untuk menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatkan industri di Indonesia, Pemerintah menetapkan kebijakan fasilitas pengurangan tarif pajak bagi industri yang menanamkan modal baru dengan nilai tertentu yang diresmikan melalui Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 dan turunannya terkait penanaman modal. Namun fasilitas tersebut belum bisa mencapai target utama investasi dalam sektor industri meskipun telah dilakukan perluasan klasifikasi usaha industri pionir dan juga pengurangan nilai minimal penanaman modal. Kami menganalisa responsivitas sektor industri terhadap pajak dengan mempelajari firms behavior dan menggunakan regresi dengan data Cross Section Industri Besar Sedang di Indonesia periode tahun 2008-2014 dan 2017-2019.

To support economic growth and increase industry in Indonesia, the Government formalized a tax rate reduction policy for industries that invest new capital with a specific value through the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of Year 2007 and its derivatives related to investment. However, the facility has yet to achieve the main target of investment in the industrial sector despite expanding the business classification of pioneer industries and reducing the minimum investment value. We analyze the responsiveness of the industrial sector to tax by studying firms' behavior and using regression with cross-section data of medium and large-scale companies in Indonesia for the period 2008-2014 and 2017-2019."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berlian Permatasari
"Manusia membutuhkan sebuah tempat dimana mereka dapat bernaung, menyimpan miliknya dan menghabiskan bagian terbaik dari waktu mereka. Di kota mahalnya harga lahan membuat luasan hunian menjadi relatif kecil, karena itu berbagai cara dilakukan untuk memperoleh ruang yang lebih lapang. Seiring dengan perkembangan dan perubahan zaman, tuntutan kehidupan pun berubah termasuk kebutuhan pada rumah. Perubahan ini terjadi karena beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan tersebut yaitu bentuk identifikasi diri, perubahan gaya hidup, kemampuan teknologi baru, dan perubahan anggota keluarga. Untuk menjawab tuntutan tersebut dibutuhkan hunian yang fleksibel.
Loft muncul sebagai fenomena bertinggal yang menarik di Amerika sekitar tahun 1950an dan berkembang menjadi fenomena yang mengglobal. Bentuk hunian yang berawal dari konversi bangunan industri menjadi hunian ini dianggap cocok untuk menjawab tantangan sebagai hunian masa kini yang fleksibel. Loft memiliki karakter fisik seperti denah ruang yang terbuka, ceiling yang tinggi, jendela yang besar dan material yang terekspose. Kehadiran karakter fisik loft mempengaruhi karakter ruang loft sehingga ruang pada loft memiliki impresi tidak formal dan hirarki ruang tidak ada. Selain itu karakter fisik loft juga memudahkan masuknya area bekerja ke dalam hunian, ini membuat gaya hidup bertinggal di loft sering dikaitkan dengan gaya hidup bertinggal dan bekerja. Sekarang ini loft tidak hanya hunian yang berasal dari bangunan hasil konversi saja tapi juga merupakan hunian yang berasal dari bangunan baru yang dibangun dengan konsep loft. Konsep loft adalah gambaran mental yang merupakan abstrak dari karakter fisik, karakter ruang dan gaya hidup di loft.
Konsep loft di Indonesia (Jakarta) salah satunya hadir pada hunian vertikal atau yang lebih sering disebut apartemen. Kemunculannya yang baru beberapa tahun terakhir membuat jumlah apartemen dengan konsep loft di Jakarta tidak terlalu banyak. Beberapa diantaranya adalah The Summit Kelapa Gading dan Citylofts Sudirman. Konsep loft pada The Summit Kelapa Gading hanya diterapkan pada sebagian unit hunian sedangkan pada Citylofts Sudirman diterapkan pada seluruh unit hunian yang ada. Penulisan ini akan melihat sejauh mana pihak pengembang menerapkan konsep loft pada hunian vertikal (apartemen) yang ditawarkannya dan mampu mengakomodasi gaya hidup bertinggal dan bekerja para penghuni.

Everyone needs a place to be a shelter, a place to keep belongings and spend the best part of their times. In every city, due to the high land price, sites for housings are relatively small. Therefore, everybody will do everything to make small spaces more spacious. As the time goes by, life demand changes including the demand for housing. The changing happens because of some factors, such as self identification, the change of lifestyle, new technology improvements and the change of family member. As the response for such demand, flexible housing is needed.
Loft appears as an interesting way of living phenomenon back in USA around 1950s and become a global phenomenon. This form of dwelling that starts from the conversion of the industrial building into residential is considered suitable to answer the challenge as today flexible dwelling. Loft has physical characters such as open floor plan, high ceiling, oversize window and expose material. The presence of loft?s physical characters influences the loft space character as the result loft space has informal impression and non-hierarchy of space. Moreover loft?s physical characters also facilitate the entry of the working area into the dwelling, it makes loft living lifestyle was often connected with living and working lifestyle. Nowadays, loft is not the only housing that comes from converted building but also from the new building which is built with loft concept. The concept loft is the mental picture which is the abstract of loft physical character, loft space character and loft living lifestyle.
Loft concept in Indonesia (Jakarta) presents in vertical residential or what we usually call as apartment. The emergence was just only begun for several years ago so that the number of apartments with the loft concept in Jakarta is not high. Two of them are The Summit Kelapa Gading and Citylofts Sudirman. Loft concept in The Summit Kelapa Gading is only applied in several units whereas in Citylofts Sudirman loft concept is applied in all units. This writing will see how far the developer applies the concept loft to the vertical residentials (the apartment) given by and accomodates dwellers? living and working lifestyle.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmatina Widyarini
"Proposal Desain Urban ini muncul dari ide regenerasi - gagasan bahwa lanskap yang rusak dapat diperbaiki dan direvitalisasi. Saya percaya bahwa regenerasi ini dimulai dengan menghubungkan manusia dengan alam - mengubah pola pikir mereka dari kepemilikan lanskap menjadi bagian dari ekosistem. Orang-orang Aborigin di Australia hidup dengan gagasan ini sebagai inti dari budaya mereka - Gammage, dalam bukunya "The Biggest Estate on Earth" mengeksplorasi cara orang-orang ini tidak percaya bahwa mereka memiliki kekuasaan atas tanah; bahwa tanah itu memiliki kekuatan spiritual yang kuat yang harus dipupuk dan dipelihara. Dari ide-ide ini, desain telah dibentuk menjadi jenis baru pinggiran kota yang menantang gagasan blok tanah milik pribadi ke lanskap komunal, dibentuk oleh tipologi halaman berkelanjutan di sekitar lahan yang basah, yang dikembangkan untuk meminimalkan dampak manusia terhadap lingkungan dengan tujuan menumbuhkan 'Pikiran yang Timbul' dalam suatu komunitas. Selanjutnya, dibingkai dengan halaman berkelanjutan arsitektur sebagai alat untuk menghubungkan ruang hidup dan alam sehingga memungkinkan regenerasi lanskap. Dengan demikian, arsitektur yang ditunjuk adalah untuk merevitalisasi dan membawa kenikmatan bagi orang-orang untuk merasakan alam dalam bentuk yang paling murni.

This Urban Design proposal was sprung from the idea of regeneration - the notion that a damaged landscape can be repaired and revitalized. I believe that this regeneration starts with connecting people to nature - changing their mindset from ownership of a landscape to be a part of the ecosystem. The Aboriginal people of Australia lived with this idea at the core of their culture - Gammage, in his book “The Biggest Estate on Earth” explores the way that these people did not believe they had power over the land; that the land has a powerful spiritual force that must be nurtured and maintained. From these ideas, the design has been shaped into a new kind of suburb that challenges the idea of privately owned blocks of land to a communal landscape, shaped by a sustainable courtyard typology around a wetland, developed to minimize the human impact on the environment with the purpose of growing an ‘Emergent Mind’ within a community. Furthermore, framed with architectural sustainable courtyard as a tool to connect the living space and the nature so that it enables landscape regeneration. Accordingly, the designated architecture is to revitalize and to bring enjoyment for people to feel nature in its most pristine form."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
720.47 Hyd c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Mastuti
"Since 2000, gender responsive budgeting has been introduced in Indonesia.It takes ten years before accepted as government policy in 2009. The objective of this initiative is to ensure budgeting will be more economies, efficient effective, and equity. In praxis, gender responsive budgeting initiatives faced the paradoxs. Frey stated gender responsive budgeting are bias in four dimensions: micro bias, soft policy bias, expenditure bias, and duality bias.
The other critic about gender budgeting theory and concept come from Charles Beard. He stated that the focussed of gender responsive budgeting is still vague. In implementation gender responsive budgeting initiative in local government in Indonesia both provinces and districts, some challenging are ocours, such as the lack of strong regulation, poor gender data, mis understanding of gender budgeting, poor skill of human reources, fluctuation of gender responsive budget alocation, very limited budget for development, gender responsive budgeting integration is still not well conceptualize in Indonesia budgeting system, etc. In Central Java Province event though already implementing gender responsive budgeting since 2009 but the number of gender responsive budget allocation is still not high, and gender performance indicator in term of Gender Development Indexs is also still putting in low categories.
This research are conducting to answer: (1). How gender responsive budgeting process model can be apply in Unified Budget, Mid Term Expenditure Framework, and Performance Based Budgeting? (2).How is gender responsive budgeting model in Central Java Province?.
The objective of this research are to develop model gender responsive budgeting that compatible with unified budget, mid term expenditure framework, and performance budgeting.As well as to know about existing model of gender responsive budgetig in Central Java and come up with recomended model of gender responsive budgeting for of Central Java Province. Beacuse lack of a grand theory for study gender responsive budgeting so in this research will be used mix theory consist of Budgeting Model theory by Thurmaier and Willoughby, Budgeting Process Theory by Mikessel, Gender Responsive Budgeting Theory by Debbie Budlender, Gender Responsive Budgeting Theory by Rhonda Sharp, and Intersectionality Theory Bishwakarma.
This research done with qualitative research method. In collecting data used indepth interview, document study, and observation The resulths from the research are: (1) Gender responsive budgeting model is a process to make dicision in budgeting that respected to social inclusion approach, as complementary to economic and eficiency. Gender responsive budgeting can be integrated and applied into Unified Budget, Mid Term Expenditure Framwork, and Performance Budgeting through Result Based Management Framework with Gender - Intersectionality Analysis Instrument and Dimension that used in all steps of budgeting processed. (2) Existing gender responsive budgeting model in Central Java Province already manage input to become outcome in budgeting process, but not yet used intersectionaity dimension. To make gender responsive budgeting to become more inclusive it should be integrated intersectionality dimension and lingking among policy, planning, budgeting, and monitoring evaluation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ufi Saraswati
Disertasi ini membahas tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan yang tersebar di wilayah Kabupaten Batang Jawa Tengah. Sejumlah seratus lima belas (115) tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan yang tersebar di sebelas (11) Situs/Kecamatan, Kabupaten Batang menarik untuk dikaji tidak hanya dalam jumlahnya yang banyak, tetapi tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan tersebut tersebar hampir di seluruh Situs/Kecamatan yang menempati Lansekap berupa daratan Pantai, Perbukitan sampai dengan Pegunungan. Sebaran tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan yang terletak pada Lansekap Kabupaten Batang dari tingkat yang paling rendah sampai pada tingkat yang paling tinggi dihubungkan dengan aspek Kosmologi, bahwa alam semesta tersusun dari beberapa tingkat alam.
Atas dasar latar belakang masalah tentang keberadaan/letak sebaran tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan yang ditemukan di Kabupaten Batang, dapat dirumuskan masalah, 1. Bagaimanakah pola sebaran tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan pada Lansekap Kabupaten Batang Jawa Tengah, 2. Bagaimanakah letak sebaran tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan dalam hubungannya dengan konsep keagamaan pada Lansekap di Wilayah Kabupaten Batang?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merekonstruksi pola sebaran tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan, dalam hubungannya dengan konsep keagamaan pada Lansekap Kabupaten Batang Jawa Tengah. Manfaat penelitian adalah pengembangan pengetahuan tentang hubungan antara tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan pada suatu ruang Lansekap dengan konsep keagamaan sebagai hasil budaya dalam suatu kurun waktu.
Pendekatan Arkeologi Lansekap digunakan untuk menganalisis tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan berupa, Prasasti, Pathirtān, Sisa-sisa Bangunan Candi, Arca, Relief, Punden Berundak, Lumpang Batu, Batu Bulat, dan Batu Kenong. Data tinggalan arkeologis keagamaan sebagai teks, selanjutnya ditempatkan pada konteks ruang, waktu dan budaya. Berdasarkan Perspektif Arkeologi Lansekap dapat dinyatakan bahwa, Lansekap di wilayah Kabupaten Batang tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai Lansekap alami, melainkan juga sebagai Lansekap keagamaan. Masyarakat Batang pada awal perkembangan Hindu di Nusantara (abad VII-IX Masehi), telah memaknai atau mempresentasikan bentang wilayahnya sebagai gambaran imajiner tata ruang surga, yang dikenal dalam pandangan Hindu yaitu Saptaloka, meliputi, 1. Bhuhloka/Bhurloka, 2. Bhuwahloka/Bhuarloka, 3. Swahloka/Swarloka, 4.Tapaloka, 5. Janaloka, 6. Mahaloka, dan 7. Satyaloka.

This dissertation discusses religious archaeological remains scattered in the district of Batang, Central Java. Some one hundred and fifteen (115) archaeological remains of religious spread across eleven (11) Site / District, Batang interesting to study not only the numbers that much, but the archaeological remains of the religion spread almost throughout Site / District who occupy the landscape in the form of land beaches, hills up to the mountains. Distribution of religious archaeological remains located at Batang Landscape from the lowest level to the highest level associated with aspects of Cosmology, the universe is composed of several natural level.
On the basis of the background of concerns about the presence / location of the distribution of religious archaeological remains found in Batang, can be formulated problem, 1. how the distribution pattern of religious archaeological remains on Landscape Batang, Central Java, 2. how the location of the distribution of the archaeological remains religious in conjunction with the concept Landscape Territory religious in Batang ?. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the distribution pattern of religious archaeological remains, in conjunction with a religious concept in landscaping, Batang, Central Java. The benefits of the research is the development of knowledge about the relationship between religious archaeological remains on a space Landscape with religious concepts as culture results in a time series.
Archeology Landscape perspective is used to analyzis the religious archaeological remains be, Prasasti, Pathirtān, Remains of Candi buildings, Arca, Relief, Punden Berundak, Lumpang Batu, Batu Bulat, and Batu Kenong. Data religious archaeological remains as text, then placed in the context of space, time and culture. Under the Archaeological Landscape Perspectives can be stated that, in the district of Batang Landscape is not only meant as a natural landscape, but also as a religious landscape. Trunk at the beginning of the development community in the Nusantara Hindu (VII-IX century AD), have to interpret or territory spans presented as imaginary spatial depiction of heaven, which is known in the Hindu view that Saptaloka, covers, 1. Bhuhloka/Bhurloka, 2. Bhuwahloka/ Bhuarloka 3. Swahloka/Swarloka, 4. Tapaloka, 5. Janaloka, 6. Mahaloka and 7. Satyaloka."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ikatan arsitek Lensekap Indonesia, 1997
712.598 KAR (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ikatan Arsitek Lansekap Indonesia, 1997
R 712 KAR
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luluk Rosida
"[Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kepadatan hunian, aktivitas seksual orang tua dan efeknya terhadap perilaku seksual remaja di Yogyakarta tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orang tua yang tinggal di hunian padat mempunyai resiko 2 kali lebih tinggi untuk melakukan aktivitas seksual yang berdampak negatif bagi anaknya dibanding orang tua yang tinggal di hunian yang tidak padat (OR 2,06
95% CI: 1,030-3,723). Remaja yang tinggal di hunian padat mempunyai resiko 1,7 kali untuk melakukan perilaku seksual beresiko dibanding remaja yang tinggal di hunian yang tidak padat (OR 1,78 95% CI:0,63-5,00). Faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja adalah jenis kelamin, sikap, media informasi dan peran teman sebaya. Saran Bagi Dinas Kesehatan dan puskesmas setempat program program penyuluhan remaja PKPR dan melatih konselor teman sebaya (Peer Group) sebaiknya juga dilakukan di daerah dengan kepadatan
hunian tinggi;The study aims to know residential density, sexual activity of parents and its effect on sexual behaviour among teenagers in Yogyakarta in 2015. The study uses cross sectional design with regression logistic analysis. The result shows that the parents who live in dense residents have risk two times higher to do sexual activity that has bad effect on the children than the parents who live in other
residents (OR 2,06 95% CI: 1,030-3,723) while the teenagers who live in dense residents has risk 1.7 times higher to do risked sexual activity than the teenagers who live in other place (OR 1,78 95% CI:0,63-5,00). Moreover, the factors of sexual activity among teenagers are sex, attitude, media and the role of peer group. The suggestion for health department and community health centre in the area is doing a campaign forteenagers and training in risked area i.e. urban area,
especially area that has high number of population, The study aims to know residential density, sexual activity of parents and its
effect on sexual behaviour among teenagers in Yogyakarta in 2015. The study
uses cross sectional design with regression logistic analysis. The result shows that
the parents who live in dense residents have risk two times higher to do sexual
activity that has bad effect on the children than the parents who live in other
residents (OR 2,06 95% CI: 1,030-3,723) while the teenagers who live in dense
residents has risk 1.7 times higher to do risked sexual activity than the teenagers
who live in other place (OR 1,78 95% CI:0,63-5,00). Moreover, the factors of
sexual activity among teenagers are sex, attitude, media and the role of peer
group. The suggestion for health department and community health centre in the
area is doing a campaign forteenagers and training in risked area i.e. urban area,
especially area that has high number of population]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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