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Athifa An Umillah
"Performa tugas adalah fenomena yang penting untuk diteliti karena menjadi indikator penentu dari performa organisasi. Salah satu variabel yang diduga memengaruhi performa tugas adalah locus of control. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua studi. Studi 1 bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh locus of control para pegawai di Biro XYZ, salah satu biro di Institusi ABC, terhadap performa tugas mereka. Menggunakan teknik convenience sampling, sebanyak 42 orang pegawai pelaksana di Biro XYZ diberikan kuesioner Work Locus of Control (Spector, 1982). Selain itu, peneliti meminta 12 Kepala Sub-Bagian untuk melakukan penilaian Performa Tugas (Williams & Anderson, 1991) para pegawai pelaksana tersebut. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi sebesar r = -0.43. Oleh karena itu, terdapat korelasi sedang antarvariabel. Tanda negatif berarti semakin besar (semakin eksternal) locus of control, maka semakin rendah performa tugasnya, dan sebaliknya. Hasil uji regresi linier menunjukkan koefisien determinasi (R2 = 0.19, p = 0.00). Variabel locus of control memiliki pengaruh sebesar 19% terhadap variabel performa tugas. Sisanya, yakni 81% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar locus of control. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan studi 2 untuk mengetahui efektivitas program intervensi yang sesuai. Peneliti melakukan intervensi pelatihan positive expectancy untuk mengubah locus of control eksternal menjadi internal, guna meningkatkan performa tugas. Hasil perhitungan melalui uji nonparametris Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dengan adanya program intervensi pelatihan positive expectancy terhadap perubahan persepsi locus of control yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai z = -2.02, p = 0.04. Dengan demikian, program intervensi positive expectancy mampu mengubah persepsi responden terhadap locus of control dari eksternal menjadi internal. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini dan masukan bagi penelitian selanjutnya didiskusikan.

Task performance research is necessary to do since it is an important determinant of organizational performance. One antecedent variable that affect task performance is locus of control. This research consist of two studies. Study 1 is aiming to determine the effects of locus of control to task performance on Biro XYZ Employee, one bureau in Institusi ABC. Using convenience sampling technique. 42 staff were given Work Locus of Control Questionnaire (Spector, 1982), and 12 supervisor were given Task Performance Questionnaire (Williams & Anderson, 1991) to assess their employee's performance. The result showed that locus of control was negatively related to task performance, with r = -0.43. It's considered a moderate correlation. The simple linear regression analysis showed that there was a significant effect of locus of control to task performance (R2 = 0.19, p = 0.00. It means that locus of control affect task performance by 19%. Study 2 is aiming to determine the impact intervention program to develop internal locus of control, in order to improve the employee's task performance in Biro XYZ. Intervention program was developed in order to enhance employee's internal locus of control through positive expectancy training program. Based on Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, there was a significant difference after intervention program, with z = -2.02, p = 0.04. In summary, the given positive expectancy training can improve employee's locus of control from external to internal. The implications of the results and the modeling procedure for future personnel research are discussed."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Ramadhani
Performa tugas adalah hal yang penting di dalam sebuah organisasi karena menjadi salah satu indikator penentu dari outcome (luaran) organisasi khususnya pada individual level outcomes. Salah satu variabel yang diduga penting adalah self-efficacy khususnya dalam konteks pekerjaan, yaitu Role-Breadth Self-Efficacy (RBSE). Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua studi. Studi 1 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh role-breadth self-efficacy terhadap performa tugas pegawai di Institusi X. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 42 pegawai di level pelaksana dan 12 kepala sub-bagian. Data dianalisis dengan teknik korelasi Pearson dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara role-breadth self-efficacy dan performa tugas pegawai di level pelaksana dengan nilai r= 0,44; R2= 19; p value < 0,05. RBSE memiliki pengaruh terhadap performa tugas pegawai sebesar 19%. Kekuatan hubungan RBSE dan performa tugas termasuk ke dalam kategori sedang. Kemudian, penelitian dilanjutkan dengan studi 2 untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari program intervensi yang diberikan yaitu pelatihan pengenalan konsep role-breadth self-efficacy. Jumlah responden yang mengikuti pelatihan sebanyak lima orang. Analisis efektivitas intervensi dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan RBSE yang signifikan antara responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pelatihan dengan nilai Z= -2,03; Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed) = 0,04. Selain itu, hasil analisis perubahan pengetahuan menunjukkan nilai Z = -1,62 dengan Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,10 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan yang signifikan terhadap responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pelatihan. Dengan demikian, perlu ada evaluasi mendalam agar Institusi X dapat memanfaatkan pelatihan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan RBSE pada pegawai, salah satunya dengan mengembangkan materi pelatihan yang lebih sesuai dengan karakteristik Institusi X.

Task performance is necessary for organization because it is one of organizational outcomes factors, especially individual outcomes. One variable that is considered to be important is self-efficacy especially in the context of work, namely Role-Breadth Self-Efficacy (RBSE). This research consists of two studies. Study 1 aims to examine the impact of employee role-breadth self-efficacy on employee task performance at Institusi X. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaire to 42 staffs and 12 head of subsections. Pearson correlation and simple linear regression techniques were carried out to analyze data. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between role-breadth self-efficacy and task performance of employees with r= 0.44; R2= 19.6; p value <0.05. Role-breadth self-efficacy has an impact on employee task performance by 19%. The degree of this relationship was categorized as moderate. Hereafter, study 2 was conducted to examine the effectiveness of intervention program provided, i.e. the introduction of role-breadth self-efficacy concept training. The number of respondents who attended training were five people. The effectiveness of the intervention analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test technique. The results showed there were significant differences between role-breadth self-efficacy before and after training with Z=-2,03; Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0,04. Further analysis was carried out to examine change of respondents' knowledge before and after training. There was no significant difference of respondents' knowledge before and after training with Z= -1,62; Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.10. Accordingly, Institusi X needs to do in-depth evaluation so that it can take advantage of the training to improve RBSE knowledge for employee, one of them is by developing training materials that are more in line with characteristics of Institusi X."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shanti Rahayuningtyas
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada hubungan antara kepuasan komunikasi dan kepuasan kerja pada pegawai Antar generasi di Institusi Keuangan X. Selain itu, penelitian ini ingin membuktikan apakah kepuasan komunikasi merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja individu (Goris, 2007, Carriere dan Bourque, 2009). Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian aplikatif dan korelasional dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 777 pegawai. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah adaptasi dari communication satisfaction survey (Downs dan Hazen, 1977) dengan nilai koefisien alpha (α) sebesar 0.960 dan alat ukur kepuasan kerja (Roelen, dkk, 2008) dengan nilai koefisien alpha (α) sebesar 0.901. Analisis data menggunakan statistika deskriptif, korelasi pearson product moment, regresi linear, t-test, dan anavar satu arah.
Dari analisis data, disimpulkan bahwa: 1) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepuasan komunikasi dengan kepuasan kerja pegawai Antar generasi Institusi Keuangan X; 2) secara umum responden penelitian memiliki kepuasan komunikasi yang sedang dan kepuasan kerja yang sedang pula; 3) dimensi kepuasan komunikasi yang memiliki nilai rata-rata paling rendah adalah dimensi personal feedback; 4) dimensi kepuasan komunikasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja adalah dimensi communication climate, organization integration, media quality, dan personal feedback; 5) intervensi dilakukan pada dimensi personal feedback yakni dengan memberikan pelatihan constructive feedback; 6) intervensi yang dilakukan dinyatakan cukup efektif dan aplikatif untuk diterapkan dalam organisasi.

This study focuses on the relationship between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction of intergenerational employee at Financial Institutions X. This study was held to approve that communication satisfaction give influence to job satisfaction (Goris, 2007, Carriere and Bourque, 2009). This study uses a type of applied research and correlation research with the number of respondents is 777 respondents. Measurement instruments used in this research are the adaptation of communication satisfaction survey (Downs and Hazen, 1977) with coefficient alpha (α) of 0.960 and job satisfaction questionnaire (Roelen, et al, 2008) with coefficient alpha (α) of 0.901. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation formula , linear regression, t-test, and ANOVA will be used to analyze the infomation gathered.
From the data analysis, it was concluded that: 1) there is a significant relationship between communication satisfaction with employee job satisfaction across generations at Financial Institution X; 2) majority of respondents have a moderate level of communication satisfaction and job satisfaction; 3) personal feedback is the dimensions of communication satisfaction which has the lowest mean score, 4) communication satisfaction dimensions that give influence to job satisfaction are climate communication, organization integration, media quality, and personal feedback; 5) intervention held to improving the personal feedback dimension is with giving the constructive feedback training; 6) the intervention is acknowledged as quite effective and applicable for implementation in the organization."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Firti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari employee engagement, melalui kepuasan kerja, terhadap komitmen untuk perubahan di Kementerian BUMN. Penelitian bertujuan untuk dapat merancang intervensi yang tepat dalam meningkatkan komitmen untuk perubahan pada karyawan di Kementerian BUMN yang sedang menghadapi perubahan berupa Reformasi Birokrasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara employee engagement, melalui kepuasan kerja, terhadap komitmen terhadap perubahan (r = 0.361; r2 = 0.130 p = 0.01, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa employee engagement tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan secara langsung terhadap komitmen untuk perubahan, tetapi harus melalui kepuasan kerja.
Intervensi yang dirancang adalah intervensi sumber daya manusia berupa program training berpikir positif serta rancangan program jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan employee engagement dan kepuasan kerja sehingga pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan komitmen terhadap perubahan.

This study was conducted to see the effect of employee engagement, through job satisfaction, to the commitment to change at the Kementerian BUMN. Research aims to be able to design appropriate interventions in improving employee?s commitment to changes in the Kementerian BUMN, which are facing a change in the form of Reformasi Birokrasi.
The result shows that there is a significant positive effect between employee engagement, through job satisfaction, to the commitment to change (r = 0.361; r 2 = 0.130 p = 0:01, L.o.S significant at 0.05). These results indicate that employee engagement does not have significant influence directly to the commitment to change, but it must be through job satisfaction.
Interventions designed is intervention of human resources in the form of positive thinking training program and a draft long-term program to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction which in turn may increase the commitment to change.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahadian Ardy Wibowo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi stres karyawan DPB Bank Indonesia, Mengetahui locus of control karyawan bank indonesia, dan mengetahui pengaruh locus of control terhadap stres kerja karyawan Departemen Pengawasan Bank, Bank Indonesia. peneliti menggunakan total sampling pada 225 karyawan Departemen Pengawasan Bank, Bank Indonesia. lalu peneliti melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas lalu menganalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah : Internal locus of control memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap stres kerja, External locus of control memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap stres kerja, Karyawan Departemen Pengawasan Bank, Bank Indonesia memiliki kecondongan pada internal locus of control, Kondisi stres kerja karyawan Departemen Pengawasan Bank, Bank Indonesia rendah

The purpose of this research is to know what happened to workstress of Departement of Bank Monitoring Bank of Indonesia, knowing about Bank of Indonesia employee locus of control, and knowing the effect of locus of control for employee of Departement of Bank Monitoring workstress, Bank of Indonesia. researcher used total sampling to 252 employees Departement Bank Monitoring, Bank of Indonesia. and then researcher use validity and reliability test to analyze using descriptive statistic analyze. Simple linear regression. The results are : Internal locus of control have positive and significant effect toward workstress, External locus of control have negative and signifficant effect toward workstress, The employees of Departement of Bank Monitoring, have preference to internal locus of control, The employees of Departement of Bank Monitoring workstress condition were low"
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uri Nartanti Istiwidayati
Pokok permasalahan dalam penulisan ini adalah ”apakah terdapat pengaruh beban
kerja dan locus of control terhadap kinerja penyidik pembantu pada Satuan Reskrim
Polres Depok?” Sedangkan sub pokok permasalahan dari tesis ini adalah apakah
terdapat pengaruh dari beban kerja terhadap kinerja penyidik pembantu pada Satuan
Reskrim Polres Depok? Apakah terdapat pengaruh dari locus of control terhadap kinerja
penyidik pembantu pada Satuan Reskrim Polres Depok? Apakah terdapat pengaruh dari
beban kerja dan locus of control terhadap kinerja penyidik pembantu pada Satuan
Reskrim Polres Depok? Kepustakaan penelitian menggunakan hasil penelitian oleh
Abdulloh, Mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Universitas Diponegoro Tahun 2006,
Alvaro Amaral Menezes, Mahasiswa Magister Akuntansi Universitas Diponegoro
Tahun 2008, dan Jurnal dari Martin S. Hagger dan Christopher J. Armitage, University
of Essex dan University of Sheffield. Kepustakaan konseptual menggunakan konsep
Kinerja, beban kerja dan locus of control. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan
kontribusi dalam rangka pengembangan Ilmu Kepolisian. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan
bisa dipergunakan untuk menambah referensi terutama untuk kajian-kajian di bidang
Ilmu Kepolisian terutama dalam hal pemberian layanan publik. Penelitian ini
diharapkan mampu memberi masukan bagi pemimpin Polri baik di tingkat Markas
Besar maupun di tingkat kewilayahan yang terkait dengan masalah yang dibahas dalam
penelitian ini sebagai bahan pengambilan kebijakkan. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada
tesis ini adalah kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode survei. Populasi dan sampel yang
berjumlah 82 orang yang merupakan penyidik pembantu pada Satuan Reskrim Polres
Depok. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data
menggunakan reduksi data, penggabungan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan
hasil temuan penelitian dan pembahasan, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan; (a) Pengaruh
dari beban kerja adalah signifikan terhadap kinerja; (b) pengaruh dari locus of control
adalah signifikan terhadap kinerja; (c) pengaruh dari beban kerja dan locus of control
secara simultan adalah signifikan terhadap kinerja. Adapun saran-saran yang diajukan
oleh penulis dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan antara lain; (a) Polri sebaiknya
mengkaji ulang mengenai analisis pekerjaan penyidik pembantu baik yang sifatnya
administratif maupun operasional kepolisian; (b) Beban kerja yang terlalu besar dan
ditargetkan untuk diselesaikan oleh para penyidik pembantu akan memberikan tingkat
stress kerja baik yang sifatnya fisik maupun psikis kepada para penyidik pembantu.
Sehingga disarankan beban kerja disesuaikan dengan jumlah anggota; (c) Polres Depok
disarankan untuk memfasilitasi anggotanya agar memiliki kemampuan dan
keterampilan yang memadai dalam setiap melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya sehingga
anggota tidak hanya locus of control eksternalnya yang berkembang, melainkan locus of
control internal nya pun ikut berkembang; (d) Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, disarankan
agar menelaah mengenai bagaimana pembuatan standar beban kerja dapat sesuai dengan
klasifikasi kasus dan sesuai dengan kemampuan dari para penyidik pembantu.

Issue in this paper is "whether there are significant effect of workload and locus of control
on the performance of the Assistant Investigator at Criminal Unit Polres Depok ?" While the
sub is the subject matter of the thesis is whether there is an influence of workload on the
performance of the Assistant Investigator at Criminal Unit Polres Depok ?, whether there is
an influence of locus of control on the performance of the Assistant Investigator at Criminal
Unit Polres Depok ?, whether there is an influence of workload and locus of control on the
performance of the Assistant Investigator at Criminal Unit Polres Depok? Literature
research using the research results by Abdulloh, Diponegoro University Students Master of
Management in 2006, Alvaro Amaral Menezes, Master of Accounting Student of
Diponegoro University in 2008, and the Journal of Martin S. Hagger and Christopher J.
Armitage, University of Essex and the University of Sheffield. Conceptual literature uses
the concept of performance, workload and locus of control. This research is expected to
contribute for the development of Police Science. This study is also expected to be used to
add a reference primarily to studies in the field of Police Science, especially in terms of
public service delivery . This study is expected to provide input to the leaders at both the
Police Headquarters as well as at the local level, related to the issues discussed in this study
as the policy of making material. The approach used in this thesis is a quantitative and
survey methods. Population and a sample of 82 responden who is an Assistant Investigator
at Criminal Unit Polres Depok. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires. Analysis
using data reduction, merging the data and drawing conclusions. Based on the findings and
discussion, it can be concluded: (a) The effect of workload on performance is significant;
(b) the influence of locus of control is significant to the performance, (c) the effect of
workload and locus of control simultaneously is significant to the performance. As for
suggestions - suggestions put forward by the authors daripenelitian has been done, among
others: (a) the Police should review the job analysis maid investigator both administrative
and operational nature of the police; (b) The workload is too big and is targeted to be
completed by the investigators helpers will provide the level of job stress that are both
physically and psychologically to the investigators helpers. Adjusted so that the workload is
suggested by the number of members, (c) Polres Depok advised to facilitate members to
have adequate capacity and skills within each perform his duties so that members not only
external locus of control is growing, but its internal locus of control, too developed; (d) For
further research, it is recommended that examines how the creation of standards regarding
the workload can be in accordance with the classification of cases and in accordance with
the ability of the investigators helpers. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kintamani Arafah
Asma merupakan penyakit pernapasan kronis yang tidak dapat disembuhkan, tetapi dapat dikontrol. Keterkendalian asma merupakan manifestasi asma yang dapat diobservasi. Keterkendalian asma dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan mengenai apa yang memengaruhi kondisi kesehatan seseorang, atau disebut dengan health locus of control. Health locus of control terdiri dari tiga dimensi, yaitu internal, powerful others, dan chance. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji mengenai pengaruh internal dan powerful others health locus of control terhadap keterkendalian asma. Sebanyak 272 penderita asma berusia 17 ndash; 50 tahun menyelesaikan alat ukur Asthma Control Test Nathan et al., 2004 dan Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Wallston, Stein, Smith, 1994 . Teknik analisis regresi logistik biner dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh internal dan powerful others health locus of control terhadap keterkendalian asma. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa internal health locus of control tidak dapat memprediksi keterkendalian asma X2 1 = 0,29, p > 0,05 . Sementara itu powerful others health locus of control terbukti dapat memprediksi keterkendalian asma X2 1 = 5,68, p < 0,05 . Berdasakan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa powerful others health locus of control yang semakin tinggi akan menurunkan keterkendalian asma.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that cannot be cured, but can be controlled. Asthma control is the extent to which the manifestations of asthma can be observed in the patient. Asthma control is influenced by the health beliefs of what controls someone rsquo s health condition, called health locus of control. Health locus of control consists of three dimensions internal, powerful others, and chance. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of internal and powerful others health locus of control on asthma control. Two hundred seventy two asthmatic patients aged 17 ndash 50 completed Asthma Control Test Nathan et al., 2004 and Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Wallston, Stein, Smith, 1994 instruments. Binary logistic regression was used as data analysis technique. This study found that internal health locus of control cannot predict asthma control X2 1 0,29, p 0,05 . On the other hand, powerful others health locus of control is founded to be a predictor of asthma control X2 1 5,68, p 0,05 . Thus, the results of this study can be concluded that the higher the powerful others health locus of control will lower asthma control on asthmatic patients. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Helena Santosa
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh financial knowledge, financial attitude, locus of control terhadap financial management behavior pada mahasiswa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga menguji peran financial risk tolerance sebagai variabel moderasi yang dapat memperkuat atau memperlemah pengaruh financial knowledge, financial attitude, locus of control terhadap financial management behavior. Data yang diperoleh sebanyak 447 responden melalui survei cross sectional yang kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa financial knowledge berpengaruh positif terhadap financial attitude. Financial knowledge, financial attitude, dan internal locus of control berpengaruh positif terhadap financial management behavior. Financial attitude memediasi pengaruh antara financial knowledge terhadap financial management behavior dan hubungan mediasi ini termasuk complementary mediation. Pengaruh antara financial knowledge, financial attitude, dan internal locus of control terhadap financial management behavior tidak dimoderasi oleh financial risk tolerance. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran mahasiswa tentang pentingnya financial management behavior dan pentingnya mengelola keuangan.

This study aims to determine the effect of financial knowledge, financial attitude, locus of control on financial management behavior among students in Indonesia. This study also investigates the role of financial risk tolerance as a moderating variable that can strengthen or weaken the effect of financial knowledge, financial attitude, and locus of control on financial management behavior. The data obtained by 447 respondents through a cross-sectional survey were then processed and analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate that financial knowledge has a positive effect on financial attitude. Financial knowledge, financial attitude, and internal locus of control positively affect financial management behavior. Financial attitude mediates the influence between financial knowledge on financial management behavior and this mediation relationship includes complementary mediation. This study does not find the significant role of financial risk tolerance in moderating the effect of financial knowledge, financial attitude, and internal locus of control on financial management behavior. This research is expected to increase student awareness about the importance of financial management behavior and the importance of managing finances."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atika Zarefar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh etika terhadap niat melakukan
whistleblowing dengan menggunakan locus of control sebagai variabel
moderating. Model analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi
linier berganda, analisa ini didasarkan pada hasil kuesioner yang dapat diolah
sebanyak 123 responden yang bersal dari auditor Badan Pengawasan Keuangan
dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Provinsi Riau, pegawai Dinas Pekerjaan Umum
Provinsi Riau, dan pegawai Dinas Dispora Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini
membuktikan bahwa etika berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap niat
melakukan whistleblowing dan locus of control dapat memoderasi pengaruh etika
terhadap niat melakukan whistleblowing. Penelitian ini juga memberi kesimpulan
bahwa etika auditor BPKP lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan etika pegawai Dinas.
Disamping itu, pengaruh demografi tingkat pendidikan dan masa kerja pada
responden auditor berpengaruh terhadap etika auditor, sedangkan pengaruh
demografi pada tingkat pendidikan pada responden non auditor tidak berpengaruh
terhadap etika responden. Tetapi lama masa keja pada responden non auditor
berpengaruh terhadap etikanya.

The purpose of this study to examine the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing
intentions by using locus of control as a moderating variable. Model analysis use
in this study is multiple linear regression, this analysis is based on the results of
the questionnaire which can be processed as much as 123 respondents who come
from Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) auditor's Riau
Province, Civil Servant in Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, dan Civil Servant in Dinas
Dispora in Riau Province. This study proves that ethics significantly positive
effect on the intention do whistleblowing, whereas locus of control can moderate
the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing intentions. This study also suggests
that the BPKP auditor?s ethics higher than the ethics of Service employee. In
addition, demographics influence on the level education and years of service of
the respondents auditor can affect the auditor ethics, while the influence of
demographics on education level of respondents non auditor can not affect the
ethics of respondents non auditor. But, years of service on respondents non
auditor influence on their ethics.;The purpose of this study to examine the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing
intentions by using locus of control as a moderating variable. Model analysis use
in this study is multiple linear regression, this analysis is based on the results of
the questionnaire which can be processed as much as 123 respondents who come
from Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) auditor's Riau
Province, Civil Servant in Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, dan Civil Servant in Dinas
Dispora in Riau Province. This study proves that ethics significantly positive
effect on the intention do whistleblowing, whereas locus of control can moderate
the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing intentions. This study also suggests
that the BPKP auditor?s ethics higher than the ethics of Service employee. In
addition, demographics influence on the level education and years of service of
the respondents auditor can affect the auditor ethics, while the influence of
demographics on education level of respondents non auditor can not affect the
ethics of respondents non auditor. But, years of service on respondents non
auditor influence on their ethics.;The purpose of this study to examine the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing
intentions by using locus of control as a moderating variable. Model analysis use
in this study is multiple linear regression, this analysis is based on the results of
the questionnaire which can be processed as much as 123 respondents who come
from Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) auditor's Riau
Province, Civil Servant in Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, dan Civil Servant in Dinas
Dispora in Riau Province. This study proves that ethics significantly positive
effect on the intention do whistleblowing, whereas locus of control can moderate
the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing intentions. This study also suggests
that the BPKP auditor’s ethics higher than the ethics of Service employee. In
addition, demographics influence on the level education and years of service of
the respondents auditor can affect the auditor ethics, while the influence of
demographics on education level of respondents non auditor can not affect the
ethics of respondents non auditor. But, years of service on respondents non
auditor influence on their ethics., The purpose of this study to examine the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing
intentions by using locus of control as a moderating variable. Model analysis use
in this study is multiple linear regression, this analysis is based on the results of
the questionnaire which can be processed as much as 123 respondents who come
from Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) auditor's Riau
Province, Civil Servant in Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, dan Civil Servant in Dinas
Dispora in Riau Province. This study proves that ethics significantly positive
effect on the intention do whistleblowing, whereas locus of control can moderate
the influence of ethics to do whistleblowing intentions. This study also suggests
that the BPKP auditor’s ethics higher than the ethics of Service employee. In
addition, demographics influence on the level education and years of service of
the respondents auditor can affect the auditor ethics, while the influence of
demographics on education level of respondents non auditor can not affect the
ethics of respondents non auditor. But, years of service on respondents non
auditor influence on their ethics.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Rahman Shaleh
"Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menemukan adanya pengaruh etos kerja dan locus of control terhadap sikap perempuan pada dirinya sebagai pekerja dengan mengambil subjek penelitian perempuan yang bekerja sebagai buruh pabrik di kawasan industri Tangerang, Banten.
Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan mengadaptasi skala etos kerja dari The Protestant Ethics Scale Weber, skala LPC dari Levenson dan Attitude toward Women Scale dari Spence dan Heilmreich yang melibatkan subjek sebanyak 146 orang buruh perempuan.
Dari hasil perhitungan faktorial dengan tiga variabel yang merupakan gabungan dari dimensi-dimensi variabel etos dan loc (variabel nilai), gabungan dari variabel usia, status kawin, dan jumlah anak (variabel keluarga), dan variabel lama kerja dan jenis perusahaan (variabel pekerjaan) didapat hasil bahwa yang berhubungan dengan sikap perempuan terhadap dirinya sebagai pekerja hanyalah variabel nilai. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena begitu kuatnya ajaran dan tradisi melekat dalam stereotipikasi peran gender perempuan. Ini diperkuat dengan tingkat status ekonomi dan sosial subjek serta kemungkinan rendahnya tingkat pendidikan.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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