"[Penggunaan Potentially Inappropriate Medication (PIM) dapat mengganggu hasil
luaran kesehatan yang diinginkan. Penggunaan PIM pun berperan penting dalam
terjadinya morbiditas dan mortalitas sehingga dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup
pasien geriatri. Di RSCM Jakarta, belum ada data mengenai proporsi penggunaan
PIM pada pasien geriatri rawat inap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi
penggunaan PIM berdasarkan kriteria Beers 2012 pada pasien geriatri rawat inap di
RSCM Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang (cross-sectional)
retrospektif. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis pasien geriatri rawat inap yang
terdaftar di Bagian Rekam Medis RSCM Jakarta periode Januari-Juni 2015. Data
mengenai riwayat penggunaan obat dan diagnosis tiap pasien diolah dan dianalisis
berdasarkan kriteria Beers 2012. Dari 63 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi,
didapatkan 16 (25,4%) pasien geriatri rawat inap telah menerima PIM. Obat-obatan
yang termasuk PIM berdasarkan kriteria Beers yang paling banyak diresepkan
antara lain digoxin >0,125 mg per hari, haloperidol dan klonidin. Dibandingkan
dengan penggunaan PIM di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Layanan Tersier di India,
Daerah Malabar di Kerala, Rumah Sakit Pendidikan India, Minnesota dan Rumah
Sakit Tersier Pedalaman Nigeria, penggunaan PIM di RSCM Jakarta lebih rendah,
namun, lebih tinggi dibandingkan di Rumah Sakit Italia, Brazil, RSUP Dr. M.
Djamil Padang dan Metropolitan Hyderabad India. Perbedaan proporsi penggunaan
PIM di RSCM Jakarta dibandingkan dengan RS lain dapat dipengaruhi oleh
perbedaan profil pasien dalam hal penyakit komorbid yang multipel, polifarmasi,
ketersediaan obat dan pengetahuan dokter mengenai obat-obat yang masuk didalam
kriteria Beers, The use of Potentially Inappropriate Medication (PIM) can affect the outcome of
treatment. The use of PIM contributes to the morbidity and mortality event and it
can reduce the quality of life of geriatric patients. In Cipto Mangunkusumo (CM)
Jakarta Hospital, there was no data about the proportion of the use of PIM in
hospitalized geriatric patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of PIM
based on the Beers criteria 2012 in hospitalized geriatric patients in CM Hospital
Jakarta. The design of this study is a retrospective, cross sectional study. Data was
obtained from the medical records of geriatric patients hospitalized in the internal
medicine ward CM Hospital during the period of January to June 2015. Data about
the history of drug use and the diagnosis of patients were processed and analyzed
based on the Beers criteria 2012. Of the 63 geriatric patients evaluated, 16 (25.4%)
have received PIM. The most frequent prescribed drugs categorized as PIM based
on Beers criteria are digoxin > 0,125 mg per day, haloperidol and clonidine.
Compared with the PIM use in The Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in India, Indian
Teaching Hospital, Minnesota and Nigerian Rural Tertiary Hospital, the PIM use
in CM Hospital is lower. However, it is higher when compared to those in the Italian
Hospital, Brazil Hospital, RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang and Metropolitan
Hyderabad India. The differences in the proportion of use of PIM in CM Jakarta
Hospital compared to other hospitals can be influenced by the differences of
patients profile in terms of the multiple comorbid diseases, polypharmacy,
availability of drugs and knowledge of physicians about drugs listed in the Beers