"Juvenile delinquency with law today have need to receive an attention because they are a next generation that we must keep watch over them in order that they do not make a deviation that finally they must experience a hard live in prison. A prison as a place for the exile of individual groups because they have a crime behavior. It is not a good place for a juvenile. To enter a juvenile will be contaminated and learn a bigger crime.
Research method used a qualitative approach with case study conducted. In data collecting the researcher performed an observation in the research location and interview in depth with the informants and also a structured interview with the prisons officer.
An applied incarceration for a juvenile is designed as a punishment in order that a juvenile has a daunt because a juvenile has not a special guiding during in prison, in addition a treatment for adult. Because there do not perform a guiding for a juvenile, so there is much free time, it can be used by a juvenile to learn on other delinquency in way mutual change an experience.
A juvenile learning process in performing a delinquency or deviation occur in a long time and in an intimate group. Tis process did not performed only in prison but also it occur after they have released from the prison in intimate group. A crime learning process can be absorbed easily by a juvenile, because during in prison a juvenile has less related to a binding elements. With a weak social relation and occuring a crime learning process that a juvenile had performed in prison, then, a juvenile has a probability in significant to do a delinquency, so that the new and young criminals will be created as an impact of incarceration of juvenile."