ABSTRAKSkripsi ini berfokus pada telaah pemikiran Njoto, salah satu pimpinan utama PKI, dalam kapasitasnya sebagai seorang politikus, publisis, dan pekerja budaya. Pemikirannya berkelindan pada konteks Indonesia periode 1951?1965. Melalui kajian skripsi ini penulis mencoba keluar dari penilaian apriori terhadap pemikiran kalangan kiri Indonesia. Skripsi ini juga bertujuan untuk melengkapi khazanah historiografi pemikiran periode 1950-an yang nisbi terbatas. Oleh karena itu, dalam proses penulisan skripsi ini penulis banyak memanfaatkan karya-karya Njoto selama kurun tersebut yang dipublikasikan dalam koran komunis, Harian Rakjat. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa akar dari pemikiran Njoto adalah keberpihakan politik kepada masyarakat kelas bawah. Tema besar dari gagasannya adalah tentang pembebasan rakyat dari ketertindasan. Gagasannya dalam taraf tertentu tidak orisinal, tetapi gagasannya dalam tiga domain tersebut saling bertaut sehingga mampu mendukung gerakan yang sinergis dan masif.
ABSTRACTThis study focuses on Njoto?s thought, one of the eminent leaders of Indonesian Communist Party, in his capacity as politician, publicist, and cultural commentator. His thinking is intertwined in the context of Indonesia period 1951?1965. Through this study, the author tries out a priori assessment on the thinking of the left movement in Indonesia. This study also aims to complete the historiography of thought in the 1950s which were relatively limited. Therefore, in the process of writing this study, the author utilizes Njoto?s works during that period were published in a communist newspaper, Harian Rakjat. The result of this study shows that the roots of his thought was his political alignments toward the lower class. The major consideration of his thoughts is about people liberation from oppression. The idea isn?t original to some extent, but in these three domains linked with and support the synergistic and massive movement.
, This study focuses on Njoto’s thought, one of the eminent leaders of Indonesian Communist Party, in his capacity as politician, publicist, and cultural commentator. His thinking is intertwined in the context of Indonesia period 1951—1965. Through this study, the author tries out a priori assessment on the thinking of the left movement in Indonesia. This study also aims to complete the historiography of thought in the 1950s which were relatively limited. Therefore, in the process of writing this study, the author utilizes Njoto’s works during that period were published in a communist newspaper, Harian Rakjat. The result of this study shows that the roots of his thought was his political alignments toward the lower class. The major consideration of his thoughts is about people liberation from oppression. The idea isn’t original to some extent, but in these three domains linked with and support the synergistic and massive movement.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015