ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang pengembangan sistem informasi surveilans Penyakit
yang Dapat Dicegah Dengan Imunisasi (PD3I) yang dikonfirmasi oleh laboratorium
dengan berbasis Web. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi saat ini pemberantasan penyakit
menular merupakan suatu hal penting yang harus didukung dengan sarana yang
sesuai. Untuk itu suatu negara harus mengembangkan, memperkuat, dan
memelihara kemampuan untuk mendeteksi, menilai dan melaporkan kejadian
penyakit menular. Sistem surveilans dengan berbasis Web dan terintegrasi dapat
mendukung dan memperkuat kegiatan surveilans PD3I yang ada sekarang.
Penelitian ini mengenali permasalahan dengan pendekatan sistem. Rancangannya
adalah riset operasional. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam,
observasi dan telaah dokumen dilanjutkan dengan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian
menemukan terputus informasi di dalam hirarki pelaporan yang berjalan saat ini
sehingga tidak tepat waktu untuk sampai di pusat. Sistem pelaporan berjenjang
memakan waktu lama. Pengembangan sistem informasi yang terintegrasi yang saat
ini berupa prototype harus terus dikembangkan dan perlunya komitmen dari semua
pihak dapat memperbaiki surveilans PD3I dengan konfirmasi lab sehingga
penanganan kasus dapat dilakukan segera dan mencegah penyebaran penyakit.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about developing surveillance information system on Vaccine
Preventable Diseases (VPD) which are confirmed by laboratory examination and
which are web based. Its background is that controlling communicable diseases is
in important issue that has to be supported with appropriate structures. Therefore, a
country should develop, strengthen, and maintain its capacity to detect, asses and
report communicable disease events. An integrated web based surveillance system
can support and strengthen the existing VPD surveillance activities.
This research recognizes problems with a system approach. Its design is operational
research. Data are collected through deep interview, observation and document
review, which are continued with content analysis. Research results show that there
is an information gap at the report hierarchy in the existing system, so that data
reach the central level not in timely manner. Cascade reporting system takes a long
time. Developing integrated information system as prototype and strong
commitment from related parties can improve VPD surveillance with lab
confirmation, so that case management can be performed immediately and further
spread of the disease can be prevented., This thesis discusses about developing surveillance information system on Vaccine
Preventable Diseases (VPD) which are confirmed by laboratory examination and
which are web based. Its background is that controlling communicable diseases is
in important issue that has to be supported with appropriate structures. Therefore, a
country should develop, strengthen, and maintain its capacity to detect, asses and
report communicable disease events. An integrated web based surveillance system
can support and strengthen the existing VPD surveillance activities.
This research recognizes problems with a system approach. Its design is operational
research. Data are collected through deep interview, observation and document
review, which are continued with content analysis. Research results show that there
is an information gap at the report hierarchy in the existing system, so that data
reach the central level not in timely manner. Cascade reporting system takes a long
time. Developing integrated information system as prototype and strong
commitment from related parties can improve VPD surveillance with lab
confirmation, so that case management can be performed immediately and further
spread of the disease can be prevented.]"