ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang bahwa pemuda memiliki peran strategis dalam pembangunan bangsa dan negara. Sebagai bagian dari SDM, penduduk usia muda atau pemuda tidak bisa diabaikan., karena dalam struktur demografis, penduduk usia muda (16-30 tahun) merupakan segmen paling besar dan masih berada pada usia produktif. Salah satu program untuk meningkatkan karakter pemuda yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI adalah Program Pendidikan TANNASDA (Ketahanan Nasional untuk Pemuda). Prograrn yang telah dilaksanakan sejak Tahun 2007 dan dilaksanakan secara intensif setiap tahun.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan paradigma Post Positivist atau pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan faktor-faktor yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengernbangkan program tersebut, sehingga bisa ditemukan strategi- strategi baru dalam mengelola program. Untuk proses analisa data yang diperoleh maka digunakan analisisa SWOT dalam pengambilan faktor internal dan eksternal dari program TANNASDA. Masing-masing faktor ini ditentukan oleh dua variabel utama, yaitu kekuatan dan kelemahan sebagai faktor internal, serta kesempatan dan ancaman sebagai faktor eksternal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dirumuskan dua strategi yang terdiri dari strategi prioritas 1 atau strategi makro dengan empat faktor utama yaitu : kepemimpinan, nasionalisme, ketahanan nasional dan daya saing. Sedangkan strategi prioritas 2 atau mikro terdiri dari perumusan strategi berdasarkan faktor- faktor : kepesertaan, kurikulum, kemitraan, pola pembinaan, alumni dan post program.
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted with a background that youth have a strategic role in the development of the nation and the state. As part of the HR, young people or youth can not be ignored., Because the demographic structure, young people (16-30 years) constitute the largest segment and is still in the productive age. One of the program to improve the character of youth organized by Kemenpora RI is Tannasda (National Defense for Youth). Prograrn conducted since 2007 and carried out intensively every year.
This study uses post positivist paradigm approach or qualitative approach to obtain the factors that can be done to mengernbangkan the program, so they can find new strategies in managing the program. For the analysis of the data obtained is used in the analysis of SWOT making internal and external factors of the program TANNASDA. Each of these factors is determined by two main variables, namely the strengths and weaknesses as internal factors, as well as the opportunities and threats are external factors. Based on the results of the research are formulated 2 strategy consists of strategic priority 1 or macro strategy with four main factors, namely: leadership, nationalism, national security and competitiveness. While the priority 2 or micro strategy consists of formulating strategies based on these factors: participation, curriculum, partnerships, development patterns, alumni and post-program.;This study was conducted with a background that youth have a strategic role in the development of the nation and the state. As part of the HR, young people or youth can not be ignored., Because the demographic structure, young people (16-30 years) constitute the largest segment and is still in the productive age. One of the program to improve the character of youth organized by Kemenpora RI is Tannasda (National Defense for Youth). Prograrn conducted since 2007 and carried out intensively every year.
This study uses post positivist paradigm approach or qualitative approach to obtain the factors that can be done to mengernbangkan the program, so they can find new strategies in managing the program. For the analysis of the data obtained is used in the analysis of SWOT making internal and external factors of the program TANNASDA. Each of these factors is determined by two main variables, namely the strengths and weaknesses as internal factors, as well as the opportunities and threats are external factors. Based on the results of the research are formulated 2 strategy consists of strategic priority 1 or macro strategy with four main factors, namely: leadership, nationalism, national security and competitiveness. While the priority 2 or micro strategy consists of formulating strategies based on these factors: participation, curriculum, partnerships, development patterns, alumni and post-program., This study was conducted with a background that youth have a strategic role in the development of the nation and the state. As part of the HR, young people or youth can not be ignored., Because the demographic structure, young people (16-30 years) constitute the largest segment and is still in the productive age. One of the program to improve the character of youth organized by Kemenpora RI is Tannasda (National Defense for Youth). Prograrn conducted since 2007 and carried out intensively every year.
This study uses post positivist paradigm approach or qualitative approach to obtain the factors that can be done to mengernbangkan the program, so they can find new strategies in managing the program. For the analysis of the data obtained is used in the analysis of SWOT making internal and external factors of the program TANNASDA. Each of these factors is determined by two main variables, namely the strengths and weaknesses as internal factors, as well as the opportunities and threats are external factors. Based on the results of the research are formulated 2 strategy consists of strategic priority 1 or macro strategy with four main factors, namely: leadership, nationalism, national security and competitiveness. While the priority 2 or micro strategy consists of formulating strategies based on these factors: participation, curriculum, partnerships, development patterns, alumni and post-program.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014