ABSTRAKUntuk mengurangi pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan yang dihasilkan perusahaan, penting bagi perusahaan tersebut untuk melibatkan para pekerjanya. Pekerja harus didorong untuk menerapkan perilaku pro-lingkungan dan untuk itu perusahaan harus memahami motivasi dibalik perilaku tersebut. Terkait hal ini, studi ini ingin membuktikan apakah value-identity-personal norms VIP model mampu memprediksi perilaku lingkungan pekerja. Menggunakan metode Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling PLS-SEM, hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa biospheric value, environmental self-identity, dan personal norms to behave pro-environmentally at work terbukti terkait satu sama lain. Selanjutnya, personal norms terbukti secara signifikan terkait negatif terhadap penggunaan energi di lingkungan kerja dan positif terhadap pencegahan dan daur ulang sampah kertas. Sayangnya, personal norms tidak dapat memprediksi perilaku penggunaan energi pekerja terkait transportasi. Sementara secara keseluruhan, personal norms hanya mampu menjelaskan secara lemah ketiga tipe perilaku lingkungan pekerja tersebut yang menandakan bahwa terdapat peran dari faktor lain yang mungkin bermain, seperti faktor konstekstual. Untuk itu, studi ini merekomendasikan perusahaan untuk tidak hanya membangun biospheric value, environmental self-identity, dan personal norms to behave pro-environmentally at work dalam diri para pekerjanya, namun juga membangun linkungan kerja yang memfasilitasi mereka untuk menerapkan perilaku pro-lingkungan.
ABSTRACTTo reduce pollution and environmental degradation imposed by corporates, it is important for them to involve their workers. The workers have to be encouraged to perform pro environemental behaviors and hence corporates have to understand the antecedents behind the behaviors. This study then aims to examine whether a value identity personal norms VIP model can predict workers environmental behaviors. By utilizing Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling PLS SEM method, the results show that biospheric value, environmental self identity, and personal norms to behave pro environmentally at work are indeed related to one another. Further, personal norms is proven to be significantly negatively related to energy use at workplace and positively related to paper waste prevention and recycling. Unfortunately, personal norms are not succesful in predicting energy use related to transportation. Over all, personal norms weakly explain the three types of workers environmental behavior which indicates that there might be a role from other factor, such as contextual factor. Hence, this study recommends corporates not to only strengthening workers rsquo biospheric value, environmental self identity, and personal norms to behave pro environmentally at work, but also providing them with working circumstances that facilitate workers to actually perform pro environmental behaviors. "