ABSTRAKThe field of electrical engineering is inseparable from mathematics. One of the commonly used equations is differential equations, in both linear and nonlinear form. Solution of linear equations of differential equations can be obtained analytically, but the solution of nonlinear differential equations can not be easily obtained.
The solution of the differential equation is necessary solved to understand the behavior of the dynamic system, therefore in the proses of simulation, a special method is required which can provide these numerical differential equations solution. This can be done with Matlab-Simulink programming.
Matlab-Simulink software with version R2016a provides LIBRARY BROWSER facility which is very adequate and applied in windows system, and has LIBRARY which consist of many blocks; CONTINUOUS blocks, DISCONTINUITIES blocks, MATH OPERATIONS blocks, FUNCTION, SOURCES blocks, SINKS blocks and so on. Therefore the solution of a system that has a linear or nonlinear differential equation is very necessary to be disclosed."