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Nusriyati Mahmudah Nashuha
"Dimasa Mendatang, diprediksi akan banyak perangkat yang terhubung pada jaringan komunikasi, selain itu jaringan komunikasi masa depan juga membutuhkan nilai packet loss rate (PLR) yang rendah serta sistem pemrosesan yang sangat cepat. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan sebuah skema akses jamak atau multiple access yang mampu melayani lalulintas komunikasi dengan jumlah perangkat yang sangat banyak  serta nilai PLR yang kecil. Skema akses jamak berupa coded random access (CRA) dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena mampu melayani lalulintas komunikasi dengan jumlah perangkat yang terhubung sangat banyak (throughput yang tinggi. Untuk mendapatkan PLR yang rendah pada CRA, digunakan degree distribusi  yang menghasilkan stopping set sedikit. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi pada CRA dengan mencari degree distribusi yang menghasilkan stopping set paling rendah pada throughput yang masih dapat diterima. Optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan theory probability stopping set dan simulasi komputer. Untuk memvalidasi ketercapaian throughput, pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi dengan menggunakan metode Extrinsic Information transfer(EXIT) chart analisis. Dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan validasi antara theory probability stopping set dengan hasil yang didapat dari simulasi komputer. Dari hasil validasi tersebut menunjukan theory probability stopping set sesuai dengan hasil dari simulasi komputer. Sehingga penggunaan theory probability stopping set cukup valid untuk dipakai pada optimasi degree distribusi dengan meminimalkan stopping set. Dari serangkaian penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan CRA dengan degree distribusi yang mempunyai stopping set paling minimal sebanyak 48 kali dalam 10.000 sample yang ditandai dengan PLR yang cukup rendah yaitu 10^-3 pada G=0.65 packet per slot (yang artinya 1 paket rusak dalam 1000 sampel dengan mode pengiriman 65% aktif dari seluruh user dan throughput yang masih dapat diterima yaitu G=0.7 packet per slot. Usulan CRA dengan degree distribution optimal dengan minimal stopping set hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan dan bermanfaat pada komunikasi aplikasi krusial dengan nilai kegagalan mendekati nol.

The Future networks predicted with massive number of devices connected to communication networks, beside that the future communication network also requires a low value of packet loss rate (PLR) and a very fast processing system. In this paper, a multiple access scheme is proposed which is capable of serving communication traffic with a very large number of devices and a small PLR value. Multiple access scheme such as coded random access (CRA) were in this paper, because of ability of serving communication traffic with a large number of connected devices(or we can call high throughput needed). To obtain a low PLR in CRA, we use a degree distribution which resulted in a small number of stopping set. This paper was optimized on CRA by looking for a degree distribution that produced the lowest number of stopping set at acceptable throughput. Optimization was done by using probability of stopping set theory and computer simulation. To validate the achievement of throughput, this paper was evaluated using the Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart analysis. In this paper, we validate between probability stopping set theory and the results obtained from computer simulations, the result shows that the probability stopping set theory is in accordance with the result of computer simulations. Therefore the use of probability stopping set theory is valid to be used in degree distribution optimization by minimizing stopping sets. In this paper, it was obtained CRA with a degree distribution which has a stopping set of at least 48 times in 10000 samples which is marked by PLR which is quite low at 10-3 at offered traffic 0.65 packet per slot (which means 1 packet is damaged in 1000 samples with delivery mode 65% active of all users) and acceptable throughput in 0.7 packet per slot. The proposed CRA with optimal degree distribution having minimum stopping set results from this paper is expected to be applicable and useful in crucial application communication with asymptotically zero failure."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chen, Xiaoming
"This book focuses on massive access to the cellular internet of things (IoT). Both theory and technique are addressed, with more weight placed on the latter. This is achieved by providing in-depth studies on a number of central topics such as channel state information acquisition, user clustering, superposition coding, and successive interference cancellation. Four typical application scenarios are examined in detail, namely the stationary IoT device scenario, frequency division duplex-based low-mobility IoT device scenario, time-division duplex-based IoT device scenario, and high-mobility IoT device scenario. The comprehensive and systematic treatment of key techniques in massive access to the cellular IoT is one of the major features of the book, which is particularly suited for readers who are interested in finding practical solutions for the cellular IoT. As such, it will benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of information engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, etc."
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Kusumawati
"Peningkatan trafik mobile data di Indonesia diprediksi oleh CISCO akan meningkat sebesar 12 kali lipat pada tahun 2020. Trafik tersebut diprediksi akan terus bertambah dengan meluasnya pemanfaatan teknologi IoT secara masif sebagai salah satu tren teknologi masa depan. Pemanfaatan teknologi IoT di Indonesia digunakan untuk mendukung program smart city di berbagai kota dan diperkirakan akan berimplikasi pada kenaikan trafik. Sementara itu, Indonesia diperkirakan akan kekurangan spektrum mobile broadband sebesar 500 MHz pada tahun 2020. Implementasi teknologi IoT untuk mendukung smart city diperkirakan akan memperbesar defisiensi spektrum tersebut. Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menghitung prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT di Indonesia. Forum bersama industri elektronik di India IESA TIE IoT Forum telah melakukan prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT. Dalam rangka mendukung program pengembangan smart city di India, IESA TIE IoT Forum merekomendasikan alokasi spektrum tambahan sebesar 10 ndash; 20 MHz spesifik untuk layanan IoT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung prediksi kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT dengan studi kasus Jakarta Smart City menggunakan metode perhitungan yang digunakan oleh IESA TIE IoT Forum. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT meningkat 17,27 dalam kurun waktu 2016-2021 dengan kebutuhan spektrum sebesar 18,67 MHz untuk skenario 1 dan 19,91 MHz untuk skenario 2. Kebutuhan spektrum tersebut dapat diantisipasi oleh regulator dengan memperhatikan ketersediaan alternatif spektrum saat ini, peluang industri dan inovasi IoT dalam negeri serta kebutuhan regulasi terkait IoT seperti standarisasi perangkat, harmonisasi spektrum dan sistem keamanan data.

In Indonesia, mobile data traffic is predicted by CISCO will increase significantly by 12 times in the period of 2015 ndash 2020. The traffic is predicted will grow continuously by widespread utilization of IoT technologies on a massive scale as one of the future technology. IoT is used to support the smart city program in various cities in Indonesia and expected to have implications in traffic growth. Meanwhile, Indonesia is expected to experience deficiency of 500 MHz spectrum for mobile broadband services in 2020. IoT implementation to support smart city is predicted to enlarge spectrum deficiency. There has been no study which calculates spectrum needs for IoT services in Indonesia. Electronics industrial collaboration forum in India IESA TIE IOT Forum has made predictions of spectrum need for IoT services. In order to support smart city in India, IESA TIE IoT forum proposed to allocate additional spectrum of 10 ndash 20 MHz specific for IoT services. This research aims to calculate spectrum need for IoT services in case of Jakarta Smart City. The results are spectrum need for IoT services increase by 17.27 in the period of 2016 ndash 2021 with the spectrum needs of 18.67 MHz for scenarios 1 and 19.91 MHz for scenarios 2. The spectrum needs should be anticipated by regulator to consider the availability alternative spectrum, opportunity and innovation IoT industry in Indonesia and the needs of regulations related to IoT for instance standardization of devices, spectrum harmonization and data security systems."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aiyuni Putri Astyani
"Industri Tekstil dan Pakaian Tekstil (TPT) Indonesia memiliki angka pertumbuhan yang fluktuatif dalam tiga tahun terakhir dan berpeluang besar mengalami peningkatan permintaan pada tahun 2021. Jumlah permintaan harus berbanding lurus dengan pemberian kualitas yang baik dengan memperhatikan faktor kualitas udara, diantaranya adalah suhu udara, kelembapan udara, dan kadar debu. Suhu dan kelembapan udara yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan pertumbuhan jamur atau bakteri pada pakaian, sedangkan kadar debu yang tinggi dapat membuat warna pakaian pudar. Ketiga hal tersebut dapat dipantau dengan membuat sistem IoT yang menggabungkan sensor DHT22 untuk mengukur suhu dan kelembapan udara, serta GP2Y1010AU0F untuk mengukur kadar debu dan menggunakan mikrokontrolerer ESP8266 NodeMCU. Pada skripsi ini didapatkan hasil sistem yang bekerja baik dengan parameter suhu dan kelembapan udara yang sesuai dengan rata-rata masing-masing sebesar 25.08 ̊C dan 52.36% RH karena terdapat pengaturan manual pada AC dan dehumidifier. Namun, kadar debu belum sesuai < 0.025 mg/m dan tetap sebesar 0.49 mg/m karena tidak terdapat pengaturan manual pada air purifier. Penambahan fungsi RFID untuk melakukan proses pendataan inventaris pakaian juga bekerja dengan baik dan keseluruhan data sistem disimpan di dalam database MySQL lalu ditampilkan melalui dashboard website dengan alamat www.dashboard.wardrobe-purifier.net.

Textile and Apparel Textil Industry (TPT) in Indonesia has had a fluctuative growth rate for the last three years and has a high chance of increasing demand in 2021. The number of demand must be as well as providing a good quality by taking a good care with paying attention to the air quality factors that can affect the quality of clothes when it’s stored, including air temperature, humidity, and dust levels. High temperature and humidity can cause mold or bacteria to grow on clothes, meanwhile, high level of dust can make the color on clothes gets faded. These three air quality factors can be monitored by designing an IoT system that combines a DHT22 sensor to monitor air temperature and humidity, also a GP2Y1010AU0F sensor to monitor dust levels and using ESP8266 NodeMCU as the microcontroller. In this research, the result of the system for the temperature and humidity have achieved the requirement of ideal air quality with an average of 25.08˚C and 52.36% RH, respectively. This is due to manual control to the air conditioner and dehumidifier. However, the dust level has not achieved < 0.025 mg/m³, which is still 0.49 mg/m³ because there is no manual control to the air purifier. The addition of the RFID function to process the clothing inventory data also works well and the entire system data is stored in a MySQL database and then it’s displayed through the website dashboard with the website address www.dashboard.wardrobe-purifier.net."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonia Helena Ladasi

Saat ini, industri manufaktur memiliki tantangan untuk dapat mengelola rantai produksi dengan tanggap dan cepat. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, muncul ide untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri manufaktur dengan menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor penentu yang memengaruhi keputusan adopsi teknologi Internet of Things pada salah satu industri agrobisnis di Indonesia yaitu PT. XYZ. Model penelitian ini dibangun dengan menggabungkan dua teori adopsi teknologi informasi yaitu technology-organization-environment (TOE) dan human-organization-technology (HOT-fit). Model penelitian ini terdiri empat kriteria utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu kriteria manusia, teknologi, organisasi, dan lingkungan dengan 20 faktor tersebar di masing-masing kriteria. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada 12 pengambil keputusan PT. XYZ. Pengolahan data menggunakan pemodelan Decision Making Trial and Evaluation and Laboratory (DEMATEL). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah kriteria manusia merupakan kriteria paling penting jika dibandingkan dengan kriteria utama lainnya. Dari kriteria manusia, faktor sikap inovasi para pemimpin dan kemampuan teknikal staf TI merupakan faktor paling penting jika dibandingkan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya. Dari kriteria teknologi, faktor infrastruktur SI/TI dan keamanan dan privasi data merupakan faktor paling penting jika dibandingkan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya. Dari kriteria organisasi, faktor dukungan manajemen puncak dan biaya adopsi teknologi yang dirasakan merupakan faktor paling penting jika dibandingkan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya. Dari kriteria lingkungan, faktor tekanan mimetik yang dirasakan dan tekanan koersif yang dirasakan merupakan faktor paling penting jika dibandingkan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya.

Recently, manufacturing industry has been challenged of being able to manage the production chain responsively and rapidly. With this background, the idea emerged to meet the needs of manufacturing industry by using Internet of Thing (IoT) technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinant factors that influence decision to adopt Internet of Things technology in one of Agribusiness Industries in Indonesia, namely PT. XYZ. This research model was built by integrating two information technology adoption theories, technology-organization-environment (TOE) and human-organization-technology (HOT-fit). This reseach model consists of four main criteria which are human, technology, organization, and environment with 20 factors spread over each criteria. Data were collected by using a questionnaire given to 12 decision makers at PT. XYZ and analyzed using Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL). The concusion obtained in this study is that human and technology criteria are the most important criteria when compared to other main criteria. From human criteria, the champions innovativeness and technical skills of IT staff is the most importnant factor when compared with other factors. From the technology criteria, the IS/IT infrastructure and data security and privacy are the most important factors when compared to other factors. From organization criteria, top management support and perceived of cost technology adoption are the most important factors when compared with other factors. From environment criteria, the perceived of mimetic pressure dan perceived coercive pressure are the most important factors when compared to other factors.

Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervin Halimsurya
"Generator Set yang sering di singkat menjadi genset, merupakan sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dari beragam jenis bahan bakar. Penggunaan genset biasanya diperlukan ketika terjadinya pemadaman saluran listrik atau ketika ada kebutuhan listrik di tempat terpencil yang tidak terjangkau distribusi listrik negara. Kemampuan untuk mengawasi kondisi genset serta mengoperasikan genset dari jarak jauh dapat menjadi hal yang penting dan memudahkan pengoperasian genset terebut. Pada skripsi ini, telah dilakukan rancang bangun sistem untuk mengendalikan genset dan mengawasi parameter genset yang berupa suhu, level bahan bakar, tegangan aki, serta tegangan yang dihasilkan genset. Dari hasil penelitian telah didapatkan bahwa sistem dapat menyalakan dan mematikan genset melalui protokol komunikasi LoRaWAN melalui antares. Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa sensor AC memiliki persentase kesalahan sebesar 7,9%, sensor DC sebesar 9,02%, sensor suhu sebesar 11,11%, dan sensor ultrasonik sebesar 13,79%. Dari penelitian didapatkan juga parameter transmisi SNR dan juga RSSI telah bernilai di dalam batas rentang yang dapat diterima LoRa dengan nilai SNR terkecil sebesar -18,5 dB dan terbesar 5 dB dan nilai RSSI terkecil sebesar -120 dB dan tertinggi -106 dB. Diperoleh juga delay dengan rata-rata sebesar 0.248 detik.

A generator set which is also known as a genset is a device that can produce electricity by consuming various kinds of fuel. Genset is commonly used in places where there is no access to electricity, be that because of a power outage or because of an isolated location that has no access to electricity. The ability to monitor and operate genset from afar might be a useful tool to simplify the maintenance and usage of genset over a distance. In this thesis, the writer has designed and implemented a prototype of a device that can monitor and operate genset from afar using Internet of Things (IoT) with LoRaWAN and Antares as its method of communication. The device was tested and connected with a genset and has the capability to turn a genset on and off again through a phone application connected to the internet. The device also has the capability of observing several parameters which are temperature, fuel level, genset’s battery voltage, and the genset’s output voltage itself. From the measured data it is obtained that the AC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 7,9%, the DC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 9,02%, the temperature sensor has an inaccuracy of 11,11%, and the ultrasonic sensor has an inaccuracy of 13,79%. The result from measurement shows that SNR has a minimum of -18,5 dB and maximum value of 5 dB and that RSSI has a minimum value of -120 dBm and maximum value of -106 dB, both of those parameters barely fulfill the threshold range required by LoRa. The delay also has an average of 0.248 seconds.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book is a collection of papers from international experts presented at International Conference on NextGen Electronic Technologies (ICNETS2-2016). ICNETS2 encompassed six symposia covering all aspects of electronics and communications domains, including relevant nano/micro materials and devices. Presenting recent research on wireless communication networks and Internet of Things, the book will prove useful to researchers, professionals and students working in the core areas of electronics and their applications, especially in signal processing, embedded systems and networking."
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrianto Adi Wibowo
"AEC (Asean Economic Community) 2015 menimbulkan beberapa tantangan dalam industri logistik. Oleh karenanya diperlukan peranan dan penerapan layanan IoT (Internet of Things) untuk meningkatkan daya saing, yaitu berupa implementasi layanan smart logistic transport. Tesis ini mengusulkan model implementasi smart logistic transport di Indonesia yang berfokus pada sistem cold supply chain.
Tesis ini bertujuan melakukan analisis ekonomi teknik dalam bentuk analisis komparatif layanan smart logistic transport terkait pemilihan teknologi jaringan 2G/3G/4G dan fitur MDVR yang dibedakan menjadi Skenario 1-2-3. Sedangkan pengembangan model implementasi didapatkan setelah melakukan wawancara dengan application customers,technological vendors,regulator & network provider.
Berdasarkan trial implementasi smart logistic transport bulan September-Oktober 2015 dengan analisis ekonomi teknik, didapatkan layanan not feasible hanya pada skenario 3 untuk unit "CD6", di jaringan 4G. Hal ini terkait masih mahal dan belum banyak tersedianya modul m2m gateway dan MDVR teknologi jaringan 4G. Sehingga diperlukan jumlah minimum truk "CD6" dan "Fuso" pada tiap skenario agar implementasi menjadi feasible. Untuk model implementasi layanan terdiri atas 11 fitur, yaitu 2 fitur basic dan 9 fitur ad.

Asean Economic Community 2015 has been creating more challenges in logistics industries in Indonesia. The implementation of IoT in logistic services is needed for increasing competitiveness leading to the establishment of so-called "smart logistic transport". We propose the implementation model of the Indonesian Smart Logistic Transport, by focusing on cold supply chain system.
We have conducted an engineering economic analysis of the smart logistics transport, in relation with the mobile network platform of 2G, 3G, 4G. Development of the implementation model is completed by conducting in-depth interviews with the application customers, technological vendors, regulator and network provider. Based on implementation trial in September-October 2015 and engineering economic analysis, we have found that Smart Logistic Transport is not feasible only on scenario 3 for "CD6" at 4G network. Such condition is caused by the expensive price of 4G’s M2M gateway module and MDVR.
Therefore, it requires the minimum amount of implemented truck to make implementation feasible. Our proposed model has signified 11 features, i.e. 2 basic feature and 9 advanced features, formulating the Indonesian smart logistics transport system. Due to the dynamic business process, customers may need specific advanced features in the future. By taking such opportunity, Indonesian local content developer can work to develop any relevant application features, which is needed by the logistic companies in the near future.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book documents some of the most recent advances on the physical layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), including sensors, circuits, and systems. The application area selected for illustrating these advances is that of autonomous, wearable systems for real-time medical diagnosis. The book is unique in that it adopts a holistic view of such systems and includes not only the sensor and processing subsystems, but also the power, communication, and security subsystems. Particular attention is paid to the integration of these IoT subsystems as well as the prototyping platforms needed for achieving such integration. Other unique features include the discussion of energy-harvesting subsystems to achieve full energy autonomy and the consideration of hardware security as a requirement for the integrity of the IoT physical layer. One unifying thread of the various designs considered in this book is that they have all been fabricated and tested in an advanced, low-power CMOS process, namely GLOBALFOUNDRIES 65nm CMOS LPe."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erick Kristanto Gunawan
Persaingan perusahaan manufakturing dalam hal kualitas produk memberikan tantangan baru terutama dalam hal proses quality control. Perkembangan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) dapat diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses manufakturing, salah satunya untuk proses quality control. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah model (sistem) dari beberapa parameter seperti kelayakan keekonomian, efisiensi yang dicapai, dan lain lainnya, sehingga didapatkan model penerapan IoT yang sesuai untuk industri manufaktur di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini mengambil contoh kasus di perusahaan manufakturing otomotif PT X, menggunakan data quality control yang dikumpulkan secara aktual. Model yang dibangun lalu diterapkan pada proses quality control di perusahaan tersebut untuk mendapatkan data secara aktual. Dari data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisa mengenai efisiensi dan cost benefit mengenai implementasi IoT untuk proses tersebut.
Hasil yang didapatkan adalah bahwa model yang sesuai untuk proses quality control tersebut adalah adanya pengiriman informasi secara real time dengan menghubungkan mesin nutrunner yang terhubung ke database dan juga device penerima informasi sehingga masalah yang terjadi terkait kualitas produk dapat ditangani dengan cepat sehingga mengurangi biaya untuk repair part yang bermasalah. Dari analisa komparatif juga didapatkan hasil bahwa penerapan IoT untuk proses quality control dapat meningkatkan profit perusahaan sebesar 5,4% dari sebelumnya dan disimpulkan layak untuk diimplementasikan.

Competition between manufacturing company in product quality brings a new challenge especially in quality control process. Development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology is implemented to increase efficiency on manufacturing process, for example in the quality control process. The purpose of this research is to build a model (system) from several parameter like economic analysis, efficiency, etc, so can got an ideal model for other manufacture industry in Indonesia.
This research analyzes IoT system in smart manufacturing for quality process by taking a case study in Otomotif manufacturing company (PT X). The research is conducted by using actual quality control data. A proposed model is applied leading to a collected data while the analysis is done measuring cost benefit of the IoT implementation.
Proposed model of IoT implementation for quality control is a real time information sending by connecting nutrunner machine into database and other connected devices. Problem related with product quality can be found and resolved fast, which reduces repairing cost. Based on comparative analysis, we can get results that implementation of IoT for quality control process can increase company profit for about 5,4%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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