"Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi sistem informasi di abad ke-21, dunia telah menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0, sebuah transformasi yang berdampak pada semua industri, termasuk dunia pendidikan sehingga menciptakan ekosistem baru bernama Edukasi 4.0. Edukasi 4.0 memanfaatkan E-learning dan sudah banyak institusi yang menerapkan sistem E-learning dalam skema pendidikan mereka, termasuk Universitas Indonesia, tetapi tingkat penggunaan e-learning masih rendah karena kurangnya intensi dari dosen sebagai pengguna E-learning. Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat berkelanjutan dosen dalam menggunakan e-learning dengan pendekatan gabungan; TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), TPB (Theory of Planned Behaviour), ECM (Expectancy Confirmation Model), dan Flow Theory, dan hasilnya adalah intensi berkelanjutan dipengaruhi oleh satisfaction, perceived usefulness, dan attitude. Selain itu, satisfaction dikaitkan dengan expected confirmation dan perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness dipengaruhi oleh expected confirmation dan perceived usefulness, juga yang terakhir, attitue dikaitkan dengan perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment dan expected confirmation. Berdasarkan faktor-faktor ini, ditentukan prioritas strategi menggunakan Relationship Matrix dan disimpulkan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan niat keberlanjutan adalah dengan menambahkan fitur interaktif baru, pelatihan sistem e-learning kepada pengguna, dan perbaikan interface e-learning.
Along with the development of information sistem technology in the 21st century, the world has faced Industrial Revolution 4.0. this enhance transformation impacted to all industries, including Education to create new ecosystem named Education 4.0. This utilizes Electronic learning (E-learning) and many high institutions applied E-learning sistem in their education scheme, including Universitas Indonesia, but the level usage of e-learning is relatively low because the lacks of intention from lecturers as the user. This research analyzed the factors that influences continuous intention in using e-learning with combined approachs; TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), TPB (Theory of Planned Behaviour), ECM (Expectance Confirmation Model), and Flow Theory, and resulted continuance intention was associated with satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and attitude. In addition, satisfaction was associated with expected confirmation and perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness was affected with expected confirmation and perceived ease of use, also lastly, attitude was associated with perceived perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and confirmation. Based on these factors, the researcher created and prioritized the strategies using Relationship Matrix and concluded the improvements to increase the intention are add new interactive features, training e-learning sistem to users, and improve the user interface of e-learning."