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Hasna Avni Humaira
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif mengenai Arisan, sebuah group chat di platform pesan instan WhatsApp yang diusung sebagai ruang aman online yang dibuat oleh dan untuk para perempuan pecinta film di Indonesia. Melalui metode pengumpulan data observasi partisipan online dan offline serta wawancara tatap muka, penelitian ini berupaya mencari tahu bagaimana Arisan berperan dalam kehidupan para anggotanya yang menavigasi komunitas film Indonesia yang didominasi budaya patriarki. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Arisan memberikan para anggotanya kemampuan untuk mengekspresikan diri secara lebih bebas dibandingkan dengan ruang-ruang mayoritas laki-laki di komunitas film Indonesia. Ini disebabkan oleh rasa aman yang disediakan oleh Arisan serta adanya standpoint (seperangkat pengetahuan dan pengalaman) kolektif yaitu standpoint feminis yang dimiliki oleh para perempuan anggota Arisan. Arisan yang berperan sebagai sistem pendukung dapat mendorong para anggota perempuannya untuk lebih mampu menyirkulasi kontra wacana di dalam dan ke luar Arisan. Penelitian ini berargumentasi bahwa Arisan berpotensi untuk mendukung perkembangan counterpublic feminis di komunitas film Indonesia.

This is a qualitative study on Arisan, a WhatsApp group chat that is constructed by its initiators as an online safe space made by and for Indonesian women film lovers. Through online and offline participation observation and interview data collection methods, this study aims to know the role Arisan plays within the lives of its members who are navigating the patriarchal Indonesian film community. Research findings show that Arisan offers its members a license to express themselves more freely compared to male majority spaces in the Indonesian film community. This is possible due to the sense of security that Arisan as a safe space provides and a collective feminist standpoint (set of knowledge and experiences) that the women of Arisan possess. Furthermore, this study argues that Arisan has the potential to help develop the feminist counterpublic in the Indonesian film community by helping its members circulate counterdiscourses within and outside a space that also acts as a support system."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evirta Apriliani
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola komunikasi keluarga pada sebuah grup virtual keluarga besar yang didalamnya terdapat kinkeeper, yakni anggota yang mempertahankan ikatan keluarga dengan melakukan digital kinkeeping yang membentuk perilaku komunikasi tertentu antar anggota keluarga terutama dengan relasi intergenerasi. Perilaku komunikasi keluarga dapat ditentukan dengan skema tipe hubungan keluarga dalam pola komunikasi keluarga, yakni: konsensual, pluralistik, protektif, dan laissez faire. Penelitian menggunakan mixed method, yang menggabungkan penelitian kualitatif melalui metode netnografi dengan penelitian kuantitatif melalui analisis jaringan komunikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pola komunikasi dalam grup Whatsapp keluarga besar cenderung tersentralisasi oleh anggota keluarga tertentu dengan tipe partisipasi online berupa insider dengan pola komunikasi keluarga pluralistik. Keywords: grup virtual keluarga besar, kinkeeper, pola komunikasi keluarga, mixed method, netnografi, analisis jaringan komunikasi.

This research aims to determine the pattern of family communication in an extended family rsquo s virtual group in which there is a kinkeeper, ie members who maintain family ties by performing digital kinkeeping that form certain communication behavior between family members, especially with intergenerational relations. The behavior of family communication can be determined by the type of family relationship scheme in the pattern of family communication, namely consensual, pluralistic, protective, and laissez faire. This research uses mixed method, which combines qualitative research through netnography with quantitative research through communication network analysis. The result of this study found that communication pattern in the extended family rsquo s Whatsapp group tend to be centralized by certain family members with an online participation type of insider with pluralistic family communication pattern. Keywords extended family rsquo s virtual group, kinkeeper, family communication pattern, mixed method, netnography, communication network analysis."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Soufie Rosalind Saudiah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana anggota organisasi birokrasi berinteraksi pada Whatsapp group chat berdasarkan konsep rhetorical sensitivity sensitivitas retorik, serta kaitannya dengan konteks birokrasi di Indonesia. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post-positivism dengan metode penelitian netnografi pada teks grup WhatsApp salah satu unit kerja di Kementerian Pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam berinteraksi pada grup WhatsApp, tiap-tiap individu akan menampilkan satu dari tiga gaya sensitivitas retorik rhetorical sensitive, noble self atau rhetorical reflector ketika mereka dihadapkan pada satu situasi komunikasi atau arah komunikasi organisasi tertentu Edie Paulson, 1986. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa WhatsApp group chat berpotensi mempersingkat alur komunikasi birokrasi, namun enkulturasi budaya instansi pemerintah yang sudah mengakar tidak serta merta hilang dengan hadirnya komunikasi bermediasi teknologi dalam organisasi birokrasi.

This study aims to examine how members of bureaucracy organization interact in WhatsApp group chat based on the rhetorical sensitivity concept, and how it relates to the Indonesian bureaucracy context. It observed the WhatsApp group chat of one of the working units in the Ministry of Tourism under the post positivism paradigm with netnography as the research methodology. The result shows that each members of the WhatsApp group chat tend to performs one out of three rhetorical style ndash the rhetorical sensitive, noble self or rhetorical reflector ndash when faced with particular communication situation or certain organizational communication flow Eddie Paulson, 1986. Other finding also shows that WhatsApp group chat is potential to shorten the bureaucracy communication flow however the enculturation of bureaucratic culture which have been rooted over a very long period of time within the government office would not be easily shifted with the presence of the technology mediated communication in this bureaucratic organization."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Raissa Salsabila
"Knowledge sharing menjadi aspek yang krusial di lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan distribusi pengetahuan di antara para mahasiswa. Saat ini kegiatan knowledge sharing di kalangan mahasiswa banyak dilakukan secara daring melalui online/virtual community pada media sosial. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kegiatan knowledge sharing melalui media sosial, seperti importance of knowledge exchange, perceived usefulness of socmed, dan virtual community outcomes . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai pengaruh importance of knowledge exchange dan perceived usefulness terhadap knowledge sharing melalui variabel virtual community outcomes sebagai mediasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 178 responden mahasiswa di Jabodetabek. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan SEM-PLS yang diolah menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistics 20 dan SmartPLS 4. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa virtual community outcomes dapat memediasi dengan positif dan signifikan hubungan antara importance of knowledge exchange dan perceived usefulness of socmed dengan knowledge sharing . Namun, ditemukan hubungan yang negatif dan tidak signifikan antara importance of knowledge exchange dan perceived usefulness of socmed dengan knowledge sharing secara langsung.

Knowledge sharing is a crucial aspect in the higher education environment, undertaken to maximize the distribution of knowledge among students. Currently, the practice of knowledge sharing among students is predominantly carried out online through virtual communities on social media. Several factors can influence knowledge sharing activities through social media, such as the importance of knowledge exchange, perceived usefulness of social media, and virtual community outcomes. This study aims to analyze the impact of the importance of knowledge exchange and perceived usefulness on knowledge sharing through the variable of virtual community outcomes as a mediator. The research employs a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 178 student respondents in Jabodetabek. The data analysis technique used is SEM-PLS processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and SmartPLS 4. The results of this study indicate that virtual community outcomes can mediate positively and significantly the relationship between the importance of knowledge exchange and the perceived usefulness of social media with knowledge sharing. However, a negative and nonsignificant relationship was found between the importance of knowledge exchange and the perceived usefulness of social media with knowledge sharing directly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mary A.A.M.
"Tulisan ini mengkaji efektifitas dari ruang khusus perempuan dalam meredakan fear of crime pada perempuan di moda transportasi Commuter Line. Tulisan akan membahas pentingnya kehadiran ruang khusus perempuan bagi perempuan yang menggunakan transportasi massal. Lalu akan mengkaji bagaimana sebuah ruang khusus perempuan dapat terbentuk dan berlangsung sebagai sebuah ruang yang defensible secara kolektif. Akan dilihat unsur-unsur fisik dan non-fisiknya apa saja yang paling berperan dalam keberlangsungan ruang ini.

The writing is intended to look at the effectivity of the women-only space in lowering fear of crime in women using Commuter Line. This writting will begin with assessing the importance of women-only space in mass public transportation. Next it will look at how a women-only space is shaped and works as a collective defensible space. Last of all it will look at which physical and nonphysical elements have the most role in the working of this space."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saras Krisvianti
Penelitian ini mengenai kehidupan sosial (social world) dalam tiga kelompok Facebook yang anggotanya merupakan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Tiga kelompok Facebook ini adalah: Anti Pelakor Indonesia, Group Pembasmi Pelakor, dan Grup Pembenci Pelakor. Walaupun nama kelompok Facebook ini menggunakan istilah pelakor, namun nama kelompok tersebut tidak menggambarkan fenomena pelakor. Penelitian ini lebih berfokus pada bagaimana perempuan anggota kelompok Facebook yang pernah atau sedang mengalami kekerasan dari pasangannya, berinteraksi dalam kelompok dan bagaimana komunitas virtual mampu memberikan dukungan sosial bagi moderator dan anggotanya yang merupakan korban KDRT.
Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang berdasarkan paradigm konstruktivis dan metode netnografi, penelitian ini memunculkan beberapa temuan. Pertama kelompok di Facebook bisa menjadi "ruang" atau "space" bagi korban KDRT sebagai tempat untuk mencari pertolongan melalui postingan, dan mendapatkan strategi untuk memutus KDRT dari komentar yang diberikan anggota lainnya. Temuan kedua yaitu korban KDRT fisik akan lebih banyak mendapatkan dukungan informasi berupa nasehat, pengajaran, dan berbagi pengalaman yang dapat dijadikan strategi untuk memutus kekerasan. Korban KDRT psikologi akan lebih banyak mendapatkan dukungan informasi berupa cara berproses hukum, dukungan emosional dan dukungan nyata (tangible). Korban KDRT penelantaran rumah tangga akan mendapatkan dukungan emosional yang mengajak korban untuk move on. Sedangkan korban kekerasan seksual cenderung mendapatkan dukungan informasi berupa nasehat dan dukungan emosional.
Namun besar kecilnya dukungan sosial yang diberikan kelompok bergantung pada motivasi dan kemampuan komunikasi diri (mass-self-communication) korban KDRT untuk mempengaruhi anggota lainnya agar membantu korban

This research is about social world inside three Facebook groups with members of victims from domestic violence. Those three Facebook groups are: Anti-Usurper Indonesia, Usurper Exterminator's Group and Usurper Haters' Group. Even though the name of this Facebook group uses the term "Anti-Usurper", however its name not describes the phenomenon of "Anti-Usurper". This research focuses more on how women, the members of Facebook Group whether they experienced violence in the past or present from their spouse, make interaction in the group and how virtual community able to give social support for its moderators and members which most them are victims from domestic violence.
Using qualitative approach based on constructive paradigm and netnography method, this research exposes several findings. First, a group in Facebook can become a "space" for victims of domestic violence as a place to ask for help through postings and find strategy to break down the chain of domestic violence from comments given by other members. Second, victims of domestic violence who suffered from physical torture will be given more support of information in the forms of advice, teaching, and sharing experience which can be utilized as strategy to cut the cycles of violence. Third, victims of domestic violence who suffered from psychological torture will be given more support of information in the forms of ways to press charges, emotional support and tangible support. Fourth, victims of domestic violence who suffered from household abandoned will be given emotional support that asking victims to move on. Fifth, victims from sexual harassment tend to receive support in the forms of advice and emotional support. However, big or small of social support given by the group is depend on motivation and mass self communication skills from the victims of domestic violence to influence other members in helping the victims."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Amara Pradnyanitha
"Jerman merupakan negara yang inklusif terhadap kehadiran LGBTQI+ di tengah masyarakat dan bahkan Jerman melegalkan status pernikahan sesama jenis. Namun, tahun 2021 dan 2022 menjadi tahun yang kelam bagi kelompok LGBTQI+ karena maraknya kasus-kasus kekerasan akibat homofobia di Jerman. Secara historis, hal ini berkaitan dengan masa lalu Jerman pada era Nazi yang membenci kaum minoritas seperti homoseksual dan Yahudi. Sehingga, pengisahan ini ditampilkan dalam banyak film, salah satunya adalah film drama berjudul Große Freiheit (2021). Untuk meneliti persoalan mengenai homofobia dan ruang aman oleh komunitas LGBTQI+ sebagai upaya mengekspresikan diri mereka pada era pasca Perang Dunia II, penulis meneliti dengan metode analisis tekstual dengan teori semiotika oleh John Fiske, Masculinities (2005) oleh R.W Connel, dan Space, Place, and Violence oleh James Tyner (2012). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa homofobia terjadi di dalam penjara sebagai bentuk konstelasi hukum yang patriarki. Selain itu, ruang aman yang menjadi bagian perjuangan kelompok LGBTQI+ tidak seluruhnya inklusif dan menjamin keajegan identitas homoseksual.

Germany is a country that is inclusive of LGBTQI+ community and even has legalized same-sex marriage. However, 2021 and 2022 was dark years for LGBTQI+ community due to the rise of homophobic violence cases in Germany. Historically, this is related to Germany's past during the Nazi era, which hated minorities such as homosexuals and Jews. Thus, this storytelling is featured in many films, one of which is the drama film Große Freiheit (2021). To examine the issue of homophobia and safe space as an effort for LGBTQI+ community to express themselves in the post-World War II era, the author examines the textual analysis method with semiotic theory by John Fiske, Masculinities (2005) by R.W Connel, and Space, Place, and Violence by James Tyner (2012). The results show that homophobia occurs in prison as a form of patriarchal legal constellation. In addition, safe spaces that are part of the struggle of LGBTQI+ groups are not entirely inclusive and guarantee the constancy of homosexual identity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kal-El Dirgantara
"VTuber has become a part of virtual entertainment worldwide since the trend arose in 2020. By looking at the development of VTuber to date, this study seeks to discover the process of how Indonesian female VTubers construct their identity through various elements and the motives that they consider behind female VTubers choosing specific avatars and visual styles or characterizations to represent themselves. To answer such questions, various theories are used, such as semiotics, and avatar culture to be able to interpret the results of the elements that represent their identity. The study finds there are some influences of a certain culture and colors that represent their personality. Furthermore, their authenticity also gains engagement with the audience, which also supports their identity as a VTuber. However, there are some flaws and limitations in some circumstances whenever they consider themselves an independent VTuber or VTuber under an agency. This paper will also briefly compare three Indonesian VTubers in terms of character and personality that represents their virtual identity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anastasia Sarma Ramalo
"[Studi ini memberikan pemahaman bagaimana perempuan melakukan adaptasi di dalam subkultur musik cadas sebagai ranah maskulin. Penelitian ini juga memberikan pemahaman mengenai alasan di balik adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh penggemar perempuan tersebut. Penelitian mengenai adaptasi perempuan di dalam ranah maskulin dilakukan terutama karena adanya kuasa laki-laki sebagai bentuk hegemoni maskulinitas di dalam ranah-ranah tertentu yang membuat identitas mereka menjadi norma. Subkultur musik cadas di Indonesia menggambarkan adanya kuasa laki-laki tersebut, baik sebagai musisi maupun sebagai penggemar. Padahal, subkultur ada sebagai ruang perjuangan melawan nilai-nilai dominan, namun kenyataannya subkultur justru melanggengkan patriarki sebagai budaya dominan. Dalam menganalisis mengenai adaptasi perempuan terhadap maskulinitas, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif serta menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipan. Penelitian kritis ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa perempuan di dalam subkultur musik cadas mengakui, mengizinkan, dan justru turut melanggengkan dominasi laki-laki sebagai bentuk hegemoni maskulinitas. Maskulinitas kemudian menjadi norma dalam hierarki identitas. Perempuan di dalam subkultur musik cadas pun melakukan adaptasi perilaku dan gaya berpakaian agar menyesuaikan dengan penggemar laki-laki di dalam subkultur musik cadas.;This study provides an understanding on how women adapt in a rock
subculture as a masculine terrain. This study also sheds an understanding about
the reason behind the said adaptation done by female fans. The discourse on
women?s adaptation in a masculine terrain is conducted particularly due to men?s
power as a hegemonic masculinity in some particular terrains that renders their
identity as a norm. Indonesian rock subculture helps delineate male power, as a
musician and a fan. Ironically, subcultures are established as a form of struggle against dominant cultures, but really subcultures even perpetuate patriarchy as adominant culture.
In analyzing women?s adaptation to masculinity, this study employs
qualitative approach as well as in-depth interviews and participant observation
methods. This critical inquiry manages to prove that women inside rock
subculture acknowledge, permit, and even help perpetuate male?s domination as a
form of hegemonic masculinity. Masculinity then becomes the norm in a
hierarchy of identity. Women inside rock subculture then mimic men?s behaviors and clothing style in order to appropriate themselves with men inside the rock subculture., This study provides an understanding on how women adapt in a rock
subculture as a masculine terrain. This study also sheds an understanding about
the reason behind the said adaptation done by female fans. The discourse on
women’s adaptation in a masculine terrain is conducted particularly due to men’s
power as a hegemonic masculinity in some particular terrains that renders their
identity as a norm. Indonesian rock subculture helps delineate male power, as a
musician and a fan. Ironically, subcultures are established as a form of struggle against dominant cultures, but really subcultures even perpetuate patriarchy as adominant culture.
In analyzing women’s adaptation to masculinity, this study employs
qualitative approach as well as in-depth interviews and participant observation
methods. This critical inquiry manages to prove that women inside rock
subculture acknowledge, permit, and even help perpetuate male’s domination as a
form of hegemonic masculinity. Masculinity then becomes the norm in a
hierarchy of identity. Women inside rock subculture then mimic men’s behaviors and clothing style in order to appropriate themselves with men inside the rock subculture.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whinda Erlyani
Menghadapi dampak negatif kelahiran prematur. Perkembangan teknologi dan internet membuat online support group marak dan populer, termasuk pada ibu dengan bayi prematur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan karakteristik ibu, karakteristik bayi prematur, jenis dukungan, harapan atas jenis dukungan, dan intensitas seluruh dukungan dalam online support group. Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner online melibatkan 82 responden. Karakteristik ibu: rata-rata usia 30,91 tahun, sebagian besar tamatan pendidikan tinggi, sebagian besar mengurus rumah tangga, sebagian besar tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit, dan sebagian besar tidak memiliki riwayat prematuritas sebelumnya. Karakteristik bayi prematur: rata-rata berusia 23,48 bulan, sebagian besar laki-laki, sebagian besar moderate preterm, sebagian besar lahir melalui operasi caesar, rata-rata berat lahir 1595,44 gram, dan sebagian besar memiliki riwayat penyakit kuning/jaundice. Jenis dukungan meliputi emotional, informational, instrumental, dan companionship support. Setiap jenis dukungan terbagi menjadi 5 kategori jawaban selalu, sering, kadang, jarang, dan tidak pernah . Jenis dukungan yang paling banyak mendapatkan jawaban ldquo;selalu rdquo; adalah informational support dan paling banyak mendapatkan jawaban ldquo;tidak pernah rdquo; adalah instrumental support. Informational support dipilih sebagai jenis dukungan prioritas utama yang diinginkan oleh responden 46,3 . Intensitas dukungan pada seluruh dukungan yang didapatkan responden berkategori baik 53,7 . Penelitian ini merekomendasikan optimalisasi jenis dukungan dalam online support group untuk meminimalisasi dampak negatif kelahiran prematur pada ibu.

Preterm birth tend to have negative impact for the mother. Support groups might help mother in dealing with negative impact of preterm birth. Technology and internet make online support groups grow and popular, including for mothers with premature infants. The aim of this study was to identify mothers rsquo characteristics, the premature infants rsquo characteristics, type of support, expectations of type of support, and intensity of support in an online support group. Quantitative research using an online questionnaire was conducted among 82 respondents. Mothers rsquo characteristics average age of 30.91 years, mostly graduates of higher education, mostly take care of households, mostly have no history of disease, and mostly have no prior history of prematurity. Premature infants rsquo characteristics average age of 23.48 months, mostly boy, mostly in moderate preterm, mostly born by caesarean section, average birth weight 1595.44 grams, and mostly have a history of jaundice. The types of support listed are emotional, informational, instrumental, and companionship support. Each type of support are divided into 5 categories answer always, often, sometimes, rare, and never . The type of support that gets the most always answer is informational support and the most never answer is instrumental support. Informational support was chosen as the type of main priority support desired by the respondents 46.3 . The intensity of support for all the support obtained respondents categorized good 53.7 . Optimizing the type of support in online support group for mother is needed to minimize the negative impact of preterm birth."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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