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Silitonga, Imelda Setiana
"Latar belakang: Karsinoma urotelial merupakan keganasan kandung kemih tersering pada laki-laki. Faktor risikonya adalah merokok, pajanan bahan kimia, radiasi, infeksi Schistosoma hematobium. Mutasi p53 merupakan mutasi tersering pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih yang menyebabkan akumulasi protein p53 di inti dan terlihat dengan imunohistokimia. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat perbedaan ekspresi p53 pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi serta hubungan ekspresi p53 dengan: "stadium tumor. Bahan dan cara: Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 47 kasus yang terbagi menjadi 22 kasus karsinoma urotelial derajat rendah dan 25 kasus karsinoma urotelial derajat tinggi di Departemen Patologi Anatomik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (FKUI/RSCM) tahun 2009-2017. Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia p53 dengan menggunakan cut off positif ≥ 20% berdasarkan penelitian Thakur et al, Ong et al, dan Saint et al. Hasil: Ekspresi p53 positif pada 33 sampel (70,21%), terbanyak pada karsinoma urotelial derajat tinggi 20 kasus (80%), sedangkan pada karsinoma urotelial derajat rendah terdapat 13 kasus (59,1%). Sebanyak 22 kasus (68,8%) Nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer dan 11 kasus (73,3%) Muscle invasive bladder cancer menunjukkan ekspresi positif. Ekspresi p53 cenderung lebih banyak ditemukan pada karsinoma urotelial derajat tinggi dan stadium tinggi. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan ekspresi p53 pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi. Tidak ada hubungan antara ekspresi p53 dengan stadium tumor.
Kata kunci: Karsinoma urotelial, kandung kemih, p53, imunohistokimia.

Background : Urothelial carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the bladder and mainly occurs in older men. Risk factors for bladder cancer include smoking, exposure to chemicals, radiation and schistosoma hematobium infection. P53 is a tumor suppressor gene that is involved in the cell cycle and plays a role in the occurrence of apoptosis in response to DNA damage. P53 gene mutation is one of the most common genetic changes in urothelial bladder carcinoma. The p53 gene mutation will cause accumulation of p53 protein in the nuclei which can be detected through immunohistochemical examination. The aim of this study is to see differences of p53 expression in low grade and high grade urothelial carcinoma and to see the association of p53 expression with tumor stage. Material and method : This study uses a cross sectional study design. The sample consisted of 47 cases of urothelial bladder carcinoma divided into 22 cases of low grade urotelial carcinoma and 25 cases of high grade urotelial carcinoma originating from the archives of the Anatomical Pathology Department Faculty Medicine of Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (FKUI/ RSCM) in 2009-2017. The study was carried out by p53 immunohistochemical examination and assessment of p53 expression using a percentage with a positive cut off value of ≥ 20%. Result : This study obtained positive p53 expression in 33 samples from 47 samples studied (70,21%). Most are found in high grade urothelial carcinoma as many as 20 cases (80%). Whereas in low grade urothelial carcinoma there are 13 cases (59,1%) with positive p53 expression. As many as 22 cases (68,8%) of Non muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and 11 cases (73,3%) of Muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) showed positive p53 expression. There was no difference between p53 expression in low grade and high grade bladder urothelial carcinoma (p=0,118). This study also showed no association between p53 expression with tumor stage (p=1,000). Conclusion : P53 expression was not significantly different with tumor grade. P53 expression was not significantly associated with the tumor stage."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Gilang Perkasa
"Latar Belakang: Karsinoma sel hati (KSH) adalah lesi neoplastik ganas pada hati tersering. Transformasi keganasan sel hati normal menjadi KSH melibatkan berbagai faktor seperti inflamasi dan perubahan genetik yang menyebabkan KSH menjadi sangat heterogen pada tingkat histologik dan molekular. Perbedaan fenotipe yang dipengaruhi berbagai perubahan molekular menghasilkan berbagai derajat diferensiasi, subtipe histologik dan gambaran klinik yang berbeda dan sebagian berhubungan dengan prognosis pada KSH. Mutasi pada gen TP53 yang berfungsi menontrol proliferasi sel melalui perbaikan DNA, apoptosis, dan penuaan sel terbukti sebagai salah satu perubahan molekular tersering pada KSH dan sering dikaitkan dengan beberapa faktor risiko, derajat diferensiasi, subtipe histologik tertentu dan prognosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi ekspresi p53 pada derajat diferensiasi, subtipe histologik dan stadium patologi tumor KSH.
Bahan dan cara: Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM, Jakarta terhadap 41 kasus KSH yang diperoleh seara reseksi. Sampel kasus diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kelompok derajat diferensiasi (WHO), subtipe histologik dan stadium patologi tumor. Selanjutnya dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia (IHK) protein 53 (p53) pada seluruh kasus dan dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui ekspresi p53 pada variabel penelitian.
Hasil: Ekspresi p53 ditemukan pada 35 kasus (85%). Berdasarkan derajat diferensiasi, ekspresi p53 ditemukan paling banyak pada derajat diferensiasi sedang dan buruk, yaitu 21 dan 14 kasus (91% dan 93%). Ekspresi p53 berdasarkan stadium patologi tumor ditemukan paling banyak pada pT1b dan pT2, yaitu 8 dan 14 kasus ( 88% dan 93%). Berdasarkan subtipe histologik, seluruh kasus macrotrabecular massive (MTM) menunjukkan ekspresi p53 (4 kasus, 100%), subtipe clear cell (CC) terpulas pada 15 kasus (93%), klasik (CL) ditemukan 16 kasus (88%) dan tidak ditemukan ekspresi p53 pada seluruh kasus steatohepatitic (SH). Terdapat perbedaan rerata bermakna ekspresi p53 pada kelompok baik dan sedang (p=0,011), baik dan buruk (p=0,015) dan tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata bermakna antara kelompok sedang dan buruk (p=0,339). Tidak ditemukan perbedaan rerata bermakna ekspresi p53 pada seluruh kelompok stadium patologi tumor (p=0,948) dan subtipe histologik (p=0,076).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi p53 pada KSH kelompok diferensiasi baik dan sedang serta baik dan buruk.

Background: Hepatocellular cell carcinoma (HCC) is the most common malignant neoplastic lesion of the liver. Malignant transformation of hepatocytes involves various factors such as inflammation and genetic causing HCC to be very heterogeneous at the histological and molecular level. Differences in phenotypes affected by various molecular changes produce different differentiation grade, histological subtype, clinical features and prognosis. TP53 as one of the most common molecular changes in HCC play an important role in cycle cell by controlling cell proliferation through DNA repair, apoptosis and cellular senescence, associates with several risk factors such as certain differentiation grade, histologic subtypes, and prognosis. This current study aimed to investigate p53 expression at HCC’s differentiation grade, tumor pathology stage and histologic subtype.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted at the Department of Anatomical Pathology FKUI / RSCM, Jakarta on 41 cases of resected HCC. Case samples are classified based on groups of differentiation grade (WHO), histologic subtypes and tumour pathology stage. Furthermore immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of protein 53 (p53) carry out in all cases and an analysis statistic was performed to evaluated the expression of p53.
Results: p53 expression was found in 35 cases (85%). Based on the differentiation grade, the expression of p53 was found mostly in the moderate and poor differentiation (91%, 21 cases and 93%, 14 cases). Based on tumour pathology stage, p53 expression was found mostly in pT1b and pT2, which were 8 and 14 cases (88% and 93%). Based on histologic subtypes, all macrotrabecullar massive (MTM) cases showed p53 expression (4 cases, 100%), clear cell (CC) subtypes were in 15 cases (93%), classic (CL) 16 cases (88%) and negative expression was found in all cases of steatohepatitic (SH). There were significant differences in mean expression of p53 in the well and moderate groups (p = 0.011), well and poor (p = 0.015) and there were no significant mean differences between the moderate and poor groups (p = 0.339). There were no significant mean differences in p53 expression in all groups of tumour pathology stages (p = 0.948) and histologic subtypes (p = 0.076).
Conclusion: There is significant difference mean of p53 expression in well and moderate as well as well and poor differentiation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendy Setyo Yudhanto
Latar belakang: Karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih merupakan kasus terbanyak di organ kandung kemih mencapai 90% kasus. Stadium dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu non invasif jika belum menembus lapisan muskularis dan invasif jika sudah menembus lapisan muskularis. Kesintasan 5 tahun tergantung dari derajat keganasan dan stadium. Derajat keganasan rendah dan belum invasi muskuler dapat mencapai 90 %, tetapi angka rekurensi berkisar 40-60%. Derajat keganasan tinggi dan sudah invasi hanya berkisar 10-17%. Mitosis dan invasi limfovaskuler berhubungan dengan angka rekurensi tinggi. Namun masih terdapat kontroversial terhadap ekspresi Bcl-2 pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perbedaan ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan 4 faktor yang berhubungan dengan prognosis yaitu derajat keganasan, stadium, mitosis, dan invasi limfovaskuler.
Bahan dan cara: Dilakukan penelitian deskriptif analitik secara potong lintang pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih tahun 2010-2014 di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM. Didapatkan 21 kasus derajat keganasan rendah dan 21 kasus derajat keganasan tinggi. Dilakukan pulasan Bcl-2 pada seluruh kasus dan dihitung persentasenya dan dilakukan skoring 0-3.
Hasil: Usia terbanyak pada dekade 5 sebanyak 27 kasus. Didapatkan 4 kasus ditemukan invasi limfovaskuler. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hubungan antara mitosis dengan derajat keganasan(p:0,000)dengan koefisien korelasi 0,512 Penelitian ini mendapatkan hampir seluruh kasus mengekspresikan Bcl-2 (39 dari 42 kasus), 1 kasus tidak mengekspresikan dan 2 kasus mengekpresikan sedikit. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan antara ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan derajat keganasan (p:0,232), stadium(p:0,455), mitosis(p:0,835), dan invasi limfovaskuler(p:0,087).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan derajat keganasan, stadium, mitosis, dan invasi limfovaskuler.

Background: Urothelial carcinoma comprises of 90% of all cases in bladder. There are two groups which are non invasive depend on whether the tumor has reached muscularis mucosa. 5-Years survival rate depend on grading and staging. Low malignant grade and non invasive can reach 90% survival rate, with recurrence rate 40-60%. High malignant grade and invasive tumor has only10-17% survival rate. Mitosis and lymphovascular invasion are related with recurrency. However, there are some controvesi regarding Bcl-2 expression in bladder urothelial carcinoma. This study aimed to evaluate different expression of Bcl-2 with 4 related factors contributy to survival, which are degree of malignancy, stage, mitosis, and lymphovascular invasion.
Material and methods: A retrospective and cross sectional study of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder was conducted in 2010-2014 in the Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of medicine / RSCM. In this study found 21 cases of low grade and 21 cases of high high grade. Bcl-2 staining performed in all cases and percentages are calculated and made scoring 0-3.
Results: Most case is fifth decade as many as 27 cases. Obtained 4 cases found limfovaskuler invasion. This study obtains the relationship between mitosis with grade of tumor (p: 0.000). There were no differences between the expression of Bcl-2 with the degree of malignancy stage , mitosis and lymphovascular invasion.
Conclusions: There were no associated expression of Bcl-2 with the degree of malignancy, stage, mitosis, and invasion limfovaskuler.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervandy Rangganata
"Background: overactive bladder (OAB) affects 17-41% older adults in community dwelled setting. For several years, antimuscarinics have been validated as the first-line medical treatment for OAB. Despite abundant data obtained from clinical trials provisions the use of antimuscarinics, investigation about the effect of this drug on cognitive function in elderly remains scarce. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of antimuscarinics therapy on cognitive functions in OAB geriatric patients. Methods: this study design is a systematic review and meta-analysis. Studies were collected using several search engines; those were PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane, and EBSCOhost using predetermined MeSH keywords with Boolean operators. Selection of studies was done by three reviewers. Studies which fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent full-text review. For every selected full text, we extracted the following data if available: patients demographics, types of antimuscarinics used, placebo, dose, follow-up period, and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) total score. Results: a total of 8 studies from an initial 146 publications were selected. There were 8 antimuscarinic agents evaluated in the studies, including Oxybutynin, Darifenacin, Tolterodine, Trospium, Imidafenacin, Propiverine hydrochloride, Fesoterodine, and Solifenacin. Oxybutynin was shown to have largest effect towards the decline of MMSE score [Mean difference: -2.90; 95% CI: -4.07, -1.73]. Darifenacin and Tolterodine were also shown to be significant in the decline of total MMSE score, although still inferior to Oxybutynin. Conclusion: the use of most antimuscarinics medication has little to no effect towards the cognitive function in the management of overactive bladder in elderly patients. However, Oxybutynin, Darifenacin, and Tolterodine was shown to have significant decrease in cognitive functions, as shown in the decline of total MMSE score."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2020
610 UI-IJIM 52:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ignasia Andhini Retnowulan
"Latar belakang: Karsinoma sel hati (KSH) merupakan jenis keganasan primer hati
tersering dengan gambaran histologik menunjukkan diferensiasi sel hepatoselular. Selain
insiden yang tinggi, beban yang berat dari keganasan ini adalah prognosis yang sangat
buruk dengan angka rekurensi yang tinggi. Terdapat banyak faktor resiko secara
klinikopatologik yang telah diketahui mempengaruhi prognosis KSH, seperti kadar alfa
fetoprotein, derajat diferensiasi, dan invasi mikrovaskular. Secara molekular, mutasi p53
dan β-catenin merupakan dua mutasi tersering dalam KSH. β-catenin merupakan protein
multifungsi yang dikode oleh gen CTNNB1 yang dapat ditemukan pada 3 kompartemen
sel, yaitu di membran sel, sitoplasma dan inti. Jalur Wnt/β-catenin meregulasi proses
seluler yang terkait inisiasi, pertumbuhan, survival, migrasi, diferensiasi, dan apoptosis.
Meski sudah banyak diketahui beberapa jalur patofisiologi molekular
hepatokarsinogenesis, hubungan dengan aplikasi klinik membutuhkan pemahaman lebih
mengenai hubungan sifat molekuler dan sifat fenotip tumor, terutama dalam penentuan
faktor prognosis dan pengembangan terapi target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai
ekspresi β-catenin pada KSH dan hubungannya dengan berbagai faktor prognosis yaitu
AFP, derajat diferensiasi dan invasi mikrovaskular.
Bahan dan cara: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas
35 kasus KSH yang sudah ditegakkan diagnosisnya berdasarkan pemeriksaan
histopatologik dan/atau imunohistokimia di RSCM dari Januari 2013 sampai September
2019. Dilakukan pulasan β-catenin dan analisis statistik dengan uji komparatif terhadap
berbagai karakteristik klinikopatologik dan faktor resiko berupa AFP, derajat diferensiasi
dan invasi mikrovaskular.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi β-catenin terhadap AFP (p=0,037) dan
derajat diferensiasi (p=0,043) pada KSH. Ekspresi β-catenin pada inti dengan/tanpa
sitoplasma lebih sering ditemukan pada kasus KSH dengan kadar AFP rendah dan derajat
diferensiasi baik-sedang. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna ekspresi β-catenin
terhadap invasi mikrovaskular pada KSH (p=1,000).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi β-catenin terhadap AFP dan derajat
diferensiasi pada KSH.

Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver
cancer, displaying histologically hepatocellular differentiation. In addition to its high
incidence, the disease burden of HCC is due to its poor prognosis with high recurrence
rate. Some of the previously known clinicopathologic prognostic factors of HCC include
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, tumor grade and microvascular invasion. At molecular
level, p53 and β-catenin are the two most common driver mutations in HCC that are
mutually exclusive. β-catenin is a multifunction protein that is encoded by CTNNB1 gen.
It is found in 3 compartments of cells, which are membrane cell, cytoplasm and nucleus.
Wnt/ β-catenin pathway regulates cellular process which is related to initiation, growth,
survival, migration, differentiation and apoptosis. Although molecular pathogenesis
pathways of hepatocarcinogenesis are known, clinical application warrants more
understanding in terms of molecular characteristic and tumor phenotype, especially in
determining prognosis and target therapy development. This current study aims to analyze
the expression of β-catenin and its association with prognostic factors, such as AFP,
tumor grade and microvascular invasion.
Material and method: A cross-sectional study was conducted comprising 35 samples of
surgically resected HCCs between January 2013 to September 2019 in Cipto
Mangunkusumo General Hospital. The cases were diagnosed based on histopathological
and immunohistochemical findings and was then performed β-catenin staining. β-catenin
expression was analyzed with statistical tests to determine expression difference between
AFP level, tumor grade and microvascular invasion.
Result: There were statistically significant difference of β-catenin expression in AFP
level and tumor grade (p=0.037 and 0.043, respectively). Nuclear with/without
cytoplasmic expression of β-catenin was more frequently found in HCC with low AFP
level and well-to-moderately differentiated tumors. No significant difference was
observed in β-catenin expression between HCC with and without microvascular invasion
Conclusion: β-catenin expression was significantly different in AFP level and tumor
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welly Hartono Ruslim
β-catenin merupakan protein yang memiliki peran penting dalam
adhesi antar sel dan transduksi sinyal. Pada keadaan tanpa stimulasi β-catenin hanya
tampak pada membran sel, namun bila terdapat stimulasi maka β-catenin akan
tampak pada sitoplasma dan inti. Perubahan ekspresi β-catenin diketahui
berhubungan dengan progresivitas dan metastasis pada berbagai penyakit keganasan
manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi ekspresi β-catenin di daerah
peritumor pada karsinoma sel skuamosa oral (KSSO) derajat rendah dan tinggi
berdasarkan sistem grading Bryne.
Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 kasus KSSO derajat rendah dan
20 kasus derajat tinggi. Pewarnaan imunohistokimia β-catenin digunakan untuk
menilai perbedaan yang tampak pada membran, sitoplasma, dan inti sel tumor pada
area peritumor.
Hasil: Ekspresi β-catenin pada membran, sitoplasma, maupun inti sel tumor
memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna antara KSSO derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi
(p=0,000; p=0,005; dan p=0,035). Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara
ekspresi β-catenin dengan variabel umur, jenis kelamin, maupun lokasi tumor.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan ekspresi β-catenin di daerah peritumor antara
KSSO derajat rendah dan derajat tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekspresi β-
catenin yang salah menyebabkan perubahan morfologi sel-sel KSSO ke arah yang
lebih ganas dan prognosis yang lebih buruk.

β-catenin is an important protein in cellular adhesion and signal
transduction. In unstimulated condition, β-catenin only appears on the cellular
membrane. Altered expression of β-catenin has been associated with progressiveness
and metastatic process of malignancy in human. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the expression of β-catenin on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and
also to assess its different expression in low grade and high grade lesions based on
Bryne grading system.
Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 2 groups of OSCC which
included 20 cases of low grade and 20 cases of high grade. Immunohistochemistry
staining of β-catenin was used to identify the difference of its expression in cell
membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei on invasive tumor front.
Results: The expression of β-catenin on cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclei
showed significant difference between low and high grade OSCC (p=0.000;
p=0.005; and p=0.035, respectively). There has not been any significant association
between β-catenin expression with age, sex, and tumor location.
Conclusion: Oral squamous cell carcinoma, both low and high grade, showed
significant differences in β-catenin expression in cell membrane, cytoplasm, and
nuclei. Thus, it showed that the altered expression of β-catenin could change the
OSCC to become more aggresive and have a poorer prognosis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irawan Anhari
"Overactive Bladder OAB masih menjadi masalah dan mengurangi kualitas hidup pada penderitanya. Terapi akupunktur dapat dipakai sebagai terapi OAB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode uji klinis quasi experimental, terdiri atas 23 orang diterapi dengan akupunktur, 23 orang lainnya diterapi dengan obat Tolterodine. Penilaian keberhasilan dilihat dari penurunan skor OABSS. Setelah 18 hari terapi, terjadi penuruan rerata skor OABSS pada kelompok akupunktur dari 8,045 1,863 menjadi 1.909 0.867 dan pada kelompok tolterodine dari 8,000 0,617 menjadi 2,272 0,631 p = 0,357 . Dua minggu pasca terapi pada kelompok akupunktur masih terjadi penurunan skor OABSS dari 1.909 0.867 menjadi 1.272 0.702 dan pada kelompok tolterodine terjadi peningkatan skor OABSS dari 2,272 0,631 menjadi 2,590 0,503 p = 0,003 . Akupunktur mempunyai efek terapi yang sama baiknya dengan tolterodine dalam menurunkan OABSS tanpa efek samping. Efek terapi akupunktur masih bekerja walau terapi telah dihentikan 2 minggu.

Overactive Bladder still gives problems and reducing their quality of life. Acupunture can be used for treatment of OAB. This research using clinical trial quasi experimental, consisted of 23 participant were treated with acupuncture and 23 others were treated with Tolterodine. Assessment of therapeutic success seen from the decrease in OABSS. After 18 days therapy in Acupuncture Group from 8,045 1,863 to 1,909 0,867 and Tolterodine Group from 8,000 0,617 to 2,272 0,631 p 0,357 . After 2 weeks post therapy in Acupuncture Group OABSS was still a decline from 1.909 0.867 to 1.272 0.702 and in Tolterodine Group OABSS was still a increase from 2,272 0,631 to 2,590 0,503 p 0,003 . Acupuncture has the same therapeutic effect with tolterodine in reducing OABSS without side effect. Therapeutic effect of acupuncture was still working even though therapy had been 2 weeks discontinued."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervandy Rangganata
"Pendahuluan dan tujuan: Overactive bladder (OAB) terjadi pada sekitar 17-41% pada lansia di lingkungan tempat tinggal komunitas. Selama beberapa tahun, antimuskarinik telah divalidasi sebagai pilihan pertama untuk tata laksana OAB. Meskipun banyak data yang diperoleh dari uji klinis terkait penggunaan antimuskarinik. Penelitian terkait efek samping dari obat antimuskarinik terhadap fungsi kognitif pada lansia masih jarang dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek dari terapi antimuskarinik terhadap fungsi kognitif pada pasien lanjut usia dengan OAB. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis. Studi dikumpulkan menggunakan beberapa mesin pencari; diantaranya adalah PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane, and EBSCOhost menggunakan kata kunci MeSH yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya dengan operator Boolean. Pemilihan studi dilakukan oleh 3 pengulas. Seluruh studi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi selanjutnya melalui proses review full-text. Untuk setiap artikel full-text yang terpilih, ekstraksi data dilakukan pada data: demografis pasien, tipe antimuskarinik yang digunakan, placebo, dosis, follow-up, dan skor total Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE). Hasil: Total sebanyak 8 studi yang terpilih dari 146 publikasi yang ada sebelumnya. Terdapat 8 jenis antimuskarinik yang dievaluasi dari studi-studi yang ada, yaitu: Oksibutinin, Darifenacin, Tolterodin, Trospium, Imidafenacin, Propiverin hidroklorida, Fesoterodin, dan Solifenacin. Oksibutinin menunjukkan efek yang paling besar pada penurunan skor MMSE [Perbedaan rerata: -2,90; 95% CI: -4,07, -1,73]. Darifenacin dan Tolterodin juga menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan pada skor total MMSE, namun lebih inferior daripada Oksibutinin Kesimpulan: Penggunaan obat-obatan antimuskarinik hanya memiliki efek yang minimal terhadap fungsi kognitif dalam penanganan OAB pada pasien usia lanjut. Akan tetapi, Oksibutinin, Darifenacin, dan Tolterodin menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan terhadap fungsi kognitif, ditunjukkan dari penurunan total skor MMSE.

Introduction: Overactive bladder (OAB) affects 17-41% older adults in community dwelled setting. For several years, antimuscarinics have been validated as the first-line medical treatment for OAB. Despite abundant data obtained from clinical trials provisions the use of antimuscarinics, investigation about the effect of this drug on cognitive function in elderly remains scarce. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of antimuscarinics therapy on cognitive functions in OAB geriatric patients.
Methods: This study design is a systematic review and meta-analysis. Studies were collected using several search engines; those were PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane, and EBSCOhost using predetermined MeSH keywords with Boolean operators. Selection of studies was done by three reviewers. Studies which fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent full-text review. For every selected full text, we extracted the following data if available: patients demographics, types of antimuscarinics used, placebo, dose, follow-up period, and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) total score.
Results: A total of 8 studies from an initial 146 publications were selected. There were 8 antimuscarinic agents evaluated in the studies, including Oxybutynin, Darifenacin, Tolterodine, Trospium, Imidafenacin, Propiverine hydrochloride, Fesoterodine, and Solifenacin. Oxybutynin was shown to have largest effect towards the decline of MMSE score [Mean difference: -2.90; 95% CI: -4.07, -1.73]. Darifenacin and Tolterodine were also shown to be significant in the decline of total MMSE score, although still inferior to Oxybutynin.
Conclusion: The use of most antimuscarinics medication has little to no effect towards the cognitive function in the management of overactive bladder in elderly patients. However, Oxybutynin, Darifenacin, and Tolterodine was shown to have significant decrease in cognitive functions, as shown in the decline of total MMSE score.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Iqbal Tafwid
"Latar Belakang Disfungsi saluran kemih bawah (LUTD) adalah istilah yang merujuk pada gangguan penyimpanan dan pengosongan urin, atau disfungsi kandung kemih, termasuk gejala saluran kemih bawah (LUTS). Arus interferensial digunakan untuk memberikan arus frekuensi rendah yang diperlukan untuk stimulasi transkutan struktur internal tanpa menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan. Elektroterapi interferensial (IET) telah banyak digunakan untuk mengobati LUTD. Namun, IET belum banyak diteliti dalam hal evaluasi klinisnya, terutama pada anak-anak dengan LUTD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas dan efek IET terhadap kualitas hidup pasien disfungsi kandung kemih dibandingkan dengan terapi konservatif konvensional.
Metode Basis data PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, EBSCOhost EMBASE, dan CINAHL dicari secara sistematis termasuk semua studi dengan data primer yang membandingkan kualitas hidup dan hasil urodinamik terapi listrik interferensial dan terapi konservatif konvensional. Risiko bias untuk studi yang termasuk dievaluasi. Meta-analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Review Manager (Revman 5.4).
Hasil Delapan studi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, dengan sebagian besar menunjukkan risiko bias rendah, telah dimasukkan dalam tinjauan ini. Dari delapan studi yang termasuk, lima studi dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut menggunakan meta-analisis. Hasil meta-analisis menunjukkan bahwa IET secara signifikan mengurangi kejadian inkontinensia siang hari (RR: 0,27, 95% CI: 0,14-0,50), dan pola pengosongan abnormal (RR: 0,44, 95% CI: 0,22-0,91) dibandingkan dengan CCT. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan signifikan yang diamati dalam kejadian inkontinensia malam hari, waktu pengosongan, volume pengosongan, PVR, Qmax, atau Qave dengan IET dibandingkan dengan CCT.
Kesimpulan Studi ini mengkonfirmasi IET sebagai modalitas yang efektif dalam pengobatan disfungsi kandung kemih dengan beberapa LUTS pada anak-anak.

Background Lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) is an exclusive term that refers to impairments in urine storage and voiding, or bladder dysfunction, including lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). During recent decades, inferential electrotherapy (IET) has been expanded and extensively used to treat LUTD in both adults and children. Despite some prior studies, to our knowledge IET has not been studied much in terms of its clinical evaluation, especially in children with LUTD. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to address the efficacy and effect of IET on the quality of life for bladder dysfunction patients compared to conventional conservative therapy (CCT).
Methods PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, EBSCOhost EMBASE and CINAHL databases were systematically searched including all studies with primary data that compared the quality of life and urodynamic outcomes of interferential electric and conventional conservative therapy. The risk of bias for included studies was assessed. Meta-analysis was performed in Review Manager (Revman 5.4).
Results Eight Studies were included that meet the eligibility criteria, with the majority exhibiting a low risk of bias. Of the eight studies included, five studies were able to be further analyzed using meta-analysis. The meta-analysis results show that IET significantly reduced the incidence of daytime incontinence (RR: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.14-0.50), and abnormal voiding patterns (RR: 0.44, 95% CI: 0.22–0.91) compared to CCT. However, no significant difference was observed in the incidence of nighttime incontinence, voiding time, voiding volume, PVR, Qmax or Qave with IET compared to CCT.
Conclusion Overall, studies confirm IET as an effective modality in the treatment of bladder dysfunction with several LUTS in children. IET is safe, with no significant adverse events reported promising results in bowel and urinary disorders in children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Overactive bladder in clinical practice provides a timely and comprehensive update on the overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome. The symptoms of urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency or nocturia, now defined as the overactive bladder syndrome, have become a hot topic in urology, gynecology and urogynecology. Epidemiological data show very high disease prevalence (19%), particularly when compared with other chronic conditions such as diabetes (2%) and asthma (7%). OAB symptoms impact severely on patient’s quality of life, causing significant impairment of patient vitality and limiting their physical role, similar to diabetes. The OAB syndrome involves all age groups, both sexes and is frequently found in neurogenic patients. This book will cover all aspects of OAB epidemiology, economics, pathophysiology, conservative, pharmaceutical and surgical."
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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