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Luyyina Mujahidah Atsaury
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang permintaan produk Packed Red Cell (PRC) di Unit Transfusi Darah Palang Merah Indonesia di DKI Jakarta yang diperkirakan akan membuat rencana produksi guna menurunkan tingkat keluarnya darah yang terjadi akibat jumlahnya. produksi yang melebihi jumlah penggunaan. Penelitian ini berbentuk studi kasus dengan tipe kuantitatif. Dalam peramalan, data time-series penggunaan PRC bulanan digunakan selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu 2014 hingga 2018 yang dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode ARIMA memberikan hasil peramalan yang lebih baik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membuat perencanaan produksi produk RRT. Dari hasil perencanaan produksi tersebut disarankan agar PMI DKI Jakarta mengalihkan sebagian dari rencana kunjungannya dalam rangka pengambilan darah ke PMI lain di sekitar Jakarta dan juga dapat menyalurkan jumlah produksi darah berlebih ke Bank Darah Rumah Sakit ( BDRS) atau PMI lain yang masih kekurangan suplai darah.

This thesis discusses the demand for Packed Red Cell (PRC) products at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit in DKI Jakarta, which is expected to make a production plan to reduce the rate of blood loss that occurs due to the amount. production that exceeds the amount of use. This research is in the form of a case study with a quantitative type. In forecasting, time-series data on the use of monthly PRC are used for the last five years, namely 2014 to 2018, which is calculated using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing methods. The results of calculations using the ARIMA method provide better forecasting results so that they can be used as a reference in planning the production of Chinese products. From the results of the production planning, it is suggested that PMI DKI Jakarta divert part of its planned visit in the context of taking blood to other PMIs around Jakarta and also be able to distribute the amount of excess blood production to Hospital Blood Banks (BDRS) or other PMIs that still lack blood supply."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hima Liliani
Darah merupakan sumber daya yang tidak tergantikan. Menurut Hall (2013), di
University Hospitals of Leicester UK, dari 507 unit darah yang di-crossmatch
hanya 283 unit darah yang ditransfusikan. Terdapat 25% darah terbuang pada
Rumah Sakit Publik Guyana (Kurup, 2016). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh hasil, yaitu
35.79% unit darah yang tidak ditransfusikan, capaian CT Ratio 2.12 (dari 3536
unit darah yang dicrossmatch, hanya 1670 unit darah yang ditransfusikan),
Penyebab darah terbuang adalah kadaluarsa 98.4%, selang habis, kantong bocor,
darah rusak dll. Penggunaan MSBOS dapat menurunkan angka ketidakterpakaian
darah pada pasien operasi elektif sebesar 35.64%.

Blood is an irreplaceable resource. According to Hall (2013), at University
Hospitals of Leicester UK, from 507 units of crossmatched blood, only 283 units
were used. There is 25% discharge blood at Guyana Public Hospital (Kurup,
2016). This research is a descriptive case study with qualitative method. Based on
the analysis, 35.79% of the blood units were not transfused, the CT ratio was 2.12
(from 3536 unit of crossmatched blood, only 1670 unit were transfused). The
cause of blood wastage is expired 98.4%, blood tube runs out, blood bag leak,
blood damaged and unidentified causes. The use of MSBOS may decrease the rate
of blood units wastage in elective surgery patients by 35.64%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunarsih Rahayu
Lama transfusi darah pada talasemia mayor menyebabkan hemosiderosis. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak lama pemberian PRC terhadap hemosiderosis kulit, endokrin, jantung, tulang, hati dan limfa, serta saluran pencernaan pada anak dengan talasemia mayor di Ruang Melati 2 RSUD Dr.Moewardi Surakarta. Penelitian kuantitatif, metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel 35 anak, usia 3-17 tahun, dalam 4 kategori transfusi darah 1-5 tahun, >5-9 tahun, >9-13 tahun, dan >13-17 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 bulan, Mei sampai Juni 2010, dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji ANOVA. Ada perbedaan hemosiderosis keseluruhan organ diantara keempat kategori lama transfusi darah (p=0,05). Ada perbedaan hemosiderosis pada kulit (p=0,000), endokrin (p=0,032), tulang (p=0,015), hati dan
limfa (p=0,000). Hemosiderosis dapat terjadi pada beberapa organ maupun seluruh organ tubuh. Rekomendasi untuk perawat yaitu mengantisipasi hemosiderosis dan memberikan perawatan sesuai dengan kondisi hemosiderosis anak talasemia mayor.

Duration of blood transfusion resulted hemosiderosis. This study to known duration of PRC transfusion effect for hemosiderosis of skin, endocrine, heart, bone, hepar and lien, and tractus digestivus in children with major thalassemia at Melati 2 ward of Dr.Moewardi Hospital in Surakarta 2010. This study was kuantitative researched, analized descriptived method, cross sectional approached. Sample of 35 children, at the age range of 3 to 17 years in 4 groups were transfusion 1-5 years, >5-9 years, >9-13 years, and >13-17 years. This study did two months, Mei until June 2010 with interviewed, physical examinated, and observated. Data analized with ANOVA test. There was statistical difference between 4 groups transfusion prolonged for hemosiderosis (p=0,05). There were statistical difference were skin (p=0,000), endocrine (p=0,032), bone (p=0,015), hepar and lien (p=0,000). Hemosiderosis could occur at several body organs or all organs. Rekomendation for nurses, nurses should anticipate hemosiderosis and taken care for each organ of hemosiderosis."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhariana Hk
"Prematuritas merupakan penyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas neonatus tertinggi. Sebagian besar prematur mendapat transfusi PRC berulang selama perawatan. Sementara itu, transfusi PRC berulang dapat meningkatkan kadar zat besi. Namun, hingga saat ini belum ada konsensus mengenai suplementasi besi pada prematur yang telah mendapat transfusi PRC berulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status besi pada bayi prematur usia gestasi 28-32 minggu yang telah mendapat transfusi PRC berulang dan membuat rekomendasi mengenai pemberian suplementasi besi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kohort prospektif terhadap 70 bayi prematur yang lahir di RSCM bulan Maret 2021 – Mei 2021. Profil besi diperiksa usia kronologis 1, 2 dan 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil besi bayi prematur yang mendapat transfusi PRC > 2 kali lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan ≤ 2 kali (p<0,05). Titik potong total volume transfusi PRC yang menyebabkan status besi berlebih adalah PRC ≥ 50 mL/kgBB. Median feritin serum pada usia kronologis 1 bulan adalah 498,11 µg/L (358-885,62 µg/L), dua bulan adalah 232,66 µg/L (60,85-538,44 µg/L), tiga bulan adalah 42 µg/L (40,1-168,63 µg/L). Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi status besi berlebih pada bayi prematur adalah riwayat sepsis (OR 5,918 (IK 95%: 2,027-17,277)). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa bayi prematur yang mendapat transfusi PRC >2 kali memiliki profil besi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ≤ 2 kali pada usia kronologis 1 bulan. Bayi premtur yang mendapat transfusi PRC ≥ 50 mL/kgBB memiliki status besi berlebih di usia kronologis 1 bulan sehingga suplementasi besi sebaiknya diberikan pada usia kronologis 2 bulan.

Prematurity is the most common cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Most of the preterm infants received multiple PRC transfusions during hospitalization. Meanwhile, multiple PRC transfusions can increase iron levels. However, to date there is no consensus regarding iron supplementation in preterm who have received multiple PRC transfusions. The objective of this study are to determine iron status in premature infants aged 28-32 weeks who have received multiple PRC transfusions and make recommendations regarding iron supplementation. This study is a prospective cohort study of 70 preterm infants born at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in March 2021 – May 2021. Iron profiles were examined chronologically age at 1, 2 and 3 months of age. The result are the iron profile of preterm infants who received PRC transfusion was > 2 times significantly higher than ≤ 2 times (p<0.05). The cut-off point for the total volume of PRC transfusion that causes iron overload status is ≥ 50 mL/kgBW. The median serum ferritin at 1 month of age was 498.11 g/L (358-885.62 g/L), two months was 232.66 g/L (60.85-538.44 g/L), three months is 42 g/L (40.1-168.63 g/L). The risk factor influencing iron overload status in preterm infants was a history of neonatal sepsis (OR 5.918 (95% CI: 2.027-17.277)). The conclusion of this study are preterm infants who received PRC transfusion >2 times had a higher iron profile than ≤ 2 times at 1 month chronological age. Preterm infants who received PRC transfusions ≥ 50 mL/kgBW had iron overload status at 1 month of chronological age and therefore iron supplementation should be given at 2 months of chronological age."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Kartika Yuli Astuti
"Latar belakang: Kemampuan survival sel darah merah ini dapat dilihat dari hemolisis sel darah merah selama penyimpanan. Penurunan survival sel darah merah ini kemungkinan salah satunya karena masih adanya leukosit dalam komponen darah. Adanya leukosit dalam produk PRC dapat meningkatkan storage lesion sehingga menurunkan kemampuan survival sel darah merah ini. Selain mengurangi jumlah leukosit, upaya untuk menjaga kestabilan membran sel darah merah dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan manitol dalam additive solution.
Metode : 40 sampel PRC yang terdiri dari kantong PRC, PRC+Filter, PRC+SAGM, PRC+SAGM+Filter yang disimpan dengan suhu 2°-6°C diperiksa kadar glukosa, pH dan hemolisis pada hari ke-0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, dan 42. Data hasil penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik ANOVA dengan batas kemaknaan <0,05.
Hasil : Penggunaan filter untuk mengurangi jumlah leukosit didapatkan hasil yang bermakna (<0,05). Terjadi penurunan kadar glukosa, pH dan peningkatan hemolisis selama penyimpanan pada semua jenis kantong. Tingkat hemolisis produk darah PRC pada hari ke-35 telah lebih dari standar, sedangkan pada tiga produk PRC yang lain pada masa simpan 42 hari masih dalam batas normal.
Kesimpulan : Baik pengurangan leukosit mau pun penambahan additive solution pada PRC dapat mempertahankan viabilitas sel darah merah sehingga pada penyimpanan hari ke-42.

Background: The ability of red blood cell survival can be seen from hemolysis of red blood cells during storage. The decrease in survival of red blood cells is probably one of them because of the presence of leukocytes in the blood component. The presence of leukocytes in PRC products can increase storage lesion thereby reducing the survival of red blood cells. In addition to reducing the number of leukocytes, efforts to maintain the stability of the red blood cell membrane are carried out by using mannitol in additive solutions.
Methods: 40 PRC samples consisting of PRC bags, PRC+Filters, PRC+SAGM, PRC+SAGM+Filters stored at 2°-6°C were examined for glucose, pH and hemolysis levels on days 0, 7, 14 , 21, 28, 35, and 42. Data from the results of this study were analyzed using ANOVA statistical tests with significance limits <0.05.
Results: The use of filters to reduce the number of leukocytes showed significant results (<0.05). A decrease in glucose levels, pH and increased hemolysis during storage in all types of bags. The level of hemolysis of PRC blood products on the 35th day was more than standard, whereas in the other three PRC products the 42-day shelf life was still within normal limits.
Conclusion: Both leukocyte reduction and additive solution addition in PRC can maintain the viability of red blood cells so that at the 42nd day storage.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Wigati
"Latar Belakang. Transfusi packed red cell (PRC) sering ditemui pada anak sakit kritis, dengan kemungkinan efek samping yang tidak sedikit. Beberapa laporan terakhir merekomendasikan ambang batas transfusi yang lebih rendah yaitu hemoglobin (Hb) 7 g/dL, namun data karakteristik serta pedoman transfusi PRC anak sakit kritis di Indonesia belum diketahui.
Metode. Studi dilakukan terhadap pasien yang dirawat di unit perawatan intensif anak (PICU) Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dan diputuskan untuk mendapat transfusi PRC. Kadar Hb, saturasi vena sentral (ScvO2), rasio ekstraksi oksigen (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), indeks kardiak (CI), dan indeks inotropik (INO) diukur/dihitung sebelum dan sesudah transfusi.
Hasil. Dari 92 pasien yang masuk perawatan PICU, 25 anak (27,5%) menjalani transfusi PRC dengan total 38 episode transfusi selama bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2015. Tiga episode dieksklusi dari penelitian sehingga 35 episode transfusi PRC diikutsertakan dalam analisis. Sebagian besar pasien adalah anak lelaki (77,1%) berusia 1 bulan hingga 1 tahun (45,7%), dengan median usia 2,1 (rentang 0,2 ? 16,2) tahun. Rerata Hb pre- dan pascatransfusi adalah 7,7 + 1,46 dan 10,2 + 1,97 g/dL. Rerata ScvO2 dan O2ER pretransfusi normal, yaitu 73,8 + 6,46 % dan 0,25 + 0,070, dengan rerata pascatransfusi tidak berbeda bermakna untuk keduanya, yaitu 79,0 + 5,92 % dan 0,19 + 0,056. Perbedaan rerata DO2, CI, dan INO pre- dan pascatransfusi juga tidak bermakna secara klinis maupun statistik. Analisis subgrup yang menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna secara klinis adalah pada anak dengan ScvO2 pretransfusi < 70%. Subgrup ini menunjukkan rerata Hb pretransfusi 7,2 + 1,69 g/dL, dengan nilai ScvO2 pre- dan pascatransfusi sebesar 64,1 + 4,71 % (nilai p 0,181) serta O2ER pre- dan pascatransfusi 0,34 + 0,055 dan 0,21 + 0,080 (nilai p 0,152).
Simpulan. Studi terhadap praktek transfusi PRC di PICU RSCM tidak menunjukkan perubahan hemodinamik yang bermakna. Analisis lebih lanjut pada anak sakit kritis dengan nilai ScvO2 < 70% sebelum mendapatkan transfusi PRC cenderung menunjukkan perbaikan hemodinamik. Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai ambang batas Hb atau ScvO2 untuk memutuskan pemberian transfusi PRC perlu dilakukan.

Background. Transfusion of packed red cells (PRC) often found in critically ill children, with the possibility of side effects is not uncommon. Later reports recommended a lower hemoglobin (Hb) for transfusion threshold, nevertheless the characteristics and transfusion guidelines PRC critically ill children in Indonesia is yet unknown.
Methods. This study was conducted on patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) and underwent PRC transfusion. Hemoglobin level, central venous saturation (ScvO2), oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), cardiac index (CI), and inotropic index (INO) were measured/calculated before and after transfusion.
Results Of the 92 patients admitted to the PICU, 25 children (27.5%) were given PRC transfusion with a total of 38 episodes of transfusion during October to December 2015. Three episodes were excluded from the study that 35 episodes of PRC transfusion were included in the analysis. Most patients were boys (77.1%) aged 1 month to 1 year (45.7%), with a median of age 2.1 (range 0.2 to 16.2) yearold. Mean Hb pre- and post transfusion were 7.7 + 1.46 and 10.2 + 1.97 g/dL. The average ScvO2 and O2ER before transfusion were still in normal range, i.e. 73.8 + 6.46 % and 0.25 + 0.070, without significantly different levels after transfusion, i.e. 79.0 + 5.92% and 0.19 + 0.056. The mean differences of DO2, CI, and INO pre- and post transfusion were neither clinically nor statistically significant. Subgroup analysis that revealed clinically significant difference was children with pretransfusion ScvO2 <70%. This subgroup mean pretransfusion Hb was 7.2 + 1.69 g/dL, with pre/post transfusion ScvO2 values of 64.1 + 4.71% (p-value 0.181) and pre/post post transfusion O2ER 0.34 + 0.055 and 0.21 + 0.080 (p-value 0.152).
Conclusions. Study on PRC transfusion practice in PICU RSCM showed no significant hemodynamic changes. Subgroup analysis of critically ill children with ScvO2 <70% before PRC transfusion indicated hemodynamic improvement. Further research on optimal transfusion thresholds, e.g. hemoglobin level or ScvO2, for PRC transfusion decision-making need to be done.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Fatah Kumara
"Latar belakang : Anemia akut sering terjadi pada anak sakit kritis yang dirawat di
PICU, memiliki konsekuensi hipoksia global yang dapat mengakibatkan disfungsi
miokardium. Transfusi PRC masih menjadi salah satu pilihan dalam rangka
memperbaiki oksigenasi dan kinerja jantung saat terjadi anemia. Bukti-bukti pengaruh
transfusi pada perbaikan performa jantung masih terbatas.
Tujuan : Mengevaluasi kadar NT-proBNP, pasokan oksigen, indeks inotropi dan rasio
energi potensial:energi gerak pada jantung sebelum dan sesudah transfusi PRC pada
anak sakit kritis yang mengalami anemia akut.
Metode : Penelitian analitik observasional potong lintang sejak April sampai Agustus
2019 pada anak usia 1 bulan-18 tahun dengan sakit kritis yang dirawat di PICU
RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penilaian hemodinamik menggunakan USCOM.
Hasil : Penelitian ini melibatkan 31 subyek dengan median umur 3,6 tahun (rentang
0,1-17,5 tahun). Kadar Hb naik sebesar 29,1±15,9% setelah mendapat transfusi PRC
9±3,3 mL/KgBB. Rerata kadar hemoglobin sebelum dan sesudah transfusi adalah
7,94±1,46 dan 10,17±1,92 g/dL (p<0,000 IK 95%: 1,80-2,64). Kadar NT-proBNP
meningkat tak bermakna sebesar 12% (-77,0-199) setelah transfusi dari 4214±6678
menjadi 5182±8327 pg/mL (p=0,186 IK 95%: -493-2428). Tidak terdapat korelasi
antara persen perubahan Hb dan NT-proBNP (Spearman correlation r=0,124; p=0,505).
Terdapat kenaikan pasokan oksigen pasca transfusi sebesar 20,7±38,9% dan berkorelasi
dengan kanaikan hemoglobin (Pearson correlation r=0,39; p=0,029). Uji Chi-square
menunjukkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara kelompok yang mengalami kenaikan
DO dengan perbaikan indeks inotropi (uji Chi square, p=0,031) dan perbaikan PKR
(p=0,008), namun tak ada hubungan dengan perubahan NT-proBNP (p=0,511).
Simpulan : Tidak terdapat perubahan bermakna kadar NT-proBNP sebelum dan
sesudah transfusi PRC pada anak sakit kritis yang mengalami anemia akut. Peningkatan
pasokan oksigen pasca transfusi PRC berkorelasi dengan peningkatan indeks inotropi
(Smith-Madigan Inotropy Index) dan perbaikan potensial to kinetic ratio (PKR)

Background: Acute anemia often occurs in critically ill children in PICU, which has
global hypoxic consequences resulting myocardial dysfunction. Transfusion of PRC is
still choosen in order to improve oxygenation and cardiac performance during anemia.
Evidence of the effect of transfusion on improving cardiac performance is still limited.
Objective: To evaluate NT-proBNP levels, delivery oxygen (DO2), inotropy index and
the potential to kinetic energy ratio (PKR) of heart before and after PRC transfusion in
critically ill children with acute anemia.
Methods: A cross-sectional observational analytic study conducted from April to
August 2019 in children aged 1 month-18 years cared in PICU Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital. Hemodynamic assessment using USCOM.
Results: This study involved 31 subjects with a median age of 3.6 years (range 0.1-17.5
years). Hb levels increased by 29.1±15.9% after receiving a 9±3.3 mL / KgBB
transfusion PRC. The mean hemoglobin levels before and after the transfusion were
7.94±1.46 and 10.17±1.92 g / dL (p <0.000; CI 95%: 1.80-2.64). NT-proBNP levels
slight increased but not statistically sgnificant by 12%(-77.0 - 199) after PRC
transfusion from 4214±6678 to 5182±8327 pg/mL (p = 0.186; CI 95%: -493 - 2428).
There was no correlation between percent change in Hb and NT-proBNP (Spearman
correlation r=0.124; p=0.505). There was increasing in DO2 after transfusion by
20.7±38.9% and correlated with increased hemogolobin (Pearson correlation r=0.39;
p=0.029). Chi-square test showed a significant relationship between groups that
experienced an increase in DO2 with an improvement in the inotropy index (Chi square
test, p=0.031) and improvement in PKR (p=0.008), but there was no relationship with
NT-proBNP changes (p=0.511) .
Conclusions: There was no significant change in NT-proBNP levels before and after
PRC transfusion in critically ill children who had acute anemia. Increased DO2 after
PRC transfusion correlates with an increase in the inotropy index (Smith-Madigan
Inotropy Index) and improvement in potential to kinetic ratio (PKR)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eko Astarini
"Latar belakang: Transfusi komponen Packed Red Cell (PRC) dengan metode pengurangan sel darah putih (PRC leukodepleted) mulai banyak digunakan untuk terapi pasien karena mampu mengurangi kejadian pasca transfusi yang tidak diinginkan. Jumlah perokok aktif di Indonesia yang cukup tinggi sehingga berpotensi besar menjadi pendonor darah karena belum ada regulasi yang mengaturnya. PRC leukodepleted pada perokok aktif beresiko besar mengalami kerusakan membran sel darah merah dan hemolisis akibat stres oksidatif yang terjadi karena akumulasi radikal bebas pada perokok aktif.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stres oksidatif terhadap ketahanan membran PRC leukodepleted donor perokok aktif selama penyimpanan.
Metode: PRC leukodepleted diproduksi dari pendonor yang dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok pendonor non perokok (NP), pendonor perokok ringan (PR) dan pendonor perokok sedang (PS). Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi 6 aliquot untuk diperiksa kadar malondialdehid (MDA), aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase (SOD), uji fragilitas osmotik (osmotic fragility test, OFT) dan hemolisis pada hari ke 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 dan 35.
Hasil: Berdasarkan uji Kruskal Wallis ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara H0, H7, H14, H21, H28 dan H35 pada parameter MDA, SOD, OFT dan hemolisis yaitu dengan p<0,05. Dalam larutan NaCl 0,54 % pada uji OFT, terjadi hemolisis kelompok NP sebesar 17,53+12,16% pada H35; kelompok PR sebesar 34,10+7,92% pada H28; dan kelompok PS sebesar 30,92+5,98% pada H0.
Kesimpulan: Penyimpanan PRC leukodepleted selama 35 hari meningkatkan stres oksidatif. Stres oksidatif paling tinggi terjadi pada kelompok perokok sedang. Terdapat korelasi antara stres oksidatif dengan ketahanan membran sel darah merah.

Background: Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion without the leukocyte (leukodepleted PRC) method has begun to be widely used for patient therapy because it can reduce unexpected post-transfusion effects. The number of active smokers in Indonesia is quite high so they have a great opportunity to become blood donors, since there is no regulation yet. Leukodepleted PRC in active smokers are at great risk for red blood cell membran damage and hemolysis due to oxidative stress that occurs caused by accumulation of free radicals in active smokers. Objective: This study aim to determine the effect of oxidative stress on red blood cells membrane resistance of leukodepleted PRC in active smokers donors during storage. Methods: Leukodepleted PRC was produced from donors who were grouped into non-smoker donors (NP), light smoker donors (PR) and moderate smoking donors (PS). The research sample was divided into 6 aliquots to be examined for the malondialdehyde (MDA) level, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, osmotic fragility test (OFT) and hemolysis on 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of storage. Results: The three groups showed significant differences between D0, D7, D14, D21, D28 and D35 on the parameters of MDA, SOD, OFT and hemolysis (p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). In 0.54% NaCl solution of OFT test, NP group hemolysis was 17.53+12.16% on D35; PR group was 34.10+7.92% on D28; and the PS group was 30.92+5.98% on D0. Conclusion: Storage for 35 days increased the oxidative stress of leukodepleted PRC. The highest oxidative stress occurred in the moderate smoker (PS) group. Oxidative stress has correlation with red blood cell membrane resistance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar belakang. Pelayanan transfusi darah merupakan penunjang pelayanan kesehatan yang sangat penting, karena hingga saat ini masih terdapat beberapa kondisi kesehatan yang hanya dapat diatasi dengan pemberian transfusi darah. Salah satu strategi World Health Organization (WHO) dalam pelayanan darah yang aman adalah transfusi darah atas indikasi medis secara rasional. Febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR) telah dilaporkan sebagai reaksi transfusi yang paling umum terjadi dengan insidensi 6,8% setelah transfusi produk komponen packed red cell (PRC). Data di Pusat Thalassemia Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta, dari 73% pasien yang mendapat PRC leucoreduction, 15% di antaranya mengalami reaksi transfusi, sedangkan dari 14% pasien yang mendapat PRC biasa, 65% di antaranya mengalami reaksi transfusi. Di Indonesia, PRC yang tersedia umumnya adalah produk PRC leucoreduction dengan metoda buffy-coat depleted. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penurunan jumlah leukosit dan sitokin pada produk PRC dari metoda buffy-coat depleted dibandingkan dengan metoda modifikasi bed-side leucocyte filtration. Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada subjek berupa 30 produk PRC yang dibuat dengan metoda buffy-coat depleted dan 30 produk PRC yang dibuat dengan metoda modifikasi bed-side leucocyte filtration pada <48 jam masa penyimpanan. Pada semua produk dilakukan pemeriksaan hematologi dan pemeriksaan sitokin pirogen IL-6 dan TNF-α. Hasil. Satu (3,33%) subjek kantong komponen PRC yang dibuat dengan metoda buffy-coat depleted memenuhi standar leukoreduction (<5x108 leukosit/unit), dan 29 (96,7%) subjek kantong komponen PRC yang dibuat dengan metoda modifikasi bed-side leucocyte filtration pada waktu < 48 jam penyimpanan memenuhi standar leukodepleted (<5x106 leukosit/unit). Pada penelitian ini tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna kadar IL-6 dan TNF-α pada kedua kelompok komponen PRC ( p > 0,05 ). Simpulan. Terdapat penurunan jumlah leukosit komponen PRC yang dibuat dengan metoda modifikasi bed-side leucocyte filtration pada < 48 jam masa penyimpanan PRC sangat signifikan dibandingkan dengan metoda buffy-coat depleted. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peranan filter polyurethane yang selektif menyaring leukosit sedangkan penurunan jumlah leukosit pada metoda buffy-coat depleted dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan dan waktu putaran sentrifus serta pemisahan lapisan buffy coat dari komponen PRC. Tidak bermaknanya perbedaan kadar sitokin pirogenik IL-6 dan TNF α pada kedua kelompok PRC dikarenakan masa penyimpanan PRC < 48 jam tidak menyebabkan akumulasi sitokin pirogenik IL-6 dan dan TNF-α.

Background. Blood transfusion is an essential part of health services, that can safe lifes. One of the World Health Organization (WHO) strategy on safe blood. White blood cells/leukocytes are present in all cellular blood components that are prepared by standard technique. Febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR) has been reported as a common transfusion reaction with the incidence of 6,8% after Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion. Data in Thalassemia Center DR. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta, from 73% of patients who received PRC leucoreduced component, 15% of them had a transfusion reaction, whereas 14% of patients who received PRC component, 65% of them had a transfusion reaction. In Indonesia, the common PRC component available is a leucoreduced PRC developed by buffy-coat depleted method. The study is aim to evaluate the effectiveness of leucocyte reduction and cytokine on the PRC components developed by buffy-coat depleted method compare to the PRC products developed by modified bed-side leucocyte filtration method. Methodology. The study is a cross sectional study on the subject of 30 PRC components developed by buffy-coat depleted method and 30 PRC component developed by modified bed-side leucocyte filtration method in < 48 hour of storage. Haematology testing and pyrogenic cytokine of IL-6 and TNF-α titer was analyzed on all subjects.
Result. There was only one (3.33%) subject of PRC developed by buffy-coat depleted method showed to be leucoreduced (<5x108 leucocyte/unit), mean while there was 29 (96,7%) subject of PRC developed by modified bed-side leucocyte filtration method showed to be leukodepleted (<5x106 leucocyte/unit).No significant difference of IL-6 and TNF-α titer on both of PRC components. (p > 0,05 ).
Conclusion. Reduction of leucocyte on the PRC components developed by modified bed-side leucocyte filtration is more effective compare to that on the PRC components developed by buffy-coat depleted method. The adhesion principle of leucocyte into polyurethane filter was more effective in reducing the number of leucocyte compare to centrifugation principle. The leucocyte filtration that was run on the PRC components with the storage time of < 48 hour did not caused the accumulation of pyrogenic cytokine such as IL-6 and TNF-α."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Kadir
Latar belakang. Pemberian transfusi darah merupakan salah satu tindakan medis untuk penyelamatan nyawa (live saving) dan penyembuhan penyakit, tetapi disisi lain tindakan ini juga memiliki risiko atau komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasiyang dikenal adalah Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TAGVHD). TAGVHD ini akan menyebabkan berproliferasinya limfosit T yangkemudian akan diikuti oleh proses engraft (tertanam) didalam tubuh resipien yang umumnya berada dalam kondisi imunokompeten. Kondisi ini umumnya dialami oleh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan sistem imunologi seperti pada pasien kanker atau penyakit-penyakit autoimun. Saat ini, satu ? satunya metode yang dapat diterima untuk mencegah komplikasi itu dengan cara melakukan iradiasi darah. Bervariasinya rekomendasi tentang dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran untukmenurunkan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ sebagai penyebab terjadinya TAGVHD, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini akan dijadikan rekomendasi untuk prosedur iradiasi terhadap komponen sel darah merah pekatyang akan diberikan pada pasien-pasien imunokompeten di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian eksperimental dengan pemeriksaan time series yang dilakukan terhadap 54 kantong komponen sel darah merah pekat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ dalam tiga dosis dengan tiga serial waktu berbeda.
Hasil. Terjadi penurunan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ pada komponen sel darah merah pekat yang dilakukan iradiasi pada dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran yang berbeda.
Simpulan. Penurunan jumlah CD 3+ bermakna atau signifikan pada dosis 2500 pada waktu 5 jam setelah penyinaran.

Background Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation., ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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