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Harun Idham Akbar

Teluk Jakarta merupakan perairan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang sangat tinggi karena posisinya yang berada di Ibu Kota Indonesia namum perairan ini juga memiliki beban masukan yang tinggi mulai dari kegiatan domestik, industri, ataupun pertanian dari 13 muara sungai di sekitarnya yang berasal dari wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, dan Bekasi sehingga dapat memberikan dampak terhadap kelimpahan klorofil-a. Permasalahan kini muncul karena konsentrasi total material tersuspensi yang melebihi daya dukung perairan mendorong produktifitas seperti plankton untuk berkumpul dan tumbuh dengan sangat cepat sehingga menyebabkan eutrofikasi. Atas dasar tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian di Teluk Jakarta dengan tujuan : (1) Menganalisis hubungan Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dan klorofil-a case 2 (CHL2), (2) Menganalisis hubungan parameter fisik kelautan terhadap kesuburan di teluk Jakarta, serta (3) Mensintesis hubungan seluruh variabel penelitian terhadap kesuburan. Data yang digunakan adalah data bulanan dari seluruh data dari sensor OLCI-A yang tersedia di GlobColour Project yaitu bulan April 2016 - Desember 2018. Seluruh data diolah menggunakan metode SIG  secara time series untuk mengetahui karakter masing masing variabel terutama terkait pada bulan angin muson. Selanjutnya digunakan analisa regresi linear, uji-F, dan uji-T untuk mengetahui hubungan terhadap variabel penelitian. Hasil yang diperoleh antara lain terdapat  hubungan yang sangat kuat antara TSM dan CHL2 dengan nilai R = 0,905 dan nilai P= 0,000 < 0,05, parameter kelautan yang dominan terhadap kesuburan adalah parameter arus laut terutama pada musim barat, variabel penelitian dengan variansi searah kuat yaitu CHL2 dengan TSM dan arus laut, variansi berkebalikan kuat dengan curah hujan dan temperatur.

Jakarta bay is a water that have high economic value because of its position in the Indonesian capital city, but these water also have a  high input load due to domestic, industrial, or agricultural activities from the surrounding river estuaries comes from Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi regions that can have an impact on the high concentration of chlorophyll-a. The problem comes when the concentration of TSM exceeds the carrying capacity of the water thus encouraging plankton to grow and develop rapidly so it can cause eutrophication . Based on this, the author conducted research in the Jakarta bay with the following objectives: (1) Analyzing the relationship of TSM and Chlorophyll-a Case 2 (CHL2), (2) Analyzing the relationship of marine physical parameter to productivity in Jakarta bay, and (3) Synthesize the relationship of all data variables to productivity. Data collection was conducted in April 2016 – December 2018 using monthly data from OLCI-A sensors available at GlobColour project. All data were processed using the GIS and time series method to determine the character of each variable, especially related to Monsoon. Furhermore, linear regression analysis, F-Test and T-Testwere used to determine the relationship to the research variables. The result obtaineda very strong relationship between TSM and CHL2 with R value 0,905 and P value 0,000<0,05, in the marine physical parameters, the dominant parameter was sea current that distribute productivity. Research variables that have a strong relationship were CHL2 with TSM, current velocity, rainfall, and temperature.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin
"Detects the sound frequency range of fish, the intensity of the sound amplitude, sound fluctuations, and shape the sound patterns of the fish. Passive acoustic methods used to monitor marine mammals expressed. In general, the signal obtained from the animal record sounds is poor and difficult to determine from which directions it is produced, therefore it requires that require amplification strengthening. Bioacoustic research is needed to identifies the communication language (Acoustic communication) in mammals. Bioacoustic detect mammal produced frequency ranges of sound, amplitude intensity of sound, voice fluctuation, and form sound patterns of mammals. Studying bioacoustic is inseparable from the science of underwater acoustics, biology of mammals, and the study of mammalian behavior: Generally bioacoustic include physiology of mammals organ that produce sound, earning voice mechanism, sound characteristics of mammals, mammals sound approaching mechanism, the hearing capacity of fish, and the evolution of the auditory system, and to obtain the fequency range of each sound produced by the dolphins (mammals). Environmental conditions and parameters (salinity and temperature) will greatly affect the value of the intensity and frequently generated the target, the more extreme the environmental conditions, the lower value of the intensity and frequency generated."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Unesco/Rostsea, 1992
R 551.4607 FIE
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiny Agustini Koesmawati
Mercury and arsenic are considered to be among the most toxic metals and have been associated with serious adverse health effects. These two trace metals and other contaminants that are found in fish products are therefore of public concern for food safety reasons. Hence, we selected three marine species to study i.e., yellow fin tuna, marlin and green mussels because of their economic values in the international and local markets. The objective of our study was to determine the arsenic and mercury content in these three marine species as a first step in monitoring metal content in seafood products. The tissue samples of tuna and marlin were collected from the Jakarta Fishing Port, while the green mussels was collected from aqua culture sites in Jakarta Bay. The metal content was determined by ICP MS and validated using CRM DORM Z and DORM 3. The speciation of arsenic (organic and inorganic forms) was determined using HPLC ICPMS. All measurements were based on dry weight samples. The result showed that the mercury concentration in yellow fin tuna, marlin and green mussel samples was 0.68 :1: 0.08 mg kg", 0.56 :1: 0.06 mg kg"and 1.51 :t 0.10 mg kg, respectively. The total arsenic concentration in yellow fin tuna, marlin and green mussel samples was 3.47 i 0.21 mg kg, 2.71 i 0.18 mg kg, and 6.77 :t 0.32 mg kg, respectively. The mercury content in the fish tissue was below the maximum allowable concentration (National Standard of Indonesia 1.0 mg kg), except for the green mussels. For total arsenic concentration, all the samples were above the national standard concentration (1.0 mg kg). The organic arsenic species arsentobetaine (AB) found in tuna and marlin fish samples was not toxic. Inorganic and organic arsenic was found in the green mussel samples. Our results suggest that there is a need to establish a national program to regularly monitor the content of selected trace metals in fishery products."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2015
550 MRI 40:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Nilam Cahaya
Fishing activities currently require good management, in order to meet the protein needs of the community. Knowledge on the distribution pattern of fishes related to the condition of marine waters is one way of good management efforts. Several oceanographic parameters that can affect the distribution of fishes are SST (Sea Surface Temperature), chlorophyll a, salinity, and others. Each type offish has different optimal level of particular oceanographic parameters. The distribution of oceanographic parameters are effected by West monsoon, East monsoon and the season inbetween. Therefore, by studying oceanographic parameters on a regular basis, we can determine the fishing areas."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Reza Cordova
MECHANISM OF GENETIC DISORDER AND MUTATION ON BIVALVES INFLUENCED BY LEAD. Bivalves have a feeding mechanism of suspension-feeder or deposit-feeder or both, making bivalves consume the material contained in either beneficial or toxic water. Bivalve can survive even with the condition of polluted waters, including the concentration of heavy metals that exceed a specified threshold. Lead is one type of harmful pollutants originating from anthropogenic activities and contaminated marine waters. The purpose of this paper is to provide knowledge about the process or mechanism of bivalves to defend itself against lead, which can be found in their environment, especially genetic disorders and mutations that may be experienced by marine bivalves as a result of exposure to lead."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh dengan tujuan untuk : (1) memetakan daerah budidaya rumput laut yang terinfestasi mikroflora epifit dengan menggunakan data ALOS AVNIR-2 dan spectral signature in situ; (2) memetakan zona potensi retensi menggunakan data AQUA MODIS melalui analisa kesesuaian lahan (site selection) untuk budidaya rumput laut. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis spektral ALOS AVNIR-2 adalah identifikasi berdasarkan spectral signature in situ yang diolah di MESMA VIPER TOOLS pada ENVI 4.8 dan analisis spasial menggunakan syarat kesesuaian lahan untuk Eucheuma cottonii dengan metode composite dan overlay pada Arcmap 10. Analisis spektral menunjukkan pola pada kanal biru (panjang gelombang 460 nm) reflektasinya sangat rendah, kanal hijau (panjang gelombang 560 nm) reflektasinya sedikit meningkat, kanal merah (panjang gelombang 650 nm) sedikit meningkat sedangkan pada kanal near infrared menunjukkan reflektasi yang cukup tinggi. Pola spectral signature ini menyerupai pola spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto (Hendiarti, dkk., 2012) tetapi terdapat sedikit perbedaan yaitu pada spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii terinfestasi memiliki pola yang kurang halus dibandingkan dengan spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto. Analisis spektral ALOS AVNIR-2 dapat memetakannya potensi retensi infestasi mikroflora epifit kurang lebih seluas 4,81 ha di Desa Legundi dan 48,345 ha di Desa Sumur. Analisis spasial menunjukkan hasil bahwa di perairan Provinsi Lampung potensi retensi terinfestasi mikroflora epifit ini seluas 3.677.191,34 ha (daerah yang berpotensi), 893.919,40 ha (cukup berpotensi) dan 175.888,44 ha (tidak berpotensi). Apabila dibandingkan dengan kualitas perairan pada tahun 2007 (pada tahun ini produksi sangat tinggi) terjadi peningkatan luasan untuk daerah yang berpotensi.

This study used remote sensing technical, it aims to: (1) mapping the seaweed cultivation areas infested epiphytic microflora using the ALOS AVNIR-2 data and in situ spectral signatures; (2) mapping the area of potential retention through the use of AQUA MODIS data and site selection analysis for seaweed cultivation.The method using spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with reference spectral identification derived from in situ spectral signatures processed in MESMA VIPER TOOLS in ENVI 4.8. It also conducted a spatial analysis of land used site selection for Eucheuma cottonii with the overlay method in Arcmap 10. This study showed through in situ spectral signatures measurements obtained the pattern on a blue canal (460 nm wavelength) with very low reflectation, the green canal (560 nm wavelength) slightly increased reflectation, the red canal (wavelength 650 nm) slightly increased, while the band near infrared is showed with high enough reflectation. This spectral signature pattern similar to the pattern of spectral signatures of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto (Hendiarti et al, 2012) but there is little difference in the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii infested pattern smoother than the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto. Spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with reference to the spectral signature is mapping Eucheuma cottonii that can more or less infested area of 4.81 ha in the Legundi village and 48.345 ha in the Sumur village. Spatial analysis showed that in Lampung potential retention area infested 3.677.191,34 ha (potentially area), 893,919.40 ha (potentially enough) and 175,888.44 ha (not potential). Compared to the water quality in 2007 (the year of production was very high) occurred the increasing of the extent to potential areas.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niko Amrulloh
"[Sepanjang 1.200 km garis pantai Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung terdapat potensi ekonomi yang meliputi perikanan dan wisata bahari. Namun di sisi lain, kemiskinan justru terjadi di wilayah perdesaan yang didominasi oleh desa pesisir. Padahal disitulah letak sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan berada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sektor prioritas dari aktivitas ekonomi yang terkait dengan sektor kelautan dan memproyeksikan estimasi investasi bagi pengelolaan sektor kelautan di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Analisis Input Output digunakan untuk menentukan aktivitas ekonomi yang terkait di dalamnya. Dengan pendekatan ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio) diproyeksikan estimasi kebutuhan investasi selama kurun waktu 2015-2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor prioritas dikembangkan adalah wisata bahari; perikanan budidaya; industri pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan dan hasil biota air lainnya; jasa kelautan; dan bangunan kelautan . Nilai ICOR Kelautan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung adalah 2.93, lebih efisien dibandingkan sektor kelautan secara nasional.;Bangka Belitung Province has 1,200 km coastline with big potential economic including fisheries and marine tourism. Otherwise, poverty has occurred in rural areas with dominated by coastal villages. While therein lies the marine and fisheries resources. This study aims to identify the priority sectors of economic activity associated with the marine sector and project investment estimate for the management of the marine sector in Bangka Belitung Province. Input Output Analysis is used to determine the priority of economic activity. With the approach of ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio) projected of investment for 2015-2017 period. The results showed the priority sectors to be developed are marine tourism; aquaculture; fish processing; marine services; and marine building. ICOR for Marine development of Bangka Belitung Province is 2.93. It is more efficient than the national marine sector, Bangka Belitung Province has 1,200 km coastline with big potential economic including fisheries and marine tourism. Otherwise, poverty has occurred in rural areas with dominated by coastal villages. While therein lies the marine and fisheries resources. This study aims to identify the priority sectors of economic activity associated with the marine sector and project investment estimate for the management of the marine sector in Bangka Belitung Province. Input Output Analysis is used to determine the priority of economic activity. With the approach of ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio) projected of investment for 2015-2017 period. The results showed the priority sectors to be developed are marine tourism; aquaculture; fish processing; marine services; and marine building. ICOR for Marine development of Bangka Belitung Province is 2.93. It is more efficient than the national marine sector]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soons, Alfred H.A.
Boston: Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1982
341.45 SOO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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