"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan nilai manfaat ekonomi Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) dengan Travel Cost Method (TCM) dan memperkirakan marginal willingness to pay dari setiap karekteristik KRB dan kenaikan harga tiket masuk dari skenario yang ditetapkan dengan Choice Modelling Method (CM). Survey dilakukan terhadap 414 pengunjung lokal. Hasil regresi linear TCM menunjukkan bahwa biaya perjalanan, jenis kelamin dan pendidikan signifikan mempengaruhi jumlah kunjungan ke KRB. Nilai Consumer Surplus sebesar Rp582.072,00 (US $ 40,90) dan nilai total manfaat yang diperoleh sebesar Rp728.825.156.754,00 (US $ 51,21 juta) pertahun. CM dirancang untuk menilai skenario pengelolaan KRB bedasarkan tugas dan fungsi KRB. Atribut jumlah jenis tumbuhan, informasi dan pendidikan lingkungan, layanan mobil wisata serta atribut moneter berupa tiket masuk. Hasil regresi Conditional logit menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung KRB memberikan nilai tertinggi pada atribut layanan mobil wisata gratis diikuti atribut informasi dan pendidikan lingkungan. Nilai compensating surplus diperkirakan sebesar Rp19.695,729 (US $ 1,38) dan nilai total manfaat sebesar Rp24.661.455.447,81 (US $ 1,732 juta) pertahun. Rencana kenaikan harga tiket masuk KRB wisatawan lokal diperkirakan sebesar Rp20.269,41 perkunjungan. Harga tiket masuk perlu ditingkatkan secara efisien untuk peningkatan pendapatan dan pendanaan KRB yang berkelanjutan.
This study aims to estimate Bogor Botanical Gardens (BBG) economic benefit value with the Travel Cost Method (TCM) and to estimate the marginal willingness to pay of each BBG characteristic and the increase in the entrance ticket price from the scenario determined by the Choice Modeling Method (CM). The survey was conducted on 414 local visitors. The linear regression results show that travel cost, gender and education significantly affect the number of visits to BBG. The value of Consumer Surplus amounted to IDR582.072,00 (US 40,90) and the total value of benefits obtained was IDR728.825.156.754,00 (US $ 51,21 million) per year. CM is designed to assess BBG management scenarios based on the tasks and its functions. Attributes to the number of plant species, information and environmental education, tourist car services and monetary attributes in the form of entrance tickets. Conditional logit regression shows that BBG visitors provide the highest value on the attributes of free tourist car services followed by information and environmental education. Compensating surplus was estimed at IDR19.695,729 (US $ 1,38) and the total value of benefits is IDR24.661.455.447,81 (US $ 1,732 million) per year. The planned increase in the ticket prices for local tourist is estimated at IDR20.269,41 (US $ 1,42) per visit. Entrance ticket prices need to be increased efficiently for increased revenue and sustainable BBG funding."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019