ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat keterlibatan
(Engagement Rate) perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dan menganalisis strategi
perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dalam menerapkan Library 2.0 serta untuk
mengidentifikasi hambatan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dalam
menerapkan Library 2.0. Pendekatan dalam tesis ini menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus komparatif. Hasil
perhitungan tingkat keterlibatan didapatkan Perpustakaan Universitas
Indonesia menempati urutan pertama, Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah
Mada pada urutan kedua serta Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga pada
urutan ketiga. Penelitian ini memilih Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia
dan Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga menjadi lokasi penelitian, dimana
menghasilkan penelitian bahwa kedua perpustakaan telah memiliki strategi
dalam penerapan Library 2.0 yang diurai menurut komponen pembentuk
Library 2.0 yaitu partisipasi pengguna, web 2.0, perpustakaan dan layanan,
evaluasi dan kerjasama. Temuan yang lain kedua perpustakaan memiliki
strategi yang sama, di sisi lain ada juga strategi yang berbeda. Ketika salah
satu komponen lemah maka komponen lain lebih diperkuat.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze the Engagement Rate academic library and to
analyze strategies in implementing Library 2.0 as well as to identify barriers
in applying Library 2.0. The approach in this research uses a qualitative with a
comparative case study method. The Engagement Rate results University of
Indonesia Library ranks first, Gadjah Mada University Library in the second
and Airlangga University Library on the third. This research were conducted
in University of Indonesia Library and the Airlangga University Library,
which resulted that both libraries have had strategies in the implementing of
Library 2.0 which is parsed by forming components Library 2.0 are user
participation, Web 2.0, library and services, evaluation and cooperation.
Another finding is that both libraries have the same strategy, on the other hand
there are also different strategies. When one component is weak then the other
components further strengthened.;This study aimed to analyze the Engagement Rate academic library and to
analyze strategies in implementing Library 2.0 as well as to identify barriers
in applying Library 2.0. The approach in this research uses a qualitative with a
comparative case study method. The Engagement Rate results University of
Indonesia Library ranks first, Gadjah Mada University Library in the second
and Airlangga University Library on the third. This research were conducted
in University of Indonesia Library and the Airlangga University Library,
which resulted that both libraries have had strategies in the implementing of
Library 2.0 which is parsed by forming components Library 2.0 are user
participation, Web 2.0, library and services, evaluation and cooperation.
Another finding is that both libraries have the same strategy, on the other hand
there are also different strategies. When one component is weak then the other
components further strengthened., This study aimed to analyze the Engagement Rate academic library and to
analyze strategies in implementing Library 2.0 as well as to identify barriers
in applying Library 2.0. The approach in this research uses a qualitative with a
comparative case study method. The Engagement Rate results University of
Indonesia Library ranks first, Gadjah Mada University Library in the second
and Airlangga University Library on the third. This research were conducted
in University of Indonesia Library and the Airlangga University Library,
which resulted that both libraries have had strategies in the implementing of
Library 2.0 which is parsed by forming components Library 2.0 are user
participation, Web 2.0, library and services, evaluation and cooperation.
Another finding is that both libraries have the same strategy, on the other hand
there are also different strategies. When one component is weak then the other
components further strengthened.]"