"Permasalahan jenis, jumlah, kualifikasi dan distribusi tenaga kesehatan merupakan permasalahan ketenagaan yang sering dihadapi dalam pelayanan kesehatan khususnya di Daerah Tertinggal Perbatasan dan Kepulauan (DTPK). Penerapan dan pencapaian indikator kinerja Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Kesehatan sangat berkaitan dengan ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penentu terhadap kelengkapan program wajib Puskesmas dan rata-rata capaian indikator kinerja SPM Kab/Kota di DTPK, variabel yang diteliti meliputi faktor tenaga kesehatan (jumlah dan jenis), kelengkapan program wajib Puskesmas dan rata-rata capaian indikator kinerja SPM Kab/Kota tahun 2011.
Hasil analisis didapat bahwa faktor penentu kelengkapan program ialah ketersediaan tenaga dokter dan faktor penentu untuk rata-rata capaian indikator kinerja SPM Kab/Kota ialah kelengkapan program wajib Puskesmas.
Problems of the type, number, qualifications and distribution of health workers is a problem frequently encountered in workforce health services, especially in Disadvantaged Areas Border and Islands (DTPK). Implementation and achievement of performance indicators health minimum service standards (SPM) is very related to the availability of health personnel.
This study uses a quantitative approach that aims to identify the determinants of the completeness of compulsory health center program and the average achievement of performance indicators SPM District/City in DTPK, variable factors examined included health workers (number and type), the completeness of compulsory health center and flat-average achievement of performance indicators SPM District/City in 2011.
Analysis results obtained that the determining factor is the completeness of the program and the availability of doctors deciding factor for the average achievement of performance indicators SPM District/City Health Center is required to complete the program."