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Ditemukan 104024 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"On Islamic literature for young people in Indonesia; collection of articles"
Yogyakarta: Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga Press, 2018
297.095 98 LIT
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"On radicalism of Indonesian Islam movement in cyberspace."
Surakarta: Pusat Studi Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2018
297.598 KON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anwar Arifin Andipate
"Buku “Pergulatan Pemikiran Keislaman dan Keindonesiaan” yang ditulis oleh Anwar Arifin Andipate ini memuat kumpulan artikel seputar Islam dan kebangsaan, mulai dari dialektika pemikiran keislaman, hingga tentang sejumlah organisasi keislaman yang ada di tanah air."
Jakarta: Nufa Citra Mandiri, 2021
297.65 ANW p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: LPPI UMY, 2000
297 PEN
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Suryana
Tesis ini mendiskusikan kontestasi ruang sosial, sebagai fenomena sosial kemasyarakatan yang menyumbang signifikan terhadap proses suburbanisasi. Pola kontestasi ruang sosial tersebut bertumpu pada prinsip memanfaatkan segala peluang, sebuah Cara pandang terhadap gejala mobilitas !capital-yang rlifasilitasi oleh proses suburbanisasi---sebagai kesempatan ekonomi (economic opportunity). Kontestasi ruang sosial yang terbentuk pun seirama dengan proses suburbanisasi wilayah tadi terhadap kota induknya, terstruktur secara berjenjang (berposisi terbawah) dalam sistem hirarki ruang sosial kota metropolitan, dan terbangun sebagai produk dialektika antara pasar, negara, dan masyarakat. Jadi, suburban adalah arena sosial ketiga aktor tadi berkontestasi. Proses ini pads akhirnya membentuk struktur ruang sosial suburban dalam kerangka menopang fungsinya terhadap kota metropolitannya itu.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian (Citayam) dipilih karena mewakili satu tipe suburbanisasi Jakarta yang bercirikan: (1) penyangga permukiman (bukan penyangga industi), (2) berada di jalur sistem transportasi massal yang murah dan cepat (jaringan kereta listrik Jakarta Bogor), (3) tumbuh begitu cepat pasta krisis ekonomi 1997, (4) dipicu oleh pasar perumahan dalam skala menengah-kecil (bukan seperti Bumi Serpong Damai yang berbentuk pasar rumah dalam skala besar untuk kalangan berpenghasilan atas), (5) bercorak suburban untuk kalangan berpenghasilan menengah dan bawah. Data dikumpulkan melalui penelusuran sumber sekunder maupun penelitian lapangan (field research). Koleksi stastistik milik Badan Pusat Statistik dan pustaka milik Perpustakaan Nasional (dalam kurun 1911-1960-an) menjadi salah satu acuan dalam penelusuran data sekunder. Sementara penelitian lapangan menggunakan teknik pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan wawancara sambil lalu. Sejumlah informan kunci diwawancarai. Mereka mewakili pare pemangku kepentingan terkait balk dari kalangan alit penduduk asii, lapis bawah, pedagang sektor informal, dan komuter.
Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa suburbanisasi merupakan epifenomena, sebuah gejala yang digerakan oleh proses mobilitas kapital di sekitar kota metropolitan pinggiran. Suburban sendiri terbangun sebagai produk mekanisme pasar rumah yang "diatur" negara. Sebagian besar penghuninya adalah penduduk kota metropolitan yang tidak mampu membeli rumah di hunian pusat kota. Sebagian mereka tergolong berpenghasilan menengah-bawah yang pindah ke suburban karma alasan finansial, disamping juga terdorong oleh alasan yang bersifat suburban dream. Suburban yang dapat dilaju setiap hart pun mereka pilih (karena adanya sistem transportasi massal), mesh dituntut mental juang yang pantang menyerah lantaran fasilitas transportasi massalnya itu jauh dari memadai.
Lokasi riset ini berkategori suburban menengah bawab, bukan hunian strategis, dan tidak dianggap panting oleh memori kolektif aparat Negara. Hal tersebut juga tersumbang oleh fakta bahwa wilayah suburban ini adalah daerah periferi dalam sistem kewilayahan daerah otonom. Dalam kaftan ini, negara abai menyediakan fasilitas publik, karma wilayah suburban ini dianggap tidak memberikan rente kepada dirinya. Pada sisi lain, mesh suburban menengah-bawah ini dibentuk oleh pasar perumahan, penyediaan fasilitas publik oleh pengembang sangat terbatas dan selalu saja berkorelasi dengan kemampuan finansial pars penghuni perumahan. Untuk mengompensasi sangat terbatasnya fasilitas publik tadi, penghuni suburban melakukan apa yang oleh riset ini dikonseptualisasikan sebagai frase penduduk-membangun-suburban (people making suburban). Mereka secara kreatif membangu infrastruktur hunian dan fasilitas umum dengan berpatokan pada prinsip memanfaatkan segala peluang.
Gejala penduduk membangun suburban pun kemudian bergerak ke tahap lebih lanjut, sebagai upaya mengisi celah sosial ekonomi akibat dampak berganda (multiplayer effect) sirkulasi kapital di wilayah ini. Di wilayah sentral suburban yang memiliki tingkat kapasitas tanah yang tinggi, gejala penduduk membangun suburban terjadi secara mendalam dan penuh dinamika. Migran lapis bawah menyerbu wilayah pusat untuk mencari peruntungan di sektor informal. Mereka melakukan kontestasi ruang sosial. Pojok tanah mereka duduld, dan berjualan apa saja agar lake dan meraup keuntungan. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan penduduk asli. Mereka pun melakukan kontestasi ruang sosial dengan mengaktifkan identitas sosial mereka sebagai "orang asli". Pojok perempatan mereka kuasai dan duduld. Sebagiannya mereka ubah menjadi sistem pangkalan ojek yang terorganisir dan bertumpu path ikatan sosial sebagai "orang ash". Dunia hitam pusat perdagangan suburban pun dikuasai sebagian kalangan penduduk asli.
Tampak bahwa prinsip memanfaatkan segala peluang bekerja di batik gejala penduduk membangun suburban. Prinsip ini bertumpu pads anggapan bahwa gejala suburbanisasi dipandang sebagai proses tumbuh dan tersedianya peluang ekonomi, betapapun kecilnya kesempatan ekonomi tersebut. Upaya kreatif pun mereka kedepankan agar dapat menangkap, memanfaatkan, dan meraup peluang ekonomi tadi. Pola pemanfaatan peluang ekonomi ini mereka lakukan secara mandiri, tanpa fasilitasi pemerintah maupun bantuan dart lembaga keuangan formal. Mereka membangun sistem bantuannya secara horisontal melalui pelbagai jaringan sosial yang mereka miliki, seperti mengaktifkan jaringan etnis, modal sosial sesama pekerja sektor informal, atau mengaktifkan ikatan sosial sebagai "orang asli".
Tampak bahwa isu identitas penduduk asli telah menjadi "senjata", agar mereka tetap terlibat secara signifikan dalam proses suburbanisasi. Hal ini adalah bentuk kompensasi psiko-sosial atas rentannya kemampuan individual sebagian besar penduduk asli dalam merespon suburbanisasi. Kompensasi sosial lainnya terlihat dalam berfungsinya organisasi sosial lokal (seperti kelompok preman setempat) dan perangkat kelembagaan resmi lokal (seper(i pemerintah desa) sebagai perisai sosial politik dan ekonomi. Dari sudut pandang negara, pasar, dan masyarakat, upaya berburu surplus tadi mereka lakukan di bawah kerinduan terhadap fungsi kesejahteraan negara. Negara mereka konsepsikan harus hadir dalam upaya meningkatkan taraf kesejahteraan kelompok sosial ini. Dengan kata lain, gejala sekelompok penduduk asli menguasai tanah negara dan berkontestasi ruang sosial dalam rangka meraup surplus, terdorong oleh persepsi fungsi laten negara sebagai lembaga yang hares melindungi taraf hidup layak mereka. Maka, ketika fungsi ideal tadi tidak mereka jumpai, mereka pun menyerobot tanah negara. Perilaku sosial yang secara resmi dikategorikan sebagai tindak ilegal ini, justru terdorong oleh cara pandang mereka terhadap fungsi negara tadi. Pola kontestasi demikian dapat dimaknai sebagai cars paksa untuk menghadirkan fungsi ideal negara, sebuah upaya yang layak dipahami sebagai mencari perlindungan dari tirani pasar (market).

This study analyzes contestation of social space as a social phenomenon significantly contributed to the process of urbanization. The pattern of the contestation of social space is based on a principle of making use all the opportunities--a perspective to capital mobilization phenomenon-facilitated by the process of urbanization-as an economic opportunity. The contestation of social space in turn, went along with the process of urbanization of the area, hierarchically structured in the system of metropolitan city, and established as a product of dialectic between market, state and society. Therefore, suburban area is social arena where the three actors are contesting to each other. The process finally formed the structure of suburban social space in the framework of its function to the metropolitan city.
The research methods used in the study are primarily those of qualitative approach: observation, in depth-interviews, collection of statistical data from Badan Pusat Statistik and Perpustakaan Nasional, and case study as its primary data collection method. The locus of research in Citayam was chosen because it represents one type of suburban in Jakarta. To analyze the suburbani cation process and the contestation of social space, informants of the study are stakeholders consisting of the elites of the local residents, low class people, informal sector merchants, and commuters.
This study has found that suburbanization is epiphenomena driven by capital mobility process around sub metropolitan area. Suburban it self is established as product of house market mechanism regulated by the "state". Most of the residents are those who cannot afford to buy house at the center of the city. They also belong to low-income people who move to suburban for financial reason. Suburban residential areas that they can choose are also limited due to the limitation of the mass transport system.
The location of research can be categorized as a low-income residential area which is not consider important by the state due to the fact that this are is a peripheral area in the zoning system of the autonomous municipal government This is why the state does not provide any public facilities to the area. The private company developer that manages the area is also reluctant to provide any public facilities due to the lack of purchasing power of the residents. To compensate for all these shortcomings, the suburban residents take concrete measures which in this study conceptualized as "people making suburban areas". They creatively create residential infrastructure and public facilities based on the principle of making use of all the opportunities.
The phenomenon of people making suburban areas is also moving to the next step, which is an effort to fill the social economy niche generated by the multiplayer effect of the capital circulation in the area. In the central area of suburban, which has the high land capacity, lower class migrants as well as local residents dynamically develop suburban areas. The lower class migrants are looking for financial opportunities in the informal sector, while the local residents activate their social identity as "natives" to maximize economic gains.
It appears that the principle of making use of all the opportunities is operating behind the phenomenon of "people making suburban areas." This principle based on assumption that urbanization is regarded as a process of the development and the availability of economic opportunities, no matter how limited they are. Creative efforts are used by the residents to catch and maximize the economic opportunities, without any facilities from the government or formal financial institutions. They develop their systems horizontally by strengthening social and ethnic networks, and activating their social ties as "natives".
It also appears that the issue of local residents identity has become "the weapon" in order to stay involved significantly in the process of urbanization. However, the active involvements in gaining economic opportunities are due to the non-optimal function of the state. The pattern of the social contestation can be regarded to realize forcefully the ideal function of the state, an effort that should be regarded as to seek protection from the tyranny of the market.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bartoven Vivit Nurdin
This dissertation is about nagari reconstruction in a Malalo community seen from contestation and power
relation perspectives. Specifically, it is about the people of Malalo Singkarak, West Sumatra who
perceive, interpret, and respond to reality in which they live, and their manifestations in the reconstruction
of nagari in the momentum of regional autonomy policy. It focuses on the people strategies created and
developed inwardly and outwardly their Malalo?s social organization in forms of accommodation as well
as resistance, and involves various interests of the parts.
Back to nagari means back to their imagined identity, adat and Islam. The adat and religious leaders
considered that adat and Islam had been marginalized and ignored during village government era. In the
era, they did not have power and authority to run local government and make decision along with the
degradation of their charisma in the community. But, in nagari era they have had golden opportunity to
get back their power, influence and authority in making local government policy.
This dissertation has gotten significant influences from previous main researches such as Scott (1985),
Abu-Lughod (1990), and Tsing (1999). I have been much influenced by Scott?s symbolic obedience and
resistance, accommodation and resistance in the same time in temts of various interests. ?One is inside
and outside the state in the same time", Tsing said. Abu-Lughod has influencd me in her resistance arena
concept. l applied qualitative approach (Hammersley and Atkinson 1983) in this case study. Data
collecting was conducted through in-depth interviews and participation- observations.
This dissertation shows that reconstructing process involves contestation, negotiation, and compromises
indicated through the local leaders? strategies - accommodating or resisting - in confronting with various
situations among themselves as well as with State. The local elites are adat leaders, as well as religious or
local government leaders at the same time. It was sometimes hard to make separate those three one to
each other. The local elites are the linkage between local people and the State. On one hand they have
developed political issues through manipulating adat and religious doctrines, but on the other hand they
need state rhetoric to establish their authorities But, the elites are not solid, homogeneous groups without
frictions or conflicts. Accommodation and resistance have occurred at the crossing area of the local elites
themselves, and between them and the State.
In this research nagarf is read as one that contested to, struggled for, debated on, and utilized with
political interests. Some of the old features of the adat have been left away but some new things came up
through negotiation process between the local people and the States interests. lt is therefore nagari is not
a static, but dynamic construct in facing with concrete situations of interests. lt is the process of
negotiation and bargaining, interpretation and re-interpretation, and giving meaning that is called
contestation in this dissertation.
My approach in this dissertation is close to Tsin (1999), Scott (1985), and Abu-Lughod (1990). lt is
relevant with Scott?s symbolic obedience and resistance concepts. The different from Scott?s is that the..."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This dissertation is about nagari reconstruction in a Malalo community seen from contestation and power
relation perspectives. Specifically, it is about the people of Malalo Singkarak, West Sumatra who
perceive, interpret, and respond to reality in which they live, and their manifestations in the reconstruction
uf nr;rgcrri in the momentum of regional autonomy policy. It focuses on the people strategies created and
developed inwardly and outwardly their l‘vlalalo’s social organization in forms of accommodation as well
as resistance, and involves various interests of the parts.
Back to nagorf means back to their imagined identity, ada! and Islam. The adat and religious leaders
considered that adat and Islam had been marginalized and ignored during village government era. In the
era, they did not have power and authority to run local government and make decision along with the
degradation of their charisma in the community. But, in iragari era they have had golden opportunity to
get back their power, influence and authority in making local government policy.
This dissertation has gotten significant influences from previous main researches such as Scott (1985),
Abu-Lughod (1990), and Tsing (1999). I have been much influenced by Scott’s symbolic obedience and
resistance, accommodation and resistance in the same time in temts of various interests. “One is inside
and outside the state in the same time", Tsing said. Abu-Lughod has influencd me in her resistance arena
concept. l applied qualitative approach (Hammersley and Atkinson 1983) in this case study. Data
collecting was conducted through in-depth interviews and participation- observations.
This dissertation shows that reconstructing process involves contestation, negotiation, and compromises
indicated through the local leaders’ strategies - accommodating or resisting - in confronting with various
situations among themselves as well as with State. The local elites are adat leaders, as well as religious or
local government leaders at the same time. It was sometimes hard to make separate those three one to
each other. The local elites are the linkage between local people and the State. On one hand they have
developed political issues through manipulating adat and religious doctrines, but on the other hand they
need state rhetoric to establish their authorities But, the elites are not solid, homogeneous groups without
frictions or conflicts. Accommodation and resistance have occurred at the crossing area of the local elites
themselves, and between them and the State.
In this research nagarf is read as one that contested to, struggled for, debated on, and utilized with
political interests. Some of the old features of the adat have been left away but some new things came up
through negotiation process between the local people and the States interests. lt is therefore nagari is not
a static, but dynamic construct in facing with concrete situations of interests. lt is the process of
negotiation and bargaining, interpretation and re-interpretation, and giving meaning that is called
contestation in this dissertation.
My approach in this dissertation is close to Tsin (1999), Scott (1985), and Abu-Lughod (1990). lt is
relevant with Scott’s symbolic obedience and resistance concepts. The different from Scott’s is that the..."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Baso
Jakarta: Yayasan Garuda Bumandhala, 2021
297.272 AHM h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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