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Yoshiya Ishikawa
Purpose: Splenic infarction may occur if the splenic branches are injured or ligated accidentally during gastrectomy. We used three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) imaging to distinguish the vascular anatomy of the splenic hilum in individual patients, focusing on the splenic polar branches and the gastric branches.
Methods: The subjects of this study were 104 patients who underwent computed tomography (CT) with intravenous contrast before gastrectomy. SYNAPSE 3D® (Fujifilm Medical, Tokyo, Japan) was used to generate the 3D-CT images. The total spleen volume and the area supplied by the superior polar artery (SPA) in each patient were estimated using the "liver analysis" function.
Results: The SPA without the gastric branch (supplying only the spleen), the SPA with the gastric branch (supplying both the stomach and the spleen), and the posterior gastric artery (supplying only the stomach) were present in 14, 45, and 18% of the patients, respectively. The SPA supplied 12% of the total spleen volume on average; however, it supplied over 30% in two patients.
Conclusion: We identified the vascular anatomy around the splenic hilum in over 100 patients. Based on our findings, we recommend preservation of the SPA when it is supplying a large area of the spleen. Preoperative 3D-CT analysis provides useful information to optimize safe gastrectomy."
Tokyo: Springer, 2018
617 SUT 48:9 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Visualisasi anatomi saluran akar menggunakan computed tomography tiga dimensi dan preparasi transparan. Computed Tomography (CT) tiga dimensi sedang dikembangkan agar dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis topografi anatomi saluran akar untuk membuat keputusan tentang metode preparasi yang tepat. Analisis bentuk dan ukuran anatomi gigi juga dapat dilakukan menggunakan metode transparan. Penting untuk membandingkan ketepatan hasil analisis dari kedua metode tersebut. Tujuan: Membandingkan akurasi analisis anatomi saluran akar dengan dua metode CT tiga dimensi dan preparasi transparan. Metode: Gigi molar tiga bawah digunakan sebagai sampel analisis. Analisis dengan CT tiga dimensi dilakukan sebelum gigi diekstraksi. Gigi yang selanjutnya diekstraksi tersebut kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan sediaan transparan. Hasil: Walaupun karakteristik gigi yang berhubungan dengan sudut kemiring mahkota, bentuk kurva mahkota dan devisasi saluran akar dapat terlihat melalui analisis dengan CT tiga dimensi, parameter anatomi gigi yang lain dapat diperlihatkan melalui sediaan transparan. Sediaan transparan dapat memperlihatkan kurva saluran akar secara lebih jelas. Simpulan: Analisis sediaan transparan dapat memberikan gambaran anatomi saluran akar yang sangat jelas dan lebih baik daripada CT tiga dimensi. Analisis dengan CT tiga dimensi dapat memberikan informasi tambahan tentang hubungan gigi di dalam rahang.

Three-dimensional Computed Tomography (CT) is used to analyze the topography of the root canal anatomy in order to make a decision in choosing root canal preparation method. There is a method that make extracted teeth transparent maintaining its anatomical shape and size. It is important to compare the accuracy of the two visualization methods. Objective: To compare the transmission accuracy of root canals anatomy by two visualization methods, three-dimensional CT and transparent tooth preparation. Methods: Mandibular third molar was used as sample. The three-dimensional CT scan was performed before extracting the teeth. Then teeth were extracted and placed in solutions that made them transparent. Results: Despite the fact that the character of dental origin in terms of the angle of the crown, the curvature of the crown, the deviation of the root showed in three dimensional CT, other tooth anatomical parameters were equally well detected using a transparent tooth preparation. Overall, the curvature of the root canals is more clearly shown by transparent tooth preparation. Conclusion: Transparent tooth preparation provides superior visualization of real root canal anatomy compared to three-dimensional CT, however the later could give us more information about the relation of the tooth within the jaw."
Department of General Dentistry, North-West State Medical University II Mechnikov, Mechnikov, SaintPetersburg, Russia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The aim of this study is to obtain information about the mouse tongue muscle rendered using micro-computed tomography (μCT) at low, middle, and high magnifications. Three-dimensional (3D) μCT is used in various fields. Most μCT observations are restricted to hard tissue in biomaterial samples. Recently, with the use of osmium tetroxide, μCT has been effectively employed to observe soft tissue; it is now believed that μCT observation of soft tissue is feasible. On the other hand, the structure of the tongue muscle has been well studied, but cross-sectional imaging enhanced by 3D rendering is lacking. We chose the mouse tongue as a soft tissue case study for μCT and generated cross-sectional images of the tongue enhanced by 3-D image rendering with histological resolution. During this observation, we developed new methods of low-magnification observation to show the relation between the tongue muscles and surrounding tissues. We also applied high-resolution μCT in high-magnification observation of muscle fiber fascicles. Our methodological techniques give the following results: (1) For low-magnification observation (field of view: 12,000 μm), pretreatment with decalcification and freeze drying is suitable for observing the area between the muscle of the tongue and the bone around the tongue using μCT. (2) For middle-magnification observation (Field of view: 3,500 μm), the use of osmium tetroxide to observe the muscle arrangement of the tongue by μCT is suitable. (3) For high-magnification observation (Field of view: 450 μm), high-resolution μCT is suitable for observation of the transversus muscle fiber fascicles."
ODO 103:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manzoni, Giovanni de
"Although there has been a slow but steady decrease in incidence, gastric cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Several aspects of the oncological and surgical management are still controversial and so gastric cancer represents a challenge for the surgeon. This book aims to delineate the state of the art in the surgical and oncological treatment of gastric cancer, describing the new TNM staging system, the extent of visceral resection and lymphadenectomy focusing on the different open and minimally invasive surgical techniques and discussing intraoperative chemohyperthermia and neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment. Operative endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography are also discussed, as these now have an important role in both diagnostic work-up and palliative care of gastric cancer patients. Only a multidisciplinary approach involving the surgeon, gastroenterologist, and oncologist can produce the comprehensive and integrated overview that today constitutes a winning strategy for the optimization of results.What we hope we have achieved is a flexible, up-to-date, exhaustive publication, rich in illustrations and consistent with evidence-based medicine."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moller, Torsten B.
"Renowned for its superb illustrations and highly practical information, the third edition of this classic reference reflects the very latest in state-of-the-art imaging technology. Together with Volumes 2 and 3, this compact and portable book provides a highly specialized navigational tool for clinicians seeking to master the ability to recognize anatomical structures and accurately interpret CT and MR images."
Stuttgart : Thieme, 2014
R 612.0022 MOI p
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Embong Wicaksono
"Latar belakang: USG Doppler kerap dipakai untuk skrining awal Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI) dan dapat juga memantau respons terapi selama follow-up. Di Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), sebagai pusat rujukan nasional dan Pusat Pendidikan Subspesialis Bedah Vaskular Endovaskular, Trainee bedah vaskular-endovaskular menjalani pendidikan mereka. Penting bagi Trainee Bedah Vaskular untuk mengkorelasikan temuan klinis dengan hasil USG Doppler, sehingga supervisi  semester 4 terhadap semester 1 menjadi krusial. Namun, dampak pengalaman terhadap akurasi USG Doppler, terutama pada pasien Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (CLTI), antara Trainee semester 1 dan 4 masih belum ada, termasuk kekurangan data dan SOP terkait durasi supervisi.

Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang untuk menguji diagnosis CLTI melalui USG oleh trainee semester 1 dan 4, dibandingkan dengan CT Angiografi (CTA) sebagai standar.

Hasil: Total ada 31 pasien (62 tungkai) yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok dan diamati menggunakan USG oleh trainee dari kedua semester tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesesuaian temuan oklusi arteri berdasarkan USG dibandingkan dengan CTA lebih tinggi pada trainee semester 4. Selain itu, korelasi dalam penentuan derajat stenosis antara USG dan CTA lebih kuat pada semester 4. Hasil uji diagnosis menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan trainee semester 4 memiliki akurasi diagnosis USG yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan trainee semester 1 di semua segmen arteri tungkai bawah.

Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan keluaran , akurasi USG oleh semester 1 dan 4 dengan angka yang tidak jauh berbeda dalam mendiagnosis CLTI, Pada Penelitian ini peneliti juga menyarankan perlunya supervisi antara semester 1 dan 4 agar ada transfer ilmu dan patient safety


Background: Doppler Ultrasound (USG) is frequently used for screening Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI)  and monitoring therapy response during follow-up. At Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), a national referral center dan center Education of Vascular and Endovarcular Surgery, vascular-endovascular surgery trainees undergo their education. It is crucial for these trainees to correlate clinical findings with Doppler USG results, hence supervision of the forth to first semester is essential. However, the impact of experience on the accuracy of Doppler USG, especially in patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (CLTI), between first and fourth semester trainees is still unclear, including the lack of data and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) regarding the duration of supervision.

Method: This study employed a cross-sectional method to test PAD diagnosis through USG performed by first and fourth semester trainees, compared with CT Angiography (CTA) as the gold standard.

Results: A total of 31 patient (62 lower limb) were divided into two groups and observed using USG by trainees from both semesters. The study results indicated that the concordance of arterial occlusion findings based on USG compared with CTA was higher in fourth semester trainees. Furthermore, the correlation in determining the degree of stenosis between USG and CTA was stronger in the fourth semester. The diagnostic test results showed that overall, fourth semester trainees had higher USG diagnostic accuracy compared to first semester trainees in all lower limb arterial segments.

Conclusion: There are differences in the output and accuracy of ultrasound user in fourth dan first semester trainees which are not much different result in diagnosing CLTI,  in this study researchers also suggest the need for supervision between semesters first and fourth so that there will be a knowledge transfer and patient safety.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PURPOSE: To assess the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic gastrectomy (LG) for gastric cancer patients with a history of abdominal surgery (HAS).
METHODS: This retrospective study analyzed data collected from gastric cancer patients with HAS, who underwent LG between 2004 and 2015. We compared the clinicopathological features that correlated with conversion to open surgery and the development of severe postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo classification of grade III or higher).
RESULTS: Of the 41 patients identified, 6 (14.6%) required conversion to open surgery. The incidence of conversion to open surgery was associated with a history of lower gastrointestinal tract surgery (p = 0.009), attempted laparoscopic total gastrectomy (p = 0.002), and excessive blood loss (p < 0.001). Severe postoperative complications developed in six patients (14.6%). Although the development of complications was associated with high postoperative serum C-reactive protein, the type of past abdominal surgery was not significantly correlated with severe complications.
CONCLUSIONS: LG was feasible for gastric cancer patients with a HAS, but for those with a history of lower abdominal surgery or those who require total gastrectomy, surgeons should carefully consider the indications for LG."
Tokyo: Springer, 2017
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Oxford University Press, 1982
616.075 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This unique, findings-oriented guide to computed tomography is organized to reflect the way radiologists really work: progressing from general impressions to definitive diagnoses. In nearly 1000 high-quality scabs, the radiologist will find CT findings depicting frequently encountered congenital and acquired diseases and disorders. Included in the wide-ranging survey of CT findings are traumatic injuries; congenital anomalies; and infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, and degenerative disease processes. For convenience, these are grouped anatomically by brain, head and neck, spine, musculoskeletal system, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. In addition, the book's extensive index systematically cross-references diseases and CT findings, providing even greater accessibility to key information"--Provided by publisher."
Stuttgart: New York, 2012
616.07 DIF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Radioterapi baik sebagai terapi tunggal maupun sebagai terapi kombinasi, memegang peranan yang penting dalam penatalaksanaan kanker payudara kiri. Eskalasi dosis dikatakan mampu meningkatkan kontrol dan menurunkan angka kekambuhan namun di sisi lain dapat meningkatkan angka toksisitas. Hingga saat ini masih terus dilakukan studi untuk menganalisis parameter dosimetri diantara teknik Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy-Field and Field, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy, dan Helical Tomotherapy pada kanker payudara di departemen Radioterapi RSUPN-CM.
Metode: Studi eksperimental eksploratorik dengan melakukan intervensi pada 10 data CT plan pasien kanker payudara kiri yang diradiasi di Departemen Radioterapi RSUPN-CM. Dosis 50 Gy diberikan pada PTV dalam 25 fraksi. Cakupan PTV dievaluasi menggunakan Indeks konformitas CI dan indeks homogenitas HI. Menilai perbandingan PTV lokal D98, D95, D2, D50 dan supraklavikula dan menilai organ kritis sekitar target seperti paru kiri ipsilateral V20 le; 30, paru kanan contralateral V5 le; 50, jantung V25 le;10, payudara kanan contralateral Dmean < 5Gy.
Hasil: Dari hasil analisis statistik tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna antara 3DCRT-FIF, VMAT maupun HT dalam mencapai dosis D98 dan D95, pada D50 terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,000, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,000, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara VMAT dengan HT p=0,508. Dalam hal ini, ketiga teknik mampu memberikan cakupan dosis minimal yang baik pada volume target, meskipun begitu dari hasil penelitian ini teknik HT mampu memberikan nilai rerata D95 yang superior. Untuk D50 lokal ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna di 3 kelompok yang ada yaitu antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,000, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,000, maupun VMAT dengan HT p=0,005. Didapat teknik HT memiliki nilai rerata D50 yang paling baik 50.01 0.25. Untuk D2 dari hasil analisis statistik ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna di 3 kelompok yang ada yaitu antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,005, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,005, maupun VMAT dengan HT p=0,005.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata D98 dan D95, namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada cakupan dosis D2 dan D50 antara teknik 3DCRT-FIF vs VMAT, 3DCRT-FIF vs HT, dan VMAT vs HT, seluruhnya memperlihatkan perbedaan yang bermakna p < 0,05 . Rerata durasi penyinaran paling tinggi didapatkan dengan teknik HT dan paling rendah pada 3DCRT-FIF.

Background: Radiotherapy as a main or combination therapy, holds an important role in the management of left breast cancer. Dose escalation is said to increase control and lower recurrence rate. On the other hand, dose escalation increases toxicity. Until now there is many study comparing dosimetry parameters between three different techniques; Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy ndash; Field and Field 3DCRT-FIF, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy VMAT and Helical Tomotherapy HT and in relation to left breast cancer in radiotherapy department RSUPN-CM.
Method: This is an experimental study with intervention on 10 left breast cancer patients, CT planning data. All the subjects underwent radiation in radiotherapy department RSUPN-CM. 50 Gy dose in 25 fractions was given for PTV. Afterwards, PTV coverage was evaluated using conformity index CI and homogeneity index HI . Comparison of critical organs was evaluated using Dmax le; 50 Gy spinal cord, V25 le; 10 heart, V20 le; 30 lung ipsilateral and V5 le; 30 lung contraleteral and Dmean < 5 Gy right breast.
Results: From the statistical analysis there is no difference between 3DCRT-FIF, VMAT and HT in achieving D98 in local PTV. At the D95 value there is a difference between 3DCRT- and VMAT p = 0.022, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0.005, but no value exists between VMAT and HT p = 0.508. In this case, one of the techniques employed gives a good minimum amount of volume targets, although the results of this technique HT are able to provide a superior D95% average. For D50% locally found, there are three groups that exist between 3DCRT-FIF with VMAT p = 0,000, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0,000, and VMAT with HT p = 0,005. HT technique has the highest mean D50 50.01 0.25. For D2 of the analysis results found there were significant differences in 3 groups that existed between 3DCRT-FIF with VMAT p = 0,005, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0,005, and VMAT with HT p = 0,005.
Conclusion: There is no D98% and D95%, but there is still a difference with D2% and D50% between 3DCRT-FIF vs VMAT, 3DCRT-FIF vs HT, and VMAT vs HT, all significant differences (p <0.05). The highest average duration of exposure with HT and lowest on 3DCRT-FIF."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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