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Ximena Londono
International humanitarian law and international human rights law seek to prevent people from going missing, and to clarify the fate and whereabouts of hose who do go missing while upholding the right to know of their relatives. When implementing international law at the domestic level, national authorities should plan carefully before engaging in any policy or legal reform that will address the issue of missing persons and the response to the needs of their families. This article seeks to present a general overview of the provisions of international law that are relevant to understanding the role of national implementation vivis the clarification of the fate and whereabouts of missing persons and the response to the needs of their relatives. It also presents the role that the ICRC has played in this regard and highlights three challenges that may arise at the national level when working on legal and policy reforms."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monique Crettol
This article examines the different types of mechanisms which can contribute to addressing the issue of the missing, including providing answers on the fate and whereabouts of missing persons. It looks in detail at one approach that the authors have observed in the field. It argues that an approach based on humanitarian objectives which does not look into who is responsible for the disappearance, with proper management of confidential information, could be a powerful instrument for searching for and collecting relevant information on the missing in certain contexts. The article also proposes avenues for further research, with a view to enhancing the global capacity to provide meaningful answers for the missing and their families."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grazyna Baranowska
This article analyzes the evolution in international law of the obligation to search for and return the remains of forcibly disappeared and missing persons. Receiving the remains of forcibly disappeared and missing persons is one of the primary needs of their families, who bring the issue to international courts and non-judicial mechanisms. This obligation has been incrementally recognized and developed by different human rights courts, which have included the obligation to search for and return the remains of disappeared persons in their remedies. In parallel to the development of the obligation by international courts, the international community has begun to become more involved in assisting in return of the remains of forcibly disappeared and missing persons to their families."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vishakha Wijenayake
This article attempts to situate the Office on Missing Persons (OMP) in Sri Lanka in relation to varying approaches to mechanisms for searching for the missing. In particular, the article examines the possible tensions between a humanitarian and an accountability-based mandate and supports the position of the International Committee of the Red Cross that these two approaches can in fact be complementary in nature. It goes on to contend that the OMPs mandate is primarily humanitarian rather than exclusively humanitarian, and analyzes how this distinction may impact possible criminal prosecutions. It emphasizes the importance of preserving the humanitarian character of the OMP with the objective of ensuring that the victimsrights are at the centre of transitional justice processes."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lassee, Isabelle
In October 2015, by co-sponsoring United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1 entitled Promoting Reconciliation, Accountability and Human Rights in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan government formally committed to embarking on a transitional justice process following three decades of armed conflict. Several thousand people allegedly disappeared during this period, often in connection with the armed conflict or as a result of internal disturbances. It is in this context that the Office on Missing Persons (OMP) was operationalized in 2018. This article discusses the nature of tracing investigations into the fate and whereabouts of missing persons of the type to be carried out by the OMP. It argues that these investigations, while ostensibly pursuing a humanitarian approach, cannot be artificially and hermetically separated from criminal justice processes. Further, it seeks to demonstrate that an integrated approach whereby strong linkages with criminal processes are provided for and encouraged best serves the interests of truth and justice."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agata Jacqueline P.
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai offers of services yang diajukan oleh Komite Internasional Palang Merah dalam suatu Konflik Bersenjata Internasional. Komite Internasional Palang Merah sebagai guardian dari keempat Konvensi Jenewa 12 Agustus 1949 mempunyai status khusus sebagai neutral intermediary dari para pihak yang berkonflik. Oleh karena status khusus inilah, Komite Internasional Palang Merah tidak dapat memaksakan para pihak yang berkonflik untuk menaati ketentuan-ketentuan dalam keempat Konvensi Jenewa berserta Protokolnya. Offers of services ini menjadi suatu instrumen yang digunakan Komite Internasional Palang Merah untuk mengingatkan para pihak untuk menaati ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Konvensi Jenewa yang dalam penerapannya memerlukan persetujuan para pihak yang berkonflik. Lebih lanjut, skripsi ini akan membahas dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan baik dari penerimaan maupun penolakan offers of services ini dari para pihak yang berkonflik.

This paper is discussing about the offers of services of The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in international armed conflicts. The ICRC as the guardian of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 has a unique legal status as a neutral intermediary to the warring parties and thus is not capable of forcing the warring parties to comply to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and its Protocols. The offers of services, hence, is an instrument used by the ICRC to notify the warring parties of their compliance to the Geneva Conventions, which, in its application, requires the consent of the warring parties. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the effects caused by its acceptance as well as its rejection by the warring parties."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fifi Junita
"This article explores the main features of exceptions to enforcement under Article V of the NYC,
including its exhaustive and discretionary natures. It then specifically provides an overview of
narrow judicial control over the grounds for refusing enforcement under the Article V of the NYC.
It points out the fundamental principles of the provision in determining the enforceability of
international arbitral awards. Then this article will occasionally refer to international arbitral
cases in some jurisdictions, such as the United States, France and Switzerland. It is noted that
courts and legislatures in those jurisdictions have moved towards pro-enforcement policy to
questions of recognition and enforcement arising under Article V of the NYC. Therefore, this
approach is a good signal and a promising development to promote the finality and enforeability
of foreign arbitral awards in international commercial arbitration. This approach can also be a
good lesson for the Indonesian judiciary system in relation to the enforcement and recognition of
international arbitral awards in the future.
Artikel ini menganalisis tentang alasan-alasan penolakan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan
arbitrase internasional yang diatur di dalam Pasal V Konvensi New York 1958, termasuk
sifat limitatif dan diskresi dari ketentuan tersebut. Beberapa putusan pengadilan di berbagai
negara seperti Amerika Serikat dan Perancis menunjukkan adanya tendensi untuk menerapkan
ketentuan Pasal V Konvensi New York secara restriktif. Fenomena ini mencerminkan adanya
kecenderungan dari berbagai negara untuk menerapkan prinsip ‘pro enforcement’ terhadap
pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase internasional sehingga lebih memberikan jaminan kepastian
hukum terhadap pengakuan/pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase internasional di berbagai negara
yang telah meratifikasi Konvensi New York. Penerapan prinsip ‘pro enforcement’ juga dapat
memberikan paradigma baru bagi Pengadilan di Indonesia terkait dengan pengakuan dan
pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase internasional."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Yuda Nur F.
"Skripsi ini membahas pengaturan mengenai penumpang indisipliner di dalam tiga instrumen hukum internasional, yaitu Konvensi Tokyo 1963, Annex 17 Konvensi Chicago 1944, dan peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh ICAO, ICAO Guidance Material on the Legal Aspects of Unruly/Disruptive Passengers, serta penerapannya di dalam praktik legislasi nasional negara Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Indonesia dengan mengambil beberapa studi kasus. Melalui perbandingan penerapan hukum terhadap beberapa studi kasus penumpang indisipliner di ketiga negara tersebut, diharapkan dapat ditemukan praktik terbaik (best practices) dalam hal penanganan penumpang indisipliner dalam penerbangan sipil internasional. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penelitian hukum yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar otoritas penyelenggara penerbangan sipil, dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia dapat menyusun suatu prosedur khusus untuk menangani penumpang indisipliner dalam dunia penerbangan sipil di Indonesia.

This thesis discusses the regulation on unruly/disruptive passengers in three instruments of international law, namely the Tokyo Convention 1963, Annex 17 of the Chicago Convention of 1944, and the regulations issued by ICAO, ICAO Guidance Material on the Legal Aspects of Unruly/Disruptive Passengers, as well as its application in national legislation practices in three countries, United States, United Kingdom, and Indonesia, by comparing several case studies. Through the comparison of the application of the law to the unruly/disruptive passengers based on the case studies in those three countries, it’s expected to find best practices in terms of handling the unruly/disruptive passengers in the international civil aviation. This thesis research method is conducted in the form of juridicalnormative legal research. The result of this thesis suggests the Indonesia national civil aviation authority, in this case the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia, establish a special procedure in terms of handling the unruly/disruptive passengers in Indonesia."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teddy Cipta Lesmana
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang status kepemilikan barang bukti setelah putusan pengadilan, studi putusan kasus illegal logging Putusan No. 427/Pid.b/2012 /PN.Tsm dan Putusan No. 710/Pid.B/2011/PN.Mkt. Selain itu penulis juga menganalisis tentang putusan pengadilan terhadap barang bukti milik pihak ketiga dalam perkara tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis-normatif. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, Pasal 78 ayat (15) Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan tidak mengatur dengan jelas terhadap barang bukti milik pihak ketiga yang dipergunakan terdakwa sebagai alat angkut kayu ilegal. Hal tersebut menjadi dilematis bagi hakim dalam memutus status kepemilikan barang bukti tersebut apakah dinyatakan dirampas untuk negara ataukah dikembalikan. Sehingga tentang ketentuan Pasal 78 ayat (15) Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan perlu diatur dan dijelaskan lebih lanjut lagi demi terwujudnya kepastian, keadilan dan kemanfaatan hukum.

This thesis discusses the ownership status of evidence after the court decision ruling illegal logging case study of decision number 427/Pid.b/2012 /PN.Tsm and decision number 710/Pid.B/2011/PN.Mkt. in addition, the author/writer also analyzed the evidence of the court decision against a third party in the case. The research method used is the method of literature research juridical-normatif. The research conducted, chapter 78 verse 15 law No.41 of 1997 on forestry is not set clearly against the evidence of a third party as a conveyance of illegal logging. This is a dilemma for the judges in deciding the ownership status of the evidence is otherwise deprived of or returned to the country. So on the provisions of article 78 paragraph 15 law No. 41 of 1999 on forestry needs to be regulated and explained further in order to create certainty, fairness, and legal expediency."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theodore Manggala Amarendra
"The recent study on environmental change shows alarming concerns that in the upcoming 50 to 100 years, some States, particularly Small Island States, such as Maldives, Kiribati, and Tuvalu are in dangers of losing all of its territories due to the rise of sea levels. The loss of territories as a result of rising sea level poses concerns to the very existence of the affected States under International Law. This is because territory has been one of the elements of Statehood as codified in the 1931 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, aside from the element of a permanent population, government, and capacity to enter into relation with other States. However precedence have shown that there is a presumption of State continuity; that after a State has been established, the loss of an element of Statehood would not necessarily dissolve such State. Hence, the more important issue that should be addressed, in these turn of event is the plight of the citizens of the affected State. This thesis made particular analysis towards the issues relating to the citizen?s right to nationality. The thesis argues that nationality would be preserved in the event of territorial submersion, as the State would continue to exist, and there would not necessarily be any infringement of the citizens right to nationality. But having a nationality does not necessarily mean that the citizens then acquire effective protection from the State. The thesis further proposes arrangement that could be made by the affected States in order to protect their citizens; the affected State could arrange for a cession agreement to acquire a new territory or to create a free-association regime (similar to those made by Marshal Island, Niue or Cook Island) which basically seeks other State to give assistance in the exercise of several State functions.

Studi terkini mengenai perubahan kondisi lingkungan menunjukkan kekhawatiran bahwa dalam jangka waktu 50 sampai 100 tahun kedepan, ada kemungkinan bahwa beberapa negara, terutama negara kepulauan, seperti Maladewa, Kiribati dan Tuvalu akan kehilangan seluruh wilayahnya karena kenaikan tinggi laut. Hilangnya wilayah akibat kenaikan tinggi laut menimbulkan isu mengenai eksistensi negara tersebut dalam hukum internasional. Ini dikarenakan, wilayah merupakan salah satu unsur kenegaraan yang dikodifikasikan di dalam Konvensi Montevideo tentang Hak dan Kewajiban Negara 1931, selain unsur lainnya yang mencakup populasi permanen, pemerintah, dan kapasitas untuk berhubungan dengan negara lain. Namun, preseden telah menunjukkan bahwa dalam hukum internasional dikenal asumsi keberlanjutan negara; bahwa sebuah negara yang telah terbentuk tidak akan langsung hilang hanya karena gagal memenuhi unsur kenegaraan. Maka, isu lebih penting yang harus diperhatikan pada insiden hilangnya wilayah negara akibat naiknya tinggi laut adalah mengenai nasib para penduduk negara yang terkena dampak. Skripsi ini berfokus pada analisis mengenai isu yang berhubungan dengan hak atas nationalitas dari para penduduk. Skripsi ini melihat bahwa dalam insiden tenggelamnya wilayah negara, nationalitas dari penduduk akan tetap terjaga, and pada dasarnya tidak akan terjadi pelanggaran terhadap hak atas nationalitas dari para penduduk. Namun memiliki nationalitas tidak berarti para penduduk mendapat perlindugan yang efektif dari Negaranya. Skripsi ini lebih lanjut memberikan gagasan mengenai pengaturan yang dapat dilakukan oleh negara yang terkena dampak agar dapat memberikan perlindungan kepada penduduknya; negara yang terkena dampak dapat membuat perjanjian penyerahan wilayah dengan negara lain atau dapat membuat perjanjian free-association (seperti yang dilakukan oleh Marshal Island, Niue atau Cook Island), dimana negara lain akan memberikan bantuan dalam menjalankan fungsifungsi kenegaraan."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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