Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan PLT EBT ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap perekonomian Indonesia, karena mampu menciptakan peningkatan output, nilai tambah bruto, dan pendapatan masyarakat.
Dampak ekonomi terhadap penciptaan output selama masa konstruksi kurun waktu 2014-2025 sebesar Rp. 152.028,12 miliar, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sebesar Rp. 10.423,41 miliar, dan penciptaan nilai tambah bruto sebesar Rp. 59.374,34 miliar.Sedangkan dampak ekonomi terhadap penciptaan output selama masa operasi kurun waktu 2016-2055 sebesar Rp. 1488.120,84 miliar, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sebesar Rp.47.052,87 miliar, dan penciptaan nilai tambah bruto sebesar Rp. 10.423,41 miliar.The results showed that the development of Renewable Energy Power Plant Development in Indonesia have a positive impact on the Indonesia economy, because it can create an increase in output, gross value added, and public revenue.
The economic impact of the creation of the output in construction phase amounting to Rp. 152.028,12 billion, increased public revenue amounting to Rp. Rp. 19.486,20 billion, and the creation of gross value added amounted to Rp. 59.374,34 billion. The economic impact of the creation of the output in operation phase amounting to Rp. 148.120,84 billion, increased public revenue amounting to Rp.10.423,41 billion, and the creation of gross value added amounted to Rp.47.052,87 billion."