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Putri Andreanna
"Isu disparitas harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) antar wilayah khususnya di Indonesia bagian timur telah menjadi permasalahan lama yang terjadi di Indonesia. Kemudian, Presiden Joko Widodo menemukan masalah ini secara langsung di Papua dan menemukan bahwa minimnya jumlah penyalur menjadi penyebab disparitas harga BBM tersebut. Melihat permasalahan tersebut Presiden Joko Widodo menginstrusikan Kementerian ESDM untuk membuat kebijakan BBM Satu Harga yang kemudian dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM
Nomor 36 Tahun 2016 tentang Percepatan Pemberlakuan Satu Harga Jenis Bahan Bakar Minyak Tertentu dan Jenis Bahan Bakar Minyak Khusus Penugasan Secara Nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses kebijakan BBM Satu Harga menggunakan teori multiple streams framework yang disampaikan oleh Howlett (2018). Pendekatan dalam
penelitian ini yaitu post-positivist dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa konsep aliran kebijakan yang disampaikan oleh Howlett (2018) dapat diidentifikasi dalam proses kebijakan BBM Satu Harga. Adapun permasalahan masih ditemukan dalam proses formulasi kebijakan sehingga menimbulkan berbagai masalah pada tahap implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan tersebut diantaranya yaitu minimnya biaya pendistribusian yang besar, jalur pendistribusian yang sulit dijangkau, penyimpangan pendistribusian, rendahnya minta investor, dan pengawasan yang sulit.

The issue of disparity in the price of fuel oil (BBM) between regions, especially in eastern Indonesia, has become a longstanding problem in Indonesia. Then, President Joko Widodo discovered this problem directly in Papua and found that the lack of distributors was the cause of the disparity in fuel prices. Seeing this problem, President Joko Widodo instructed the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to make a one-price fuel policy which was then set forth in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. Number 36 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of the Enforcement of One Price of Certain Types of Fuel Oil and Types of Special Oil Fuels for National Assignment. This study aims to analyze the One Price BBM policy process using the multiple streams framework theory presented by Howlett (2018). Inside approach This research is post-positivist with descriptive research type. The results of this study indicate that the concept of policy flow presented by Howlett (2018) can be identified in the One Price Fuel policy process. The problems are still found in the policy formulation process, causing various problems at the policy implementation stage. These problems include the lack of large distribution costs, distribution channels that are difficult to reach, distribution irregularities, low demand for investors, and difficult supervision."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Anggawirya Alimin
"Kebijakan neutral carbon growth oleh ICAO ditahun 2050, membuat pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan instruksi pemerintah melaui ESDM tentang target pencampuran bahan bakar berbasis bio untuk avtur 5 ditahun 2025. Beberapa sumber potensial yang melimpah untuk dikonversi menjadi Bioavtur di Indonesia diantaranya minyak nabati pangan kelapa sawit serta minyak nabati yang juga memiliki produksi besar seperti kedelai dan biji bunga matahari dan minyak nabati non-pangan kosambi, nyamplung, kemiri sunan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memodelkan proses hydroprocessing menggunakan simulator proses dengan mengoptimasi kondisi operasi pada masing-masing bahan baku dan diranking dengan menggunakan AHP berdasarkan efektifitas dan efisiensi ketersediaan,konversi, yield, suhu operasi, konsumsi H2, tekanan operasi dan harga bahan baku. Proses Hydrotreatment yang divariasikan pada tekanan 1-5 MPa dan temperatur 250oC-350oC. menunjukkan Minyak nabati yang paling baik digunakan sebagai bahan baku produksi Bioavtur adalah minyak kemiri sunan, minyak kelapa sawit dan minyak nyaplung secara berturut-turut.
The policy of neutral carbon growth by ICAO in 2050, has prompted the Indonesian government to issue government instruction through ESDM on the target of bio based mixing of fuels for 5 avtur by 2025. Some of the abundant potential sources to be converted to biofuel in Indonesia include vegetable oils palm oil and vegetable oils that also have large productions such as soybeans and sunflower seeds and non food vegetable oils kosambi, nyamplung, kemiri sunan. The study was conducted by modeling the hydroprocessing process using a process simulator by optimizing the operating conditions of each raw material and ranked by using AHP based on effectiveness and efficiency availability, conversion, yield, operating temperature, hydrogen consumption, operating pressure and raw material prices. Hydrotreatment process is varied at 1 5 MPa pressure and temperature 250 C 350 C. shows that vegetable oils that are best used as raw material for Bioavure production are Kemiri Sunan oil, Palm oil, and Nyaplung oil respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niyar Nurfarikhah
"Pendistribusian BBM di Region Ambon memiliki tantangan berupa terbatasnya akses transportasi melalui jalur darat dikarenakan kondisi geografis yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau sehingga pendistribusain menjadi rumit dan mengalami keterlambatan penyaluran BBM. Sehingga diperlukakn rute distribusi yang optimal untuk memastikan penyaluran BBM tidak terlambat dan tidak ada kelangkaan BBM. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan metode optimasi dengan mempergunakan algoritma Genetika dan Particle Swarm Optimization untuk pemilihan rute distribusi dengan tujuan meminimalisir jarak tempuh. Data jarak mil laut antar pelabuhan, kecepatan kapal pada tiap pelabuhan diolah menjadi sebuah model Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (ATSP). Penerapan dua algoritma yaitu : Algorima Genetika dan particle swarm optimization dipergunakan untuk menyelesaikan model ATSP yang dibuat dengan fungsi objektif jarak tempuh yang seminimum mungkin. Variasi pada destinasi awal/akhir dari pemilihan rute juga dilakukan sebagai parameter uji tambahan dari setiap algoritma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa algoritma genetika memberikan rute terpendek dan efisien dibandingkan particle swarm optimization pada setiap pemilihan rute yang dilakukan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa algoritma genetika lebih efektif dalam menentukan rute pendistribusian BBM yang lebih pendek dan efisien.

The distribution of BBM in the Ambon Region has challenges in the form of limited access to transportation via land routes due to geographical conditions consisting of islands so that distribution becomes complicated and delays fuel distribution. So that an optimal distribution route is needed to ensure the distribution of fuel is not late and there is no shortage of fuel. This study implements an optimization method using the Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for the selection of distribution routes with the aim of minimizing the distance traveled. Nautical mile distance data between ports, ship speed at each port is processed into an Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) model. The application of two algorithms, namely: Genetic Algorithm and particle swarm optimization is used to solve the ATSP model which is made with the objective function of the distance traveled as minimal as possible. Variations in the initial/final destination of the route selection are also performed as additional test parameters of each algorithm. The results showed that the genetic algorithm provides the shortest and most efficient route compared to particle swarm optimization for each route selection made. This proves that the genetic algorithm is more effective in determining the shorter and more efficient fuel distribution route."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Syafaruddin
"Penelitian ini membandingkan distribusi suhu tungku pembakaran dari campuran minyak nabati dan bahan bakar minyak pada setiap rasio pencampuran dan pengaruh air fuel ratio (AFR). Kondisi operasi yang digunakan adalah 0.8 bar hingga 1.6 bar dengan interval 0.4 bar. Minyak nabati tidak dapat langsung dibakar karena memiliki kekentalan yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan pencampuran dengan bahan bakar minyak agar memiliki spesifikasi yang hampir sama dengan bahan bakar minyak. Pada penelitian ini digunakan jet nosel untuk merubah cairan bahan bakar menjadi aerosol untuk mempermudah proses pembakaran. Pengukuran suhu dilakukan dengan menggunakan termokopel. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai AFR dengan suhu tertinggi sebesar 582.8 oC diperoleh dengan nilai 0.323, dengan campuran minyak jelantah dan minyak solar 40%:60%. Nilai AFR tersebut menandakan bahwa dibutuhkan 0.323 udara untuk membuat 1 bahan bakar untuk dapat terbakar. Penelitian ini berpotensi untuk mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar minyak sebagai bahan bakar.

This study compares the temperature distribution of combustion chamber from mixture of vegetable oil and fuel in any mixing ratio and the effect of air fuel ratio (AFR). Operating conditions used is 0.8 bar to 1.6 bar with 0.4 bar intervals. Vegetables oil can not be directly burned as it has high viscosity. Therefore, mixing with fuel oil so that the vegetable oil has the similar spesification to fuel oil. In this study used a jet nozzle to convert liquid fuel into combustion aerosol to ease the process. Temperature measurement is done by using thermocouple. The result obtained showed that the value of AFR with the highest temperature of 582.8oC was obtained with value of 0.323, with a mixture of vegetables oil and diesel oil 40%:60%. Those AFR indicates that 0.323 air needed to make 1 of fuel to be burned. This research has potential to reduce the use of fuel gas.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thareq Kemal Habibie
"Bioavtur merupakan bahan bakar alternatif yang berasal dari minyak nabati pengganti bahan bakar konvensional avtur. Bioavtur dapat disintesis melalui jalur proses hidrodeoksigenasi dan perengkahan katalitik yang dipengaruhi oleh katalis. Tingkat keberhasilan sintesis bioavtur dengan katalis dipengaruhi karakteristik dan aktivitas katalis yang digunakan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik dan aktivitas katalis yaitu metode preparasi.
Penelitian ini berfokus pada metode preparasi katalis dengan membandingkan metode preparasi konvensional impregnasi dan terbaru microwave polyol. Metode impregnasi memanfaatkan pengadukan hingga 24 jam sedangkan microwave polyol memanfaatkan microwave untuk pemanasan cepat yang berfungsi untuk mengembankan inti aktif.
Dari hasil uji bilangan iodin, didapatkan nilai bilangan iodin tertinggi sebesar 639,85 mg iodin/gram katalis pada sampel NMZ-IMP-10. Dari uji karakterisasi BET didapatkan katalis memiliki luas permukaan terbesar yaitu NMZ-IMP-10 yang disintesis dengan metode impregnasi sebesar 232,18 m2/gram dan hasil dari karakterisasi XRD memiliki rata rata ukuran kristal sebesar 32,90 nm.
Katalis diuji aktivitasnya pada reaksi perengkahan katalitik green diesel hasil konversi hidrodeoksigenasi asam oleat untuk menghasilkan bioavtur. Reaksi dilakukan dengan 1 massa katalis pada suhu 375oC, tekanan atmosfir dan kecepatan pengaduk 800 rpm selama 90 menit. Hasil reaksi tersebut memiliki konversi yang cukup tinggi sebesar 84,30, serta selektivitas dan yield bioavtur yang masih rendah sebesar 36,43 dan 34,77.

Bioavture is an alternative fuel derived from vegetable oil substitutes for conventional aviation fuel. Bioavture can be synthesized through hydrodeoxigenation and catalytic cracking process pathways that influenced by the catalyst. The success rates of bioavture synthesis with catalysts influenced by the characteristic and activity of the catalysts. One factor that influence the catalyst characteristic and activity is the preparation method.
This study focuses on the preparation method of catalyst by comparing the conventional method of impregnation and the latest microwave polyol method. The impregnation method utilizes stirring up to 24 hours while microwave polyol utilizes a microwave for rapid heating which serves to expand the active core.
From result of iodine number test, got highest iodine value value equal to 639,85 mg iodine gram catalyst from sample NMZ IMP 10. From the BET characterization test the catalyst has the largest surface area of NMZ IMP 10 synthesized by impregnation method of 232.18 m2 gram and the result of XRD characterization has an average crystal size of 32.90 nm.
The catalyst was tested for its activity in the catalytic green cracking reaction of diesel from the conversion of oleic acid hydrodeoxygenation to produce bioatvure. The reaction was carried out with 1 of the catalyst mass at 375 C, atmospheric pressure and stirring speed of 800 rpm for 90 min. The reaction resulted with high enough conversion rate of 84.30, but low bioavture selectivity and yield of 36.43 and 34.77.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oksi Sigit Pradipta
"Bahan bakar alternatif merupakan salah satu solusi untuk bahan bakar yang terbaharukan. Biodiesel minyak jagung merupakan salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan bakar pada mesin diesel. Namun agar dapat digunakan, bahan bakar pengganti tersebut harus memiliki kualitas yang kurang lebih sama dengan bahan bakar yang dipergunakan saat ini.
Cetane number biasanya dijadikan standard untuk menentukan baik buruknya kualitas bahan bakar pada mesin diesel. Selain sebagai bahan bakar alternatif, penambahan biodiesel minyak jagung dengan persentase tertentu merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas bahan bakar yang ditandai dengan naiknya pula cetane number dari campuran bahan bakar tersebut. Dengan dasar inilah, pada penelitian kali ini penulis mencoba membuktikan dengan melakukan penambahan biodiesel jagung dengan persentase 10%, 20%, dan 30% pada 90%, 80%, dan 70% minyak solar murni. Sebagai perbandingan kualitas, campuran minyak ini akan diuji nilai performa dari Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) , Brake Horse Power (BHP) , effisiensi thermal, dan tingkat opasitasnya.
Hasil dari pengujian didapatkan campuran biodiesel dibanding minyak solar murni, walaupun memiliki rata-rata BHP yang lebih kecil dan SFC yang lebih boros, namun memiliki effisiensi thermal dan tingkat opasitas yang lebih baik. Dapat diambil kesimpulan, seluruh campuran minyak jagung dengan persentase 10 - 30% dapat digunakan pada mesin diesel tanpa memodifikasi mesin tersebut.

An alternative fuel is one of the solutions for the renewable energy source. Corn-oil biodiesel is the potential alternative fuel can be developed purpose for diesel engine fuel. However, it only can be useful if it have a fuel quality almost or equal with the fuel that used right now.
Cetane number is standard value to determine the fuel for diesel engine quality, whether poor or good. Adding corn-oil biodiesel with certain percentage can improve the fuel quality identified by the increasing of its cetane number. With this basic theory, using the blend mixed fuel with composition 10%, 20%, and 30% percentage of corn-oil fuel and 90%, 80%, 70% percentage of pure solar-oil fuel, this research try to proof it using Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), Brake Horse Power (BHP), thermal efficiency, and opacity level performance as compared items.
As the result, despite the blended corn-oil biodiesel have lower BHP and higher SFC, but it have better either thermal efficiency or opacity level compared with pure diesel oil (solar). For the conclusion, all of the blended corn-oil biodiesel with certain percentage (10 - 30%) can be applied for the diesel engine without modification.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Ali Masum
Sektor perikanan merupakan salah satu konsumen pengguna dalam kebijakan BBM Subsidi dengan titik serah di Penyalur. Masalah yang muncul pada sektor perikanan adalah harga aktual yang diterima diatas harga ketetapan Pemerintah karena kurangnya Penyalur BBM serta kendala-kendala lain. Selain itu, terdapat banyak lembaga yang terkait dalam kebijakan BBM Subsidi sektor perikanan. Metode Interpretive Structural Modeling digunakan untuk menghasilkan model struktur kelembagaan untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam rangka kebijakan BBM Subsidi sektor perikanan serta menghasilkan kendala yang menjadi faktor utama dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan BBM Subsidi sektor perikanan melalui sejumlah wawancara dan kuesioner dengan melibatkan 5 orang ekspert yang menjadi narasumber. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model struktur kelembagaan dengan 7 lembaga yang menjadi faktor utama dalam penyusunan serta pelaksanaan kebijakan BBM Subsidi sektor perikanan. Terdapat 3 kendala yang menjadi faktor utama dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan BBM Subsidi pada sektor perikanan yaitu Kebijakan satu harga, pengaturan dan perijinan serta Sebaran Penyalur BBM khususnya sektor perikanan.

The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector;The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector;The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector;The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector;The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector, The fisheries sector is one of consumer users in the fuel subsidy policy with custody transfer point in the Fuel Retail Station. The problem that arises in the fisheries sector is the actual price received by fisherman above the price that has been set by the Government due to lack of fuel Retail Station for fishery and other constraints. In addition, there are many institution involved in the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector. Interpretive Structural Modeling method is used to produce a model of the institutional structures for decision-making in the framework of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector and determine the priority constraints in the implementation of the fuel subsidy policy of the fisheries sector trough structured interview and questionaire with 5 expert. This research resulted in structural model of institutions with 7 institutions is a major factor in the preparation and implementation of fuel subsidy policy for fisheries sector. There are three obstacles that a major factor in the implementation of the policy of fuel subsidies in the fisheries sector, namely one price policy, regulation and licensing and also distribution of fuel retail station, especially for fisheries sector]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Giffari Rachmat
"Biodiesel adalah bahan bakar alternatif sebagai solusi dari krisis solar konvensional. Namun pabrik biodiesel di Indonesia saat ini masih menggunakan teknologi proses produksi dengan efisiensi yang rendah. Ketidakefisienan ini mengakibatkan pemborosan dari segi energi, bahan baku, air, dan emisi karbondioksida yang besar. Sehingga pada waktu yang akan datang akan mengganggu kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Proses produksi yang tidak efisien ini juga mengakibatkan biaya produksi yang mahal dan kurang menguntungkan dari segi ekonomi. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan dari pabrik biodiesel ini, maka perlu diterapkan konsep industri hijau. Penerapan konsep industri hijau dilakukan menggunakan bantuan program simulator dimana akan dibandingkan dan dianalisa antara skema proses produksi konvensional dan skema proses produksi termodifikasi.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel as a solution to the risis of conventional diesel. However, biodiesel plants in Indonesia are still using production process technology with low efficiency. This inefficiency results in wastage in terms of energy, raw materials, water, and high level of carbon dioxide emission. So that in the future would interfere with environmental sustainability. Inefficient production processes also resulted in expensive production costs and a less favorable economic terms. Waste and emissions from the plant has not been handled properly due to lack of attention from the management company. To overcome the shortcomings of this biodiesel plant, it is necessary to apply the concept of green industry. The implementation of green industry concept will be done by using simulator program then will be compared and analysed between conventional production process scheme and modificated production process scheme."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hatorangan, Partogi
"Laporan Praktik Keinsinyuran ini membahas perihal rekomendasi lokasi pembangunan penyalur BBM Satu Harga untuk pemerataan pendistribusian Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di suatu wilayah yang sangat diperlukan untuk menjamin kelangsungan kegiatan yang ada di wilayah tersebut, pada umumnya daerah 3T (tertinggal, terpencil, terdepan). Permasalahan yang ada pada umumnya dapat terjadi di setiap rantai dari penyediaan, penyimpanan dan pendistribusian. Untuk memperoleh rekomendasi pemilihan lokasi yang akan diusulkan kepada Pemerintah diperlukan analisis dan perencanaan wilayah melalui perbandingan keberadaan penyalur di suatu wilayah dengan mencari indeks kepadatan penyalur. Pada Praktik Keinsinyuran ini akan dilakukan analisis dengan mempertimbangkan faktor jumlah penyalur di suatu wilayah dan luasan wilayah administrasi, dalalm hal ini propinsi untuk dicari berapa angka indeks kepadatatan penyalur di propinsi tersebut dibanding dengan indeks kepadatan penyalur nasional. Apabila angka indeks kepadatan wilayah administrasi (propinsi) tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan angka indeks kepadatan penyalur secara nasional, maka direkomendasikan untuk ditambahkan penyalurnya. Wilayah yang terpilih akan direkomendasikan kepada Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi untuk ditetapkan sebagai wilayah penugasan oleh BPH Migas kepada Badan Usaha P3JBT dan P3JBKP sebagai lokasi pembangunan penyalur BBM Satu Harga, sehingga didapatkan pemerataan penyalur di seluruh Indonesia. Praktik Keinsinyuran ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat lebih luas untuk perkembangan pendistribusian BBM di Indonesia khususnya usulan kepada Pemerintah.

This Report deals with the recommendation of a One-Price fuel retailer area to equalize the distribution of Fuel (BBM) in an area that is indispensable to ensure the continuity of existing activities in the region, generally 3T areas (tertinggal, terpencil, terdepan). Existing problems can generally occur in any chain of supply, storage and distribution. In order to obtain recommendations for the selection of the area to be proposed to the Government, analysis and planning of the territory is necessary through the comparison of quantity of retailers in an area by looking for the index of the density of retailer. In this report, an analysis will be carried out by calculation of number of distributors in a region and the extent of the administrative area, to find out what is the number of the index of the density of retailers in the province compared to the national retailer density index. If the density index of the administrative region (province) is lower than the national retailer density index, it is recommended to add the new one-price retailer in that area. The selected area/region will be recommended to the Government through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas to be appointed as the area of assignment by BPH Migas to P3JBT and P3JBKP Business Entities as the site for the new Single-Price fuel distributor, so as to achieve an equal distribution of retailer throughout Indonesia. This Report is expected to benefit more widely for the development of fuel distribution in Indonesia, especially as a proposal to the Government."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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