Latar Belakang: Penggunaan Rokok Elektrik masih kontroversial, mengingat produk ini masih tergolong baru untuk masyarakat Indonesia. Di Indonesia sendiri merokok seakan menjadi suatu “budaya” yang diturunkan lintas generasi. Belum diketahui apakah memang benar adanya hubungan antara anggota keluarga yang merokok dengan tingkat adiksi seorang pengguna rokok elektrik. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat adiksi pengguna rokok elektrik dengan riwayat merokok dalam keluarga. Metode: Dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional, peneliti mengumpulkan sampel sebanyak 206 subjek yang dipilih dengan random sampling. Data yang terkumpul selanjutnya akan dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: Dari analisis hasil hitung uji Chi Square menunjukkan adanya asosiasi yang signifikan secara statistik antara tingkat adiksi rokok elektrik dengan riwayat merokok dalam keluarga, dengan nilai p = 0,013 dan Cramer’s V= 0,226 yang menunjukan adanya asosiasi moderat. Diskusi: Tingkat adiksi pengguna rokok elektrik dengan riwayat merokok dalam keluarga memiliki hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik dan memiliki tingkat asosiasi yang moderat. Pengguna rokok elektrik dengan riwayat merokok dalam keluarga akan cenderung memiliki tingkat adiksi yang lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya, pengguna rokok elektrik tanpa riwayat merokok dalam keluarga akan cenderung memiliki tingkat adiksi yang lebih rendah.
Background: The use of electric cigarettes is still controversial, considering this product is still relatively new to Indonesian people. In Indonesia, smoking seems to be a "culture" passed down across generations. Relationship between family members who smoke with the addiction level of an electric cigarette user is still not yet known. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between addiction level of electronic cigarettes user with a family history of smoking. Methods: With cross-sectional study design, researchers collected samples of 206 subjects that are selected by random sampling. The collected data will then be analyzed using the Chi-Square test. Results: Results from the analysis of Chi Square test show an association that statistically significant between addiction level of electronic cigarettes user with a family history of smoking, with p = 0.013 and Cramer's V = 0.226 which indicates a moderate association. Discussion: Addiction level of electronic cigarettes user with a family history of smoking has a statistically significant relationship and has a moderate level of association. Electronic cigarettes users with a family history of smoking will tend to have higher levels of addiction. Conversely, electronic cigarettes users without a family history of smoking will tend to have lower levels of addiction.
Drug abuse among students and college students in Indonesia has been increasing each year. Smoking is one of gateway to drug abuse. This study aims to understand the assocation between smoking habit and drug abuse among students and college students in 16 provinces in Indonesia 2011. This is a cross-sectional study using secondary data from National Survey Development of Drug Abuse and Trafficking on Students and College Students in Indonesia 2011. Perkembangan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba Pada Kelompok Pelajar dan Mahasiswa di Indonesia Tahun 2011” by Pusltikes UI and National Anti Narcotic Agency . Result shows prevalence of drug abuse among students and college students are 2,3%. There is association between smoking and drug abuse with sex as modifier. In women, odds ever smoke are 3,3 times (95% CI 2,3-4,7) and odds current smoke are 3,4 times (95% CI 2,1-5,4) than men who never smoke to do drug abuse. In men, odds ever smoke are 0,6 times (95% CI 0,6-3,7) and odds current smoke are 2,9 times (95% CI 1,1-8,2) than men who never smoke to do drug abuse. Smoking habit has asociation with drug abuse among students and college students, therefore we should do more promotif and preventif action related to danger of smoking and drug abuse."