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Cinthya Yuanita
"Latar Belakang: Organofosfat (OP) merupakan pestisida yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia. Sebagai substansi kimia, zat ini memiliki efek toksik bagi manusia yang terpapar. Salah satu dampak OP adalah penurunan fungsi kognitif. Berdasarkan penelitian Bosma, et al, prevalensi gangguan kognitif ringan pada pekerja yang terpapar pestisida adalah 35%. Di Indonesia, penelitian dari Dewi RM menunjukkan bahwa 39,1% petani jeruk yang terpapar pestisida mengalami gangguan kognitif ringan. Sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian di Indonesia yang mengukur efek samping pestisida pada petani bunga. Padahal, penggunaan pestisida pada tanaman bunga diperkirakan lebih besar dibandingkan komoditas lain, sehingga risiko dan dampak paparan pada petani pun menjadi lebih besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan asetilkolinesterase (AChE) dalam sel darah merah terhadap fungsi kognitif pada petani bunga laki-laki penyemprot pestisida.
Metode: Desain potong lintang dengan besar sampel 40 orang. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling dengan instrumen wawancara, MMSE, dan pemeriksaan AChE eritrosit.
Hasil: Aktivitas AChE dalam sel darah merah memiliki median 4599.06 (1760-6828). Prevalensi penurunan fungsi kognitif pada petani bunga laki-laki penyemprot pestisida mencapai 75%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara AChE sel darah merah terhadap fungsi kognitif (p=0,87). Namun, terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel masa kerja (p=0,007), tingkat pendidikan (p=0,001), komposisi pestisida (p=0,014), dan exposure rate (p<0,001) terhadap fungsi kognitif. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara perbandingan rerata AChE pada kelompok yang mengalami penurunan fungsi kognitif dan kelompok yang normal (OR=1 dengan 95% CI 0,2-4,1).
Kesimpulan Saran: Prevalensi penurunan fungsi kognitif pada petani bunga laki-laki yang terpajan pestisida OP cukup tinggi (75%). Penelitian ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara fungsi kognitif responden dengan faktor risiko okupasi, terutama dalam hal masa kerja. Untuk mencegah terjadinya dampak penggunaan pestisida yang lebih berat, perlu adanya program pengendalian bagi petani pengguna pestisida serta pengawasan pada produsen pestisida.

Background: Organophosphate (OP) is the most widely used pesticide in the world. As a chemical substance, this substance has toxic effects for humans who are exposed. One of the effects of OP is a decline in cognitive function. Based on the research of Bosma, et al, the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in workers exposed to pesticides is 35%. In Indonesia, research from Dewi RM shows that 39.1% of citrus farmers exposed to pesticides experience mild cognitive impairment. Until now there has been no research in Indonesia that measures the side effects of pesticides on cut-flower farmers. In fact, the use of pesticides in flower plants is estimated to be greater than other commodities, so that the risk and impact of exposure on farmers becomes even greater. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in red blood cells to cognitive function in male cut-flower farmers spraying pesticides.
Method: Cross-sectional design with a sample size of 40 people. The study was conducted in Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency. Sampling using consecutive sampling with interview instruments, MMSE, and erythrocyte AChE examination. Results. AChE activity in red blood cells has a median of 4599.06 (1760-6828). The prevalence of cognitive decline in male cut-flower farmers spraying pesticides reaches 75%. There was no relationship between red blood cell AChE and cognitive function (p = 0.87). However, there was a significant relationship between variables of years of work (p = 0.007), level of education (p = 0.001), pesticide composition (p = 0.014), and exposure rate (p <0.001) on cognitive function. There was no significant difference between the average comparison of AChE in the group that experienced a decline in cognitive function and the normal group (OR = 1 with 95% CI 0.2-4.1).
Conclusion and Suggestions: The prevalence of cognitive impairment in male cut-flower farmers exposed to OP pesticides is quite high (75%). This study shows that there is a significant relationship between the cognitive function of the respondents with occupational risk factors, especially in terms of years of work. To prevent the impact of the use of pesticides, it is necessary to have a control program for farmers using pesticides and supervision of pesticide producers.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Arief Budiman
"Organofosfat adalah pestisida yang sering dipakai di Indonesia. Penggunaan Pestisida organofosfat yang tidak tepat dapat mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi paru restriksi pada petani padi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim asetilkolinesterase dalam sel darah merah, prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru pada petani padi, dan hubungan asetilkolinesterase dalam sel darah merah dengan gangguan fungsi paru.
Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang dengan besar sampel 61 orang petani padi yang terpajan organofosfat yang diambil dengan cara cluster random sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2017 hingga Desember 2017 di Desa Padaasih, Kecamatan Cibogo, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan aktivitas enzim asetilkolinesterase dalam sel darah merah, pemeriksaan spirometri dan pemeriksaan foto thoraks. Variabel yang diteliti adalah usia, masa kerja, eksposure rate, IMT, kebiasaan merokok, persepsi pemakaian APD pernapasan, dan aktivitas enzim aseltilkolinesterase dalam sel darah merah.
Aktivitas AChE dalam sel darah merah dengan nilai tengah 2138.97 IU/l dengan nilai minimum 201.17 IU/l dan nilai maksimum 6979.35 IU/l. Prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru restriksi adalah 18%. Tidak terdapat variabel faktor risiko yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan gangguan fungsi paru restriksi.
Prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru restriksi cukup tinggi dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara aktivitas enzim asetilkolinesterase dalam sel darah merah dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala terutama bagi petani dengan gangguan fungsi paru.

Organophosphates are commonly used pesticides in Indonesia. The use of improper organophosphoric pesticides can lead to impaired lung function in rice farmers. The purpose of this study was to know the activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme in red blood cells, the prevalence of impaired lung function in rice farmers, and the association of acetylcholinesterase in red blood cells with lung function.
The study design was cross sectional, 61 rice farmers who were exposed to organophosphates were taken by cluster random sampling. The study was conducted in October 2017 to December 2017 in Padaasih Village, Cibogo Sub-district, Subang District, West Java. Data collection was done by interview, examination of enzyme acetylcholinesterase in red blood cells, spirometry examination and examination of thoracic photo. The variables studied were age, years of work, exposure rate, BMI, smoking habit, perception of using respiratory PPE, and activity of aseltylcholinesterase in red blood cells.
AChE activity in red blood cells with a median value of 2138.97 IU/l with a minimum value of 201.17 IU/l and a maximum value of 6979.35 IU/l. The prevalence of restrictive lung function is 18%. There were no risk factors that had significant association with restrictive lung function.
The prevalence of restrictive lung function impairment is quite high and the activity of acetylcholinesterase in red blood cells with restrictive lung function has no significant association. Periodic health checks are necessary, especially for farmers with restrictive lung function."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pajanan pestisida organofosfat terhadap mata dapat melalui pernafasan, pencernaan, absorbsi melalui kulit dan pajanan langsung pada mata. Efek toksik organofosfat akut yang utama pada mata adalah konstriksi pupil (miosis) melalui mekanisme menghambat aktivitas enzim kolinesterase di neuromuscular junction. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase penurunan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma sesudah pajanan organofosfat pada petani penyemprot padi laki-laki. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain cross sectional dengan dua kali pengukuran sebelum dan sesudah penyemprotan pestisida di Desa X, Jawa Barat. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster random sampling pada tingkat RT. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis, pemriksaan darah dan pengamatan cara kerja. Pemeriksaan diameter pupil dan AChE plasma dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penyemprotan. Dari 72 responden penelitian sebesar 64 responden (88,89%) mengalami penurunan diameter pupil baik secara unilateral maupun bilateral sesudah melakukan penyemprotan pestisida organofosfat. Nilai median perubahan aktivitas AChE plasma adalah 2,2 % dengan nilai minimum -4,26% dan maksimum 9,75%. Penurunan diameter pupil dan penurunan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma secara statistik bermakna (paired t-test; p<0,001). Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase perubahan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma (p=0,052). Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan hubungan antara penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase perubahan asetilkolinesterase plasma dan faktor resiko lainnya seperti usia, IMT, masa kerja dan lama waktu penyemprotan pestisida.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eval Heriansyah
Nama : Eval HeriansyahProgram Studi : S2 Magister Kedokteran KerjaJudul : Hubungan Perubahan Akut Gambaran EKG Dengan Penurunan Aktivitas Asetilkolinesterase Plasma Pada Petani Penyemprot Laki-Laki Yang Menggunakan OrganofosfatPembimbing : Astrid Sulistomo dan Budhi SetiantoLatar Belakang. Petani di Indonesia masih banyak menggunakan pestisida golongan organofosfat. Organofosfat memiliki efek toksik terhadap berbagai sistem tubuh, salah satunya sistem kardiovaskuler. Pestisida organofosfat yang masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia memengaruhi fungsi saraf dengan jalan menghambat kerja enzim kolinesterase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perubahan akut gambaran EKG sebelum dan sesudah pajanan organofosfat pada petani penyemprot padi laki-laki.Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang dengan rancangan pre- dan post-test tanpa kontrol di desa Pada Asih, Kecamatan Cibogo, Kabupaten Subang dengan cara pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis, dan pengamatan cara kerja. Pemeriksaan AChE dan EKG dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penyemprotanHasil. Dari 80 subjek petani penyemprot padi, 20 subjek 25 mengalami perubahan gambaran EKG sesudah melakukan penyemprotan pestisida organofosfat. Jenis perubahannya, berupa sinus bradikardia 6,25 , pemanjangan interval QT 3,75 , peninggian gelombang T 2,5 , dan pembesaran atrium kiri 12,5 . Penurunan aktivitas AChE ditemukan rata-rata -2,29 3,25 . Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara semua faktor risiko yang diteliti usia, persentase perubahan AChE, merokok saat menyemprot, status gizi, penggunaan APD, masa kerja, lama penyemprotan, dan tugas kerja dengan perubahan gambaran EKG.Kesimpulan. Perubahan akut gambaran EKG yang terjadi pada populasi petani penyemprot padi laki-laki sebesar 25 . Perubahan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase terjadi berkisar -2,29 3,25 . Tidak ditemukan faktor risiko yang berhubungan.Kata kunci. Elektrokardiografi, asetilkolinesterase, petani, pestisida, organofosfat.

ABSTRACTName Eval HeriansyahProgram Master of Occupational MedicineTitle Acute ECG Changes Associated with Decreased Plasma Acetylcholinesterase Activity Among Male Pesticide Spraying Farmers using OrganophosphateCounselors Astrid Sulistomo and Budhi SetiantoBackground. Many farmers in Indonesia are still using organophosphorus pesticides. Organophosphates have toxic effects on various body systems, one of them is the cardiovascular system. Organophosphate pesticides that enter the human body affect the function of the nerves by inhibiting the action of cholinesterase enzymes. This study aims to determine the relationship of acute changes of ECG images before and after exposure of organophosphates among male paddy sprayers.Method. This study used cross sectional with pre and post test design without control in Pada Asih Village, Cibogo Sub district, Subang Regency. Using cluster random sampling method for sample selection. Data were collected using questionnaires, physical examination, and observation of working process. Acetylcholinesterase and EKG examination was conducted before and after spraying,Results. From 80 rice spray farmers recruited, a total of 20 subjects 25 showed changes in ECG picture after spraying with organophosphorus pesticides. The types of changes include bradycardia sinus 6.25 , QT interval lengthening 3.75 , heightening of T wave 2.5 , and left atrial enlargement 12.5 . Decrease in activity of AChE was 2,29 3,25 . No significant association between changes in ECG graph and studied risk factors age, percentage of plasma AChE changes, smoking while spray, BMI, using PPE, working period, duration of spray, and work assignment could be identified.Conclusion. Acute change in ECG picture occurred in 25 of male pesticide spraying farmers. Changes in AChE were 2,29 3,25 . No association with studied risk factors could be found."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Afni Afifah
"Latar belakang: Produktivitas pertanian yang tinggi di Kabupaten Brebes berpotensi untuk menimbulkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan akibat pestisida pada pekerja tani. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya pada lokasi yang sama menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa efek kesehatan, baik akut maupun kronis yang dialami pekerja tani akibat pajanan pestisida.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran golongan pestisida yang banyak digunakan, aktivitas enzim kolinesterase darah, gejala gangguan saraf, dan gejala gangguan kulit serta hubungannya dengan faktor lama pajanan dan karakteristik individu.
Metodologi: Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Kersana, Kabupaten Brebes. Sampel merupakan petani dan buruh tani pada lima desa di Kecamatan Kersana yang berjumlah 121 responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode quota sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terstruktur, pengukuran status gizi, dan pengukuran enzim kolinesterase darah.
Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pestisida yang paling banyak digunakan adalah golongan piretroid dan avermektin (26%). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jumlah gejala gangguan saraf dengan lama pajanan per minggu (p=0,015). Hubungan yang signifikan juga terdapat antara jumlah gejala gangguan kulit yang dialami dengan faktor lama bekerja (p=0,045), lama pajanan per minggu (p=0,005), umur (p=0,002), jenis kelamin (p=0,044), dan kebiasaaan cuci tangan setelah bekerja dengan pestisida (p=0,000).
Kesimpulan: Pestisida yang paling banyak digunakan adalah golongan piretroid dan avermektin. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara jumlah gejala gangguan saraf dengan lama pajanan per minggu. Hubungan yang signifikan juga terdapat antara jumlah gejala gangguan kulit yang dialami dengan faktor lama bekerja, lama pajanan per minggu, umur, jenis kelamin, dan kebiasaaan cuci tangan setelah bekerja dengan pestisida.

Backgrounds: Brebes Region is one of various region which has high productivity in agricultural products, so this region has a potency for any health effects due to pesticide exposure. Several studies have shown that many health effects has occured in agirucultural workers in Brebes.
Objectives: This research’s objectives are knowing the groups of pesticide that commonly used, red blood cell cholinesterase activity, symtomps of neurological and skin disorders and their associatons with length of exposure and individual characteristics.
Methods: This research is located on Kersana sub-District, Brebes District, Central Java. Samples are farmers and fam labourers who live in five village on Kersana District. The number of samples is 121 persons. Quota sampling methods hava chosen by researchers to collect the samples. Data collecting was done by structured-interview, cholinesterase measurement, and nutritional status measurement.
Results: The result has shown that pesticide group which commonly used are phyretroid and avermectin. There is an significant association between the number of neurological disorders and length of exposure in week (p=0,015). There are also significant association between the number of skin disorders with working periods (p=0,045), length of exposure in week (p=0,005), age (p=0,002), gender (p=0,044), and hand-washing behaviours after working with pesticides (p=0,000).
Conclusions: Pesticide group which commonly used are phyretroid and avermectin. There is an significant association between the number of neurological disorders and length of exposure in week. There are also significant association between the number of skin disorders with working periods, length of exposure in week, age, gender, and hand-washing behaviours after working with pesticides.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicky Amalia
"Pendahuluan: Pestisida, salah satunya organofosfat masih banyak digunakan untuk
meningkatkan hasil produksi pertanian, karena efektif dalam pengendalian hama. Efek pajanan
kronis organofosfat terhadap manusia belum diketahui secara jelas. Indonesia merupakan negara
agrikultural dan termasuk negara pengguna pestisida terbanyak. Terdapat beberapa bukti, bahwa
paparan perstisida dalam jangka panjang, dapat menyebabkan gangguan neurologis, dengan
peningkatan kadar b-amyloid plasma, yang dapat meningkatkan risiko risiko terjadinya penyakit
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kadar b-amyloid plasma pada laki-laki
penyemprot pestisida di perkebunan dan mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan dengan intensitas
pajanan pestisida jangka panjang.
Metode: : Studi cross-sectional pada penyemprot pestisida di perkebunan yang sudah
menggunakan pestisida organofosfat dan/atau karbamat selama enam bulan. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan pada pagi hari sebelum mulai bekerja, dengan cara mewawancara dan mengambil
sampel darah vena dari fossa cubiti, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode LC-MS. Jumlah
responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan masuk dalam penelitian ini yaitu 57 responden.
Intensitas pajanan pestisida dinilai dengan metode skoring, yang sudah digunakan sebelumnya
dan sudah dimodifikasi Agricultural Health Study di Amerika Serikat dan disesuaikan dengan
situasi di Indonesia.
Hasil: Sebanyak 91,2% pekerja mengalami peningkatan kadar β-Amyloid plasma. Skor intensitas
pajanan pestisida jangka panjang antara 45 sampai 300, dengan nilai median 260. Berdasarkan
analisis bivariat secara korelasi antara kadar b-amyloid plasma dengan total skor kumulatif
intensitas pajanan didapatkan korelasi rendah (r=0.243) dan memiliki korelasi linier berbanding
lurus, di mana peningkatan skor total kumulatif intensitas memberikan peningkatan kadar β-
amyloid plasma sebesar 4,6%, tetapi tidak bermakna secara statistik.
Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini, tidak ada hubungan antara kadar β-amyloid plasma
dengan intensitas pajanan pestisida.

Introduction: The use of pesticides, especially organophosphates are still very often to increase
agricultural production, because it is effective in pest control. Indonesia is an agricultural country,
which is among the highest user of pesticides The effect of chronic organophosphate exposure on
humans health is not fully understood yet. There are some evidence that long term exposure to
pesticides can lead to neurologic diseases, among others by increasing b-amyloid plasma
levels,which can lead to Alzheimer disease..
Objective: This study aims to identify b-amyloid plasma levels among male plantation pesticide
sprayer and determine if there is an association with the intensity of longterm pesticide exposure.
Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted among pesticide sprayers on plantations, that
have used organophosphate and / or carbamate pesticides for at least the last six months. Data
was collected in the morning before working, by interviewing and taking venous blood sample.
The blood sample was analyzed using the LCMS Method to measure b-amyloid plasma levels.
Fifty-seven subjects were included in this study. The intensity of long term exposure to pesticides
was assessed using a scoring method, that has been used before. which is modified from the
Agricultural Health Study.and adjusted to the situation in Indonesia.
Results: As many as 91.2% workers had plasma β-amyloid levels above normal. While the
intensity score for long term pesticide exposure was between 45 to 300 with a median 260. Using
correlation analysis, No significant correlation between b-amyloid plasma levels and total
cumulative intensity exposure score was found (r = 0.243, p>0,05),.
Conclusion: Based on this study, 91.2% had high levels of b-amyloid plasma and no relationship
between intensity of pesticide exposure with plasma β-amyloid levels was found
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Kadir
Latar belakang. Pemberian transfusi darah merupakan salah satu tindakan medis untuk penyelamatan nyawa (live saving) dan penyembuhan penyakit, tetapi disisi lain tindakan ini juga memiliki risiko atau komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasiyang dikenal adalah Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TAGVHD). TAGVHD ini akan menyebabkan berproliferasinya limfosit T yangkemudian akan diikuti oleh proses engraft (tertanam) didalam tubuh resipien yang umumnya berada dalam kondisi imunokompeten. Kondisi ini umumnya dialami oleh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan sistem imunologi seperti pada pasien kanker atau penyakit-penyakit autoimun. Saat ini, satu ? satunya metode yang dapat diterima untuk mencegah komplikasi itu dengan cara melakukan iradiasi darah. Bervariasinya rekomendasi tentang dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran untukmenurunkan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ sebagai penyebab terjadinya TAGVHD, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini akan dijadikan rekomendasi untuk prosedur iradiasi terhadap komponen sel darah merah pekatyang akan diberikan pada pasien-pasien imunokompeten di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian eksperimental dengan pemeriksaan time series yang dilakukan terhadap 54 kantong komponen sel darah merah pekat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ dalam tiga dosis dengan tiga serial waktu berbeda.
Hasil. Terjadi penurunan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ pada komponen sel darah merah pekat yang dilakukan iradiasi pada dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran yang berbeda.
Simpulan. Penurunan jumlah CD 3+ bermakna atau signifikan pada dosis 2500 pada waktu 5 jam setelah penyinaran.

Background Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation., ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penggunaan pestisida oleh para petani di Desa Nunuk untuk tanaman di sawah mereka bukanlah sebuah hal yang baru. Hal ini sudah sejak lama dilakukan, bahkan berbagai program pengendalian hama terpadu yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia ini nampaknya tidak membawa banyak perubahan dalam praktik penggunaan pestisida oleh para petani ini. Hal ini bukannya tanpa alasan. Ada kesamaan dalam skema para petani yang melandasi terus dilakukannya praktik ini, skema kognitif yang membuat para petani berada pada kerangka dunia yang disederhanakan, yaitu mengenai bagaimana mereka sendiri membayangkan dunia ini semestinya?terutama terkait padi dan sawah. Ini adalah sebuah proses kognitif, yang kemudian menghasilkan variasi dalam perilaku petani memilih dan menggunakan pestisida. Penelitian skripsi yang melewati tidak kurang dari dua kali masa panen ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan connectionism sebagai kerangka analisisnya. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada para informan di sebuah desa yang menjadi bagian dari wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

Pesticide usage by farmers in Nunuk Village is not a new thing. This has been going on for a long time, even the integrated pest management programs with the objective of diminishing chemical pesticides usage among farmers seem to have no significant influence in changing farmers pesticide practices. This isn't without reason. There's a similarity in their schemas which makes this practice continue, a cognitive scheme which makes the farmers exist in such a simplified world, that is about how they imagine what this world should be-mainly about paddy and their rice fields. This, including the various practices in selecting and using pesticides, is a cognitive process. This research which was undertaken through not less than two harvests season uses qualitative method with connectionism as the analytical framework. The data has been collected through observation and in-depth interviews with the informants in a village which administratively is a part of Indramayu district, West Java.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinthia Suwardi
"Pestisida meningkatkan hasil 40% tanaman coklat di Amerika Latin, 33% tebu di Pakistan juga mengatasi masalah hama pada program intensifikasi di Indonesia. Pestisida memberikan dampak buruk jika penggunaannya dilakukan secara terus menerus tanpa memperhatikan aturan pemakaian dan cara mengaplikasikan yang baik dan benar. Pestisida banyak digunakan petani dengan cara disemprotkan, terutama golongan organofosfat yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi syaraf dengan jalan menghambat kerja enzim cholinesterase. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor risiko pajanan pestisida terhadap aktivitas cholinesterase dalam darah petani penyemprot hama padi. Desain penelitian cross sectional.
Penelitian dilakukan bulan April-Mei 2014, menggunakan data sekunder kuesioner responden serta hasil pemeriksaan cholinesterase yang dilakukan Seksi Penyehatan Lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Karawang di 3 Desa pada 2 wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas. Hasil penelitian, 81% petani mempunyai aktivitas cholinesterase normal atau tidak mengalami keracunan pestisida.
Analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara jenis pestisida yang digunakan, umur, berat badan, masa kerja, frekuensi kerja, durasi kerja, kontak terakhir dengan pestisida dan penggunaan APD terhadap aktivitas cholinesterase.

Pesticides increase the yield of 40% cocoa in Latin America, 33% of sugarcane in Pakistan also solving pest problems in the intensification program in Indonesia.
Pesticides had a devastating impact if used continuously regardless of usage rules and how to apply the rules. Pesticides are widely used by farmers by spraying, especially the organophosphate class which can affect nerve function by inhibiting the enzyme cholinesterase. The aim of research to analyze the risk factors of pesticide exposure to cholinesterase activity in the blood of farmers rice pest sprayer. The study used Cross-sectional design.
The study was conducted in April-May 2014, using secondary data of the questionnaire respondents as well as the result of cholinesterase which has been conducted by Environmental Health Section of Karawang District Health on 3 villages at 2 UPTD Puskesmas.
The results, 81% of farmers had normal cholinesterase activity or no pesticide poisoning. Bivariate analysis showed no correlation between the type of pesticide used, age, body weight, years of service, working frequency, duration of action, last contact with pesticides and the use of personal protective equipment against cholinesterase activity.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Safrina
"Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fortifikan NaFeEDTA dalam tepung tahu terhadap jumlah sel darah merah tikus putih Rattus norvegicus L. jantan galur Sprague-Dawley. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap RAL , terdiri atas 25 ekor tikus putih jantan yang dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu KK 1 yang diberi larutan CMC 0,5 ; KK 2 yang diberi CMC 0,5 dan suspensi tepung tahu tanpa fortifikan; dan KP 1, 2 dan 3 diberi CMC 0,5 dan tepung tahu dengan fortifikan NaFeEDTA dosis 2,7 mgFe/kgBB; 5,4 mgFe/kgBB; dan 10,8 mgFe/kgBB selama 14 hari. Pengambilan darah dilakukkan pada hari ke-0 dan setelah perlakuan pada hari ke-14. Jumlah sel darah merah dihitung menggunakan alat hematology analyzer. Hasil uji ANAVA satu arah P < 0,05 menunjukkan pengaruh nyata pemberian fortifikan NaFeEDTA dalam tepung tahu terhadap jumlah sel darah merah antar kelompok perlakuan. Hasil uji LSD P < 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan jumlah sel darah merah yang nyata antara KK 1 dengan semua kelompok perlakuan KP 1, KP 2 dan KP 3 ; KK 2 dengan semua kelompok perlakuan pada t14 dan antar semua kelompok perlakuan. Peningkatan jumlah sel darah merah tertinggi terjadi pada KP 2 yaitu 22,26 terhadap KK 1; dan 20,24 terhadap KK 2.

The effect of fortificant NaFeEDTA inserted in tofu flour intake on red blood cell count in male Sprague Dawley rats Rattus norvegicus L. has been studied. Twenty five rats were divided into five groups, consist of normal control group KK 1 which was administered with CMC 0,5 , treatment control group KK 2 which was administered with CMC 0,5 and tofu flour non fortificant, and three treatment groups which was administered with CMC 0,5 and tofu flour added with fortificant NaFeEDTA 2,7 mgFe kgbw KP 1 5,4 mgFe kgbw KP 2 and 10,8 mgFe kgbw KP 3 . All the five groups were treated for 14 consecutive days. Red blood cell count was measured by automatic hematology analyzer. One way ANOVA test P 0,05 showed significant effect of fortificant NaFeEDTA inserted in tofu flour intake red blood cell count in all treatment groups. LSD test P 0,05 showed that the red blood cell count significantly different between KK 1 towards all treatment groups KK 2 towards all treatment groups and all the treatment groups. The highest increase of red blood cell count was detected on KP 2 at t14 which is 22,26 to KK 1 and 20,24 to KK 2. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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