"Regional language spoken in the archipelago according to the national
language policy serves as one of the elements of national culture and
protected by the state. One of the local languages in Indonesia is the
language of Minangkabau. The paper focuses on two issues: 1) how the
realization of the original segment morphemes Minangkabau language?,
2) how the processes and phonological rules Minangkabau language?
Phonemic, Minangkabau language has five vowels segments, namely/a, i, u, e,
o/. However, phonetic, Minangkabau language has nine vowels because vowels/
a, i, u, e, and 0/ experience the relaxation process each has allophones [I, U, 3, .9].
In phonemic consonant number of Minangkabau origin amounted to 18
pieces /p, b, t, d, c, j, k, g, r, I, s, h, m, n, n, 71,, w, y /, but phonetically
Minangkabau language has 19 consonants sound, example; p,
b, t, a’, c, j. k, g, r, l, s, h, in, n, n, 172, P, w, y /. Thus, the number of
segments in the Minangkabau language vowels and consonants both
phonemically is 23 pieces, while as many as 28 segments phonetically.
To explain the changes that occur from the realization of phonemic to phonetic,
phonology rules would require eight. Eighth phonology rules include : (1) vocal
loosening rules, (2) rule ”pelesapan" consonant / h /, (3) rules "pelesapan"
resonant sounds / p, t, k, s, c /, (4) additional rules semivokal / w / and / y /,
(5) the addition rule consonants / l /, (6) the addition rule consonants / r /, (7)
changes in the rules of the consonant/ h /, and (8) rule changes kosonan / k/"