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Himawan Wicaksono
"Perkembangan peralatan elektronik seiring berkembangnya zaman menimbulkan masalah baru bagi sistem tenaga listrik. Alat elektronik dengan beban non-linear menghasilkan gelombang keluaran yang tidak sama dengan gelombang masukannya yang dapat menimbulkan harmonisa. Di sisi lain, dengan semakin banyaknya penggunaan beban non linier oleh konsumen dapat menimbulkan salah satu masalah kualitas daya berupa harmonisa yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat keakurasian hasil pengukuran energi listrik yang sebenarnya terpakai. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pengaruh harmonisa terhadap pengukuran konsumsi energi listrik oleh kWh meter Analog dan Digital satu fasa pelanggan PLN rumah tangga. Pengukuran harmonisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan power quality analyzer (PQA) dengan membandingkan hasil pada PQA dengan pada kWh meter. Pada analisis pengaruh harmonisa terhadap penyimpangan pembacaan alat ukur kWh meter analog dan digital diperoleh hasil yaitu pada kWh meter digital dengan THDi maksimum 21,91% dan penyimpangan sebesar 0.96% sedangkan kWh meter analog dengan THDi maksimum 60,35% dan penyimpangan 2,49%. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar THDi maka semakin besar penyimpangan pembacaan konsumsi energi kWh meter.

The development of electronic equipment along with the development of the times raises new problems for the electric power system. Electronic devices with non linear loads produce output waves that are not the same as the input waves that can cause harmonics. On the other hand, with the increasing use of non linear loads by consumers can cause one of the problems of power quality in the form of harmonics that can affect the level of accuracy of electrical energy measurement results that are actually used. This research was conducted to obtain the effect of harmonics on the measurement of electrical energy consumption by one phase Analog and Digital kWh meters for Household Customers of PLN. Harmonic measurements are performed using a power quality analyzer PQA by comparing the results on the PQA with the kWh meter. In the analysis of the effect of harmonics on the deviation of analog and digital kWh meter readings, the results obtained are digital kWh meters with a maximum THDi of 21.91% and deviations of 0.96% while analog kWh meters with a maximum THDi of 60.35% and deviations of 2.49% . From these data it can be concluded that the greater THDi, the greater the deviation reading of the kWh meter energy consumption."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. Syahril Iryanto
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengestimasi dampak perubahan harga energi pada konsumsi energi rumah tangga,  kelompok masyarakat berdasarkan karakteristik rumah tangga akibat adanya perubahan harga energy, dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumsi energi rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, serta menggunakan metode analisis ekonometrika data panel untuk mengestimasi sistem permintaan. Penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis regresi panel data. Hasil studi dengan menggunakan metode random effect model dapat dilihat dampak perubahan harga energi terhadap konsumsi energi rumah tangga, dimana konsumsi energi rumah tangga untuk bbm dan listrik sangat dipengaruhi oleh harga energi itu sendiri dan pendapatan rumah tangga. Untuk elastisitas kedua jenis energi yang di estimasi (bbm dan listrik) mempunyai nilai elastisitas pendapatan (pengeluaran)  yang kurang dari satu (<1) yang berimplikasi bahwa kedua barang energi tersebut merupakan barang normal atau barang pokok.

In this study we estimate the impact of changes in energy prices on household energy consumption, community groups based on household characteristics due to changes in energy prices, and analyze the factors that influence household energy consumption. This study uses a quantitative approach and panel data econometric analysis methods to estimate the demand system. The study used panel data regression analysis techniques. The results can be seen the impact of changes in energy prices on household energy consumption, household energy consumption for fuel and electricity is strongly influenced by the energy price itself and household income. For the elasticity of the two estimated types of energy (fuel and electricity) they have an income (expenditure) elasticity value of less than one (<1) which implies that the two energy goods are normal goods or basic goods."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Ikhsan Ariansyah Putra
"Harmonik merupakan salah satu fenomena penyimpangan kualitas daya, yang dapat mendistorsi bentuk gelombang tegangan dan arus.. Salah satu akibatnya adalah penyimpangan pembacaan alat ukur, dalam hal ini kWh meter dijital. Pada skripsi ini penulis membahas dan menganalisis hubungan harmonik arus dan tegangan terhadap penyimpangan pembacaan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan membandingkan bacaan pada kWh meter dijital dengan power quality analyzer. Dan didapatkan dari data-data pengukuran dan pengujian, harmonik tegangan mempunyai hubungan secara eksponensial dengan penyimpangan pembacaan kWh meter dijital.

Harmonic is one of many phenomenon power quality deviation, which distorted the voltage and current waveform. One of the effects is the deviation on electric measurement device, in this case electronic energy meter. On this essay, we will discuss and analyze the connection between current and voltage harmonics and the deviation of electronic energy meter. Method used in this paper is data comparison between electronic energy meter and power quality analyzer And from the result of experiment, voltage harmonics has a exponential correlation with the deviation of electronic energy meter."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Victor Widiputra
"Perkembangan peralatan elektronik yang pesat saat ini ternyata memunculkan masalah baru bagi sistem tenaga listrik. Alat elektronik termasuk beban non-linear yang menghasilkan gelombang keluaran yang bentuk gelombangnya tidak sama dengan gelombang masukannya. Akibatnya muncul gelombang dengan frekuensi kelipatan frekuensi fundamentalnya yang disebut sebagai harmonisa. Rumah tangga merupakan tempat yang menggunakan banyak peralatan elektronik. Pada skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai pengaruh harmonisa dari peralatan rumah tangga terhadap penyimpangan pembacaan energi oleh kWh meter analog.

Electronic devices are the main source of non-linear loads. Non-linear loads will cause a difference between the input and the output waves, and so will create another electric power problem called harmonics. A house is a place which uses a lot of electronic devices. The devices will create harmonics that will disrupt the current or voltage in the house and will effects the electric meter on the house. This undergraduate thesis will discuss about how harmonics from household appliances effects the energy reading from an analog electric meter."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firda Azmi Munaziza
Konsumsi energi dunia saat ini cenderung meningkat dari waktu ke waktu karena pertumbuhan industri dan transportasi. Di Indonesia, konsumsi LPG mencapai di atas 7.5 juta ton dengan 5.5 juta ton didatangkan melalui impor. Pemerintah Indonesia menggunakan energi alternatif yaitu Dimethyl Ether (DME) untuk mengurangi jumlah impor LPG nasional. Proyek pembangunan DME plant merupakan proyek yang
memerlukan dana besar dan waktu yang cukup lama, sehingga diperlukan kajian strategis yang meliputi harga bahan baku, optimalisasi transportasi produk ke titik pengiriman, analisis biaya manfaat dari penerapan DME dan perencanaan market awareness.
Optimalisasi transportasi produk adalah salah satu aspek yang mempengaruhi pengurangan biaya proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model dari beberapa tujuan dalam mengetahui jalur transportasi paling optimum. Pemilihan jalur dilakukan dengan
beberapa aspek yang dipertimbangkan seperti aspek lingkungan, sosial, dan kekonomian. Geographical Information System (GIS) merupakan pemanfaatan teknologi dalam penentuan jalur transportasi truk. Sebuah model goal programming dikembangkan untuk
menggambarkan aspek-aspek tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini bisa menjadi analisis tambahan bagi pemangku kebijakan dalam pemilihan jalur transportasi yang ada.

Current world energy consumption tends to increase from time to time due to the growth of industry and transportation. In Indonesia, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) consumption reaches above 7.5 million tons with 5.5 million tons imported through imports. The Indonesian government uses alternative energy namely Dimethyl Ether (DME) to reduce the amount of national LPG imports. The DME plant project is a project that requires a large funds and a long time, so we needed a strategic study that includes the price of raw materials, optimization of product transportation to delivery point, benefit cost analysis of the application of DME and planning "market awareness" program. Optimization of product transportation is one aspect that influences the reduction project costs. This study aims to develop models of several objectives in finding the most optimum transportation routes. Path selection is carried out with several aspects considered such as environmental, social, and economic aspects. Geographical Information System (GIS) is a technology used in determining transportation routes for trucks. A goal programming model was developed to illustrate these aspects. The results of this study can be an additional analysis for policymakers in the selection of existing transportation routes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Kurniawan
"Pengukuran transaksi energi listrik dengan menggunakan kWh meter selayaknya mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang baik agar tidak ada satupun pihak yang dirugikan akibat adanya kesalahan dalam proses pengukuran. Di sisi lain, dengan semakin banyaknya penggunaan beban non linier oleh konsumen dapat menimbulkan salah satu masalah kualitas daya berupa harmonisa yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat keakurasian hasil pengukuran energi listrik yang sebenarnya terpaka.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh harmonisa terhadap penyimpangan pengukuran energi listrik pada kWh meter analog dan digital. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak beban non linier yang digunakan maka semakin besar nilai %THD, dan semakin besar %THD (%THD-i > 80%) maka penyimpangan akan semakin besar dengan % kesalahan mencapai > 64% dan tingkat keakurasian dari hasil pengukuran menjadi berkurang pada kedua jenis kWh meter yang digunakan.

Measurement of electric energy transactions using the electricity meter should have a good degree of accuracy, so that none party is financially disadvantaged as a result of measurement error. On the other hand, with the increasing use of non-linear load by consumers may cause one of the power quality problem in form of harmonics; that may affect the degree of accuracy of the actual measurement results.
The study was conducted to see the effect of harmonic distortion toward electric energy measurement using analog and digital electricity meter, and the results show that the more non-linear loads are used, the value of %THD will increase, and the greater %THD (%THD-i > 80%) can increase the error (% error > 64%) and also reduce the level of accuracy of measurement results on both types of electricity meter.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burk, Marguerite C.
Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980
641.1 BUR a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Fanthony
"Pengukuran energi listrik menggunakan kWh meter harus memiliki akurasi yang sangat baik, oleh karena itu, tidak ada pihak yang secara finansial dirugikan antara konsumen dan pemasok listrik sebagai akibat dari kesalahan dalam pengukuran energi yang digunakan. Dengan meningkatnya penggunaan beban non-linier oleh konsumen dapat menyebabkan salah satu masalah kualitas daya dalam bentuk harmonik; yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat akurasi dari hasil pengukuran yang sebenarnya. Di sisi lain, seiring berjalannya waktu, usia kWh meter juga memungkinkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pembacaan karena kerja komponen kWh yang kurang optimal.
Dari hasil percobaan, pada beban rumah tangga, dapat dibuktikan bahwa semakin tinggi THD% (% THD-I> 15%), deviasi membaca akan semakin besar dengan kesalahan% tertinggi mencapai 4.4% pada analog kWh meter sementara meter digital kWh hanya 1,57%. Dalam pengukuran variasi beban, semakin banyak penggunaan beban non-linear, maka% THD akan meningkat. Dalam percobaan ini, lampu LED menghasilkan% THD-I tertinggi (mencapai 142,36%). Sementara itu variasi beban juga mempengaruhi% THD-I yang dihasilkan yang bergantung pada beban dominan pada daya yang dikonsumsi. Hasil uji beban variabel menunjukkan bahwa analog kWh meter yang tahun konstruksinya relatif panjang (lebih dari 15 tahun) tidak mampu mengukur beban dengan daya kecil (<100W) sehingga akan mempengaruhi tingkat akurasi yang sangat rendah.
Untuk kesalahan membaca persentase dari semua variasi beban, analog kWh meter (2002) mencapai 22,68%, analog kWh meter (2015) adalah 9,36%, dan digital kWh meter adalah 2,09%. Untuk persentase kesalahan membaca pada beban tinggi saja, 2,25% untuk analog kWh meter (2002), 1,15% untuk analog kWh meter (2015), sementara 0,68% untuk meter digital kWh. Dari semua percobaan yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa meter digital kWh memiliki akurasi yang lebih baik daripada analog kWh meter. Juga direkomendasikan untuk mengganti kWH meter analog yang telah dibangun cukup lama dengan tahun konstruksi baru atau dengan meter digital kWh agar tidak merugikan dari sisi pemasok listrik.

Measurement of electrical energy using kWh meter must have a very good of accuracy, therefore, none of any party is financially disadvantaged between the consumer and electricity supplier as a result of errors in the measurement of energy used. With the increasing use of non-linear load by consumers may cause one of the power quality problems in form of harmonics; that may affect the degree of accuracy of the actual measurement results. On the other hand, as the time goes by that the age of old kWh meter also allows to occurrence of errors in the reading due to the less optimal work of the kWh meter components.
From the experiment results, in the household load, it can be proved that the higher the %THD (%THD-I > 15%), the reading deviation will be greater with the highest % error reaching 4.4% on analog kWh meter while the digital kWh meter is only 1.57%. In the measurement of load variation, the more use of non- linear loads, the %THD will increase. In this experiment, the LED lamp produced the highest %THD-I (reaching 142.36%). Meanwhile the load variations also affected the %THD-I produced which depend on the dominant load on the power consumed. Variable load test results show that analog kWh meter whose construction years have been relatively long (more than 15 years) are not able to measure loads with a small power (<100W) so that it will affect the very low level of accuracy.
For the error reading percentage of all load variations, analog kWh meters (2002) reached 22.68%, analog kWh meters (2015) were 9.36%, and digital kWh meter were 2.09%. For error reading percentage at high load only, 2.25% for analog kWh meters (2002), 1.15% for analog kWh meters (2015), while 0.68% for digital kWh meters. From all the experiments carried out, it can be concluded that digital kWh meters have better accuracy than analog kWh meter. It is also recommended that to replace the analog kWH meter which has been construction for quite a long time with the new construction year or with digital kWh meter in order not to detriment from the electricity supplier side.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Kurniawan
"Proses pengukuran energi listrik pada kWh meter menjadi hal yang sangat penting karena menyangkut proses transaksi energi yang bilamana terjadi kesalahan didalamnya maka akan menimbulkan kerugian pada pihak konsumen dan/atau produsen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat karakteristik pengukuran oleh kWh meter, baik itu jenis analog maupun digital, yang dipengaruhi oleh harmonisa serta faktor lingkungan berupa naiknya temperatur lingkungan di sekitar kWh meter tersebut dipasang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar nilai harmonisa pada beban maka akan semakin merusak bentuk gelombang arus dan tegangan (terdistorsi). Dengan terdistorsinya gelombang tersebut maka proses pengukuran oleh kWh meter akan semakin jauh dari nilai yang sebenarnya digunakan. Kesalahan terbesar dalam pengukuran akibat harmonisa ini bisa mencapai lebih dari 64%. Selain itu, faktor lain berupa naiknya temperatur di sekitar kWh meter akan menyebabkan pengukuran menjadi lebih besar dari yang semestinya dikarenakan adanya kesalahan faktor elekrtis dan mekanis. Dalam penelitian ini, kenaikan rata-rata terbesar pada hasil pengukuran kWh meter yaitu sebesar 7,22% pada kWh analog, beban 1105 Watt dengan THDi = 10% dan 4,26% pada kWh digital, beban 275 Watt dengan THDi = 40%, dalam setiap 10oC kenaikan temperatur.

The process of measuring electrical energy in electricity meter becomes very important because it involves the energy transaction process and when an error occurs in it then it will cause harm to the consumer and / or producer. This study aims to look at characteristic of measurements by kWh meters, both analogue and digital types, which are influenced by environmental factors such as harmonic as well as rising of environmental temperatures around the kWh meter that installed.
The results showed that the greater the value of the harmonics on the load it will be more damaging current and voltage waveform (distorted). With the wave distorted by the kWh meter measurement process will be far from the actual values used. The biggest mistake in the measurement due to these harmonics can reach more than 64%. In addition, other factors such as rising temperatures will cause the kWh meter measurements become larger than necessary due to the rising value of resistance (R). In this study, the greatest average increase in the measurement results kWh meter is equal to 7,22% for analogue with load 1105 Watts, THDi 10%; and 4,26% for digital with load 275 Watts, THDi 40%; for each 10°C increase in temperature."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The urban population of Indonesia has doubled in the last three decades, and it is estimated that by the year of 2010 almost 40-45% of the population will be living in urban areas. Jakarta as the capital city is the most rapid growing city among others in Indonesia. This, for the most part, was influenced by rapid growing of industrial factories, enlargement of the administration areas of the city, as well as high population growth rate. As the consequence, many aspects of human life including housing, food stock and food production, health and environmental condition, educational situation, economical improvement, social and cultural life, political stability, and national resistance have been changed. However, the changes could be positive or negative.
Urbanization was associated with important changes in food consumption pattern. The urban diet may be more varied and may include higher levels of animal proteins and fats while being lower in calories (Pagaspas 1994, Santoso 1995). Fresh foods such as vegetables, meat, poultry, milk and other dairy products were consumed more by urban than by rural people. Another change that had occurred in urban food habit was an increase in the amount of food eaten outside the household (FAO 1984). These foods tend to be eaten by the consumer at the roadside and were relatively cheap. Ease of preparation, time saving and money, taste, identification with an urban lifestyle, and inaccessibility to cooking facilities in crowded urban slums were among the reasons for the shifts in food consumption patterns. The value of women's time was an important factor affecting household expenditure on food. A greater variety of foods were also available in urban areas, leading to more diversified diets. Information from a slum in Brazil, indicated the lower income class tended to meet a smaller amount of its energy and nutrient requirements than did the higher income class (Von Braun et al 1993).
Study carried out by SEAMEO - UI participants from 1985-1989 in five slum areas in Jakarta showed that the prevalence of nutritional deficiency in terms of moderate and severe PEM was still very high (31.9%) in East Jakarta (Von Braun et al 1993). Besides, study carried out by Susilowati (1997) revealed that mothers suffered from undenutrition (27%) and ovenutrition (30%). Mothers had higher calorie and protein intake as compared to underfive children (Pagaspas 1994, Santoso 1995). Compared to Jakarta's prevalence of PEM among underfive children (25.8%), the figures of East Jakarta was higher. Nationally, prevalence of PEM among underfive children was 28.6% (Indonesian Health Profile 1997).
As one main determinant of malnutrition, food consumption was greatly influenced by purchasing power. On average, calories correlates with income in urban area. Marginal intake of calories decreases with increasing income levels. As prices or incomes change, there was a greater tendency among urban consumers to diversify their diet and substitute more readily (Von Braun et at 1993). Study about undernutrition in low income households in West Jakarta found that at least more than 30% of food expenditure was spent on street foods.
Undernutrition among underfive children mainly due to eating snacks and street food. It was caused by social pressure from neighbor, clever promotion strategy of street vendor, especially on its convenience (located at strategic places, going house to house), tasty, snacking (child refused to eat main meals but will eat snacks) had made eating out a general habit and difficult to be modified. In another word, dietary inadequacy was not primarily due to low purchasing power but rather to habit of buying snacks outside home (Pujilestari et al 1995).
Moreover, the habitual diet of family consists of rice, soybean products (tofu, tempe), fresh fish and dark green leafy vegetables. Noodles often replaced a rice meal. Their food composition was quite simple and less varied. A rough estimate of energy intake for consumption unit (CU) was made from the amount of calories major sources bought, i.e. rice, noodles, cooking oil. The average daily energy intake from these sources covered 63% of RDA (Pujilestari et al 1995).
The study about food habits among mothers and their children 2-5 aged in urban areas in Indonesia is rare. The study was usually implemented in rural area at provincial level. It was related to the application of nutritional anthropology with agriculture science, for example study on "Social and Cultural Influences on Food Habits and Food Consumption Patterns of Staple Food in the Family with Preschool Children". The study was undertaken by Ministry of Health in collaboration with The National Development Planning Board in 1986. The study revealed that the family in areas with other staple food than rice, eating rice is not considered as to provide strength for working in the field or in the forest."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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