Driving in a drowsy condition is one form of carelessness in driving that can be dangerous. Therefore, this research is intended to design and build a drowsy detection system that can warn the driver when they are in a condition that requires to rest. The system was developed in the form of an Android application that utilizes three types of sensors, which are the front camera as a source of face image with 480p resolution, portable EEG devices as a source of brainwaves data and MiBand as the source of heart rate data. Collected data from these three sensors will then be used as input for a neural network model to detect drowsiness. From this study it was found that the 1D CNN architecture is the most suitable to be used as a model in drowsiness detection systems compared to LSTM. A 4-minute time interval is used in the drowsy detection system that was developed because it was considered as the most optimal. By using data from ten participants, the model was able to get a validation accuracy of 96.30%. While from 12 trials of drowsiness detection system testing that was developed, the system can do drowsiness classification with an accuracy rate of 83.3%
Berbagai metode pengembangan rekognisi citra wajah telah banyak dilakukan, berbagai metode seperti Deep Learning, Multilayer Perceptron sudah dilakukan. Metode Convolutional Neural Network juga sudah banyak dikembangkan untuk melakukan klasifikasi citra seperti rekognisi jenis bunga, hewan, hingga pendeteksian kecacatan sel. Convolutional Neural Network diharapkan mampu melakukan rekognisi citra wajah secara tiga dimensi. Operasi konvolusi sebagai bagian ekstraksi fitur pada Convolutional Neural Network, diharapkan dapat membantu bagian klasifikasi untuk melakukan tugasnya dengan lebih baik. Rekognisi citra wajah secara tiga dimensi ini sangat dibutuhkan, karena ketika kita ingin mendeteksi seseorang tanpa diketahui orang tersebut, maka dengan berbagai macam sudut hadap wajahnya sistem harus dapat mengidentifikasi orang tersebut. Untuk penelitian kali ini saya akan menggunakan dataset gambar wajah tiga dimensi yang akan digunakan sebagai klasifikasi parameter biometrik seseorang. Pada penelitian ini akan menganalisa tiap-tiap lapisan pada Convolutional Neural Network, serta melakukan perbandingan dengan Backpropagation Neural Network. Dan juga akan melakukan analisa dengan menggunakan citra wajah berderau.
Various methods of developing facial image recognition have been carried out, various methods such as Deep Learning and Radial Basis Function Neural Network have been carried out. Convolutional Neural Network methods have also been developed to carry out image classifications such as recognition of types of flowers, animals, and detection of cell defects. Convolutional Neural Network is expected to be able to recognize facial images in three dimensions. Convolution operations as a feature extraction part of the Convolutional Neural Network are expected to help the classification section to do their job better. Three-dimensional face image recognition is needed, because when we want to detect someone without knowing by the person, then with a variety of face angles, the system must be able to identify that person. For this research I will use a three-dimensional face image dataset that will be used as a classification of a persons biometric parameters. In this study, we will analyze each layer in the Convolutional Neural Network, do a comparison with Backpropagation Neural Network. And also will do the analysis by using a noisy face image.