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Muhammad Reyhan Farizki
"Pohon memiliki kerentanan tumbang terutama di musim tertentu. Seperti pohon Sengon (P.Falcataria) di lingkungan kampus Universitas Indonesia yang sangat rentan tumbang. Kayu dibagi menjadi 2 kategori berdasarkan kandungan air di dalamnya, yaitu kayu segar (Green Wood) dan kayu kering (Dried Wood). Kayu segar (Green Wood) sendiri diartikan sebagai kayu yang baru saja dipotong dari pohon tanpa dilakukan pengeringan. Sedangkan kayu kering (Dried Wood) diartikan sebagai kayu dari pohon yang telah dikeringkan. Karena itu menggunakan data mechanical properties dari kayu yang telah melalui proses pengeringan sebagai dasar untuk mencari kapasitas kerentanan tumbang pohon hidup akan berujung kepada suatu kekeliruan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait mechanical properties yaitu kekuatan lengkung (bending), kekuatan geser (hardness), dan kekuatan kekerasan (hardness) dengan target spesifik adalah pohon Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria) dikarenakan pohon tersebut memiliki tingkat kerentanan tumbang yang tinggi di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, dengan perangkat lunak finite element method berbasis dari uji material properties, yaitu uji lengkung, uji geser dan uji tusuk. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban lengkung hingga 30000 N. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban geser hingga mencapai 30000 N. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban tusukan hingga mencapai 130000 N.

Trees have fallen vulnerability especially in certain seasons. Like the Sengon tree (P. Falcataria) in the University of Indonesia campus environment that is very vulnerable to collapse. Wood is divided into 2 categories based on the water content in it, namely fresh wood (Green Wood) and dry wood (Dried Wood). Therefore, using mechanical data properties from wood that has been through the process of drying as a basis for finding the vulnerability capacity of fallen live trees will lead to a mistake. This study aims to obtain information related to material properties, namely Bending Strength, Shear Strength, and Hardness Strength with specific targets are the Sengon tree (Paraserianthes Falcataria) because the tree has a high level of vulnerability to fall in the University of Indonesia environment, with the finite element method software based on the test for each mechanical properties, namely the bending test, shear test and puncture test. Sengon tress are able to withstand bending load up to 30000 N, shear load up to 30000 N, and puncture load up to 130000 N."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Ramadhan Gurnida
"Pohon memiliki kerentanan tumbang terutama di musim tertentu. Seperti pohon Sengon (P.Falcataria) di lingkungan kampus Universitas Indonesia yang sangat rentan tumbang. Kayu dibagi menjadi 2 kategori berdasarkan kandungan air di dalamnya, yaitu kayu segar (Green Wood) dan kayu kering (Dried Wood). Masing – masing kayu memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam fungsi penggunaannya. Kayu segar (Green Wood) sendiri diartikan sebagai kayu yang baru saja dipotong dari pohon tanpa dilakukan pengeringan dengan moisture content-nya diatas 50%. Sedangkan kayu kering (Dried Wood) diartikan sebagai kayu dari pohon yang telah dipotong dan telah diberikan perlakuan pengeringan kayu. Berdasarkan sifat kayu diatas ketahanan pohon terhadap gaya-gaya mekanik berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar air di dalam pohon tersebut. Sayangnya data kerentanan dan kekuatan pohon dengan kadar kelembapan diatas 12% masih sangat langka dan menggunakan data mechanical properties dari kayu yang telah melalui proses pengeringan sebagai dasar untuk mencari kapasitas kerentanan tumbang pohon hidup akan berujung kepada suatu kekeliruan. Penilitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mencari dan menganalisis kerentanan dan kekuatan pohon sengon dalam keadaan hidup dengan simulasi uji tarik dan tekan menggunakan software finite element analysis. Pada simulasi pohon dianggap sebagai material ortotropik dengan simplifikasi pada material data dan modelling. Model dari pohon mempunyai dimensi panjang 12 meter dan diameter 25 cm. Setelah dilakukan simulasi ditemukan bahwa pohon Sengon paling rentan terhadap beban kantilever dengan beban maksimum mencapai 2256 N. Sedangkan pada pembebanan tarik dan tekan beban maksimum mencapai 650000 N dan 900000 N secara berurutan.

Trees have collapsing vulnerability especially in certain seasons. Such as the Sengon tree (P. Falcataria) in the University of Indonesia campus environment that is very vulnerable to collapse. Wood are divided into 2 categories based on its moisture content, which are fresh wood (Green Wood) and dry wood (Dried Wood). Each wood has advantages and disadvantages in the function of its use. Fresh wood (Green Wood) itself is defined as wood that has just been cut from a tree without undergoing any drying process, where its moisture content is higher than 50%. Whereas dry wood (Dried Wood) is defined as wood from trees that have been cut and have been given wood drying treatment with moisture content below 12%. Based on the nature of the wood above the resistance of trees to mechanical forces fluctuating in response to moisture content in the tree. Unfortunately the data and research of tress vulnerability with moisture content above 12% is still scarce and using mechanical data properties from wood that has been through the process of drying as a basis for finding the vulnerability capacity of fallen live trees will lead to a mistake. This study aims to find and analyse the strength and vulnerability of green wood through tension and compression test simulation by using finite element analysis software. In the simulation, the tree is considered as an orthotropic material with few simplification on the material data and modelling. The model of the tree has the dimension of 12 m in length and 25 cm in diameter. After the model has been simulated through cantilever, tensile and compression test the it has been found that Sengon tree is mostly vulnerable with canliver load, with its maximum load at 2256 N. Whereas in tension and compression load the tree was able to hold until maximum load at 650000 N and 900000 N, respectively"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zarra Aziza
"Campur tangan negara dalam penyelenggaraan keselamatan penerbangan sipil dimaktubkan dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Negara mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan sebagaimana yang diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang Dasar NRI, termasuk kesehatan penerbangan. Sebelum terbang, sebagaimana telah diatur dalam Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) 121.535 (a) dan (b) dan CASR 135.537, pilot in command, co-pilot, awak kabin, dan flight engineer wajib untuk dilakukan pengecekan kesehatannya sebelum terbang. Hal ini disebut dengan pre-flight medical check. Namun, kejadian berupa penerbangan yang terganggu akibat kesehatan pilot yang kurang baik kerap kali terjadi. Penulis melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis penerapan kewajiban tersebut di bandar udara terbesar di Indonesia, Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, dengan hasil bahwa penerapan Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) mengenai kewajiban pre-flight medical check pada operator penerbangan sipil di Bandara Soekarno Hatta sudah dijalankan pada sebagian maskapai, walaupun tidak semua maskapai mempunyai fasilitas kesehatan sendiri berupa unit kesehatan penerbangan. Terdapat beberapa peraturan yang menyebabkan kurang jelasnya pembebanan tanggung jawab atas kewajiban tersebut. Tidak ada pula peraturan yang mengatur mengenai sanksi terhadap operator penerbangan yang tidak melaksanakan ketentuan-ketentuan ini. Maskapai-maskapai yang masih lalai dalam mematuhi peraturan pre-flight medical check harus segera melaksanakannya. Kementerian Perhubungan dan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia harus membuat aturan yang lebih jelas mengenai pre-flight medical check serta pengadaan fasilitas kesehatan penerbangan, sehingga tidak menimbulkan ambiguitas mengenai pihak mana yang harus hadir dalam penyediaan upaya pelayanan kesehatan tersebut.

Indonesia State intervention in the enforcement of civil aviation safety is stipulated in various laws and regulations. The state has an obligation to provide health services as mandated by the Constitution, including aviation health. Before flying, as stipulated in Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) 121.535 (a) and (b) and CASR 135.537, pilots in command, co-pilots, cabin crew and flight engineers are required to have their health checked before flying. This is called “pre-flight medical check”. However, incidents in the form of disrupted flights due to poor pilot health often occur. The author conducted research to analyze the implementation of these obligations at the largest airport in Indonesia, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The research method used in conducting this research is the juridical-normative research method, with the result that the implementation of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) regarding the obligation of pre-flight medical check on civil aviation operators at Soekarno Hatta Airport has been carried out on some airlines, although not all airlines have their own health facilities in the form of an aviation health unit. There are several regulations that cause the imposition of responsibility for these obligations is unclear. There are also no regulations governing sanctions against airline operators who do not implement these provisions. Airlines that are still negligent in complying with the pre-flight medical check regulations must immediately carry it out. The Ministry of Transportation and The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia must make clearer rules regarding pre-flight medical checks and the procurement of aviation health facilities, so as not to cause ambiguity about which parties should be present in providing these health service efforts."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shafira Paramadhina
"Latar belakang: Ujian lisan pada kedokteran merupakan ujian dimana satu atau lebih penguji memberikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada peserta ujian secara lisan. Ujian lisan dapat menguji kesiapan mental peserta ujian, investigasi serta manajemen pasien. Suatu penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang memiliki (Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif) IPK tinggi memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang rendah dan sebaliknya. Sedangkan salah satu keterampilan yang dinilai penting pada ujian lisan adalah keterampilan dari komunikasi mahasiswa. Di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), terdapat modul pre-internship dimana peserta didik diharapkan bertemu dengan kasus yang akan ditemukan ketika nantinya menjadi seorang dokter. Salah satu evaluasi yang dilakukan pada modul ini adalah ujian lisan. Ujian lisan diharapkan dapat melihat kesiapan mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat korelasi antara IPK profesi dokter dengan nilai sumatif ujian lisan Orientasi Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas (IKK) Modul Pre-Internship mahasiswa klinik FKUI
Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang (cross-sectional) dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling (n = 179). Data yang dianalisis merupakan data sekunder yang didapatkan dari Departemen IKK FKUI. Data disajikan dalam bentuk data numerik dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Spearman
Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi signifikan (p = 0.003) dengan sifat yang lemah (r = 0.223) antara IPK profesi dokter dengan nilai sumatif ujian lisan mahasiswa.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara IPK profesi dokter dengan nilai sumatif ujian lisan orientasi IKK Modul Pre-Internship mahasiswa klinik FKUI tahun ajaran 2020–2021. Penelitian ini membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor yang mungkin berpengaruh saat ujian lisan.

Introduction: An oral exam in medicine is an exam in which one or more examiners give several questions to the students orally. Oral exams can test the student’s mental readiness, investigation, and patient management. A study shows that people who have a GPA have low communication skills and vice versa. Meanwhile, one of the skills that is considered important in the oral exam is the student's communication skills. At the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FMUI), there is a pre-internship module where students are expected to meet cases that will be found when they become a doctor. One of the evaluations carried out in this module is an oral exam. Oral exams are expected to see the readiness of students. Therefore, this study aims to see if there is a correlation between the GPA of professional doctors and the scores of the Community Medicine Orientation in Pre-Internship Module for FMUI’s clinical students.
Method: This study is a cross-sectional study with total sampling technique (n = 179). The data analyzed is secondary data obtained from the Community Medicine Department of FMUI. Data is presented in the form of numerical data and analyzed using Spearman's test
Result: This study shows that there is a significant correlation (p = 0.003) with a weak trait (r = 0.223) between the GPA of the medical profession and the summative score of the students' oral exams.
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the GPA of the medical profession and the summative score of oral exam in orientation of community medicine for the Pre-Internship Module of FMUI’s clinical students for the 2020-2021 academic year. This study requires further research on the factors that may affect the oral exam.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Manora
"Institusi rumah sakit seperti rumah sakit didesak untuk mengevaluasi budaya keselamatan pasien mereka untuk meningkatkan keselamatan, kualitas perawatan, dan penyembuhan pasien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran budaya keselamatan pasien di antara perawat rawat inap di rumah sakit Hermina. Penelitian ini menggunakan cross-sectional dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis data univariat menggunakan penelitian menggunakan instrumen kultur keselamatan pasien rumah sakit oleh AHRQ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada empat budaya yang kuat (lepas tangan dan transisi, persepsi perawat terkait dengan keselamatan pasien, pembelajaran organisasi, umpan balik dan komunikasi kesalahan), empat budaya menengah (pelaporan insiden frekuensi, dukungan manajemen keselamatan pasien, keterbukaan komunikasi, kerja tim dalam unit), dan satu budaya lemah (staf). Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran budaya keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit Hermina adalah budaya sedang. Perbaikan Suggesterd diperlukan dalam setiap dimensi budaya keselamatan pasien terutama dalam budaya yang lemah.

Hospital institutions such as hospitals are urged to evaluate their patient safety culture to improve patient safety, quality of care, and healing. The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of patient safety culture among inpatients at Hermina Hospital. This study uses cross-sectional quantitative descriptive methods with univariate data analysis using research using hospital patient safety culture instruments by AHRQ. The results showed that there were four strong cultures (hands off and transition, nurses' perceptions related to patient safety, organizational learning, feedback and communication errors), four intermediate cultures (frequency incident reporting, patient safety management support, communication openness, teamwork in unit), and one weak culture (staff). Overall, this study shows that the culture of patient safety in Hermina Hospital is a medium culture. Suggesterd improvement is needed in every dimension of patient safety culture, especially in a weak culture."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Tri Rizkia
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) di lingkungan PT ABC serta pemenuhan tahap Work In Progress pada satu pekerjaan yaitu Fabrikasi dan Penggantian Sulfur Stack unit 25-SK-101 yang Melibatkan PT XYZ dalam pengerjaannya pada November 2012. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui elemen yang dinilai dalam proses pemenuhan pada tahap Work In Progress serta faktor-faktor penyebab tidak terpenuhinya penilaian dalam tahap ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode observasi serta penilaian dengan bantuan lampiran Checklist Penilaian pada Tahap Work In Progress, antara lain Checklist HSE Work Practice, Checklist HSE Programs, Checklist Penilaian HSE Performance Indicator, serta hasil penilaian pada tahap sebelumnya yaitu Pre Job Activity. Penilaian pada Tahap Pre Job Activity PT XYZ adalah sebesar 94.7%, lalu Penilaian HSE Work Practice PT XYZ adalah sebesar 89.35%, pada Penilaian HSE Programs PT XYZ mendapat nilai sebesar 81.08%, sedangkan Penilaian HSE Performance Indicator PT XYZ mendapat nilai sebesar 83%.

The focus of this essay is Implementation of Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) in PT ABC and Stage of Work In Progress’s Compliance in Project Fabrication and The Replacement of Sulfur Stack unit 25-SK-101 Involving PT XYZ on November 2012. The purpose of this study is to understand the elements which assessed in Stage of Work In Progress’s Compliance, and also the non fulfilled factors of assessment in this stage. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretive with an observation method and also assessment by the required checklist related to the Work In Progress Compliance, which are HSE Work Practice Checklist, HSE Programs Checklist, HSE Performance Indicator Checklist, and also assessment from the previous stage which is Pre Job Activity. The assessment in stage of Pre Job Activity PT XYZ is 94.7%, the assessment of HSE Work Practice PT XYZ is 89.35%, the assessment of HSE Programs PT XYZ is 81.08%, and the assessment of HSE Performance Indicator PT XYZ is 83%."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The market-leading at a Glance series is used world-wide by medical students, residents, junior doctors and health professionals for its concise and clear approach and superb illustrations --
Each topic is presented In a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text --
Covering the whole medical curriculum, these introductory texts are ideal for teaching, learning and exam preparation, and are useful throughout medical school and beyond --
Everything you need to know about Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement... at a Glance! --
Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement at a Glance Is a timely and thorough overview of healthcare quality written specifically for students, junior doctors and healthcare professionals. It bridges the gap between the practical and the theoretical to ensure the safety and wellbeing of patients. Featuring essential step-by-step guides to interpreting and managing risk, quality improvement within clinical specialties, and practice development, this highly visual textbook offers the best preparation for the Increased emphasis on patient safety and quality-driven focus In today's healthcare environment --
This practical guide, covering a vital topic of Increasing Importance in healthcare, provides the first genuine Introduction to patient safety and quality improvement grounded in clinical prac"
Jakarta: Erlangga, 2017
610.289 ATA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Kurniawaty
"Tesis ini membahas tentang profil pajanan debu silika terhadap kejadian silikosis dan gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja di perusahaan tambang granit di Tanjung Balai Karimun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kesehatan pekerja serta prevalens kejadian silikosis dan gangguan fungsi paru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian adalah prevalens silikosis sebanyak 1 (1,0%) orang pekerja dan prevalens gangguan fungsi paru sebanyak 7 (7,2%) orang pekerja. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kejadian silikosis dengan faktor-faktor risiko. Pada gangguan fungsi paru terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dengan faktor usia. Namun, perlu dipertimbangkan faktor-faktor risiko lain yang ikut berperan menimbulkan gangguan fungsi paru. Semua hasil pengukuran debu total di lingkungan kerja melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB).

The thesis researched about the profile of silica dust exposure in the occurrence of silicosis and pulmonary function disorders among granite mining workers in Tanjung Balai Karimun. This study aimed to determine the health profile of workers and the prevalence of silicosis and pulmonary function disorders. This study used a cross-sectional design. The results of the study were the prevalence of silicosis was 1 (1,0%) worker and the prevalence of pulmonary function disorders were 7 (7,2%) workers. There was no significant relationship between the occurrence of silicosis and risk factors. Otherwise, there was a significant relationship between pulmonary function disorders and age. However, other risk factors were  needed to be considered in causing pulmonary function disorders. All measurements results of total dust exceeded the Threshold Limit Value (TLV)."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Wibowo
Skripsi ini berusaha meneliti sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara yang berlangsung di dalam kegiatan kopdar yang dilakukan oleh perkumpulan pemotor. Terdapat tiga perkumpulan pemotor yang dilibatkan (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, dan D’Broter Motorcycle). Masing-masing perkumpulan memiliki pemaknaan yang berbeda tentang keselamatan berkendara. Hal itu membuat nilai-nilai keselamatan berkendara yang disosialisasikan menjadi beragam. Proses
sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara berlangsung melalui interaksi yang saling dilakukan oleh para anggota perkumpulan pemotor. Sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara dapat berfungsi sebagai kontrol untuk anggota-anggota yang menjadikan perkumpulan pemotor sebagai sarana aktualisasi diri.

This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization., This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Anggraeni
"Defect yang terjadi berulang pada sebuah produk menandakan bahwa penyebab utama defect tersebut belum ditemukan, hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akar penyebab terjadinya defect pada proses perakitan PCB. Untuk mengetahui akar penyebab permasalahan tersebut, digunakanlah metode Fault Tree Analysis, didukung dengan metode Process Attribute Chart dan Defect Analysis Matrix untuk mengarahkan fokus penelitian.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab utama terjadinya defect berasal dari peralatan atau Jig yang digunakan serta pengaturan parameter mesin yang tidak sesuai. Metode Fault Tree Analysis dapat menunjukan prioritas perbaikan yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah defect serta meningkatkan kualitas produk.

Defects that occur repeatedly on a product indicates that the main cause of the defect has not been found, it can affect the quality of product. This study aims to determine the root cause of the defect in the assembly process of PCB. To find the root cause, Fault Tree Analysis method is used, supported by Process Atributte Chart and Defect Analysis Matrix methods to direct the focus of research.
Research shows that the main cause of the defect are from the tools that used in process and machine parameter settings are not appropriate. Fault Tree Analysis method can indicate the priority improvements made to reduce the number of defects and improve quality of product.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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