Proses pengolahan gas alam umumnya dimulai dari pemisahan tiga fase dari gas umpan sampai kepada gas jual yang memenuhi spesifikasi dari konsumen (buyer). Pabrik Z adalah pabrik yang mengolah gas alam umpan dimana terdapat kandungan senyawa Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S) sebesar 1000 ppm dan Carbon Dioxida (CO2) sebesar 5% mole. Proses pengolahannya di mulai dari aliran gas umpan dipisahkan berdasarkan densitinya di bejana tekanan tinggi pemisah (Separator) tiga fase lalu dipisahkan senyawa H2S dan CO2 (Sweetening) di unit Acid Gas Removal Unit lalu dikeringkan di unit Dehydration untuk kemudian dipisahkan kembali hidrokarbon beratnya di unit pengontrolan titik embun (Dew Point Control Unit). Pabrik Z ini menghasilkan gas jual sebesar 310 MMscfd dengan kandungan H2S 1 ppmv dan CO2 50 ppmv. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak produksi gas alam dan kondensat beserta keekonomiannya bila proses pengolahannya dimodifikasi dengan penempatan Dew Point Control Unit pada hilir Separator tiga fase. Dimana metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah berupa simulasi menggunakan simulator yang membandingkan kondisi di aktual proses pengolahan dengan kondisi setelah proses modifikasi di pengolahan gas alamnya. Setelah diamati bahwa pada pengolahan gas yang dimodifikasi dengan menempatkan DPCU di hilir separator berdampak pada tingkat produksi kondensat dengan jumlah 8576 barel perhari dibandingkan dengan 7852 barel perhari dari jumlah produksi kondensat yang ada saat ini di pabrik Z.
The processing of natural gas generally starts from the separation of three phases from the feed gas to the selling gas that meets the specifications of the buyer. Factory Z is a factory that treats feed gas where there are contents of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) of 1000 ppm and Carbon Dioxida (CO2) of 5% mole. The gas processing starts from the flow of feed gas being separated based on its density in the three phase high pressure separator vessel and then H2S and CO2 removal (Sweetening) in the Acid Gas Removal Unit and then gas dried in the Dehydration unit thus continue to hydrocarbon separation in the Dew Point Control Unit. This plant Z produces gas sales of 310 MMscfd with H2S 1 ppmv and 50 ppmv CO2. This research was conducted to determine the impact of sales gas and condensate production profiles, and also to estimate the economical aspect if the gas processing is to be modified by placing the Dew Point Control Unit in the downstream of three phase separator. Where the research methodology used is in the form of a simulation using a simulator, that compares the actual conditions of the gas treatment process at plant Z with the conditions after the gas treatment process modification in processing natural gas. It was observed that it has impact on production rate of condensate at the modified gas processing by placing DPCU with amount of 8576 barrel/day compare with 7852 barrel/day produced from existing plant Z condensate rate.
"The determination of casing setting depth is conducted using data on pore pressure gradients and formation fracture pressures, considering a safety factor and results from the analysis of offset wells in the field. This process sets the optimal casing shoe depth for each well trajectory, considering aspects such as protection of underground water sources and the arrangement of drilling equipment. The design and selection of casing specifications are based on international API standards. Technical aspects such as burst, collapse, axial, and triaxial stress are considered to ensure the structural integrity of the well. Overall, this report presents a methodology for designing hydrocarbon exploration wells in "A" Field, highlighting the challenges and solutions in hydrocarbon exploration in HPHT environments. This approach is aimed at achieving efficient and safe drilling, essential in the oil and gas industry."
Pada industri pemurnian gas alam, umumnya CO2 hasil pemisahan dari gas alam di lepas ke atmosfer. Pelepasan CO2 secara langsung ke atmosfer dapat menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan salah satunya adalah pemanasan global. Ada beberapa alternatif usaha mitigasi pengurangan emisi CO2 salah satunya adalah dengan pemanfaatan CO2 untuk EOR. Injeksi CO2 ke dalam reservoir minyak dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemulihan minyak dan dapat menyimpan CO2 secara permanen ke dalam tanah untuk mengurangi efek gas rumah kaca. Proses penangkapan CO2, transportasi ke sumur injeksi dikenal dengan teknologi Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). Penelitian ini membahas tekno-ekonomi dari pemanfaatan CO2 dengan pembangunan fasilitas CCUS pada industri pemurnian gas alam di lapangan X. Emisi yang di lepas sebesar 3,56 Mt CO2e/tahun akan ditangkap dan di transportasikan ke sumur di lapangan Y dengan jarak 44 km. Penelitian ini membandingkan fasa superkritis dan fasa gas pada transportasi pipa CO2 point-to-point. Penelitian ini juga menghitung jumlah emisi yang dapat dikurangi oleh penerapan CCUS. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa pada jarak 44 km, transportasi pipa CO2 dalam fasa gas lebih ekonomis dibanding fasa superkritis dengan investasi sebesar US$ 252.974.905. Dari analisa kelayakan proyek diperoleh IRR 54% dengan dua tahun masa pengembalian. Penerapan teknologi CCUS di lapangan X juga dapat mengurangi emisi sebesar 3 Mt CO2e/ tahun.
In the natural gas sweetening industry, CO2 from natural gas separation generally released into the atmosphere. The direct release of CO2 into the atmosphere can cause environmental problems, such as global warming. There are several alternative mitigation efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, one of which is the utilization of CO2 for EOR. Injection of CO2 into oil reservoirs can improve oil recovery performance and can permanently store CO2 into the geological storage to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases. The process of CO2 capture, transportation to injection wells is known as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology. This study discusses the techno-economics of CO2 utilization with the development of CCUS facilities in field X. Emissions released at 3.56 Mt CO2e / year will be captured and transported to wells in the Y field at 44 km distance. This study compares the supercritical phase and gas phase in the CO2 pipeline point-to-point transportation. This study also calculates the amount of emissions that can be reduced by the application of CCUS. The results obtained that at a distance of 44 km, CO2 pipeline transport in the gas phase is more economical than the supercritical phase with an investment of US$ 252,974,905. From the project feasibility analysis give an IRR of 54% with a two year return period. The application of CCUS technology in field X can also reduce emissions by 3 Mt CO2e / year.