"Pendahuluan: Pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit dengan kondisi pasien akhir kehidupan lebih sering terjadi di ruang intensif dibandingkan dengan pasien yang dirawat diruang rawat biasa karena, jika terjadi end of life akan di pindahkan ke ruang critical care. Banyaknya pasien end of life care (EoLC) diperlukan pelaksanaan supervisi pada pendokumentasian EoLC, agar kualitas pelayanan meningkat. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi hubungan pelaksanaan supervisi terhadap pendokumentasian EoLC di ruang rawat inap. Metode: Menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat pada RS di Jakarta Selatan dengan n=212. Hasil: Rerata berumur 35,68 ± 7,232 tahun, masa kerja 12,12 ± 7,623 tahun, perempuan 78,3%, DIII Keperawatan 64,2%, perawat pelaksana 95,8%, PNS 63,2%, PK2 44,8% dan pernah mengikuti pelatihan 55,7%. Rerata pelaksanaan supervisi 51,20%, dimensi teknik 68,30%, prinsip 66,73%, model 64,47% dan kegiatan rutin 51,82% dan pendokumentasian EoLC 74,17%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan pelaksanaan supervisi (teknik, prinsip, kegiatan rutin dan model supervisi) dengan pendokumentasian EoLC. Dimensi pelaksanaan supervisi dominan korelasinya adalah model supervisi dengan kekuatan sedang dan arah positif. Terdapat tiga variabel: jenis kelamin, jabatan dan model supervisi dapat meningkatkan pendokumentasian EoLC sebesar 27,8% (R² = 0,278), sedangkan sisanya dapat ditingkatkan oleh variabel lain. Persamaan pendokumentasian EoLC = 75,479 + 3,763 Jenis kelamin - 8,366 Jabatan + 2,108 Model Supervisi. Rekomendasi: Bidang keperawatan membuat program SPO pelaksanaan supervisi dan pendokumentasian EoLC agar menciptakan efektifitas layanan keperawatan yang berdampak pada kualitas dan keselamatan pasien
Introduction: Patients who are hospitalized with end-of-life conditions are more likely to occur in the intensive care unit than patients who are treated in normal wards because, if end of life occurs, they will be transferred to the critical care room. The high number of end of life care (EoLC) patients required the supervision of EoLC documentation, so that the quality of service is improved. Objective: To identify the relationship between the implementation of supervision on EoLC documentation in the inpatient room. Methods: Using a cross sectional design with univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis in hospitals in South Jakarta with n = 212. Results: Mean age 35.68 ± 7,232 years, work period 12.12 ± 7.623 years, female 78.3%, DIII Nursing 64.2%, nurses 95.8%, civil servants 63.2%, PK2 44.8 % and have attended 55.7% training. The average implementation of supervision is 51.20%, technical dimensions are 68.30%, principles are 66.73%, models are 64.47% and routine activities are 51.82% and EoLC documentation is 74.17%. There is a significant relationship between the implementation of supervision (techniques, principles, routine activities and supervision models) with EoLC documentation. The dominant dimension of supervision is the supervision model with medium strength and positive direction. There are three variables: gender, position and supervision model can increase EoLC documentation by 27.8% (R² = 0.278), while the rest can be improved by other variables. EoLC documentation equation = 75,479 + 3,763 Gender - 8,366 Position + 2,108 Supervision Model. Recommendation: The nursing sector creates an SPO program for the implementation of EoLC supervision and documentation in order to create the effectiveness of nursing services that have an impact on patient quality and safety."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020