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"This book provides a complete picture of several decision support tools for predictive maintenance. These include embedding early anomaly/fault detection, diagnosis and reasoning, remaining useful life prediction (fault prognostics), quality prediction and self-reaction, as well as optimization, control and self-healing techniques. It shows recent applications of these techniques within various types of industrial (production/utilities/equipment/plants/smart devices, etc.) systems addressing several challenges in Industry 4.0 and different tasks dealing with Big Data Streams, Internet of Things, specific infrastructures and tools, high system dynamics and non-stationary environments . Applications discussed include production and manufacturing systems, renewable energy production and management, maritime systems, power plants and turbines, conditioning systems, compressor valves, induction motors, flight simulators, railway infrastructures, mobile robots, cyber security and Internet of Things. The contributors go beyond state of the art by placing a specific focus on dynamic systems, where it is of utmost importance to update system and maintenance models on the fly to maintain their predictive power. "
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liu, Hu-Chen
"This book offers an in-depth and systematic introduction to improved failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) methods for proactive healthcare risk analysis. Healthcare risk management has become an increasingly important issue for hospitals and managers. As a prospective reliability analysis technique, FMEA has been widely used for identifying and eliminating known and potential failures in systems, designs, products or services. However, the traditional FMEA has a number of weaknesses when applied to healthcare risk management. This book provides valuable insights into useful FMEA methods and practical examples that can be considered when applying FMEA to enhance the reliability and safety of the healthcare system."
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gai, Wenmei
"This book highlights cutting-edge research into emergency early warning management and decision-making for severe accidents. Using toxic gas leakages as examples, it puts forward new design methods for emergency early warning systems, as well as a systematic description of emergency early warning information communication mechanisms and characteristics of regional evacuation, based on a wide range of theories, including safety engineering, information engineering, communication, behaviorology and others. The book applies a range of methods, such as case analysis, questionnaire interviews, and multi-objective optimization modeling. Drawing on this basis, it subsequently proposes a multi-objective optimization modeling and algorithm for emergency path selection, together with an evacuation risk assessment method. Divided into six chapters prepared by an international team of researchers, the book addresses the design of early warning systems, communication and dissemination mechanisms of early warning information, characteristics of regional evacuation, multi-objective optimization of emergency paths, and evacuation risk assessment. ­­­­­"
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Anggraeni
"Defect yang terjadi berulang pada sebuah produk menandakan bahwa penyebab utama defect tersebut belum ditemukan, hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akar penyebab terjadinya defect pada proses perakitan PCB. Untuk mengetahui akar penyebab permasalahan tersebut, digunakanlah metode Fault Tree Analysis, didukung dengan metode Process Attribute Chart dan Defect Analysis Matrix untuk mengarahkan fokus penelitian.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab utama terjadinya defect berasal dari peralatan atau Jig yang digunakan serta pengaturan parameter mesin yang tidak sesuai. Metode Fault Tree Analysis dapat menunjukan prioritas perbaikan yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah defect serta meningkatkan kualitas produk.

Defects that occur repeatedly on a product indicates that the main cause of the defect has not been found, it can affect the quality of product. This study aims to determine the root cause of the defect in the assembly process of PCB. To find the root cause, Fault Tree Analysis method is used, supported by Process Atributte Chart and Defect Analysis Matrix methods to direct the focus of research.
Research shows that the main cause of the defect are from the tools that used in process and machine parameter settings are not appropriate. Fault Tree Analysis method can indicate the priority improvements made to reduce the number of defects and improve quality of product.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emmanuel Garbolino, editor
"This book addresses the various risks associated with the transport of dangerous goods within a territory. The emphasis of the contributions is on methods and tools to reduce the vulnerability of both the environment and human society to accidents or malicious acts involving such transport. With topics ranging from game theory to governance principles, the authors together cover technical, legal, financial, and logistic aspects of this problem. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book covers ideas, methods, algorithms, and tools for the in-depth study of the performance and reliability of dependable fault-tolerant systems. The chapters identify the current challenges that designers and practitioners must confront to ensure the reliability, availability, and performance of systems, with special focus on their dynamic behaviors and dependencies. Topics include network calculus, workload and scheduling; simulation, sensitivity analysis and applications; queuing networks analysis; clouds, federations and big data; and tools. This collection of recent research exposes system researchers, performance analysts, and practitioners to a spectrum of issues so that they can address these challenges in their work."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam lingkup proses pengendalian sistim keselamatan kerja, pengukuran mempunyai fungsi untuk menentukan masalah keselamatan kerja yang terdapat pada sistim produksi, dan menilai daya guna dari sistim keselamatan kerja yang ada. Dengan pengukuran yang beda, kita akan mampu meramalkan potensi bahaya, menilai besarnya resiko bahaya, menentukan masalah keselamatan kerja, merumuskan cara pengendalian /pencegahan kecelakaan yang paling tepat dan objektif.
Di Indonesia, sebagian besar pengukuran usaha keselamatan kerja masih didasarkan pada tingkat kekerapan cidera cacat ( IFR) dan tingkat keparahan cidera cacat (ISR). Karena kelemahan pengukuran ini, maka sulit bagi kita untuk menentukan masalah keselamatan kerja yang ada dalam sistim produksi, dan daya guna dari program keselamatan kerja juga sulit dicapai, serta manjemen kurang terdorong untuk mendukumg usaha keselamatan kerja.
Akibatnya sebagian besar usaha keselamatan kerja di Indonesia dilaksanakan berdasarkan suatu program yang sudah rutin, tidak terarah, memboroskan biaya,dan tidak didukung manajemen karena manajemen tidak bisa melihat permasalahan pada sistim keselamatan kerja melalui pengukuran IFR dan ISR.
Melihat pentingnya masalah pengukuran ini bagi perkembangan usaha keselamatan kerja menjadi profesi yang mapan di Indonesia maka sudah saatnya bagi tenaga profesi keselamatan kerja mulai memikirkan pengembangan dan penerapan segi pengukuran usaha keselamatan kerja yang cook bagi lingkungan perusahaan dimana ia berada.
Bahan Bacaan : 12 (1970 -1992)

In the scope of controlling of safety management system, the function of measurement is to identify the safety problem that exist in the production system, and to evaluate the function of the safety management that is used in the organization, Good measurement will help us to predict the tendency of the hazard, to estimate the risk of the hazard, to identify the problem of occupational safety and to formulate how to prevent the accident in a effective manner.
In Indonesia most of safety performance measurement is still based on the Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (IFR) and disabling Injury Severity Rate (ISR). Because of the weakness of this measurement it is difficult for us to search the safety problem in the production system and the goal of safety program is hard to achieve and the management of the organization give less support to the program.
Base on the reason above nearly all safety programs useless, wasting time and money and not supported by management since management can not see the problem of safety performance and consider all go well.
Considering the importance of safety performance measurement for the development of safety program, it is the responsibility for the safety professional to search and develop the method and technique of good safety performance measurement in the organization where he works.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhi Indharto
"Kegiatan penyimpanan bahan cair mudah seperti minyak diesel merupakan kegiatan usaha yang memiliki resiko yang tinggi terhadap timbulnya kecelakaan, kebakaran dan pencemaran lingkungan sehingga dalam pengelolaannya harus dioperasikan sesuai dengan peraturan dan standard yang baku. Upya meminimalisasi timbulnya resiko tersebut dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, konstruksi maupun tahap operasi. Salah satu aspek yang harus dioptimalkan dalam usaha untuk menekan resiko adalah dengan perancanagan sistem pencegahan kebakaran dan penyebarannya yang sesuia dengan standard. Sistem pencegahan yang terpasang dipengaruhi oleh sifat cairan yang disimpan, jenis dan dimensi tangki. jarak aman antar tangki dan fasilitas di sekitarnya dan sistem kontrol tumpahan. PT. X adalah salah satu Perusahaan Swasta Nasional yang memiliki 11 ( sebelas tangki ) unit tangki penimbun yang kegiatannya meliputi : penerimaan, penimbunan dan pendistribusian minyak diesel. Dengan pertimbangan ini maka dilakukan evaluasi kesesuaian sistem pencegahan kebakaran dan penyebarannya dengan menggunakan standard NFPA 30 Vol. 1, API 2000, API 2000, API 650 dan Australian Standard AS 1940 - 2004.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengevaluasi sistem yang sudah ada kepada standar tersebut untuk mengetahui : Sistem manajemen penanganan dan penyimpanan minyak diesel, kesesuaian a'ntara , Dari segi konstruksi tangki sudah sesuai dengan peruntukkannya untuk minyak Diesel kecuali kekurangan emergency vent. Jarak antar tangki dalam tanggul telah memenuhi syarat yang telah dilentukan oleh NFPA. Jarak aman dengan fasilitas lain iuga telah memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan oleh Australian Standard AS 1940 - 2004. Normal ventilasi yang terpasang ( free vent ) dengan diameter 8 " dan 6 " memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan oleh standar API 2000 dan standar NFPA 30 Vol. 1 dan PT. X harus segera memasang emergency vent dengan diameter orifice = 13, 67 in. Jumlah cadangan air pendingin yang tersedia yaitu 60 m hany acukup untuk keperluan pendinginan selam 11 menit dan volume tanggul yang ada tidak memenuhi syarat minimum yang ditentukan oleh standar Australian.

Storage of flammable liquid like diesel oil is a high risk business activity prior to incident/ accident, fire and contamination of environment, therefore it must be operated in compliance with the regulation and standards. The effort to minimize equipment and installation and ends up in operation phase. One of the aspect that must be optimized to minimize risk of tire is by designing the fire prevention system and fire spreading of me is by designing the tire prevetion system to be influenced by tiquid, tank dimension and type, distance between tank, other installation and equipments and spillage control systems. PT X is a national company that has 11 (eleven) tank unit and mean to convert the usage of tank which was initially used for the lubricating oil will change operation. With this consideration, hence evaluation shall be done according to the Handbook, API 2000, API 650 and Austalian Standard 1940 - 2004.
This research is conducted by evaluating the existing system compare to a current standard. This research is conducted by evaluating the existing system compare to a current standards and literature : API 2000, API 650 and Austalian Standard 1940 - 2004 to know : diesel oil storage and handling management system, accordance between tank dimension and type and services with the tire prevention and spreading. In order to support this evaluation, a quantitative analysis was conducted to calculated the need of ire prevention system and spreading. The result of the research indicated that PT X is not compliance with standard for handling and storage of diesel oil. Tank construction has been complied with the standard for storage of diesel oil, except lack of the emergency vent. Distance between tank was not comply to NFPA and the Australian Standard, Distance to other facility has meet to Australian Standard of AS 1940 - 2004 but not to standard of NFPA 30 Vol. 1 Normal ventilation ( free vent ) meet to API 2000 in standard and NFPA 30 vol 1 and PT. X have to immediately install emergency vent with diameter of orifice = 13,67 in. The amount of cooling water supplay which is 60 m enough for 11 minute cooling 11 and existing dike area volume was not comply to Australian Standard of AS 1940 - 2004 dan NFPA.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
G Sony Hernantyo
Gas Metering Station CNOOC SES Ltd di Cilegon adalah fasilitas
untuk serah terima gas dari pihak CNOOC SES Ltd kepada PLTGU Cilegon
dengan jumlah penyerahan gas sekitar 80 juta kaki kubik per hari yang
berlokasi di Kecamatan Pulo Ampel Kabupaten Serang Propinsi Banten.
Bahaya yang timbul dari kegiatan operasi Gas Metering Station ini adalah
bahaya kebakaran akibat kebocoran gas dari fasilitas yang ada antara Iain :
slug receiver, closed drain dmm, pig receiver, filter coalescer & metering skid
serta pipa penyalur serta kemungkinan terjadinya Iedakan. Penelitian yang
dilakukan merupakan penelitian analitis deskritif dengan melakukan analisa
dan perhitungan terhadap faktor-fakior yang menyebabkan terjadinya bahaya
kebakaran dan ledakan serta level keparahan (severity) yang mungkin terjadi.
Metode yang dipergunakan adalah melakukan sectioning di Gas Metering
Station, penghitungan frekuensi kebocoran berdasarkan data yang ada di
dalam E&P Forum, menilai scenario kebakaran yang mungkin terjadi dengan
metode ETA-Event Tree Analysis, menilai severity yang mungkin timbul
dengan menggunakan acuan Health & Safey Executive Standard serta
menentukan hazardous area dengan menggunakan tabel dari Canada Gas
institute. Gas Metering dapat dibagi menjadi 5 section yakni : slug receiven
closed drain drum, pig receiver; filter coalescer & metering skid dan pipa
penyalur dengan scenario berdasarkan safety protection philosophy sebagai
berikut : Kemungkinan Percikan - Alarm Sukses - Emergency Shutdown -
Blowdown System - Fire Protection Sukses - Trend Teijadinya Kebakaran.
Frekuensi kebakaran per tahun untuk masing-masing section adalah sebagai
berikut : slug receiver (5.2x10?), closed drain drum (3.8 x10"), pig receiver (2.2
x 10"), rilter coalescer & metering skid (5 x10"?) dan pipa penyalur (7.5x10??).
Event outcome sebagai hasil Event Tree Analysis beserta nilainya adalah
sebagai berikut : Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> BDS Sukses -> Jet
Fire (0.00E+OO), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> BDS Gagal -> Jet Fire
(3.07E-02), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung ~> FPS Sukses -> Eksplosion (0.00E+0O), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> FPS Gagal -> Eksplosion
(1 .62E-03), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Menyusul -> BDS Sukses -> Flash Fire
(0.00E+00), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Menyusul -> BDS Gagal -> Flash Fire
(1 .62E~03), Gas Bocor -> Deteksi Gagal -> ESD Sukses -> BDS Sukses ->
FPS Sukses (8.08E-05), Gas Bocor -> Deteksi Gagal -> ESD Gagal -> BDS
Gagal (4.25E-06). Pada keadaan teriadi kebakaran maka severity
mempunyai level significant dengan kecepatan gas terbakar 0.57 lgq/detik
selama 125 detik, dan tangki bahan bakar solar PLTGU Cilegon dalam
keadaan aman. Dengan program perawatan peralatan fire protection system
di Gas Metering Station dan pelatihan tanggap darurat untuk personil di
Iapangan, diharapkan severity level dapat ditekan menjadi minor bahkan tidak

The risk of Gas Metering Station operation is the gas leakage of the following
equipment such as: slug receiver, closed drain drum, pig receiver, filter
coalescer & metering skid which potentially result a tire and followed by a
explosion. The research- design is analytical descriptive by performing
analysis and calculation of the related factors produces a tire and explosion
and its level of severity. The sequences of research are as follow: Gas
Metering Station sectioning, calculate frequency refering the E&P Forum
database, assessment of the Ere scenario by using ETA-Event Tree Analysis,
assessment of the Severity by using Health & Safety Executive Standard and
determine the hazardous area by using Canada Gas Institute table. Gas
Metering Station consists of 5 sections i.e. slug receiver, closed drain drum,
pig receiver, filter coalescer 8. metering skid and pipeline. Refer to the safety
protection philosophy of Gas Metering Station, the sequences of a fire as
follow: Initial Ignition - Alarm Success - Emergency Shutdown success -
Blowdown System Success - Fire Protection System Success and Escalation
of fire occurrence. The fire frequencies per year for each seclioning are as
follow: slug receiver (5.2x10"), closed drain drum (3.8 x10??), pig receiver (2.2 x
10??), filter coalescer & metering skid (5 x1 O"?) and pipeline (7.5x10?°).The event
outcome of event tree analysis including the values are as follow:
Gas Leaking ~> Immediate Ignition -> BDS Success -> Jet Fire (0.00E+00),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> BDS Fail -> .let Fire (3.07E-02),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> FPS Success -> Explosion (0.00E+O0),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> FPS Fail -> Explosion (1.62E~03),
Gas Leaking -> Lagging Ignition -> BDS Success -> Flash Fire (0.00E+0O),
Gas Leaking -> Lagging ignition -> BDS Fail -> Flash Fire (1 .62E-03), Gas Leaking -> Detector Fail -> ESD Success -> BDS Success -> FPS
Success (8.08E-05),
Gas Leaking -> Detector Fail -> ESD Fail -> BDS Fail (4.25E-06)
ln case of ire occurs, the severity will be signiticant level with gas leak flow
rate is 0.57 kgs/second during 125 seconds and the PLTGU Cilegon fuel
storage tank is in safe condition.
By implementing the tire protection system maintenance program and regular
personnel training for emergency response, the severity level of Gas Metering
Station will be minor and expected to be zero.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soleh Hudin
Proyek Transmisi Listrik merupakan proyek dengan kompleksitas tinggi. Salah satu penyebab terganggunya aktivitas proyek adalah adanya terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Meningkatnya risiko kecelakaan kerja terjadi karena minimnya identifikasi risiko beserta pengendaliannya. Identifikasi risiko dapat diidentifikasi melalui WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi tahapan kegiatan serta factor risiko yang berpotensi bahaya, dan menganalisa faktor risiko dominan guna pengembangan Safety Planning pada pekerjaan transmisi listrik. Metode penelitian meliputi studi literatur, observasi, analisa risiko dan benchmarking. Hasil penelitian ini adalah WBS standar pekerjaan transmisi listrik, sumber risiko yang berpotensi bahaya dan respon risiko serta tinjau ulang level level risiko, dan pengembangan safety plan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan, mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan risiko kecelakaan kerja dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi transmisi listrik.

Transmission Lines Project are projects with high complexity. One of the causes of disruption to project activities is the occurrence of workplace accidents. The increased risk of workplace accidents occurs because of the lack of identification of risks and their controls. Risk identification can be identified through the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). The research objective is to identify the stages of activities and risk factors that are potentially dangerous and analyze the dominant risk factors for the development of Safety Planning on the electric transmission line work. Research methods include literature study, observation, risk analysis and benchmarking. The results of this study are standard WBS electric transmission line work, potential hazard sources and risk response and review the level of risk, and the development of a safety plan as a preventive measure, reduce and even eliminate the risk of workplace accidents in the implementation of electric transmission line construction projects."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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