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"This book describes a systematic approach to risk assessment for complex socio-technical systems like industrial processes, especially innovative ones. It provides an overview of applications of system dynamics theory and methodologies on industrial systems in order to demonstrate the relevance of such an approach in helping to assess risks in such complex systems.
An important feature of this approach is that it takes into account the dynamic of the interactions of the components (technical, human and organizational ones) in order to study and simulate the behavior of the system. This methodology helps to define the failures and/or accident scenarios and to implement and test the prevention and protection barriers."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tranquillo, Joe
"This book explores the interdisciplinary field of complex systems theory. By the end of the book, readers will be able to understand terminology that is used in complex systems and how they are related to one another; see the patterns of complex systems in practical examples; map current topics, in a variety of fields, to complexity theory; and be able to read more advanced literature in the field. The book begins with basic systems concepts and moves on to how these simple rules can lead to complex behavior. The author then introduces non-linear systems, followed by pattern formation, and networks and information flow in systems. Later chapters cover the thermodynamics of complex systems, dynamical patterns that arise in networks, and how game theory can serve as a framework for decision making. The text is interspersed with both philosophical and quantitative arguments, and each chapter ends with questions and prompts that help readers make more connections."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soleh Hudin
Proyek Transmisi Listrik merupakan proyek dengan kompleksitas tinggi. Salah satu penyebab terganggunya aktivitas proyek adalah adanya terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Meningkatnya risiko kecelakaan kerja terjadi karena minimnya identifikasi risiko beserta pengendaliannya. Identifikasi risiko dapat diidentifikasi melalui WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi tahapan kegiatan serta factor risiko yang berpotensi bahaya, dan menganalisa faktor risiko dominan guna pengembangan Safety Planning pada pekerjaan transmisi listrik. Metode penelitian meliputi studi literatur, observasi, analisa risiko dan benchmarking. Hasil penelitian ini adalah WBS standar pekerjaan transmisi listrik, sumber risiko yang berpotensi bahaya dan respon risiko serta tinjau ulang level level risiko, dan pengembangan safety plan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan, mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan risiko kecelakaan kerja dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi transmisi listrik.

Transmission Lines Project are projects with high complexity. One of the causes of disruption to project activities is the occurrence of workplace accidents. The increased risk of workplace accidents occurs because of the lack of identification of risks and their controls. Risk identification can be identified through the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). The research objective is to identify the stages of activities and risk factors that are potentially dangerous and analyze the dominant risk factors for the development of Safety Planning on the electric transmission line work. Research methods include literature study, observation, risk analysis and benchmarking. The results of this study are standard WBS electric transmission line work, potential hazard sources and risk response and review the level of risk, and the development of a safety plan as a preventive measure, reduce and even eliminate the risk of workplace accidents in the implementation of electric transmission line construction projects."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emyliana Manurun
"Penelitian ini dilakukan di perusahaan tambang batu bara yang memiliki konsep penambangan terbuka. Fluktuasi angka kecelakaan dari tahun 2011-2017 menyebabkan PT XYZ memiliki potensi resiko kecelakaan yang tinggi. Hasil investigasi kecelakaan menyebutkan bahwa faktor utama yang menyebabkan kejadian kecelakaan yaitu faktor pengawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara safety leadership dengan safety performance di PT XYZ. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini adalah analisis komperatif dan analisis korelasi. Gaya kepemimpinan yang akan diidentifikasi melalui pendekatan persepsi dari manajemen (top dan middle management) serta dari karyawan (staff atau front line) dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang akan diberikan kepada 240 karyawan sehingga dapat diketahui gambaran gaya kepemimpianan yang saat ini menjadi budaya di PT XYZ. Gaya kepemimpinan akan dihubungkan dengan safety performance (safety inspection, safety motivation dan incident investigation). Berdasarkan hasil analisa data diperoleh bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional yang saat ini menjadi budaya di PT XYZ memiliki pengaruh positif yang siginifikan terhadap safety performance (safety inspection, safety motivation dan incident investigation).

PT XYZ as a mining industry has the fluctuations number of accidents in 2011-2017. The accident investigation state that the main factor caused the accident was a lack of supervision. This study examines the relationship between safety leadership and safety performance at PT XYZ. The methods used in this quantitative research are analytic correlation and analytic comparison. The leadership style that will be identified through the perception approach from management (top and middle management) as well as from employees (staff or front line) using a questionnaire that will be given to 240 employees to see the leadership style that is currently a culture at PT XYZ. The leadership style will analyze the correlation with safety performance (safety inspection, safety motivation, and incident investigation). The description of the research results has a positive impact between safety leadership and safety performance. These results indicated that safety leadership has a significant impact on three aspects on safety performance. Based on data analysis it was found that transformational leadership, which is currently a culture at PT XYZ, has a significant positive effected on safety performance (safety inspection, safety motivation and incident investigation)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Febrian
"Rumah sakit-rumah sakit yang terletak di Kota Bontang, dimana Kota Bontang merupakan kota yang sedang berkembang dengan keberadaan dua perusahaan besar berskala internasional dengan potensi bencana seperti kegagalan teknologi, banjir, angin puting beliung, kebakaran lahan/hutan, dan kebakaran permukiman. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesiapsiagaan manajemen bencana rumah sakit di Kota Bontang menggunakan studi deskriptif observasional dan mixed methode dengan mengadopsi versi Hospital Safety Index. Metodenya adalah dengan pendekatan penilaian diri terhadap rumah sakit yang diaplikasikan untuk menilai kesiapsiagaan bencana dalam 151 item yang dikategorikan dalam tiga komponen termasuk keselamatan struktural, keselamatan nonstruktural, dan manajemen Bencana dan Kegawatdaruratan. Data primer tersebut kemudian diolah melalui Ms Excel dan hasilnya berupa mean untuk setiap komponen pada manajemen bencana rumah sakit lalu diklasifikasikan ke dalam kategori A (0.66-0.1), B (0.36-0.65), atau C (0-0.35). Hasil dari penelitian ini total nilai Hospital Safety Index untuk masing-masing rumah sakit, yaitu 0,90 untuk RSUD Taman Husada, 0,99 untuk RS Pupuk Kaltim, dan untuk RS 0,79 Islam Bontang. Namun tetap menunjukkan bahwa manajemen bencana rumah sakit telah siap dalam menghadapi bencana dan tetap berfungsi dalam situasi bencana. Meskipun demikian, rumah sakit tetap perlu melakukan usaha pencegahan dalam jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan bencana.

Hospitals located in Bontang City, where Bontang City is a developing city with the presence of two large international companies with potential disasters such as failures, floods, tornadoes, land/forest fires, and residential fires. To address this, the purpose of this study was to analyze hospital disaster management preparedness in Bontang City using descriptive observational studies and semi-quantitative methods by adopting the Hospital Safety Index version. A method is a self-assessment approach to hospitals that is applied to assess disaster preparedness in 151 items categorized into three components including structural safety, nonstructural safety, and emergency and disaster safety management. The primary data is then processed through Microsoft Excel and the results are the mean for each component in hospital disaster management and are classified into categories A (0.66-0.1), B (0.36-0.65), or C (0- 0.35). The results of this study total Hospital Safety Index for each hospital, which is 0.90 for Taman Husada Hospital, 0.99 for Pupuk Kaltim Hospital, and 0.79 for RS Islam Bontang Hospital, but still, show that hospital disaster management is ready in the face of disasters and continues to function in disaster situations. Even so, hospitals still need to take preventive efforts in the long term to improve disaster preparedness. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides a complete picture of several decision support tools for predictive maintenance. These include embedding early anomaly/fault detection, diagnosis and reasoning, remaining useful life prediction (fault prognostics), quality prediction and self-reaction, as well as optimization, control and self-healing techniques. It shows recent applications of these techniques within various types of industrial (production/utilities/equipment/plants/smart devices, etc.) systems addressing several challenges in Industry 4.0 and different tasks dealing with Big Data Streams, Internet of Things, specific infrastructures and tools, high system dynamics and non-stationary environments . Applications discussed include production and manufacturing systems, renewable energy production and management, maritime systems, power plants and turbines, conditioning systems, compressor valves, induction motors, flight simulators, railway infrastructures, mobile robots, cyber security and Internet of Things. The contributors go beyond state of the art by placing a specific focus on dynamic systems, where it is of utmost importance to update system and maintenance models on the fly to maintain their predictive power. "
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zamroni Lathif
"Aspek keselamatan, kesehatan, dan lingkungan (K3L) pada hunian mahasiswa seringkali terabaikan, padahal universitas wajib memberikan jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan mahasiswa yang berada di luar kampus sebagai tanggung jawab moral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek K3L pada hunian mahasiswa yang berada di sektiar Universitas Indonesia, salah satu universitas terbesar di Indonesia, yang belokasi di Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok, Jawa Barat. Aspek K3L yang di observasi dalam penelitian ini meliputi (1) tugas dan tanggung jawab pemilik dan penghuni; (2) struktur, fasilitas, dan ketentuan ruang; (3) keselamatan dan keamanan personal; (4) pencahayaan dan sistem kelistrikan; (5) kenyamanan suhu, ventilasi, dan efisiensi energi; (6) kontrol kelembaban, limbah padat, dan manajemen hama; dan (7) agen kimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain dekriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dilakukan pada 65 hunian mahasiswa yang berada di sekitar Universitas Indonesia yang berlokasi di Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok, Jawa Barat. Lembar checklist yang digunakan untuk observasi dan panduan wawancara mencakup penilaian terhadap aspek K3L pada hunian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya aspek agen kimia yang menunjukkan sangat kurang yakni sebesar 12% hunian mahasiswa. Untuk kategori kurang, sebanyak 12% hunian untuk aspek tugas dan tanggung jawab, 12% untuk aspek keselamatan dan keamanan personal, 9% untuk aspek kenyamanan suhu, ventilasi, dan efisiensi energi, 20% untuk aspek kontrol kelembaban, limbah padat, dan manajemen hama, dan 22% untuk aspek agen kimia. Namun, secara keseluruhan pemenuhan aspek K3L pada hunian mahasiswa sebagian besar sudah sangat baik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai rekomendasi untuk perbaikan aspek K3L pada hunian mahasiswa. Selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan sosialisasi terkait aspek K3L pada hunian mahasiswa baik dari kampus maupun dari pemerintah.

The safety, health and environmental (SHE) aspects of student housing are approved to be neglected, even though the university is required to provide Student Safety and Health outside of campus as a moral responsibility. SHE in student housing located at the University of Indonesia, one of the largest universities in Indonesia, located in Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok, West Java. SHE aspects which are the results of observations in this study (1) Duties of owners and occupants Aspects; (2) Structure, Facilities and Space Requirements Aspects; (3) Safety and Personal Security Aspects; (4) Lighting and Electrical System Aspects; (5) Thermal Comfort, Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Aspects; (6) Moisture Control, Solid Waste, and Pest Management Aspects; and (7) Chemical Agent Aspects. This study used a descriptive design with a cross sectional design, carried out on 65 student housings located in Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok, West Java. The checklist sheet that is used for observation and interview guides is completed on the SHE aspects of student housing.
The results showed that only 12% of student housing. For the relatively unsafe category, 12% for Duties of owners and occupants aspects, 12% for Safety and Personal Security Aspects, 9% for Thermal Comfort, Ventilation and Energy Efficiency, 20% for Moisture Control, Solid Waste, and Pest Management Aspects, and 22 % for chemical agents aspects. However, most of the SHE in student housing has been very good (safe). The results of this study can be used as evaluation material to improve HSE aspects in residential students. Furthermore, it is necessary to disseminate SHE aspects of student housing both from campus and from the government.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Raharjo
"Kondisi hunian yang baik diharapkan dapat memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan atau memelihara status kesehatan maupun keselamatan penghuninya dan hunian mahasiswa telah diidentifikasi sebagai tipe rumah dengan risiko kesehatan dan keselamatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tipe lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis kualitas hunian mahasiswa berdasarkan aspek keselamatan, kesehatan dan lingkungan. Disain penelitian adalah monitoring dan evaluasi yang bersifat analitik, berlokasi di wilayah Kelurahan Kukusan, dengan sampel kos-kosan yang didapatkan sejumlah 42 hunian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah persyaratan yang diadopsi dari National Healthy Housing Standar. Pengukuran lingkungan (suhu, kelembapan, kebisingan, pencahayaan) juga dilakukan terhadap 10 sampel hunian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua elemen yang tingkat pemenuhannya sangat kurang pada hampir sebagian besar hunian. Elemen tersebut mencakup elemen keselamatan dan keamanan personal ; dan bahan kimia dengan rata-rata tingkat pemenuhan masing-masing 53% dan 45%. Sub elemen Keselamatan dalam hal ini APAR dan Alarm kebakaran menjadi dimensi yang paling banyak masuk kedalam kategori sangat kurang. Penggunaan pestisida dan rokok di dalam hunian pun menjadi kriteria yang tingkat pemenuhannya sangat kurang pada elemen bahan kimia. Pengukuran lingkungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata suhu ruangan 31,96OC. Urgensi yang perlu dilakukan adalah intervensi promosi kesehatan oleh seluruh stakeholder terkait dalam meningkatkan pemenuhan aspek hunian khususnya pada elemen keselamatan, bahan kimia, dan kenyamanan termal (suhu).

Good housing conditions are expected to play an important role in improving or maintaining the health and safety of the occupants and student housing has been identified as a high risk health and safety housing. This study aims to analyze the quality of student occupancy based on aspects of safety, health and the environment. The research design is analytic monitoring and evaluation, located in the Kukusan area, with 42 off campus student housing being obtained. The instruments used are the requirements adopted from the National Healthy Housing Standard. Environmental measurements (temperature, humidity, noise, lighting) were also carried out on 10 housing samples.
The results of the study show that there are two elements that have very low levels of fulfillment in most occupancy. These elements include elements of personal safety and security; and chemicals with an average fulfillment rate of 53% and 45%, respectively. The sub element of safety in this case is fire extinguisher and fire alarm are the dimensions that most fall into the very poor category. The use of pesticides and cigarettes in housing is also a criterion whose level of fulfillment is very lacking in chemical elements. Environmental measurements show that the average value of room temperature is 31.96OC. The urgency that needs to be done is health promotion intervention by all relevant stakeholders in improving the fulfillment of occupancy aspects, especially on the elements of safety, chemicals, and thermal comfort (temperature).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
G Sony Hernantyo
Gas Metering Station CNOOC SES Ltd di Cilegon adalah fasilitas
untuk serah terima gas dari pihak CNOOC SES Ltd kepada PLTGU Cilegon
dengan jumlah penyerahan gas sekitar 80 juta kaki kubik per hari yang
berlokasi di Kecamatan Pulo Ampel Kabupaten Serang Propinsi Banten.
Bahaya yang timbul dari kegiatan operasi Gas Metering Station ini adalah
bahaya kebakaran akibat kebocoran gas dari fasilitas yang ada antara Iain :
slug receiver, closed drain dmm, pig receiver, filter coalescer & metering skid
serta pipa penyalur serta kemungkinan terjadinya Iedakan. Penelitian yang
dilakukan merupakan penelitian analitis deskritif dengan melakukan analisa
dan perhitungan terhadap faktor-fakior yang menyebabkan terjadinya bahaya
kebakaran dan ledakan serta level keparahan (severity) yang mungkin terjadi.
Metode yang dipergunakan adalah melakukan sectioning di Gas Metering
Station, penghitungan frekuensi kebocoran berdasarkan data yang ada di
dalam E&P Forum, menilai scenario kebakaran yang mungkin terjadi dengan
metode ETA-Event Tree Analysis, menilai severity yang mungkin timbul
dengan menggunakan acuan Health & Safey Executive Standard serta
menentukan hazardous area dengan menggunakan tabel dari Canada Gas
institute. Gas Metering dapat dibagi menjadi 5 section yakni : slug receiven
closed drain drum, pig receiver; filter coalescer & metering skid dan pipa
penyalur dengan scenario berdasarkan safety protection philosophy sebagai
berikut : Kemungkinan Percikan - Alarm Sukses - Emergency Shutdown -
Blowdown System - Fire Protection Sukses - Trend Teijadinya Kebakaran.
Frekuensi kebakaran per tahun untuk masing-masing section adalah sebagai
berikut : slug receiver (5.2x10?), closed drain drum (3.8 x10"), pig receiver (2.2
x 10"), rilter coalescer & metering skid (5 x10"?) dan pipa penyalur (7.5x10??).
Event outcome sebagai hasil Event Tree Analysis beserta nilainya adalah
sebagai berikut : Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> BDS Sukses -> Jet
Fire (0.00E+OO), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> BDS Gagal -> Jet Fire
(3.07E-02), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung ~> FPS Sukses -> Eksplosion (0.00E+0O), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Langsung -> FPS Gagal -> Eksplosion
(1 .62E-03), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Menyusul -> BDS Sukses -> Flash Fire
(0.00E+00), Gas Bocor -> Percikan Menyusul -> BDS Gagal -> Flash Fire
(1 .62E~03), Gas Bocor -> Deteksi Gagal -> ESD Sukses -> BDS Sukses ->
FPS Sukses (8.08E-05), Gas Bocor -> Deteksi Gagal -> ESD Gagal -> BDS
Gagal (4.25E-06). Pada keadaan teriadi kebakaran maka severity
mempunyai level significant dengan kecepatan gas terbakar 0.57 lgq/detik
selama 125 detik, dan tangki bahan bakar solar PLTGU Cilegon dalam
keadaan aman. Dengan program perawatan peralatan fire protection system
di Gas Metering Station dan pelatihan tanggap darurat untuk personil di
Iapangan, diharapkan severity level dapat ditekan menjadi minor bahkan tidak

The risk of Gas Metering Station operation is the gas leakage of the following
equipment such as: slug receiver, closed drain drum, pig receiver, filter
coalescer & metering skid which potentially result a tire and followed by a
explosion. The research- design is analytical descriptive by performing
analysis and calculation of the related factors produces a tire and explosion
and its level of severity. The sequences of research are as follow: Gas
Metering Station sectioning, calculate frequency refering the E&P Forum
database, assessment of the Ere scenario by using ETA-Event Tree Analysis,
assessment of the Severity by using Health & Safety Executive Standard and
determine the hazardous area by using Canada Gas Institute table. Gas
Metering Station consists of 5 sections i.e. slug receiver, closed drain drum,
pig receiver, filter coalescer 8. metering skid and pipeline. Refer to the safety
protection philosophy of Gas Metering Station, the sequences of a fire as
follow: Initial Ignition - Alarm Success - Emergency Shutdown success -
Blowdown System Success - Fire Protection System Success and Escalation
of fire occurrence. The fire frequencies per year for each seclioning are as
follow: slug receiver (5.2x10"), closed drain drum (3.8 x10??), pig receiver (2.2 x
10??), filter coalescer & metering skid (5 x1 O"?) and pipeline (7.5x10?°).The event
outcome of event tree analysis including the values are as follow:
Gas Leaking ~> Immediate Ignition -> BDS Success -> Jet Fire (0.00E+00),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> BDS Fail -> .let Fire (3.07E-02),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> FPS Success -> Explosion (0.00E+O0),
Gas Leaking -> Immediate Ignition -> FPS Fail -> Explosion (1.62E~03),
Gas Leaking -> Lagging Ignition -> BDS Success -> Flash Fire (0.00E+0O),
Gas Leaking -> Lagging ignition -> BDS Fail -> Flash Fire (1 .62E-03), Gas Leaking -> Detector Fail -> ESD Success -> BDS Success -> FPS
Success (8.08E-05),
Gas Leaking -> Detector Fail -> ESD Fail -> BDS Fail (4.25E-06)
ln case of ire occurs, the severity will be signiticant level with gas leak flow
rate is 0.57 kgs/second during 125 seconds and the PLTGU Cilegon fuel
storage tank is in safe condition.
By implementing the tire protection system maintenance program and regular
personnel training for emergency response, the severity level of Gas Metering
Station will be minor and expected to be zero.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1984
003 SYS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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