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Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2017
616.076 MEN
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"The paradigm of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) is new in the world of medicine and is used in practice praxis and medical research through a systematic observation, standardized, and objective. The article brings to light whether EBM and the supportive apparatus are able to defend the theory of decision-making concept of Pellegrino and Thomasma and how it affects the attitude of the practitioners in making a well-thought decision to administer a rational, objective, and effective treatment for the patients."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sintak Gunawan
"The paradigm of evidence based medicine (EBM) is new in the world of medicine and is used in practice praxis and medical research through a systematic observation, standardized, and objective. The article brings to light whether EBM and the supportive apparatus are able to defend the theory of decision-making concept of pallegrino and thomasma and how it affects the attitude of the practitioners in making a well-thought decision to administer a rational, objective, and effective treatment for the patients"
Depok: Departemen kewilayaan FIB Universitas Indonesia, 2009
360 JETK 1:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011
616.076 EVI
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
MEDICINAL 4:1 (2003)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Dianita Ika Meilia
"Pendapat ahli yang disampaikan dalam proses hukum harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah, yang dikenal dengan evidence-based practice (EBP). Dalam kedokteran forensik, EBP belum diterapkan secara eksplisit, termasuk di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan potensial untuk merumuskan pendapat ahli berbasis bukti disebut dengan INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Selain itu, belum ada pedoman universal untuk membuat laporan patologi forensik. Salah satu pedoman yang potensial bernama PERFORM-P (Principles of evidence-based Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed-methods) melalui lima tahapan yang saling terkait yaitu (1) survei potong lintang untuk mengetahui karakteristik dokter forensik Indonesia dan praktiknya saat ini, (2) proses adaptasi dan validasi kedua alat tersebut melalui review oleh Kolegium Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik Indonesia, (3) studi pre-post intervention satu kelompok untuk menilai validitas dan reliabilitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik yang diformulasikan menggunakan i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) dan dilaporkan menggunakan i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) studi kasus analitik menggunakan i-INFERENCE, dan (5) diskusi kelompok terfokus untuk mengeksplorasi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P. Seluruh penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jakarta (secara luring dan daring) sejak bulan Desember 2017 sampai Juli 2022. i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dapat meningkatkan validitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik. Kedua alat tersebut berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam setting Indonesia dengan beberapa tambahan/klarifikasi dalam pedoman pengguna. Keduanya juga mendapat sambutan yang umumnya positif, baik dari pengguna potensial (dokter forensik Indonesia) maupun oleh konsumen (jaksa dan hakim) meskipun diperlukan upaya lebih dalam menggunakannya. Peserta membayangkan bahwa kedua alat tersebut akan sangat berguna dalam kasus yang rumit. Dengan adanya i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dokter forensik Indonesia diharapkan lebih siap dalam menganalisis dan melaporkan kasus yang kompleks, serta implementasi EBP dapat ditingkatkan.
Expert opinions presented in legal proceedings should be scientifically accountable, which is known as evidence-based practice (EBP). In forensic medicine, EBP has not been explicitly applied, including in Indonesia. One potential approach to formulate evidence-based expert opinions is called INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Additionally, there is also no universal guideline for making forensic pathological reports. One prospective guideline is the PERFORM-P (Principles of Evidencebased Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). This study uses a mixed-method through five interrelated phases, i.e., (1) a cross-sectional survey to determine the characteristics of Indonesian forensic doctors and their current practice, (2) the adaptation and validation process of the two tools through a review by the Indonesian College of Forensic Medicine, (3) a one-group pre-post intervention study to assess the validity and reliability of forensic medical expert opinions formulated using i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) and reported using i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) an analytic case study using i-INFERENCE, and (5) a focused group discussion to explore customer satisfaction towards i-INFERENCE and i-PERFORM-P. This study was conducted in Jakarta (online and offline) from December 2017 until July 2022. i-INFERENCE and iPERFORM-P can increase the validity of forensic medical expert opinions. Both tools can potentially be used in the Indonesian setting with some additions/clarifications in the user manuals. They also received a generally positive reception, both by potensial user (Indonesian forensic medical doctors) and by consumers (public prosecutors and judges) albeit the extra effort that is needed in using them. Participants envision that both tools will be most useful in complex cases. By obtaining the i-INFERENCE and the i-PERFORM-P, Indonesian forensic medical doctors are better equipped in analyzing and reporting complex cases, and the implementation of EBP can be improved."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramata Publishing, 2021
341.52 AMI a
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"[The book presents the works of literature review on the neuropsychological rehabilitation made as preparatory work for the Consensus Conference on Rehabilitation neuropsychological which held in Siena in February 2010 under the auspices of a number of associations and scientific and professional society. The approach used so common in all the revisions that of "evidence-based medicine" that allows you to get to the recommendations on the effectiveness of various rehabilitation treatments with a solid anchor in the international scientific literature. , The book presents the works of literature review on the neuropsychological rehabilitation made as preparatory work for the Consensus Conference on Rehabilitation neuropsychological which held in Siena in February 2010 under the auspices of a number of associations and scientific and professional society. The approach used so common in all the revisions that of "evidence-based medicine" that allows you to get to the recommendations on the effectiveness of various rehabilitation treatments with a solid anchor in the international scientific literature. ]"
Milan, Italia: [Springer-Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book investigates the ways in which the evidence base is influencing complementary and alternative medicine in general and Ayurveda and allied health practices in particular. The latter have traditionally been prevalent in Asia and are now increasingly attracting interest worldwide. The book is divided into four sections, the first of which examines issues related to acquisition and evaluation of the evidence base. Evidence-based approaches to ayurvedic diagnosis and therapy are then examined, with a special focus on management of cardiovascular and rheumatological diseases, dental care, and rejuvenating treatments. The final section explores further the challenges of applying evidence-based practice in contemporary and alternative medicine and Ayurveda with a focus upon the issues requiring urgent attention in ongoing decade. The same involves encompassing areas such as Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, practice, education and research within an evidence-based perspective."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudigdo Sastroasmoro
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2000
PGB 0195
UI - Pidato Universitas Indonesia Library