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Jakarta: PESBEVI, 2020
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juneman Abraham
"Peran Persepsi Ketidakpastian, Identitas Ego, Persepsi Kendali Perilaku Pasien dalam Menyikapi Operasi Medis. Operasi medis kadang merupakan pilihan terbaik dalam rangka kesejahteraan hidup pasien, namun tidak semua pasien mau menjalaninya. Kegagalan terapeutik seringkali disebabkan oleh tidak kooperatifnya pasien yang berpangkal dari sikap negatif pasien terhadap operasi medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model teoretis yang menjelaskan faktor-faktor psikologis dalam diri pasien yang berperan dalam membentuk sikap tersebut. Penelitian korelasional prediktif ini dilakukan terhadap 99 pasien berpenyakit jantung dan kontinum kanker yang membutuhkan operasi di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek komitmen dari identitas ego mampu meramalkan sikap terhadap operasi medis secara tidak langsung melalui mediasi persepsi ketidakpastian. Persepsi kendali perilaku meramalkan sikap tersebut secara langsung dalam arah negatif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komitmen terhadap identitas berperan signifikan dalam diri pasien ketika menyikapi operasi medis.

Medical surgery has sometimes become the only best choice for a patient?s well-being. Unfortunately, not all patients have the willingness to live it. Often, therapeutic failure is caused by uncooperative attitudes of the patients which originate from their negative attitudes toward the surgery. This research is aimed at finding a theoretical model to explain psychological factors forming the patient?s attitudes. This predictive correlational research was conducted on 99 patients suffering heart disease and cancer continuum who require medical surgery in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Research results showed that a commitment aspect of ego identity is able to indirectly predict attitude toward medical surgery through mediation of perceived uncertainty. Perceived behavioral control directly predicts the attitude in a negative direction. This research concludes that patients? commitment towards their identity plays a significant role as they deal with medical surgery."
Universitas Bina Nusantara. Department of Psychology, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salvi, Paolo
"The aim of this book is to enable the reader to comprehend the relation between cardiovascular pathophysiology and vascular hemodynamics and to become familiar with the more recent guidelines. While very complex physical concepts are involved, care has been taken to ensure that the explanations are as straightforward as possible. Complex analyses are presented separately and can be skipped by the reader without impairment of understanding. It is envisaged that the knowledge imparted will prove invaluable in improving the approach to hypertensive patients."
Milan: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malaysia: The Academy of Sciences Malaysia, 2007
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cowling, Mark G., editor
"This book provides a thorough yet succinct and accessible review of the latest knowledge in the field of endovascular surgery. All chapters have been updated to reflect the advances that have occurred during the past five years, and new chapters are included on carotid artery stenting and day case intervention. The chapter on lower limb veno-occlusive disease has been expanded to include management of deep venous thrombosis. Among the other topics considered are the endovascular treatment options in different arterial territories, aneurysm repair techniques, and the management of venous stenosis and venous insufficiency. The aim throughout is to tackle issues of evidence-based practice in order to assist trainees and experienced practitioners in making and implementing treatment decisions. "
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : The Indonesian Institute of Sciences a social science in cooperation with KITLV
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dawson, Warren R.
New York: Hafner, 1964
510 DAW b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Dexa Medica, 2008,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasudungan, Irene Roma
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tendon and nerve gliding
exercise (TNGE) yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan bidai pergelangan
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) netral dalam penatalaksaan konservatif pada
penderita Sindrom terowongan karpal (STK).
Metode : Disain penelitian ini dilakukan secara consecutive sampling pada 33
orang dengan 42 tangan yang telah didiagnosa dengan sindrom terowongan karpal
derajat I sampai dengan IV yang ditentukan dengan pemeriksaan EMG ( kriteria
Bland ). Total subjek penelitian yang menyelesaikan penelitian sebanyak 20 orang
dengan 29 tangan. seluruh subjek mendapat latihan TNGE yang dikombinasikan
dengan penggunaan bidai MCP netral. TNGE bertujuan untuk melatih tendon dan
saraf, dimana pada latihan tendon terdapat lima gerakan dan pada latihan saraf
terdapat 6 gerakan, masing – masing gerakan dilakukan secara berurutan.
Penelitian berlangsung selama enam minggu dimana setiap minggu dilakukan
penilaian subjektif dan pada akhir minggu keenam ditambahkan penilaian objektif
dengan EMG. Seluruh rangkaian gerakan pada masing – masing tujuan latihan
diulang setiap sepuluh kali. Latihan dilakukan tiga kali sehari dan setiap gerakan
ditahan selama 5 detik. Keluhan pasien dinilai dengan penilaian Subjektif dengan
Functional Status Scale (FSS) dan Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) dan penilaian
Objektif dengan pemeriksaan EMG menilai KHS sensorik, Distal latensi motorik
dan sensorik.
Hasil : 29 tangan dianalisa dalam penelitian ini. Penilaian subjektif FSS dan SSS
membandingkan antara minggu pertama dengan minggu selanjutnya. FSS1 16,14
± 4,61 FSS2 13,0 (9 – 18), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS2 23,14 ± 6,26,
p < 0, 004, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS3 12 ± 3,14, p < 0, 001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48)
SSS3 19,0 (13 – 33), p < 0, 001, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS4 10,0 (8 – 17), p < 0, 001,
SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS4 17,0 (13 – 31), p < 0, 001, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS5
10,0 (7 – 16), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS5 15,0 (11 – 26), p < 0, 001,
FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS6 9,0 (7 – 16), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS6 14,0
(11 – 26). p < 0,001. Hasil penilaian objektif KHS sensori pre – post intervensi
50,0 (26,4 – 67,9) - 50,0(25,6 – 67,50), p = 0,717, Distal latensi motorik pre –
post intervensi 4,8 ± 1,16 - 4,8 ± 1,16, p = 1,000, Distal latensi sensorik pre – post
intervensi 2,8 (1,7-4,7) - 2,8 (2-5), p = 0,457.

Purpose : This research is aimed to assess the tendon and nerve gliding exercise
(TNGE) which is combined with the use of wrist splints neutral
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) in the conservative procedures for patients with
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
Methods : This research was designed and conducted using consecutive sampling
on 33 people in which 42 hands have been diagnosed with 1st to 4th degree Carpal
Tunnel Syndromes, determined using EMG scan (Bland criteria). The number of
research subjects totals up to 20 people and 29 number of hands. All of the
subjects received a TNGE exercise combined with the use of neutral MCP wrist
splint. The TNGE exercise is done to train the tendon and the nerves, where in the
tendon exercise there are five movements and in the nerves exercise there are 6
movements, each movement being done consecutively.The entire set of movement
in each exercise was repeated ten times. The exercise is done three times a day
and each movement is held steady in position for five seconds. The patient’s
complain was assessed by the Subjective Assessment using Functional Status
Scale (FSS) and Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) and the Objective Assessment
using EMG scan to evaluate the NCV sensory, distal motor latency and distal
sensory latency levels.
Results : 29 hands were analyzed in this research. The FSS dan SSS subjective
assessment compared between the first week and the following weeks. FSS1 16,14
± 4,61 FSS2 13,0 (9 – 18), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 4 ) SSS2 23,14 ± 6,26,
p < 0, 004, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS3 12 ± 3,14, p < 0, 001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48)
SSS3 19,0 (13 – 33 ), p < 0, 001, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS4 10,0 (8 – 17), p < 0, 001,
SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS4 17,0 (13 – 3 ), p < 0, 001, FSS1 16,14 ± 4,61 FSS5 10,0
(7 – 16), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS5 15,0 (11 – 26), p < 0, 001, FSS1
16,14 ± 4,61 FSS6 9,0 (7 – 16), p < 0,001, SSS1 26,0 (17 – 48) SSS6 14,0
(11 – 26), p < 0, 001. The NCV sensory pre – post intervention objective
assessment reveals: 50,0 (26,4 – 67,9) - 50,0(25,6 – 67,50), p = 0,717, Distal
motor latency pre – post intervention at 4,8 ± 1,16 - 4,8 ± 1,16, p = 1,000, Distal
sensory latency pre – post intervention at 2,8 (1,7-4,7) - 2,8 (2-5), p = 0,457."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Snell, Richard S.
Boston : Little, Brown , 1983
612.64 SNE c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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