"[Skripsi ini membahas penyebab terjadinya perilaku membuang sampah ke sungai dan apa yang melanggengkannya. Studi sebelumnya menyimpulkan bahwa perilaku membuang sampah ke sungai erat kaitannya dengan keberadaan dan keterjangkauan fasilitas pembuangan sampah. Padahal, perilaku membuang sampah ke sungai tidak bisa disederhanakan sebagai konsekuensi dari tidak adanya fasilitas pembuangan sampah. Pendekatan yang memfokuskan diri pada ketiadaan infrastruktur ini tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan mengapa tetap ada masyarakat yang tetap membuang sampah meskipun tersedia tempat sampah. Dalam rangka melengkapi kelemahan studi dengan pandangan struktural tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mewawancarai lima orang informan yang terdiri dari satu orang aparat lokal dan empat orang ibu rumah tangga. Fenomena yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku membuang sampah ke sungai oleh ibu rumah tangga di bantaran Sungai Ciliwung. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa perilaku membuang sampah ke sungai oleh ibu rumah tangga di Sungai Ciliwung disebabkan oleh adanya konformitas dari ibu rumah tangga melalui interaksi yang intens dengan kelompok di sekitarnya yang juga melakukan hal serupa. Kemudian, perilaku tersebut dilanggengkan oleh persepsi dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang sampah, sungai, penegakkan hukum, dan kebersihan lingkungan.
;This study discusses the causes of the behavior of throwing garbage into the river and how it is perpetuated. Previous studies concluded that the behavior of throwing garbage into the river is closely related to the availability and affordability of waste disposal facilities. In fact, the behavior of throwing garbage into the river can not be simplified as a consequence of the lack of waste disposal facilities. The approach focuses on the lack of infrastructure is not able to answer the question why still there are people who still throw trash in spite of available bins. In order to complete the weeaknesses of structural studies, this study uses a qualitative method by interviewing five informants, consisting of one local authority officer and four housewives. A phenomenon that raised in this study is the behavior of throwing garbage into the river by housewives in Ciliwung river bank. The study found that the behavior of throwing garbage into the river by housewives in Ciliwung caused by the conformity of housewives through intense interaction with the surrounding group is also doing the same. Then, the behavior is perpetuated by perceptions and public knowledge about the garbage, river, law enforcement, and environmental hygiene., This study discusses the causes of the behavior of throwing garbage into the river and how it is perpetuated. Previous studies concluded that the behavior of throwing garbage into the river is closely related to the availability and affordability of waste disposal facilities. In fact, the behavior of throwing garbage into the river can not be simplified as a consequence of the lack of waste disposal facilities. The approach focuses on the lack of infrastructure is not able to answer the question why still there are people who still throw trash in spite of available bins. In order to complete the weeaknesses of structural studies, this study uses a qualitative method by interviewing five informants, consisting of one local authority officer and four housewives. A phenomenon that raised in this study is the behavior of throwing garbage into the river by housewives in Ciliwung river bank. The study found that the behavior of throwing garbage into the river by housewives in Ciliwung caused by the conformity of housewives through intense interaction with the surrounding group is also doing the same. Then, the behavior is perpetuated by perceptions and public knowledge about the garbage, river, law enforcement, and environmental hygiene.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015