"Keadaan dunia saat ini sedang dilanda wabah penyakit Coronavirus Disease (COVID-
19). Hal ini mengakibatkan beberapa aktivitas sehari-hari dilakukan dengan jarak jauh,
salah satunya aktivitas belajar mengajar. Keberadaan e-learning khususnya Learning
Management System (LMS) diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi kebutuhan pembelajaran
jarak jauh. Dengan kurangnya interaksi tatap muka yang disebabkan pandemi
ini, Universitas Indonesia mendukung peningkatan penggunaan LMS Student Centered
E-Learning Environment Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI (SCeLE Fasilkom UI), salah satu
LMS yang dimiliki oleh UI. Penggunaan LMS dapat menyebabkan kurangnya fokus
perhatian pelajar, kemungkinan berkurangnya efisiensi kelas, dan kemungkinan untuk
menimbulkan rasa jenuh pada penggunanya. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan
untuk permasalahan ini adalah adalah dengan gamifikasi. Active learning juga perlu
ditekankan pada kelas online di LMS dan di penelitian ini dievaluasi melalui fitur
forum SCeLE Fasilkom UI. Evaluasi dari dampak gamifikasi yang direpresentasikan
oleh elemen game berupa rating/points, badge dan leaderboard terhadap partisipasi
mahasiswa dan active learning dalam kelas online pada LMS menggunakan metode
Design Based Research dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Sebanyak tiga mata kuliah di
Fakultas ilmu komputer UI tergabung dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan
menggunakan metode Design Based Research dan elemen gamifikasi diintegrasikan
secara bertahap di tiga kelas tersebut. Setiap fase berdurasi selama dua minggu dan
disertai dengan pengisian kuesioner online pada saat dijalankannya fase tersebut. Hasil
penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penerapan gamifikasi berpengaruh terhadap active
learning. Hal ini didukung dari pengaruh gamifikasi terhadap jumlah reply pada weekly
review dan forum discussion yang dapat dilihat dari rerata partisipasi kelas SIP-MTI
(67.60%), E-health (79.17%), dan Kombistek (72.15%).
The world condition is currently being hit by an outbreak of Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19). This results in several daily activities carried out remotely, one of whichis teaching and learning activities. The existence of e-learning, especially the LearningManagement System (LMS), is expected to be a solution to distance learning needs. Withthe lack of face-to-face interaction caused by this pandemic, the University of Indonesiais supporting the increased use of the Student Centered E-Learning Environment LMSUI Faculty of Computer Science (SCeLE Fasilkom UI), one of the LMS owned by UI.The use of an LMS can lead to a lack of focus for students’ attention, the possibility ofreduced class efficiency, and the possibility to create a feeling of boredom in its users.One solution that can be used for this problem is gamification. Active learning also needsto be emphasized in online classes at LMS and in this study evaluated through the SCeLEFasilkom UI forum feature. Evaluation of the impact of gamification represented by gameelements in the form of ratings / points, badges, and leaderboard on student participationand active learning in online classes at LMS using the Design Based Research methodwas carried out in this study. A total of three courses at the Faculty of Computer ScienceUI are incorporated in this research. This research was conducted using the DesignBased Research method and gamification elements were integrated gradually in thethree classes. Each phase lasts two weeks and is accompanied by filling out an onlinequestionnaire at the time of the phase. The results of this study found that the applicationof gamification had an effect on active learning. This is supported by the effect ofgamification on the number of replies in weekly reviews and forum discussions whichcan be seen from the average participation of the SIP-MTI class (67.60%), E-health(79.17%), and Kombistek (72.15%)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2021